Recovering from error in Qt - c++

I'm implementing a system that uses 3 threads (one is GUI, one is TCP client for data acquisition and one analysis thread for calculations).
I'm having a hard time handling an exception for either one. The case that I'm trying to solve now is what happens if some calculation goes wrong, and I need to 'freeze' the system. The problem is that in some scenarios, I have data waiting in the analysis thread's event loop. How can I clear this queue safely, without handling all the events (as I said, something went wrong so I don't want any more calculations done).
Is there a way to clear an event loop for a specific thread? When can I delete the objects safely?

You question is somewhat low on details, but I assume you're using a QThread and embedding a QEventLoop in it?
You can call QEventLoop::exit(-1), which is thread safe.
The value passed to exit is the exit status, and will be the value returned from QEventLoop::exec(). I've chosen -1, which is typically used to denote an error condition.
You can then check the return code from exec(), and act accordingly.
class AnalysisThread : public QThread
void run() override
int res = _loop.exec();
if (res == -1)
// delete objects
void exit()
QEventLoop _loop;
Elsewhere, in your exception handler
// ...
catch(const CalculationError& e)


Is there a way to check if a QObject-pointer is still valid in Qt?

I have a scenario where an anonymous QObject starts an asynchronous operation by emitting a signal. The receiving slot stores the QObject-pointer and sets a property of this object later. The object could be gone meanwhile.
So, is there a safe way to check if this pointer still valid?
I'm aware of QObject::destroyed signal, which I could connect to the object supposed to call the setProperty of that pointer. But I wonder, if it works easier.
This is a great question, but it is the wrong question.
Is there a way to check if the pointer is valid? Yes. QPointer is designed specifically to do that.
But the answer to this question is useless if the object lives in another thread! You only know whether it's valid at a single point in time - the answer is not valid immediately afterwards.
Absent other mechanisms, it is useless to hold a QPointer to an object in a different thread - it won't help you. Why? Look at this scenario:
Thread A Thread B
1. QPointer returns a non-zero pointer
2. deletes the object
3. Use the now-dangling pointer
I'm aware of QObject::destroyed signal, which I could connect to the object supposed to call the setProperty of that pointer. But I wonder, if it works easier.
The destroyed signals are useless when sent using queued connections - whether within a thread, or across thread boundaries. They are meant to be used within one thread, using direct connections.
By the time the target thread's event loop picks up the slot call, the originating object is long gone. Worse - this is always the case in a single-threaded application. The reason for the problem is the same as with the QPointer: the destroyed signal indicates that the object is no longer valid, but it doesn't mean that it was valid before you received the signal unless you're using a direct connection (and are in the same thread) or you're using a blocking queued connection.
Using the blocking queued connection, the requesting object's thread will block until the async thread finishes reacting to object's deletion. While this certainly "works", it forces the two threads to synchronize on a resource with sparse availability - the front spot in the async thread's event loop. Yes, this is literally what you compete for - a single spot in a queue that can be arbitrarily long. While this might be OK for debugging, it has no place in production code unless it's OK to block either thread to synchronize.
You are trying to work very hard around the fact that you're passing a QObject pointer between threads, and the object's lifetime, from the point of view of the receiving thread, is uncontrolled. That's your problem. You'd solve everything by not passing a raw object pointer. Instead, you could pass a shared smart pointer, or using signal-slot connections: those vanish whenever either end of the connection is destructed. That's what you'd want.
