Accessing rapidjson::Document array by index - c++

I have this code:
Document dataDoc;
Document::AllocatorType &allocator = dataDoc.GetAllocator();
for (size_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
ostringstream ss;
ss << "set_" << i + 1 << "_data";
Document doc;
dataDoc.PushBack(doc, allocator);
There's a rapidjson::Document "dataDoc" and I convert it to an array. Then I fill the array with Document objects that contain JSON objects that are fetched from cocos2d::UserDefault and parsed appropriately.
This is the JSON object that is added to the dataDoc:
"people": [
"name": "Peter",
"phone": "123",
"address": "Address 456"
"name": "Helen",
"phone": "123",
"address": "Address 456"
"name": "John",
"phone": "123",
"address": "Address 456"
Now the dataDoc array contains 10 of these objects.
I know that I can handle one object like this:
Document doc;
rapidjson::Value &people = doc["people"];
string name = people[0]["name"].GetString();
But how can I access, for example, the first object in the dataDoc array by index and get the name value as above?
Tried also with this code:
vector<string> jsons;
jsons.push_back("{\"people\":[{\"name\":\"Peter\",\"phone\":\"123\",\"address\":\"Address 456\"},{\"name\":\"Helen\",\"phone\":\"123\",\"address\":\"Address 456\"},{\"name\":\"John\",\"phone\":\"123\",\"address\":\"Address 456\"}]}");
jsons.push_back("{\"people\":[{\"name\":\"Peter\",\"phone\":\"123\",\"address\":\"Address 456\"},{\"name\":\"Helen\",\"phone\":\"123\",\"address\":\"Address 456\"},{\"name\":\"John\",\"phone\":\"123\",\"address\":\"Address 456\"}]}");
jsons.push_back("{\"people\":[{\"name\":\"Peter\",\"phone\":\"123\",\"address\":\"Address 456\"},{\"name\":\"Helen\",\"phone\":\"123\",\"address\":\"Address 456\"},{\"name\":\"John\",\"phone\":\"123\",\"address\":\"Address 456\"}]}");
Document dataDoc;
Document::AllocatorType &allocator = dataDoc.GetAllocator();
for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
Document doc;
dataDoc.PushBack(doc, allocator);
auto &people = dataDoc[0]["people"];
But it gave me the same error. It points to line 1688 in "document.h" located at ...\cocos2d\external\json\.

First, there seems to be an issue in your code the way you create doc - You need to provide the allocator of dataDoc:
Document doc(&allocator);
Then, rapidjson::Document inherits from rapidjson::Value, so you can simply treat it as a value and use the [] operator:
auto &people = dataDoc[0]["people"];
You can also iterate through the whole document:
for (auto &doc: dataDoc.getArray()) {
auto &people = doc["people"];
Prior to C++11:
for (Value::ConstValueIterator itr = dataDoc.Begin();
itr != dataDoc.End(); ++itr) {
auto &people = (*itr)["people"];


How to read such a nested json array in Qt?

Im trying to read json file with qt c++. After reading i will do some operations. I've read my json like it, but i want to print spesific datas, which include "float".
After finding them, i will assign a value each of these.
Thanks for any help
"GPS ID":[
"GPS Mod":[
"GPS Utc":[
"GPS Latitude":[
"GPS Longitude":[
Here is what I have tried up to now:
QByteArray data = file.readAll();
QJsonDocument doc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(data);
QJsonObject root = doc.object();
QJsonArray tlmtArray = root.value("A").toArray();
for(int i=0; i<tlmtArray.size(); i++)
QJsonObject obj =;
Actually, you seem to already know what you need to do to handle Json data, you just have to continue to unpack your nested structures until the leaf data.
I'm not sure what was your issue, you just had to continue what you were doing but anyway, I have written an example that prints in the console the inner GPS data of the following structure (the one that you provided, I just added the missing braces and brackets):
"GPS ID":[
"GPS Mod":[
"GPS Utc":[
"GPS Latitude":[
"GPS Longitude":[
Here is the example function:
int printJsonData(const QByteArray & json_data)
QJsonParseError err;
QJsonDocument doc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(json_data, &err);
if(err.error != QJsonParseError::NoError)
return -1; // Failure
QJsonObject root = doc.object();
QJsonArray tlmtArray = root.value("A").toArray();
for(int i = 0; i < tlmtArray.size(); ++i)
QJsonObject obj = tlmtArray[i].toObject();
QJsonArray gps_array = obj.value("GPS").toArray();
for(int j = 0; j < gps_array.size(); ++j)
QJsonObject gps_obj = gps_array[j].toObject();
for(QJsonObject::const_iterator cit = gps_obj.constBegin(); cit != gps_obj.constEnd(); ++cit)
std::cout << cit.key().toStdString() << ": (";
QJsonArray inner_data = cit.value().toArray();
for(int k = 0; k < inner_data.size(); ++k)
std::cout << inner_data[k].toString().toStdString() << (k < inner_data.size()-1 ? "," : "");
std::cout << ")\n";
return 0;
GPS ID: (integer,0)
GPS Latitude: (float,3)
GPS Longitude: (float,4)
GPS Mod: (integer,1)
GPS Utc: (float,2)
Please note that you really should use the methods QJsonObject::contains(), QJsonValue::isArray(), QJsonValue::isObject() and QJsonValue::isString() that Qt provides in order to check that the data you are extracting are exactly what you expect them to be. I didn't write such checks in the example because it is just an example and I wanted to avoid clutter and make the code less readable.

