Gmail App search criteria - regex

I have the following search criteria working very well in Gmail:
user#domain from:/mail delivery/ || /postmaster/ ||/Undeliverable/
I am trying to write Goole Apps code to return the same results. Here is the code:
var"user#domain from:/mail delivery/ || /postmaster/ ||/Undeliverable/ ");
I am getting different results. I am new to both Regex and Google Apps.

Try Amit Agarwal's tutorial on Gmail Search with Google Apps Script which includes Using Regular Expressions to Find Anything in your Gmail Mailbox:
function Search() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var row = 2;
// Clear existing search results
sheet.getRange(2, 1, sheet.getMaxRows() - 1, 4).clearContent();
// Which Gmail Label should be searched?
var label = sheet.getRange("F3").getValue();
// Get the Regular Expression Search Pattern
var pattern = sheet.getRange("F4").getValue();
// Retrieve all threads of the specified label
var threads ="in:" + label);
for (var i = 0; i < threads.length; i++) {
var messages = threads[i].getMessages();
for (var m = 0; m < messages.length; m++) {
var msg = messages[m].getBody();
// Does the message content match the search pattern?
if ( !== -1) {
// Format and print the date of the matching message
// Print the sender's name and email address
// Print the message subject
// Print the unique URL of the Gmail message
var id = ""
+ messages[m].getId();
'=hyperlink("' + id + '", "View")');
// Move to the next row


Apps Scirpt and regex. How?

I am using .indexOf() to parse an array in a separate sheet via url and find a string in a header to return a numerical value or -1. Issue is I need to find the string match that is non case sensitive. ie var targetEmail = targetHeader.indexOf("Email"); would need to match "email", "user email", User email", etc. Normally I would use a regex but can't find a way to do this in Apps Script. Please any help would be very much appreciated.
sample code below:
var userHeader = USER.getRange(1, 1, 1, USER.getLastColumn()).getValues()[0];
var targetHeader = importSheet.getRange(1, 1, 1, importSheet.getLastColumn()).getValues()[0];
var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
var targetEmail = targetHeader.indexOf("Email");
if(targetEmail == -1)
ui.alert("Can not find Email column. Please rename column in source sheet.");
Using Javascript RegExp, you can use the following
let targetEmail = targetHeader.findIndex(h => /email/gi.test(h));
if(targetEmail == -1)
ui.alert("Can not find Email column. Please rename column in source sheet.");
Note: findIndex, let and the function shorthand will only work if your script is using the new V8 runtime.
I personally prefer to name the column I want using Google Sheets named ranges, and then use getNamedRanges(), so I'll be able to find the column number by its range name, regardless of the column heading text. If columns are inserted or deleted, the named range still points to the column you're looking for.
You could solve for this by
(1) joining the array into a string
(2) and then changing the string to lowercase
and then looking for "email" (lower case).
var targetHeader = importSheet.getRange(1, 1, 1, importSheet.getLastColumn()).getValues()[0];
targetHeader = targetHeader.join().toLowerCase();
var targetEmail = targetHeader.indexOf('email');
To find the column number with the word 'email' in it:
var importSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('Sheet101');
var targetHeader = importSheet.getRange(1, 1, 1, importSheet.getLastColumn()).getValues()[0];
var flag = false;
for (var c = 0; c < targetHeader.length; c++) {
var cellValue = targetHeader[c].toLowerCase();
if (cellValue.indexOf('email') > -1) {
flag = true;
if (!flag) {
// ui alert that email not found
} else {
var columnWithEmalInHeader = c + 1;
// column with value 'email' found. Column number is c+1
// first time match of 'email' will pop-up here. All subsequent amounts will be ignored.

Removing line breaks using Docs GAS

I want to remove all newlines with spaces using google apps script for Docs
var doc = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument();
var body = doc.getBody().editAsText();
body.replaceText("\\t", " "); //works properly for tabs
body.replaceText("\\n", " "); //doesnt work
Any suggestions.?
It seems that the body.replaceText does not allow replacements of what is between paragraphs (the paragraph breaks).
You need to somehow merge all paragraphs into 1 paragraph. You may do it roughly with the following code:
function mergePars() {
var doc = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument();
var body = doc.getBody();
var pars = body.getParagraphs();
for( var j = 0; j < pars.length; ++j ) {
try {
catch (e) {
Logger.log(e); // It will log "Exception: Element must be preceded by an element of the same type."
You may get rid of the try-catch if you get the number of all children in the document (with .getNumChildren()) and then loop through the items checking their DocumentApp.ElementType, and if the previous node was of type DocumentApp.ElementType.PARAGRAPH, apply .merge().

