Can I change the inputs of a function that passes reference arguments into pointers and still have it work (C, C++)? - c++

So I have this function prototype within a C++ header file I was given:
extern LIBRARY_API BOOL read(unsigned int in_one, unsigned int & value);
But I'm running it via a MATLAB mex file, so it may have to be in C, not C++. Since references are a C++ only thing, someone suggested changing the function prototype into a pointer argument. Then I might have something like this:
extern LIBRARY_API BOOL read(unsigned int in_one, unsigned int * value);
And then in the mex file, I would make sure that I created unsigned int *value instead of unsigned int value and dereferenced it after running the read function.
However, I'm worried that (1) I may be referencing/dereferencing one thing too many (or not enough), and (2) I won't be able to do this because I can't change the actual source code and changing the prototype will just cause a mismatch between instantiation and definition.
So assuming that I can somehow change the definition to match the header, would my pointer function above be a valid substitution? And if I can't change the source code, is there a substitution that I could make that would be possible with C? Like a reference C-substitute that would still allow for the same definition?

So assuming that I can somehow change the definition to match the header, would my pointer function above be a valid substitution?
And you would simply pass &myInt instead of myInt at the callsite.
And if I can't change the source code, is there a substitution that I could make that would be possible with C? Like a reference C-substitute that would still allow for the same definition?
If MATLAB requires C calling convention and such, then you're stuck with C features (mostly).
For what it's worth, I believe MATLAB is fine with C++; the documentation refers to "C/C++" throughout (which, we must assume, they mean to be "C and also C++").
So, looking at one final quote from your question:
But I'm running it via a MATLAB mex file, so it may have to be in C, not C++. Since references are a C++ only thing, someone suggested changing
Stop. See whether it actually works as-is, first. Proceed from there.

What you want would probably work in practice, but is not really standard conforming (and depends upon the ABI & the calling conventions).
I would recommend instead to code a trivial stub function (which calls the original one), e.g.
/// assume that `read` is declared like in your question (first declaration)
extern "C" BOOL my_read(unsigned int in_one, unsigned int * value) {
return read(in_out, *value);
(and tell matlab about my_read, not read) an optimizing compiler is likely to compile that in a single jmp machine instruction (which runs really fast).


Why can I call a function in C without declaring it but not in C++?

In C++, it is a compiler error to call a function before it is declared. But in C, it may compile.
int main()
foo(); // foo() is called before its declaration/definition
int foo()
return 0;
I have tried and know that it is correct but I can't get the reason behind it. Can anyone please explain how the compilation process actually takes place and differs in both the languages.
The fact that the code "compiles" as a c program doesn't mean you can do it. The compiler should warn about implicit declaration of the function foo().
In this particular case implicit declaration would declare an identical foo() and nothing bad will happen.
But suppose the following, say this is
/* Don't include any header, why would you include it if you don't
need prototypes? */
int main(void)
printf("%d\n", foo()); // Use "%d" because the compiler will
// implicitly declare `foo()` as
// int foo()
// Using the "correct" specifier, would
// invoke undefined behavior "too".
return 0;
Now suppose foo() was defined in a different compilation unit1 foo.c as
double foo()
return 3.5;
does it work as expected?
You could imagine what would happen if you use malloc() without including stdio.h, which is pretty much the same situation I try to explain above.
So doing this will invoke undefined behavior2, thus the term "Works" is not applicable in the understandable sense in this situation.
The reason this could compile is because in the very old days it was allowed by the c standard, namely the c89 standard.
The c++ standard has never allowed this so you can't compile a c++ program if you call a function that has no prototype ("declaration") in the code before it's called.
Modern c compilers warn about this because of the potential for undefined behavior that can easily occur, and since it's not that hard to forget to add a prototype or to include the appropriate header it's better for the programmer if the compiler can warn about this instead of suddenly having a very unexplicable bug.
1It can't be compiled in the same file because it would be defined with a different return type, since it was already implicitly declared
2Starting with the fact that double and int are different types, there will be undefined behavior because of this.
When C was developed, the function name was all you needed to be able to call it. Matching arguments to function parameters was strictly the business of the programmer; the compiler didn't care if you passed three floats to something that needed just an integer.
However, that turned out to be rather error prone, so later iterations of the C language added function prototypes as a (still optional) additional restriction. In C++ these restrictions have been tightened further: now a function prototype is always mandatory.
We can speculate on why, but in part this is because in C++ it is no longer enough to simply know the function name. There can be multiple functions with the same name, but with different arguments, and the compiler must figure out which one to call. It also has to figure out how to call (direct or virtual?), and it may even have to generate code in case of a template function.
In light of all that I think it makes sense to have the language demand that the function prototype be known at the point where the function is called.
Originally, C had no function prototypes, and C++ did not exist.
If you said
extern double atof();
this said that atof was a function returning double. (Nothing was said about its arguments.)
If you then said
double d = atof("1.3");
it would work. If you said
double d2 = atof(); /* whoops, forgot the argument to atof() */
the compiler would not complain, but something weird would happen if you tried to run it.
In those days, if you wanted to catch errors related to calling functions with the wrong number or type of arguments, that was the job of a separate program, lint, not the C compiler.
Also in those days, if you just called a function out of the blue that the compiler had never heard of before, like this:
int i = atoi("42");
the compiler basically pretended that earlier you had said
extern int atoi();
This was what was called an implicit function declaration. Whenever the compiler saw a call to a function whose name it didn't know, the compiler assumed it was a function returning int.
Fast forward a few years. C++ invents the function prototypes that we know today. Among other things, they let you declare the number and types of the arguments expected by a function, not just its return type.
Fast forward a few more years, C adopts function prototypes, optionally. You can use them if you want, but if you don't, the compiler will still do an implicit declaration on any unknown function call it sees.
Fast forward a few more years, to C11. Now implicit int is finally gone. A compiler is required to complain if you call a function without declaring it first.
But even today, you may be using a pre-C11 compiler that's still happy with implicit int. And a C11-complaint compiler may choose to issue a mere warning (not a compilation-killing error) if you forget to declare a function before calling it. And a C11-compliant compiler may offer an option to turn off those warnings, and quietly accept implicit ints. (For example, when I use the very modern clang, I arrange to invoke it with -Wno-implicit-int, meaning that I don't want warnings about implicit int, because I've still got lots of old, working code that I don't feel like rewriting.)
Why can I call a function in C without declaring it?
Because in C, but not in C++, a function without a prototype is assumed to return an int. This is an implicit declaration of that function. If that assumption turns out to be true (the function is declared later on with return-type of int), then the program compiles just fine.
If that assumption turns out to be false (it was assumed to return an int, but then actually is found to return a double, for example) then you get a compiler error that two functions cannot have the same name. (eg. int foo() and double foo() cannot both exist in the same program)
Note that all of this is C only.In C++, implicit declarations are not allowed. Even if they were, the error message would be different because C++ has function overloading. The error would say that overloads of a function cannot differ only by return type. (overloading happens in the parameter list, not the return-type)

