I'm quite new to Clojure, so please bear with me. I've been fighting with this seemingly simple task of subsetting a map of maps for a few hours and I'm stumped.
My input 'types' is a collection of strings and 'in-map' has the form like:
{2 {3.507276 [1 "Mp2H"], 14.4985235 [1 "MpHpNa"], 21.541099 [1 "MpHpNH4"], 22.4854915 [1 "MpHpK"], 24.020551 [1 "MpACNp2H"], 25.489771 [1 "Mp2Na"], 33.0231235 [1 "2Mp3H2Op2H"], 44.533826 [1 "Mp2ACNp2H"], 65.047101 [1 "Mp3ACNp2H"]}, 1 {6.007276 [1 "MpH"], 11.007276000000001 [1 "2MpH"], 23.033823 [1 "MpNH4"], 27.989771 [1 "MpNa"], 28.033823 [1 "2MpNH4"], 32.989771000000005 [1 "2MpNa"], 38.033489 [1 "MpCH3OHpH"], 43.963707 [1 "MpK"], 47.033826 [1 "MpACNpH"], 48.963707 [1 "2MpK"], 52.033826 [1 "2MpACNpH"], 69.016321 [1 "MpACNpNa"], 74.016321 [1 "2MpACNpNa"], 88.060376 [1 "Mp2ACNpH"]}, 3 {2.673942666666667 [1 "Mp3H"], 10.001440966666667 [1 "Mp2HpNa"], 17.328939336666668 [1 "Mp2NaH"], 17.328943366666667 [1 "MpHp2Na"], 24.65643766666667 [1 "Mp3Na"], 27.978229666666667 [1 "Mp2KpH"]}}
I want subset 'in-map' to only those inner items that match the 'types'
Such that if our 'types' are ["Mp2H" "MpH" "MpNH4" "Mp3H"] it will return:
{2 {3.507276 [1 "Mp2H"]}, 1{6.007276 [1 "MpH"], 23.033823 [1 "MpNH4"]}, 3{2.673942666666667 [1 "Mp3H"]}}
This is my current attempt:
(map (fn [[id multiple-items]]
[id (->> multiple-items
(filter (fn [[_ single-type]]
(in? types (get single-type 1)))
Currently this is returning object[clojure.core$map$fn__4549 0x47257bf1 "clojure.core$map$fn__4549#47257bf1"]. I had an earlier attempt that worked to subset but the format of the output did not match the input which looks as follows:
(map (fn [[id multiple-items]]
[id (filter (fn [[_ single-type]]
(in? types (get mol-adduct 1)))
This returns:
([2 ([3.507276 [1 "Mp2H"]])] [1 ([6.007276 [1 "MpH"]] [23.033823 [1 "MpNH4"]])] [3 ([2.673942666666667 [1 "Mp3H"]])])
Which is not the same format as the input.
Thank you for any help!
I was able to figure it out with some extra Google Fu and playing around! The solution:
(into {}
(map (fn [[id multiple-items]]
[id (into {}
(filter (fn [[_ single-type]]
(in? types (get mol-adduct 1)))
I'd like to have a function, such that,
(f '([1 4 7] [2 5 9] [3 6]))
would give
([1 2 3] [4 5 6] [7 9])
I tried
(apply map vector '([1 4 7] [2 5 9] [3 6]))
would only produce:
([1 2 3] [4 5 6])
I find it hard to describe my requirements that it's difficult for me to search for a ready solution.
Please help me either to improve my description, or pointer to a solution.
Thanks in advance!
I'd solve a more general problem which means you might reuse that function in the future. I'd change map so that it keeps going past the smallest map.
(defn map-all
"Like map but if given multiple collections will call the function f
with as many arguments as there are elements still left."