In fact, Qt's own design patterns hint at this. QNetworkReply is a QObject not only because it is a QIODevice, but because it must be to support direct indications of finished requests across thread boundaries. In light of a multitude of requests being processed, connecting to QNetworkAccessManager::finished(QNetworkReply*) can be a premature pessimization. Your object gets notified of a possibly very large number of replies, but it really is only interested in one or very few of them. Thus there must be a way to notify the requester directly that its one and only request is done - and that's what QNetworkReply::finished is for.
So, a simple way to proceed is to make the Request be a QObject with a done signal. When you ready the request, connect the requesting object to that signal. You can also connect a functor, but make sure that the functor executes in the requesting object's context:
connect(request, &Request::done, requester, [...](...){...});
connect(request, &Request::done, [...](...){...});
The below demonstrates how it could be put together. The requests' lifetimes are managed through the use of a shared (reference-counting) smart pointer. This makes life rather easy. We check that no requests exist at the time main returns.
#include <QtCore>
class Request;
typedef QSharedPointer<Request> RequestPtr;
class Request : public QObject {
static QAtomicInt m_count;
Request() { m_count.ref(); }
~Request() { m_count.deref(); }
int taxIncrease;
Q_SIGNAL void done(RequestPtr);
QAtomicInt Request::m_count(0);
class Requester : public QObject {
Q_PROPERTY (int catTax READ catTax WRITE setCatTax NOTIFY catTaxChanged)
int m_catTax;
Requester(QObject * parent = 0) : QObject(parent), m_catTax(0) {}
Q_SLOT int catTax() const { return m_catTax; }
Q_SLOT void setCatTax(int t) {
if (t != m_catTax) {
m_catTax = t;
emit catTaxChanged(t);
Q_SIGNAL void catTaxChanged(int);
Q_SIGNAL void hasRequest(RequestPtr);
void sendNewRequest() {
RequestPtr req(new Request);
req->taxIncrease = 5;
connect(, &Request::done, this, [this, req]{
setCatTax(catTax() + req->taxIncrease);
qDebug() << objectName() << "has cat tax" << catTax();
emit hasRequest(req);
class Processor : public QObject {
Q_SLOT void process(RequestPtr req) {
QThread::msleep(50); // Pretend to do some work.
req->taxIncrease --; // Figure we don't need so many cats after all...
emit req->done(req);
emit done(req);
Q_SIGNAL void done(RequestPtr);
struct Thread : public QThread { ~Thread() { quit(); wait(); } };
int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
struct C { ~C() { Q_ASSERT(Request::m_count == 0); } } check;
QCoreApplication app(argc, argv);
Processor processor;
Thread thread;
Requester requester1;
QObject::connect(&requester1, &Requester::hasRequest, &processor, &Processor::process);
Requester requester2;
QObject::connect(&requester2, &Requester::hasRequest, &processor, &Processor::process);
} // requester2 is destructed here
return app.exec();
#include "main.moc"
It is impossible to check is that pointer still valid. So, the only safe way here is to inform receiving part about deleting of that QObject (and in multithreading case: before accessing to object you need to check and block it to be sure, that the object will not be deleted in another thread right after check). The reason of it is simple:
Theoretically it is possible that after deleting of initial object, system will put another object in that memory (so pointer will look like valid).
Or it is possible that object will be deleted, but it's memory will not be overwritten by something else, so it still will look like valid (but it fact it will be invalid).
So, there are no any way to detect is that pointer valid, if you have only pointer. You need something more.
Also it is not safe to just send a signal about deleting of object in multithreading case (or to use QObject::destroyed as you suggested). Why? Because it is possible, that things happens in this order:
QObject send a message "a am going to be deleted",
QObject deleted,
your receiving code uses that pointer (and this is wrong and dangerous),
your receiving code receives message "a am going to be deleted" (too late).
So, in case of only one thread you need QPointer. Else you need something like QSharedPointer or QWeakPointer (both of them are thread-safe) - see answer of Kuba Ober.

