need to use SUM() and dim
the problem in the sum() algorithm does not calculate correctly, I can’t fix it, I need someone’s help
program main
use environment
implicit none
character(*), parameter :: input_file = "../data/input.txt", output_file = "output.txt"
integer :: In = 0, Out = 0, rows = 0, columns = 0!, i = 0
integer, allocatable :: A(:,:)
integer :: res_rows = 0, res_columns = 0
open (file=input_file, newunit=In)
read(In, *) rows, columns
allocate(A(rows, columns))
read (In, *) A
close (In)
res_rows = sum(A(1:columns+1,1), dim=1)
res_columns = sum(A(1:rows+1,1), dim=1)
!outout data
open (file=output_file, encoding=E_, newunit=Out, position='append')
close (Out)
end program main
input data from txt file
4 3
1 1 2
4 3 4
1 1 2
4 3 2
output data to txt file
rows: 4 11 4 9
columns: 10 8 10
Fortran is a column-major language. Your read(in,*) a is populating the matrix in the wrong order. Try writing out the first row of your matrix a. Your use of the sum intrinsic is also wrong. See below.
program main
implicit none
character(*), parameter :: input_file = "a.dat"
integer i, in, out, rows, columns
integer, allocatable :: a(:,:)
integer :: res_rows = 0, res_columns = 0
open(file=input_file, newunit=in, status='old')
read(in, *) rows, columns
allocate(a(rows, columns))
do i = 1, rows
read(in,*) a(i,:)
end do
print '(A,4(1X,I0))', 'Sum of each row:', sum(a,dim=2)
do i = 1, rows
print '(3I3,A,I0)', a(i,:),' = ', sum(a(i,:))
end do
print *
print '(A,4(1X,I0))', 'Sum of each column:', sum(a,dim=1)
do i = 1, columns
print '(4I3,A,I0)', a(:,i),' = ',sum(a(:,i))
end do
end program main
I have a fortran code that computes the solution vector using the thomas algorithm subroutine.
I want the solution vector to run in a loop for a certain number of time.
How do i call this subroutine in the loop?
my subroutine is the thomas algorithm subroutine.
It returns the solution vector u but I want it to use the vectors NN times in a loop. So the old u becomes the new u to use in the subroutine.
How do I do this?
Below is the what i tried
program thomasalg2
implicit double precision(A-H,O-Z)
real*8, dimension(9,1) :: a,b,c,r,u,uold!the dimension is subject to change depending on the size of the new matrix
!real*8, dimension(9,50) :: W
real*8 :: pi
real*8 :: h,k,lm,l,T
integer :: i,j,al,NN,n
l = 1!right endpoint on the X-axis
n = 9 !number of rols/cols of the coefficient matrix with boundaries included
T = 0.5 !maximum number of the time variable
NN = 50!number of time steps
np = n
h = l/n
k = T/NN
al = 1.0D0 !alpha
pi = dacos(-1.0D0)
lm = (al**2)*(k/(h**2)) !lambda
do i = 1,n
r(i,1) = sin(pi*i*h) !this is W_0
end do
a(1,1) = 0.0D0
do i = 2,n
a(i,1) = -lm
end do
do i = 1,n
b(i,1) = 1 + (2*lm)
end do
c(9,1) = 0.0D0
do i = 1,n-1
c(i,1) = -lm
end do
!the 3 diagonals are stored in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th files respectively.