([f] (map f))
([f coll] (map f coll))
([f c1 & colls]
(let [step (fn step [cs]
(let [ss (keep seq cs)]
(when (seq ss)
(cons (map first ss)
(step (map rest ss)))))))]
(map #(apply f %) (step (conj colls c1))))))
(apply map-all vector '([1 4 7] [2 5 9] [3 6]))
(apply map-all vector '([1 false 7] [nil 5 9] [3 6] [8]))
Note, that as opposed to many other solutions, this one works fine even if any of the sequences contain nil or false.
or this way with loop/recur:
user> (defn transpose-all-2 [colls]
(loop [colls colls res []]
(if-let [colls (seq (filter seq colls))]
(recur (doall (map next colls))
(conj res (mapv first colls)))
user> (transpose-all-2 x)
[[1 2 3] [4 5 6] [7 9]]
user> (transpose-all-2 '((0 1 2 3) (4 5 6 7) (8 9)))
[[0 4 8] [1 5 9] [2 6] [3 7]]
If you know the maximum length of the vectors ahead of time, you could define
(defn tx [colls]
(cons (filterv identity (map first colls))
(tx (map rest colls)))))
(take 3 (tx '([1 4 7] [2 5 9] [3 6])))
A simple solution is
(defn transpose-all
(let [ss (keep seq colls)]
(when (seq ss)
(cons (map first ss) (transpose-all (map rest ss)))))))
For example,
(transpose-all '([1 4 7] [2 5 9] [3 6] [11 12 13 14]))
;((1 2 3 11) (4 5 6 12) (7 9 13) (14))
Here is my own attempt:
(defn f [l]
(let [max-count (apply max (map count l))
l-patched (map (fn [e] (if (< (count e) max-count)
(concat e (take (- max-count (count e)) (repeat nil)))
e)) l)]
(map (fn [x] (filter identity x)) (apply map vector l-patched))
Another simple solution:
(->> jagged-list
(map #(concat % (repeat nil)))
(apply map vector)
(take-while (partial some identity)))
A jagged-list like this
'([1 4 7 ]
[2 5 9 ]
[3 6 ]
[11 12 13 14])
will produce:
'([1 2 3 11]
[4 5 6 12]
[7 9 nil 13]
[nil nil nil 14])
Here is another go that doesn't require you to know the vector length in advance:
(defn padzip [& [colls]]
(loop [acc [] colls colls]
(if (every? empty? colls) acc
(recur (conj acc (filterv some?
(map first colls))) (map rest colls)))))
Here are some values. Each is a sequence of ascending (or otherwise grouped) values.
(def input-vals [[[1 :a] [1 :b] [2 :c] [3 :d] [3 :e]]
[[1 :f] [2 :g] [2 :h] [2 :i] [3 :j] [3 :k]]
[[1 :l] [3 :m]]])
I can partition them each by value.
=> (map (partial partition-by first) input-vals)
((([1 :a] [1 :b]) ([2 :c]) ([3 :d] [3 :e])) (([1 :f]) ([2 :g] [2 :h] [2 :i]) ([3 :j] [3 :k])) (([1 :l]) ([3 :m])))
But that gets me 3 sequences of partitions. I want one single sequence of partitioned groups.
What I want to do is return a single lazy sequence of (potentially) lazy sequences that are the respective partitions joined. e.g. I want to produce this:
((([1 :a] [1 :b] [1 :f] [1 :l]) ([2 :c] [2 :g] [2 :h] [2 :i]) ([3 :d] [3 :e] [3 :j] [3 :k] [3 :m])))
Note that not all values appear in all sequences (there is no 2 in the third vector).
This is of course a simplification of my problem. The real data is a set of lazy streams coming from very large files, so nothing can be realised. But I think the solution for the above question is the solution for my problem.
Feel free to edit the title, I wasn't quite sure how to express it.