Reason behind using (void)someInt; in code

I am reading some code of a library I am using, and I found that in a function this was used:
void someFunction(Foo& a, int index, int partId)
(void) partId;
(void) index;
// more code
Anyone knows why? Thanks.
To avoid a compiler warning/error indicating that the variable was unused in the function body. It's a style choice, the other way to achieve the same effect would be to leave the variable un-named:
void someFunction(Foo& a, int /*index*/, int /*partId*/)
This is usually done when the parameters aren't being used in the function and the compiler emits a warning about unused parameters. By adding the case the compiler will deem that they have been used and not issue the waring.
You can accomplish the same thing my just removing the name of the parameter from the function:
void someFunction(Foo& a, int, int)
Index and partId are not used inside the function.
A C/C++ compiler will usually throw a warning about unused parameters.
the (void) parameter; statement will not generate any code, but let the compiler know you are using the parameter, in order to avoid the said warning.
It is also a polite way to let another programmer know easily that the parameters are unused for some reason
(typically, complying with a more generic interface or supporting obsolete parameters from a previous version of the same interface).
Last but not least, as Jerry Coffin pointed out, this works both in C and C++, while the alternative solution of using unnamed parameters only works in C++.
What it does is to use partId and index, without actually using them. In other words, it fools the compiler into thinking that the function arguments are actually used, while in reality the code doesn't use them.
Why would one do that? Because they have set a flag in the compiler to generate a warning when an argument of a function is not used in its body.
Note that in C++, one can simply remove the argument name from the function. If you see that in C, try disabling warning on unused function arguments since you can't omit argument names.

Marking a function as having no side-effects with Visual C++

Consider the following (a bit conceived) example:
// a.cpp
int mystrlen(const char* a) {
int l = 0;
while (a[l]) ++l;
return l;
// b.cpp
extern int mystrlen(const char*);
int foo(const char* text) {
return mystrlen(text) + mystrlen(text);
It would be very nice to be able to tell the compiler that mystrlen() doesn't have side-effects and thus it can re-use the old result from mystrlen(text) instead of calling it twice.
I don't find anything in the docs about it and restrict or one of its variances doesn't seem to do the job, either. A look at the output code with all optimizations on (switch /Ox) shows that the compiler really generates two calls. It even does so if I put both functions in one module.
Any solution to this or can anyone confirm that there is no solution in VC++?
MSVC has no support for pure/const attributes, and also has no intention to support them. See Other compilers, such as GCC and Clang do support such attributes. Also see pure/const function attributes in different compilers.
What you are looking for won't help you.
In general, the compiler can't elide the calls, even if if believes the function is without side effects. Where did you get that pointer? Does a signal handler have access to that same pointer? Maybe another thread? How does the compiler know the memory pointed to by the pointer isn't going to change out from underneath it?
Compiler's do frequently eliminate redundant fetches within a function body, even for things fetched through pointers. But there is a limit to how much of this they can or even should do.
Here you're asking the compiler to believe that a bare pointer you have to who knows where will maintain consistent contents between two function calls. That's a lot of assuming. Sure you haven't declared your pointer volatile, but still, it's a lot of assuming.
Now, if you had a buffer on the stack and were passing it to that function twice in a row, the compiler can pretty safely assume that if you haven't passed the pointer out somewhere else that the contents of that buffer aren't going to be changed by some random other thing in the program at some unexpected time.
For example:
// b.cpp
extern int mystrlen(const char*);
int foo(int bar) {
char number[20];
snsprintf(number, 20, "%d", bar);
return mystrlen(number) + mystrlen(number);
Given assumptions the compiler could make about what snprintf did with number given that it's a library function, it could then elide the second call to mystrlen if there was a way to declare the mystrlen had no side effects.
Because C++ is an imperative language rather than a functional one, what you're trying to achieve is not possible.
It looks like the behaviour that you're expecting here is is that of referential transparency, which there isn't a way to tell the compiler about in C++ (but in a purely functional programming language like Haskell would be implicit).
Hopefully a future standard of C++ will introduce a keyword that will allow us to mark functions as 'pure' or 'without side effect'.