Extracting mails from a spreadsheet

I have a Google Spreadsheet with two columns.
First column includes the name of a referrer and second column includes a free format text where some referred email addresses are mentioned. There might be multiple email addresses in one cell, or none.
Referrer | Referral
Mister X | I would like to refer and
Miss Y |
Mister Z | None!
etc | ...
I would like to format the data such that for each referred address we have the referrer and the email address referred.
Referrer | Referral
Mister X |
Mister X |
Miss Y |
etc | ...
What is the best way of achieving this?
Here's your original data in a table.
Referrer Referral
Mister X I would like to refer and
Miss Y
Mister Z None!
Here's the same columns after they're over written.
Referrer none
Mister X
Mister X
Miss Y
Mister Z none
And here's the code. Currently, you select the two columns as we were shown and I over write them in the format your requested. Although with such a limited dataset one can never be 100% sure. So further testing would be good. I included the menu and some of my display routines which help me debug the program. I suppose you may want to change the range. Go for it. Have fun. I enjoyed writing it.
function onOpen()
var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
ui.createMenu('My Tools')
.addItem('Extract Emails','emailFishing')
function emailFishing()
var rng = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveRange();
var rngA = rng.getValues();
var resultsA = [];
//var s = '[';
for(var i = 0;i < rngA.length; i++)
matchA = extractEmails(rngA[i][1]);
for(var j = 0; j < matchA.length;j++)
resultsA.push([rngA[i][0], matchA[j]]);
//s += '[' + rngA[i][0] + ', ' + matchA[j] + '], '
//s += '[' + rngA[i][0] + ', \'none\'],'
//s += ']';
var orng = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getRange(rng.getRow(), rng.getColumn(), resultsA.length, resultsA[0].length);
//dispStatus('Results Array', s, 500, 400);
function extractEmails (text)
return text.match(/([a-zA-Z0-9._-]+#[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+)/gi);
function dispStatus(title,html,width,height)
// Display a modeless dialog box with custom HtmlService content.
var title = typeof(title) !== 'undefined' ? title : 'No Title Provided';
var width = typeof(width) !== 'undefined' ? width : 250;
var height = typeof(height) !== 'undefined' ? height : 300;
var html = typeof(html) !== 'undefined' ? html : '<p>No html provided.</p>';
var htmlOutput = HtmlService
SpreadsheetApp.getUi().showModelessDialog(htmlOutput, title);
The function extractEmail came from Leniel Macaferi. From this post Extract all email addresses from bulk text using jquery. Although I left out the JQuery part.

Eliminate newlines in google app script using regex

I'm trying to write part of an add-on for Google Docs that eliminates newlines within selected text using replaceText. The obvious text.replaceText("\n",""); gives the error Invalid argument: searchPattern. I get the same error with text.replaceText("\r","");. The following attempts do nothing: text.replaceText("/\n/","");, text.replaceText("/\r/","");. I don't know why Google App Script does not allow for the recognition of newlines in regex.
I am aware that there is an add-on that does this already, but I want to incorporate this function into my add-on.
This error occurs even with the basic
My full function:
function removeLineBreaks() {
var selection = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument().getSelection();
if (selection) {
var elements = selection.getRangeElements();
for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
var element = elements[i];
// Only deal with text elements
if (element.getElement().editAsText) {
var text = element.getElement().editAsText();
if (element.isPartial()) {
// Deal with fully selected text
else {
// No text selected
else {
DocumentApp.getUi().alert('No text selected. Please select some text and try again.');
It seems that in replaceText, to remove soft returns entered with Shift-ENTER, you can use \v:
.replaceText("\\v+", "")
If you want to remove all "other" control characters (C0, DEL and C1 control codes), you may use
.replaceText("\\p{Cc}+", "")
Note that the \v pattern is a construct supported by JavaScript regex engine, and is considered to match a vertical tab character (≡ \013) by the RE2 regex library used in most Google products.
The Google Apps Script function replaceText() still doesn't accept escape characters, but I was able to get around this by using getText(), then the generic JavaScript replace(), then setText():
var doc = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument();
var body = doc.getBody();
var bodyText = body.getText();
//DocumentApp.getUi().alert( "Does document contain \\t? " + /\t/.test( bodyText ) ); // \n true, \r false, \t true
bodyText = bodyText.replace( /\n/g, "" );
bodyText = bodyText.replace( /\t/g, "" );
body.setText( bodyText );
This worked within a Doc. Not sure if the same is possible within a Sheet (and, even if it were, you'd probably have to run this once cell at a time).
here is my pragmatic solution to eliminate newlines in Google Docs, or, more exact, to eliminate newlines from Gmail message.getPlainBody().
It looks that Google uses '\r\n\r\n' as a plain EOL and '\r\n' as a manuell Linefeed (Shift-Enter). The code should be self explainable.
It might help to get alone with the newline problem in Docs.
A solution possibly not very elegant, but works like a charm :-)
function GetEmails2Doc() {
var doc = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument();
var body = doc.getBody();
var pc = 0; // Paragraph Counter
var label = GmailApp.getUserLabelByName("_Send2Sheet");
var threads = label.getThreads();
var i = threads.length;
// LOOP Messages within a THREAT
for (i=threads.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
for (var j = 0; j < messages.length; j++) {
var message = messages[j];
/* Here I do some ...
body.insertParagraph(pc++, Utilities.formatDate(message.getDate(), "GMT",
"dd.MM.yyyy (HH:mm)")).setHeading(DocumentApp.ParagraphHeading.HEADING4)
str = message.getFrom() + ' to: ' + message.getTo();
if (message.getCc().length >0) str = str + ", Cc: " + message.getCc();
if (message.getBcc().length >0) str = str + ", Bcc: " + message.getBcc();
// Body !!
var str = processBody(message.getPlainBody()).split("pEOL");
Logger.log(str.length + " EOLs");
for (var k=0; k<str.length; k++) body.insertParagraph(pc++,str[k]);
function processBody(tx) {
var s = tx.split(/\r\n\r\n/g);
// it looks like message.getPlainBody() [of mail] uses \r\n\r\n as EOL
// so, I first substitute the 'EOL's with the string pattern "pEOL"
// to be replaced with body.insertParagraph in the main function
tx = '';
for (k=0; k<s.length; k++) tx = tx + s[k] + "pEOL";
// then replace all remaining simple \r\n with a blank
s = tx.split(/\r\n/g);
tx = '';
for (k=0; k<s.length; k++) tx = tx + s[k] + " ";
return tx;
I have now found out through much trial and error -- and some much needed help from Wiktor Stribiżew (see other answer) -- that there is a solution to this, but it relies on the fact that Google Script does not recognise \n or \r in regex searches. The solution is as follows:
function removeLineBreaks() {
var selection = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument()
if (selection) {
var elements = selection.getRangeElements();
for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
var element = elements[i];
// Only deal with text elements
if (element.getElement()
.editAsText) {
var text = element.getElement()
if (element.isPartial()) {
var start = element.getStartOffset();
var finish = element.getEndOffsetInclusive();
var oldText = text.getText()
.slice(start, finish);
if (oldText.match(/\r/)) {
var number = oldText.match(/\r/g)
for (var j = 0; j < number; j++) {
var location =\r/);
text.deleteText(start + location, start + location);
text.insertText(start + location, ' ');
var oldText = oldText.replace(/\r/, ' ');
// Deal with fully selected text
else {
text.replaceText("\\v+", " ");
// No text selected
else {
.alert('No text selected. Please select some text and try again.');
Google Docs allows searching for vertical tabs (\v), which match newlines.
Partial text is a whole other problem. The solution to dealing with partially selected text above finds the location of newlines by extracting a text string from the text element and searching in that string. It then uses these locations to delete the relevant characters. This is repeated until the number of newlines in the selected text has been reached.
This Stack Overflow answer removes, specifically, "\n". It may help, it helped me indeed.