Try this horror:
(defn partition-many-by [f comp-f s]
(let [sorted-s (sort-by first comp-f s)
first-list (first (drop-while (complement seq) sorted-s))
match-val (f (first first-list))
remains (filter #(not (empty? %))
(map #(drop-while (fn [ss] (= match-val (f ss))) %)
(when match-val
(apply concat
(map #(take-while (fn [ss] (= match-val (f ss))) %)
(lazy-seq (partition-many-by f comp-f remains))))))
It could possibly be improved to remove the double value check (take-while and drop-while).
Example usage:
(partition-many-by identity [[1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3] [1 1 2 2 2 2 3] [3]])
=> ((1 1 1 1 1 1) (2 2 2 2 2 2) (3 3 3 3 3 3))
Let's make this interesting and use sequences of infinite length for our input
(def twos (iterate #(+ 2 %) 0))
(def threes (iterate #(+ 3 %) 0))
(def fives (iterate #(+ 5 %) 0))
We'll need to lazily merge them. Let's ask for a comparator so we can apply to other data types as well.
(defn lazy-merge-by
([compfn xs ys]
(empty? xs) ys
(empty? ys) xs
:else (if (compfn (first xs) (first ys))
(cons (first xs) (lazy-merge-by compfn (rest xs) ys))
(cons (first ys) (lazy-merge-by compfn xs (rest ys)))))))
([compfn xs ys & more]
(apply lazy-merge-by compfn (lazy-merge-by compfn xs ys) more)))
(take 15 (lazy-merge-by < twos threes fives))
;=> (0 0 0 2 3 4 5 6 6 8 9 10 10 12 12)
We can (lazily) partition by value if desired
(take 10 (partition-by identity (lazy-merge-by < twos threes fives)))
;=> ((0 0 0) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6 6) (8) (9) (10 10) (12 12))
Now, back to the sample input
(partition-by first (apply lazy-merge-by #(<= (first %) (first %2)) input-vals))
;=> (([1 :a] [1 :b] [1 :f] [1 :l]) ([2 :c] [2 :g] [2 :h] [2 :i]) ([3 :d] [3 :e] [3 :j] [3 :k] [3 :m]))
as desired less one extraneous set of outer parentheses.
I'm not sure whether I'm following but you can faltten the result sequence, something like:
(flatten (partition-by identity (first input-vals)))
Takes any nested combination of sequential things (lists, vectors,
etc.) and returns their contents as a single, flat sequence.
(flatten nil) returns an empty sequence.
You can use realized? function to test whether a sequence is lazy or not.
user> (def desired-result '((([1 :a] [1 :b] [1 :f] [1 :l])
([2 :c] [2 :g] [2 :h] [2 :i])
([3 :d] [3 :e] [3 :j] [3 :k] [3 :m]))))
user> (def input-vals [[[1 :a] [1 :b] [2 :c] [3 :d] [3 :e]]
[[1 :f] [2 :g] [2 :h] [2 :i] [3 :j] [3 :k]]
[[1 :l] [3 :m]]])
user> (= desired-result (vector (vals (group-by first (apply concat input-vals)))))
I changed the input-vals slightly to correct for what I assume was a typographical error, if it was not an error I can update my code to accommodate the less regular structure.
Using the ->> (thread last) macro, we can have the equivalent code in a more readable form:
user> (= desired-result
(->> input-vals
(apply concat)
(group-by first)
(partition-by first (sort-by first (mapcat identity input-vals)))
So I have a list of functions and a list of data:
[fn1 fn2 fn3] [item1 item2 item3]
What can I do to apply each function to its corresponding data item:
[(fn1 item1) (fn2 item2) (fn3 item3)]
[str #(* 2 %) (partial inc)] [3 5 8]
=> ["3" 10 9]
You can use map
(map #(%1 %2) [str #(* 2 %) (partial inc)] [3 5 8])
("3" 10 9)
If you need a vector back, you can (apply vector ...)
(apply vector (map #(%1 %2) [str #(* 2 %) (partial inc)] [3 5 8]))
["3" 10 9]
Disclaimer: I don't know much Clojure, so there would probably be better ways to do this.
