Grep Pattern matching- underline - regex

I've not been able to find anything online to help so hoping someone may have an idea.
What does an underline in an expression mean when using grep?
For example: [_a-zA-Z0-9]
Could someone help to explain the purpose here?

The grep command uses a regular expression as it is also described in the manpage of grep:
A regular expression is a pattern that describes a set of strings. Regular expressions are constructed analogously to arithmetic expressions, by using various operators to combine smaller expressions.
A quick reference of the regular expression syntax can be found here. To test regular expressions with several input strings I recommend regex101.
The pattern [_a-zA-Z0-9] means to match a single character in the list. The list is opened with [ and closed with ]. The underscore (_) has no special meaning it is literally the underscore character. The minus character (-) means range, here from a to z (a-z) for example.
In short [_a-zA-Z0-9] means to match a single character wich is _, a character of the alphabet either lower or uppercase or a numerical character.


Regex character interval with exception

Say I have an interval with characters ['A'-'Z'], I want to match every of these characters except the letter 'F' and I need to do it through the ^ operator. Thus, I don't want to split it into two different intervals.
How can I do it the best way? I want to write something like ['A'-'Z']^'F' (All characters between A-Z except the letter F). This site can be used as reference:
EDIT: The relation to ocaml is that I want to define a regular expression of a string literal in ocamllex that starts/ends with a doublequote ( " ) and takes allowed characters in a certain range. Therefore I want to exclude the doublequotes because it obviously ends the string. (I am not considering escaped characters for the moment)
Since it is very rare to find two regular expressions libraries / processors with exactly the same regular expression syntax, it is important to always specify precisely which system you are using.
The tags in the question lead me to believe that you might be using ocamllex to build a scanner. In that case, according to the documentation for its regular expression syntax, you could use
['A'-'Z'] # 'F'
That's loosely based on the syntax used in flex:
Java and Ruby regular expressions include a similar operator with very different syntax:
If you are using a regular expression library which includes negative lookahead assertions (Perl, Python, Ecmascript/C++, and others), you could use one of those:
Or you could use a positive lookahead assertion combined with a negated character class:
In this simple case, both of those constructions effectively do a conjunction, but lookaround assertions are not really conjunctions. For a regular expression system which does implement a conjunction operator, see, for example, Ragel.
The ocamllex syntax for character set difference is:
['A'-'Z'] # 'F'
which is equivalent to
['A'-'E' 'G'-'Z']
(?!F)[A-Z] or ((?!F)[A-Z])*
This will match every uppercase character excluding 'F'
Use character class subtraction:
The alternative of [A-EG-Z] is "OK" for a single exception, but breaks down quickly when there are many exceptions. Consider this succinct expression for consonants (non-vowels):
vs this train wreck
The regex below accomplishes what you want using ^ and without splitting into different intervals. It also resambles your original thought (['A'-'Z']^'F').
If only uppercase letters are allowed simple remove the i flag.

Special Characters in JFlex Regular Expression

I want to include all special characters in regular expression in JFlex. So I prepared one as below.
P = ("_"|"-"|"/"|"."|","|"~"|"!"|"#"|"#"|"$"|"%"|"^"|"&"|"*"|"|"|"("|")"|"="|"+"|"|"|"\"|":"|";"|"""|"<"|">"|"?"|"`"|"{"|"}"|"["|"]"|"'")
Could somebody tell me is there any other way to cover all special characters in more optimized way?
Also could you please point out what's wrong in above regex as it is giving me "Unterminated string at end of line." error on compilation?
To include all special characters in regular expression in JFlex
i think its easier to exclude the numbers, letter, spaces and tabs instead of mentioning to all other possibilities .
using this regular expression :
[^0-9a-zA-Z\n\t ]?
To fix your problem, you need to escape the backslash \ with a backslash \\
An easier way to define these characters would be a character class.
You can keep adding characters you want to include to the class.
Note: You can reference the special characters at

The Different Delimiters of Regex

When I look up regular expressions for various purposes, I see people using delimiters like /, #, !, and ~. Do these do anything different, or do they have the same effect?
They don't do anything different, they delimit the regular expression (in languages where it is needed).
The difference is: the behaviour of that character inside the regex does change. The regex delimiter becomes an additional special character and needs to be escaped (==> choose a delimiter that you don't need within the regex!).
Side note: In php you can even use a regex special character like + or | as regex delimiter, but this works only when you don't need that character inside the regex (NOT recommended). related answer
In some languages you can choose the delimiters, in others you can't.
You must escape that delimiter every time it appears in the regular expression. Choosing a delimiter that does not occur in the expression reduces the need for escaping, making the expression easier to read.
The following two regular expressions are identical, except that the first uses / as a delimiter, whereas the second uses #:

Different regex evaluation in collections or patterns

I am experiencing a strange behaviour when searching for a regular expression in vim:
I attempt to clean up superfluous whitespace in a file and want to use the substitute command for it.
When I use the following regular expression with collections, vim matches single whitespaces as well:
When I use the same regular expression with patterns instead of collections vim correctly matches only 2 or more whitespaces:
I know that I do not need to use a collection, but if I try the expression in a online regular expression parser (e.g. Rubular) it works with a collection as well.
Can anyone explain why these expression are not evaluated in the same way?
Because \%[...] and \%(...\) are completely different patterns.
\%[...] means a sequence of optional atoms.
For example, r\%[ead] matches "read", "rea", "re" and "r".
While \%(...\) treats the enclosed atoms as a single atom.
For example, r\%(ead\) matches only "read".
So that,
\%[\s]\{2,} can be interpreted as \(\s\|\)\{2,}, then \(\s\|\)\(\s\|\)\|\(\s\|\)\(\s\|\)\(\s\|\)\|....
Here \(\s\|\)\(\s\|\), the minimum pattern, can be interpreted as \(\)\(\), \(\)\(\s\), \(\s\)\(\) or \(\s\)\(\s\).
It matches 1 whitespace character too.
\%(\s\)\{2,} can be interpreted as \s\{2,}, then \s\s\|\s\s\s\|....
It matches only 2 or more whitespace characters.
does this answer your question?\%[]
A sequence of optionally matched atoms. This always matches.
It matches as much of the list of atoms it contains as possible.
Thus it stops at the first atom that doesnt match.
For example:
matches "r", "re", "rea" or "read". The longest that matches is used.
The problem is it always match and override the quantifier {2,} at the back.
it is rarely used, but interesting nevertheless.

Regular expression for parsing string inside ""

<A "SystemTemperatureOutOfSpec" >
What should be the regular expression for parsing the string inside "". In the above sample it is 'SystemTemperatureOutOfSpec'
In JavaScript, this regexp:
> /"([^"]*)"/.exec('<A "SystemTemperatureOutOfSpec" >')[1]
Similar patterns should work in a bunch of other programming languages.
try this
string Exp = "\"!\"";
I am not sure I understand your question well but if you need to match everything between double quotes, here it is: /(?<=").*?(?=")/s
Regular expressions don't get much easier than this, so you should be able to solve it by yourself. Here's how you go about doing that:
The first step is to try to define as precisely as possible what you want to find. Let's start with this: you want to find a quote, followed by some number of characters other than a quote, followed by a quote. Is that correct? If so, our pattern has three parts: "a quote", "some characters other than a quote", and "a quote".
Now all we need to do is figure out what the regular expressions for those patterns are.
A quote
For "a quote", the pattern is literally ". Regular expressions have special characters which you have to be aware of (*, ., etc). Anything that's not a special character matches itself, and " is one of those characters. For a complete list of special characters for your language, see the documentation.
Characters other than a quote
So now the question is, how do we match "characters other than a quote"? That sounds like a range. A range is square brackets with a list of allowable characters. If the list begins with ^ it means it is a list of not-allowed characters. We want any characters other than a quote, so that means [^"].
That range just means any one of the characters in the range, but we want "some". "Some" usually means either zero-or-more, or one-or-more. You can place * after a part of an expression to mean zero-or-more of that part. Likewise, use + to mean one-or-more (and ? means zero-or-one). There are a few other variations, but that's enough for this problem.
So, "some characters other than a quote" is the range [^"] (any character other than a quote) followed by * (zero-or-more). Thus, [^"]*
Putting it all together
This is the easy part: just combine all the pieces. A quote, followed by some characters other than a quote, followed by a quote, is "[^"]*".
Capturing the interesting part
The pattern we have will now match your string. What you want, however, is just the part inside the quotes. For that you need a "capturing group", which is denoted by parenthesis. To capture a part of a regular expression, put it in parenthesis. So, if we want to capture everything but the beginning and ending quote, the pattern becomes "([^"]*)".
And that's how you learn regular expressions. Break your problem down into a precise statement composed of short sequences of characters, figure out the regular expression for each sequence, then put it all together.
The pattern in this answer may not actually be the perfect answer for you. There are some edge cases to worry about. For example, you may only want to match a quote following a non-word character, or only quotes at the beginning or end of a word. That's all possible, but is highly dependent on your exact problem. Figuring out how to do that is just as easy though -- decide what you want, then look at the documentation to see how to accomplish that.
Spend one day practicing on regular expressions and you'll never have to ask anyone for help with regular expressions for the rest of your career. They aren't hard, but they do require concentrated study.
Are you sure you need regular expression matching here? Looking at your "string" you might be better off using a Xml parser?