google-apps-script multiple criteria writing over headers

I have taken a bit of script from Serge which is great (original link here. I have added in a second criteria to exclude certain rows and it works great except, if there is not header in the sheet being copied to, it will not work (error: "The coordinates or dimensions of the range are invalid.") and if I enter a header or some other data, it overwrites it. Can anyone assist please? I have also found that is there is no match to the criteria I get following message "TypeError: Cannot read property "length" from undefined."
Also, what change would I need to make to change the cell 'dataSheetLog[i][12]' to the status variable, i.e. "COPIED" after I have copied it across. I have tried writing a setValue line but it is obviously the wrong instruction for that syntax.
Code is:
var Spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheetLog = Spreadsheet.getSheetByName("LOG");
var sheetMaint = Spreadsheet.getSheetByName("MAINTENANCE");
var Alast = sheetLog.getLastRow();
var criteria = "08 - Maintenance"
var status = "COPIED"
var dataSheetLog = sheetLog.getRange(2,1,Alast,sheetLog.getLastColumn()).getValues();
var outData = [];
for (var i in dataSheetLog) {
if (dataSheetLog[i][2]==criteria && dataSheetLog[i][12]!=status){
getLastRow() refers to the last occupied row and should be ,getLastRow() + 1,to keep from overwriting your headers and other problems.
var Spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheetLog = Spreadsheet.getSheetByName("LOG");
var sheetMaint = Spreadsheet.getSheetByName("MAINTENANCE");
var Alast = sheetLog.getLastRow(); // Log
var criteria = "08 - Maintenance"
var status = "COPIED"
var dataSheetLog = sheetLog.getRange(2,1,Alast,sheetLog.getLastColumn()).getValues(); //Log
var dataSheetLogStatusRange = sheetLog.getRange(2,13,Alast,1); //Log
var dataSheetLogStatus = dataSheetLogStatusRange.getValues(); //Log
var outData = [];
for (var i =0; i < dataSheetLog.length; i++) {
if (dataSheetLog[i][2]==criteria && dataSheetLog[i][12]!=status){
dataSheetLogStatus[i][0] = "COPIED";
if(outData.length > 0) {
sheetMaint.getRange(sheetMaint.getLastRow() + 1,1,outData.length,outData[0].length).setValues(outData);
what change would I need to make to change the cell
'dataSheetLog[i][12]' to the status variable, i.e. "COPIED" after I
have copied it across.
You were trying to update the value in the array that was extracted from the sheet and not the sheet itself. As arrays are zero based and spreadsheets are not, to translate, +1 must be added to array row and column indices. I am assuming status is in column M of your sheet.