How to delete nested json data using nlohmann c++

I have a below json data. I am using nlohmann json in C++.
"CompanyName": "XYZ Tech",
"Created": "2019-10-16T20:14:29Z",
"TxnId": "4509237",
"Tags": [
"ROIId": "Default",
"Time": 71,
"Tracker": "emp10"
"ROIId": "MC16",
"Time": 21,
"TrackerId": "emp10"
"ROIId": "Default",
"Time": 11,
"TrackerId": "emp11"
"ROIId": "MC18",
"Time": 10,
"TrackerId": "emp11"
"Type": "TxnData"
In above json data, inside Tags, we have data where the ROIId is Default. I want to delete it so that the data becomes:
"CompanyName": "XYZ Tech",
"Created": "2019-10-16T20:14:29Z",
"TxnId": "4509237",
"Tags": [
"ROIId": "MC16",
"Time": 21,
"TrackerId": "emp10"
"ROIId": "MC18",
"Time": 10,
"TrackerId": "emp11"
"Type": "TxnData"
How can I do it in c++. Thanks
I suggest iterating through the json::array stored in Tags and saving the Key of the matched elements. This way you can later validate the deletion and safely delete the elements.
Note that deleting is exactly like erasing with a STL vector - I prefer to delete from the end of the vector to avoid changing the keys while deleting multiple elements.
Here is a quick and dirty demo
And here is the code:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include "json3.6.1.hpp"
unsigned removeDefaultROIID(nlohmann::json& jsonObject, const std::string& value) {
std::vector<int> toremove;
//Loop through the `tags` json::array and create a vector of indexes to delete:
for (auto &it : jsonObject["Tags"].items()) {
//`.get<std::string>()` is the best way to make sure we are getting the value as std::string
if (it.value().at("ROIId").get<std::string>() == value)
//sort it before erase - we want to delete first biggest index:
std::sort(toremove.rbegin(), toremove.rend());
//delete using `.erase()` method:
for (int &it : toremove)
jsonObject["Tags"].erase(jsonObject["Tags"].begin() + it);
return toremove.size();
int main()
//Create the JSON object:
nlohmann::json jsonObject = R"({"CompanyName":"XYZ Tech","Created":"2019-10-16T20:14:29Z","TxnId":"4509237","Tags":[{"ROIId": "Default","Time": 71,"Tracker": "emp10"},{"ROIId":"MC16","Time": 21,"TrackerId": "emp10"},{"ROIId":"Default","Time":11,"TrackerId":"emp11"},{"ROIId":"MC18","Time": 10,"TrackerId":"emp11"}],"Type":"TxnData"})"_json;
std::cout << "JSON nested object value conditional erase:" << std::endl;
std::cout << "JSON object TAGS count - BEFORE deletion:" << jsonObject["Tags"].size() << std::endl;
//Call the method -> jlson is passed by ref
unsigned removed = removeDefaultROIID(jsonObject, "Default");
std::cout << "JSON object TAGS count - AFTER deletion:" << jsonObject["Tags"].size() << std::endl;
return 0;

Getting null values while saving json data in file using nlohmann json

I am using nlohmann json to create ans save some json values. But when I look at the file, I get null values in between the json. Below is how it looks like:
"Created": "2019-07-03T13:54:32Z",
"DataId": "BHI-201-U8",
"Data": [
"Name": "Andrew",
"Attended": "Yes"
"Name": "John",
"Attended": "Yes"
null, <-- unexpected null
"Name": "Ronny",
"Attended": "No"
null, <-- unexpected null
null, <-- unexpected null
"Name": "Mathew",
"Attended": "Yes"
"Type": "Person"
As you can see in the above json data, I am getting some unexpected null. Below is how I am saving it:
#include "nlohmann/json.hpp"
using nlohmann::json;
int main()
json outJson;
//some code
string outFile = "output.json";
for (const auto &data : trackedData->Detections())
//some code
outJson["Data"][]["Name"] =;
outJson["Data"][]["Attended"] = data.status;
outJson["Created"] = created;
outJson["DataId"] = "BHI-201-U8";
outJson["Type"] = "Person";
std::ofstream output_file(outFile);
output_file << outJson.dump(4 , ' ', false);
How can I remove these extra null from the code.
trackedData->Detections() returns a list of objects or structures and some of them are null-valued, hence nulls in the json. Try to do null-checking before adding data entry into json.
for (const auto &data : trackedData->Detections())
//some code
if (data != NULL)
outJson["Data"][]["Name"] =;
outJson["Data"][]["Attended"] = data.status;