calling qsort with a pointer to a c++ function

I have found a book that states that if you want to use a function from the C standard library which takes a function pointer as an argument (for example qsort), the function of which you want to pass the function pointer needs to be a C function and therefore declared as extern "C".
extern "C" {
int foo(void const* a, void const* b) {...}
qsort(some_array, some_num, some_size, &foo);
I would not be surprised if this is just wrong information, however - I'm not sure, so: is this correct?
A lot depends on whether you're interested in a practical answer for the compiler you're using right now, or whether you care about a theoretical answer that covers all possible conforming implementations of C++. In theory it's necessary. In reality, you can usually get by without it.
The real question is whether your compiler uses a different calling convention for calling a global C++ function than when calling a C function. Most compilers use the same calling convention either way, so the call will work without the extern "C" declaration.
The standard doesn't guarantee that though, so in theory there could be a compiler that used different calling conventions for the two. At least offhand, I don't know of a compiler like that, but given the number of compilers around, it wouldn't surprise me terribly if there was one that I don't know about.
OTOH, it does raise another question: if you're using C++, why are you using qsort at all? In C++, std::sort is almost always preferable -- easier to use and usually faster as well.
This is incorrect information.
extern C is needed when you need to link a C++ library into a C binary; it allows the C linker to find the function names. This is not an issue with function pointers (as the function is not referenced by name in the C code).

How does this function definition work?

I generated a hash function with gperf couple of days ago. What I saw for the hash function was alien to me. It was something like this (I don't remember the exact syntax) :
unsigned int
hash(str, size)
register char* str;
register unsigned int size;
Now, when I tried to compile with a C++ compiler (g++) it threw errors at me for not having str and size declared. But this compiled on the C compiler (gcc). So, questions:
I thought C++ was a superset of C. If its so, this should compile with a C++ compiler as well right?
How does the C compiler understand the definition? str and size are undeclared when they first appear.
What is the purpose of declaring str and size after function signature but before function body rather than following the normal approach of doing it in either of the two places?
How do I get this function to compile on g++ so I can use it in my C++ code? Or should I try generating C++ code from gperf? Is that possible?
1. C++ is not a superset, although this is not standard C either.
2/3. This is a K&R function declaration. See What are the major differences between ANSI C and K&R C?
4. gperf does in fact have an option, -L, to specify the language. You can just use -L C++ to use C++.
The Old C syntax for the declaration of a function's formal arguments is still supported by some compilers.
For example
int func (x)
int x
is old style (K&R style) syntax for defining a function.
I thought C++ was a superset of C. If its so, this should compile with a C++ compiler as well right?
Nopes! C++ is not a superset of C. This style(syntax) of function declaration/definition was once a part of C but has never been a part of C++. So it shouldn't compile with a C++ compiler.
This appears to be "old-school" C code. Declaring the types of the parameters outside of the parentheses but before the open curl-brace of the code block is a relic of the early days of C programming (I'm not sure why but I guess it has something to do with variable management on the stack and/or compiler design).
To answer your questions:
Calling C++ a "superset" of C is somewhat a misnomer. While they share basic syntax features, and you can even make all sorts of C library calls from C++, they have striking differences with respect to type safety, warnings vs. errors (C is more permissible), and compiler/preprocessor options.
Most contemporary C compilers understand legacy code (such as this appears to be). The C compiler holds the function parameter names sort of like "placeholders" until their type can be declared immediately following the function header name.
No real "purpose" other than again, this appears to be ancient code, and the style back in the day was like this. The "normal" approach is IMO the better, more intuitive way.
My suggestion:
unsigned int hash(register char *str, register unsigned int size)
// Definition
A word of advice: Consider abandoning the register keyword - this was used in old C programs as a way of specifying that the variable would be stored in a memory register (for speed/efficiency), but nowadays compilers are better at optimizing away this need. I believe that modern compilers ignore it. Also, you cannot use the & (address of) operator in C/C++ on a register variable.