An alternative, not necessarily better:
user=> (for [[f x] (map vector [neg? pos? number?] [1 2 "foo"])]
#_=> (f x))
(false true false)
To make the map version suitable for varargs:
user=> (map (fn [f & args] (apply f args)) [+ - *] [1 2 3] [4 5 6] [7 8 9])
(12 -11 162)
I'm trying to write a function adjacents that returns a vector of a sequence's adjacent pairs. So (adjacents [1 2 3]) would return [[1 2] [2 3]].
(defn adjacents [s]
(loop [[a b :as remaining] s
acc []]
(if (empty? b)
(recur (rest remaining) (conj acc (vector a b))))))
My current implementation works for sequences of strings but with integers or characters the REPL outputs this error:
IllegalArgumentException Don't know how to create ISeq from: java.lang.Long clojure.lang.RT.seqFrom (RT.java:494)
The problem here is in the first evaluation loop of (adjacents [1 2 3]), a is bound to 1 and b to 2. Then you ask if b is empty?. But empty? works on sequences and b is not a sequence, it is a Long, namely 2. The predicate you could use for this case here is nil?:
user=> (defn adjacents [s]
#_=> (loop [[a b :as remaining] s acc []]
#_=> (if (nil? b)
#_=> acc
#_=> (recur (rest remaining) (conj acc (vector a b))))))
user=> (adjacents [1 2 3 4 5])
[[1 2] [2 3] [3 4] [4 5]]
But, as #amalloy points out, this may fail to give the desired result if you have legitimate nils in your data:
user=> (adjacents [1 2 nil 4 5])
[[1 2]]
See his comment for suggested implementation using lists.
Note that Clojure's partition can be used to do this work without the perils of defining your own:
user=> (partition 2 1 [1 2 3 4 5])
((1 2) (2 3) (3 4) (4 5))
user=> (partition 2 1 [1 2 nil 4 5])
((1 2) (2 nil) (nil 4) (4 5))
Here is my short answer. Everything becomes a vector, but it works for all sequences.
(defn adjacent-pairs [s]
{:pre [(sequential? s)]}
(map vector (butlast s) (rest s)))
user=> (defn adjacent-pairs [s] (map vector (butlast s) (rest s)))
user=> (adjacent-pairs '(1 2 3 4 5 6))
([1 2] [2 3] [3 4] [4 5] [5 6])
user=> (adjacent-pairs [1 2 3 4 5 6])
([1 2] [2 3] [3 4] [4 5] [5 6])
This answer is probably less efficient than the one using partition above, however.
I have a list [2 3 5] which I want to use to remove items from another list like [1 2 3 4 5], so that I get [1 4].
Try this:
(let [a [1 2 3 4 5]
b [2 3 5]]
(remove (set b) a))
which returns (1 4).
The remove function, by the way, takes a predicate and a collection, and returns a sequence of the elements that don't satisfy the predicate (a set, in this example).
user=> (use 'clojure.set)
user=> (difference (set [1 2 3 4 5]) (set [2 3 5]))
#{1 4}
You can do this yourself with something like:
(def a [2 3 5])
(def b [1 2 3 4 5])
(defn seq-contains?
[coll target] (some #(= target %) coll))
(filter #(not (seq-contains? a %)) b)
; (3 4 5)
A version based on the reducers library could be:
(require '[clojure.core.reducers :as r])
(defn seq-contains?
[coll target]
(some #(= target %) coll))
(defn my-remove
"remove values from seq b that are present in seq a"
[a b]
(into [] (r/filter #(not (seq-contains? b %)) a)))
(my-remove [1 2 3 4 5] [2 3 5] )
; [1 4]
EDIT Added seq-contains? code
Here is my take without using sets;
(defn my-diff-func [X Y]
(reduce #(remove (fn [x] (= x %2)) %1) X Y ))