How to access element of JSON using Qt

I have this Json object and I want to access the "duration" and show it on console using Qt :
"kind": "youtube#videoListResponse",
"etag": "\"cbz3lIQ2N25AfwNr-BdxUVxJ_QY/brZ0pmrmXldPPKpGPRM-8I4dDFQ\"",
"pageInfo": {
"totalResults": 1,
"resultsPerPage": 1
"items": [
"kind": "youtube#video",
"etag": "\"cbz3lIQ2N25AfwNr-BdxUVxJ_QY/PkTW6UN9MH0O2kDApjC3penIiKs\"",
"id": "WkC18w6Ys7Y",
"contentDetails": {
"duration": "PT58M21S",
"dimension": "2d",
"definition": "hd",
"caption": "false",
"licensedContent": true,
"projection": "rectangular"
And my Qt code is this :
QJsonDocument jsonResponse = QJsonDocument::fromJson(message);
results = jsonResponse.object();
QJsonValue v1 = results.value("items");
qDebug() << "v1 = " << v1;
QJsonValue v2 = v1.toObject().value("contentDetails");
qDebug() <<"v2 = " << v2;
QString v3 = v2.toObject().value("duration").toString();
qDebug() << "v3 = " << v3;
However my output is :
v1 = QJsonValue(array, QJsonArray([{"contentDetails":{"caption":"false","definition":"hd","dimension":"2d","duration":"PT58M21S","licensedContent":true,"projection":"rectangular"},"etag":"\"cbz3lIQ2N25AfwNr-BdxUVxJ_QY/PkTW6UN9MH0O2kDApjC3penIiKs\"","id":"WkC18w6Ys7Y","kind":"youtube#video"}]))
v2 = QJsonValue(undefined)
v3 = ""
So v1 is fine but v2 becomes undefined.What am I doing wrong and how can I access the "duration" item correctly?
The direct answer as follows:
// Read the file which has the JSON object.
QFile file("jsonString.json");
qDebug()<< "Error, Cannot open the file.";
return false;
QJsonDocument jsonDoc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(file.readAll());
qDebug()<< jsonDoc.object().value("items").toArray()[0].toObject().value("contentDetails").toObject().value("duration").toString();
The result:
items is a list, so calling toObject() on it just returns the default value. According to the documentation:
Converts the value to an object and returns it.
If type() is not Object, the defaultValue will be returned.
You need to be calling toArray() on it, which will convert it to a QJsonArray. From there you can take the first item from the array using a variety of methods, or iterate over the array if that makes more sense for your schema.

replacing fields from json formating using easier methodology in Qt 5.7 using QVariantMaps

I have 3 variantMaps created from JSON and I would like to substitute
for example all 3 things from 3d with 2nd and than second to first to the properties.
QVariantMap wholeMapToChange; //1.
QVariantMap propertiesMapToChange; //2.
QVariantMap cmdMap; //3.
1st contain this JSON data but in map:
properties {
"A": true,
"B": true,
"fieldName": "ewfqfqewf",
"C": false,
"fieldPassword": "451541611",
"isBtnSignOnClicked": true
type: "xyz"
2nd contain this JSON data but in map:
"A": true,
"B": true,
"fieldName": "ewfqfqewf",
"C": false,
"fieldPassword": "451541611",
"isBtnSignOnClicked": true
3d contain this JSON data but in map:
"fieldName": "nick",
"fieldPassword": "0000",
"isBtnSignOnClicked": true
What I see as a possibility for substituing 3 with 2 is to create cycle
for (QVariantMap::const_iterator it = propertiesMapToChange.begin(); it != propertiesMapToChange.end(); ++it){
for (QVariantMap::const_iterator itt = cmdMap.begin(); itt != cmdMap.end(); ++itt){
///here would be the comparig...
But I dont think this is good solution... I would like to ask you for advice or opinion, whether its correct, or there exist better way to do that.
It is the right solution if the maps aren't too big, since the cost is N*M. But it is a premature pessimization. You should implement the loop to have N+M cost: after all, the maps are sorted, so you only need to iterate each map once.
A complete example:
#include <QtCore>
QVariantMap replaceMap(QVariantMap dst, const QVariantMap & src) {
auto dit = dst.begin();
auto sit = src.begin();
while (dit != dst.end() && sit != src.end()) {
if (sit.key() < dit.key()) {
++ sit;
if (dit.key() < sit.key()) {
++ dit;
Q_ASSERT(sit.key() == dit.key());
dit.value() = sit.value();
++ sit;
++ dit;
return dst;
int main() {
auto json1 = QJsonDocument::fromJson({R"ZZ({
auto json2 = QJsonDocument::fromJson({R"ZZ({
auto json3 = QJsonDocument::fromJson(
json2 = replaceMap(json2, json3);
auto props = replaceMap(json1["properties"].value<QVariantMap>(), json2);
json1["properties"] = props;
qDebug() << QJsonDocument::fromVariant(json1).toJson().constData();
"properties": {
"A": true,
"B": true,
"C": false,
"fieldName": "nick",
"fieldPassword": "0000",
"isBtnSignOnClicked": true
"type": "xyz"