open(10, file = 'thom1.txt')
open(11, file = 'thom2.txt')
open(12, file = 'thom3.txt')
open(13, file = 'thom4.txt')
do i = 1,n
write(10,*) a(i,1)
end do
do i = 1,n
write(11,*) b(i,1)
end do
do i = 1,n
write(12,*) c(i,1)
end do
do i = 1,n
write(13,*) r(i,1)
end do
open(14, file = 'tridag2.txt')
n = 9
do i = 1,n
write(14,*) a(i,1),b(i,1),c(i,1),r(i,1) !write the given vectors in the file in the form of a column vector
end do
call tridag(a,b,c,r,u,n)
!solve the given system and return the solution vector u
do i = 1,NN
call tridag(a,b,c,r,u,n)
!write(15,*) u
r = u
end do
open(15, file = 'tridag2u.txt')
!write the solution vector in the form of a column vector
do i = 1,n
write(15,*) u(i,1)
end do
!print *, "Your data has been written in 'tridag2.txt'"
end program thomasalg2
subroutine tridag(a,b,c,r,u,n)
implicit double precision (A-H, O-Z)
integer n, NMAX
real*8 a(n), b(n), c(n), r(n), u(n)
parameter (NMAX = 500)
integer j
real*8 bet, gam(NMAX)
if(b(1).eq.0.) stop "tridag: rewrite equations"
bet = b(1)
do j = 2,n
gam(j) = c(j-1)/bet
bet = b(j)-a(j)*gam(j)
if (bet.eq.0.) stop "tridag failed"
u(j) = (r(j)-a(j)*u(j-1))/bet
end do
do j = n-1,1,-1
u(j) = u(j)-gam(j+1)*u(j+1)
end do
!print *, "The solution is", u
end subroutine
I want to read data from some .dat files to a Fortran code for postprocessing. As a test case, I am just using one processor for MPI and trying to read single data file to my code. The content of the data file is as follows:
qout0050.dat : 1 1 1
However, the matrix (Vn in this case) which is supposed to store the content of this data file shows all 0 values. The relevant part of the code which reads from data file and store to the matrix is as follows:
subroutine postproc()
use precision_mod
use mpicomms_mod
implicit none
integer(kind=MPI_Offset_kind) :: i, j , igrid, k, l, disp, iproc, info, lwork
integer :: rst, numvar, ifile, number, num, step, ntot
integer :: Nx_max, Ny_max, Nz_max
integer :: Nxp, Nzp, Nyp, Ngrid
integer :: Ifirst, Ilast, Jfirst, Jlast, Kfirst, Klast
character*(64) :: fname, buffer, ffname
integer :: tmp, N1, N2, N3, tmpp
real(WP), allocatable :: qout(:,:,:,:), phi_xyz(:,:,:,:,:)
real(WP), allocatable :: Vn(:,:), Vntmp(:,:), TAU(:,:)
real(WP), allocatable :: Rprime(:,:), Rtmp(:,:), Rend(:,:), Q(:,:), tmpL(:), tmpG(:)
real(WP), allocatable :: s(:), vt(:,:), u(:,:), utmp(:,:)
real(WP), allocatable :: tmp1(:,:), tmp2(:,:), tmp3(:,:), phi(:,:)
integer, dimension(2) :: view
integer :: view1
integer, dimension(3) :: lsizes, gsizes, start
real(WP) :: tmpr
real(WP), allocatable :: work(:), mu(:), eigY(:,:), wr(:), wi(:), beta(:)
integer(kind=MPI_Offset_kind) :: SP_MOK, Nx_MOK, Ny_MOK, Nz_MOK, WP_MOK
read (110,*) Nx_max
read (110,*) Ny_max
read (110,*) Nz_max
read (110,*) numvar
read (110,*) step
! Define the size of grid on each processor
if (mod(Nx_max,px).ne.0) then
write(*,*) 'Error in preproc: Nx_max is not devisable by px'
end if
Nxp = Nx_max/px
if (mod(Ny_max,py).ne.0) then
write(*,*) 'Error in preproc: Nx_max is not devisable by px'
end if
Nyp = Ny_max/py
if (mod(Nz_max,pz).ne.0) then
write(*,*) 'Error in preproc: Nx_max is not devisable by px'
end if
Nzp = Nz_max/pz
Ifirst = irank*Nxp + 1
Ilast = Ifirst + Nxp - 1
Jfirst = jrank*Nyp + 1
Jlast = Jfirst + Nyp - 1
Kfirst = krank*Nzp + 1
Klast = Kfirst + Nzp - 1
! Setting the view for phi
gsizes(1) = Nx_max
gsizes(2) = Ny_max
gsizes(3) = Nz_max
lsizes(1) = Nxp
lsizes(2) = Nyp
lsizes(3) = Nzp
start(1) = Ifirst - 1
start(2) = Jfirst - 1
start(3) = Kfirst - 1
call MPI_TYPE_CREATE_SUBARRAY(3,gsizes,lsizes,start,&
call MPI_TYPE_COMMIT(view,ierr)
call MPI_TYPE_CREATE_SUBARRAY(3,gsizes,lsizes,start,&
call MPI_TYPE_COMMIT(view1,ierr)
WP_MOK = int(8, MPI_Offset_kind)
Nx_MOK = int(Nx_max, MPI_Offset_kind)
Ny_MOK = int(Ny_max, MPI_Offset_kind)
Nz_MOK = int(Nz_max, MPI_Offset_kind)
! Reading the qout file
ffname = 'qout'
do rst = 1,step
if (myrank == 0) print*, 'Step = ', 50 + rst -1
write(buffer,"(i4.4)") 50 + rst -1
