C++ support on Visual Studio Code - c++

I've installed Visual Studio Code and a number of plugins for C++ development (C/C++, CMake, Doxygen, LLDB Debugger) but I can't seem to make this work. I can't refactor, auto-complete has no clue where to look for options and syntax highlight could be much better.
Are there any configuration options I'm missing or is this just a glorified text editor?

Visual Studio Code is a Text Editor, which is available on Windows, Linux, and OSX. It has several plugins which allow you to get some cool features, you can find a lot of documentation online.
Visual Studio (or Visual C++) is an IDE (Integrated Development Environment). It is available on Windows and on OSX (for C# only for now if I remember). It provides a lot of useful Integrated tools such has syntax highlighting, auto completion, compiler and debugger, Intellisense, etc..
I really think you are mistaking those two, tell me if I'm wrong.


Visual Studio 2017 wont show c++ template/extansion

I am trying to use Microsoft visual studio IDE to run my c++ code, however, when I go to create a project, I do not see the option for a c++ project. I tried reinstalling the program to see if I could somehow install the package/extension however it just won't seem to come up.
The only templates that appear are in c# or f#.
If someone could please lead me into the right direction so that I can fix this, it would be great. Thank you.
I don't see any mention of C++ in the release notes.
According to this post on MSDN, there is no C++ support in the Mac version of Visual Studio. It contains links to instructions for using Visual Studio Code, as well as the option to install a VM running Windows.
Apparently Visual Studio Code supports C++ projects, since it can execute external tools. The Microsoft Visual C++ build tools are free for Windows, but I don't think there is a version for the Mac, so some other external compiler is necessary.

Can I force visual studio to use mingw compiler

I don't like qt creator as IDE and love VS, but I must use exactly mingw compiler. Sad story :'(
Just set up a makefile project - that way you can tell VC what command to run to compile your files.
You have to maintain a makefile in addition to the Visual Studio project, but that's really not too big of a problem since in that case the VS project becomes just a list of the files you want Visual Studio to know about.
Unfortunately, the VS debugger is not useful in this scenario, but all of the IDE's code navigation works fine.
You can't easily replace the C++ compiler in Visual Studio.
But at one time (in the 1990's) I used Visual Studio as simply an editor for Java. And since there are extensions for e.g. the D programming language (well that's the only one I've used) you can certainly, with a lot of work, make the full Visual Studio work with g++ or any other compiler for whatever language, as an additional "language". It can even work with the debugger, if the language implementation is suitable for that.
It's just that nowadays it's much easier to use an IDE that does support the tools you want to use. E.g., for g++ you have Eclipse, Code::Blocks, even old DevC++, etc. Oh yes, and the QT thing.

setup visual studio express for arm

I'd like to compile panda3d for arm and downloaded the c++ version visual studio express. Sadly the last time I used c++ is about 4 years ago. I googled how to get the project to compile to arm but I only found this:
It looks pretty straightforward but the problem is: I'm using the german version of visual studio and there are no such options. I tried to download the english version but the installer detected my systems language and fell back to german. I searched all menus I could find for proper compiler options but couldn't find anything. Now I wonder: The options can not simply have vanished in the german version. Are you having similar experiences ? Can you give me advice how to setup arm support or where to find the right settings ? Even better, if you're german, too, can you check if you have appropriate menus ?
Thank you for your time
I'm using windows 7 64bit and have tried visual studio c++ express 2010 and visual studio c++ express 2008. The device I'd like to target will run with a nvidia tegra 3.
I'd like to target a linux distro, most probably ubuntu.
If there's no support for arm in visualstudio I could switch to any other IDE just as well. Actually I only need that one compilation and figured using Visual Studio would be least problematic. If there's another easy alternative I'd appreciate it, if you told me.
That's probably unrelated to your German version; my English setup of VS2010 doesn't have that option either. But what precise platform are you targetting? The different Visual Studio versions are tied in with particular Windows CE versions, and compatibility is rather limited.
Not sure if OP is aware, but targeting a linux distro doesn't play well with visual studio.
Definitely wrong path.
IMO, using Visual Studio is the best tool for development, with pretty good on-device debugging capabilities, even though ARM support is quite limited, it's still is one of the best tools. But you won't be able to make anything with for a linux distro, it will work only as an advanced text editor.

Visual Studio 2008 C++ language support?

I've been developing a couple of C# tools recently, but primarily working with a lot of legacy Visual Basic 6.0 code (I know, I know...). For the C# development, I've been using Visual Studio 2008 Professional edition that I downloaded using our MSDN subscription here at work.
But, as a change of pace over the weekend, I was going to check out a complex C++ project that we have. However, when I went to open it through Visual Studio, it wouldn't open it saying that the .vcproj file type wasn't supported. I figured it was a compatibility issue and that the project file type had changed between versions of Visual Studio, but when I tried creating a new C++ application inside Visual Studio 2008 Pro, the option just wasn't there.
I've been searching online by way of Bing, Google, MSDN, and MSDN subscriber downloads to no avail. Nothing I've found so far explains why this is happening.
I have found the express edition of MS Visual C++ 2008, but I could not locate the "full version" of this part of Visual Studio.
Any help would be much appreciated.
It sounds like you haven't got it installed.
Go to Add/Remove Programs (or Programs and Features, or whatever Windows 7 calls it) and modify your installation. You'll get a list of checkboxes so you can install C#, VB.NET, Crystal Reports etc... and Visual C++. Check that checkbox and wait the hour or so for the installer to do its stuff.

C/C++ codehighlighter in visual studio 2005

I just starting using VS2005 and I wish to have code highlighting in C/C++. The VS menu Tools->Options->TextEditor->C/C++ is very poor.
I come from PHP and there the IDE's are very friendly when is about highlighting. I didn't expect that Visual Studio to be so poor at this kind of options.
Can you recommend me a free tool/plugin/lib in order to have code highlighting for C/C++?
It's not free, but Visual Assist X has some really nice highlighting.
Another (suboptimal for you) solution is to switch editors. Emacs is infinitely configurable. I believe that Eclipse CDT and NetBeans have better syntax highlighting.
We also use Visual Assist X where I work; I would highly recommend it. Beyond simple highlighting it has refactorization tools, go to definition, auto completion and more.