fname = trim(ffname)//trim(buffer)
fname = trim('ufs')//":"// trim(fname)
fname = trim(adjustl(fname))//'.dat'
call MPI_FILE_READ(ifile,Ngrid,1,MPI_INTEGER,status,ierr)
if (1 /= Ngrid) then
if (myrank == 0 ) write(*,*) Ngrid
call MPI_FILE_READ(ifile,tmp,1,MPI_INTEGER,status,ierr)
if (tmp /= Nx_max) write(*,*) tmp
call MPI_FILE_READ(ifile,tmp,1,MPI_INTEGER,status,ierr)
if (tmp /= Ny_max) write(*,*) tmp
call MPI_FILE_READ(ifile,tmp,1,MPI_INTEGER,status,ierr)
if (tmp /= Nz_max) write(*,*) tmp
call MPI_FILE_READ(ifile,tmpr,1,MPI_REAL_WP,status,ierr)
call MPI_FILE_READ(ifile,tmpr,1,MPI_REAL_WP,status,ierr)
call MPI_FILE_READ(ifile,tmpr,1,MPI_REAL_WP,status,ierr)
call MPI_FILE_READ(ifile,tmpr,1,MPI_REAL_WP,status,ierr)
do l=1,numvar
disp = 4*4 + 4*WP_MOK + Nx_MOK*Ny_MOK*Nz_MOK*WP_MOK*(l-1)
call MPI_FILE_SET_VIEW(ifile,disp,MPI_REAL_WP,view1,"native",MPI_INFO_NULL,ierr)
call MPI_FILE_READ_ALL(ifile,qout(1:Nxp,1:Nyp,1:Nzp,l),Nxp*Nzp*Nyp, MPI_REAL_WP,status,ierr)
end do
call MPI_FILE_CLOSE(ifile,ierr)
! Bluiding the snapshot matrix Vn --------------
do i=1,numvar
do k=1,Nzp
do j=1,Nyp
Vn((1 + Nxp*(j-1) + Nxp*Nyp*(k-1) + Nxp*Nyp*Nzp*(i-1)):(Nxp*j + Nxp*Nyp*(k-1) + Nxp*Nyp*Nzp*(i-1)),rst) = qout(1:Nxp,j,k,i)
end do
end do
end do
end do
I'm trying to read a four column data file. However, because I'm having so much trouble, I'm just trying to read a single column of integers. Here is my code:
program RFF_Simple
implicit none
! Variables
character(len = 100):: line_in
character(len = :), allocatable :: filename
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: weight,numbers
real, dimension(:), allocatable :: fm, fc
integer :: iostat_1, iostat_2
integer :: lun, length, index
! Body of RFF_Simple
! filename = 'data.txt'
filename = 'data_test.txt'
iostat_1 = 0
iostat_2 = 0
length = 0
open(newunit = lun, file = filename, status = 'old', iostat = iostat_1)
!Count how many lines are in the file (length)
if (iostat_1 == 0) then
do while(iostat_2 == 0)
read(lun, '(a)', iostat = iostat_2) line_in
if (iostat_2 == 0) then
length= length + 1
allocate(numbers(length)) !Allocate arrays to have same length as number of lines
iostat_1 = 0 !Reset
iostat_2 = 0
index = 1 !This whole thing is confusing so I don't know whether starting from 1 or 0 is better....
if (iostat_1 == 0) then
do while(iostat_2 == 0)
if(iostat_2 == 0) then
read(lun,*, iostat = iostat_2) numbers(index) !This crashes the program (Severe 408)
index = index + 1
write(*,*) 'Press Enter to Exit'
end program RFF_Simple
The code compiles no problem, but running it yields the following:
Yes I that is a print screen.
I don't even know where to start with this one.
The problem here is that you increment index after each successful read. After the last successful read we have index=length. You then add 1 to index and then attempt to read numbers(length+1) which results in a bounds violation. Rather than looping with a do while you can just use a regular do loop since we know the number of lines to read.
do index = 1, length
read(lun,*) numbers(index)
You could also test whether index is greater than length and bail out of the loop.
I wrote a fortran code to read data from a file stored as 2D array of complex variables and output on screen. But during execution an error message Error 57: Attempt to read past end-of-file.
N = 12; M = 3
OPEN(UNIT = 20, FILE ='C:\Users\Hp\Desktop\A_matrix.dat', &
DO I = 1,N
READ(20,FMT = '(2F20.10)')(A(I,J),J = 1,N)
OPEN(UNIT = 30, FILE ='C:\Users\Hp\Desktop\B_vector.dat',&
DO I = 1, N
READ(30,FMT = '(2F20.10)')(B(I,J),J = 1, M)
DO J = 1, N
WRITE(*,*) (B(J,I), I = 1,M)
DO J = 1, N
WRITE(*,*) (A(J,I), I = 1,N)
This format
Says to read only 2 values. You need to put a repeat specifier as large or larger than your array,
Too big is ok.., put 10000f20.10 if you need.
In f2008 you can specify unlimited repeat with *F20.10
(..about time..)
If that doesn't do the trick you should post a sample of what the data file looks like.