Actor calculation model using boost::thread

I'm trying to implement Actor calculation model over threads on C++ using boost::thread.
But program throws weird exception during execution. Exception isn't stable and some times program works in correct way.
There my code:
class Actor {
typedef boost::function<int()> Job;
std::queue<Job> d_jobQueue;
boost::mutex d_jobQueueMutex;
boost::condition_variable d_hasJob;
boost::atomic<bool> d_keepWorkerRunning;
boost::thread d_worker;
void workerThread();
virtual ~Actor();
void execJobAsync(const Job& job);
int execJobSync(const Job& job);
namespace {
int executeJobSync(std::string *error,
boost::promise<int> *promise,
const Actor::Job *job)
int rc = (*job)();
return 0;
void Actor::workerThread()
while (d_keepWorkerRunning) try {
Job job;
boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> g(d_jobQueueMutex);
while (d_jobQueue.empty()) {
job = d_jobQueue.front();
catch (...) {
// Log error
void Actor::execJobAsync(const Job& job)
boost::mutex::scoped_lock g(d_jobQueueMutex);
int Actor::execJobSync(const Job& job)
std::string error;
boost::promise<int> promise;
boost::unique_future<int> future = promise.get_future();
boost::mutex::scoped_lock g(d_jobQueueMutex);
d_jobQueue.push(boost::bind(executeJobSync, &error, &promise, &job));
int rc = future.get();
if (rc) {
ErrorUtil::setLastError(rc, error.c_str());
return rc;
: d_keepWorkerRunning(true)
, d_worker(&Actor::workerThread, this)
d_keepWorkerRunning = false;
boost::mutex::scoped_lock g(d_jobQueueMutex);
Actually exception that is thrown is boost::thread_interrupted in int rc = future.get(); line. But form boost docs I can't reason of this exception. Docs says
Throws: - boost::thread_interrupted if the result associated with *this is not ready at the point of the call, and the current thread is interrupted.
But my worker thread can't be in interrupted state.
When I used gdb and set "catch throw" I see that back trace looks like
throw thread_interrupted
I looked into boost sources but can't get why interruption_checker decided that worker thread is interrupted.
So someone C++ guru, please help me. What I need to do to get correct code?
I'm using:
boost 1_53
Linux version 2.6.18-194.32.1.el5 Red Hat 4.1.2-48
gcc 4.7
Fixed it! Thanks to Evgeny Panasyuk and Lazin. The problem was in TLS
management. boost::thread and boost::thread_specific_ptr are using
same TLS storage for their purposes. In my case there was problem when
they both tried to change this storage on creation (Unfortunately I
didn't get why in details it happens). So TLS became corrupted.
I replaced boost::thread_specific_ptr from my code with __thread
specified variable.
Offtop: During debugging I found memory corruption in external library
and fixed it =)
I got the exact problem... It is a bug in GCC =)
The _GLIBCXX_DEBUG compilation flag breaks ABI.
You can see discussion on boost bugtracker:
I have found several bugs:
Actor::workerThread function does double unlock on d_jobQueueMutex. First unlock is manual d_jobQueueMutex.unlock();, second is in destructor of boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex>.
You should prevent one of unlocking, for example release association between unique_lock and mutex:
g.release(); // <------------ PATCH
Or add additional code block + default-constructed Job.
It is possible that workerThread will never leave following loop:
while (d_jobQueue.empty()) {
Imagine following case: d_jobQueue is empty, Actor::~Actor() is called, it sets flag and notifies worker thread:
d_keepWorkerRunning = false;
workerThread wakes up in while loop, sees that queue is empty and sleeps again.
It is common practice to send special final job to stop worker thread:
d_keepWorkerRunning = false;
return 0;
In this case, d_keepWorkerRunning is not required to be atomic.
LIVE DEMO on Coliru
I have added event queue code into your example.
You have concurrent queue in both EventQueueImpl and Actor, but for different types. It is possible to extract common part into separate entity concurrent_queue<T> which works for any type. It would be much easier to debug and test queue in one place than catching bugs scattered over different classes.
So, you can try to use this concurrent_queue<T>(on Coliru)
This is just a guess. I think that some code can actually call boost::tread::interrupt(). You can set breakpoint to this function and see what code is responsible for this. You can test for interruption in execJobSync:
int Actor::execJobSync(const Job& job)
if (boost::this_thread::interruption_requested())
std::cout << "Interruption requested!" << std::endl;
std::string error;
boost::promise<int> promise;
boost::unique_future<int> future = promise.get_future();
The most suspicious code in this case is a code that has reference to thread object.
It is good practice to make your boost::thread code interruption aware anyway. It is also possible to disable interruption for some scope.
If this is not the case - you need to check code that works with thread local storage, because thread interruption flag stored in the TLS. Maybe some your code rewrites it. You can check interruption before and after such code fragment.
Another possibility is that your memory is corrupt. If no code is calling boost::thread::interrupt() and you doesn't work with TLS. This is the most hard case, try to use some dynamic analyzer - valgrind or clang memory sanitizer.
You probably need to use some concurrent queue. std::queue will be very slow because of high memory contention and you will end up with poor cache performance. Good concurrent queue allow your code to enqueue and dequeue elements in parallel.
Also, actor is not something that supposed to execute arbitrary code. Actor queue must receive simple messages, not functions! Youre writing a job queue :) You need to take a look at some actor system like Akka or libcpa.

Cancelling a thread running a long operation

I'm trying to work out a design predicament I have.
ClassWithLongOperation Op1(10);
Op1.Run(); // Takes several minutes.
ClassWithLongOperation Op2(20);
SomeOtherClassWithLongOperation Op3;
// Do some other stuff
The GUI starts MyThread, which runs for a good 5-6 minutes. I want to be able to have a big fat Cancel button on my GUI, so the user can cancel the operation.
I could create a global boolean variable bCancelled, and check if its been set in RecursiveOperation, but I want to be a good C++ & OO programmer and avoid global variables. Especially if they would have to spread across multiple files.
So how would I (following good design) safely cancel MyThread? What could I change in my setup to allow this?
I'm also using _beginthreadex to start the thread, but I could use boost if it would allow for an easier solution.
Your flag not need to be global to your entire program, but it needs to be visible to your class code. Create the flag to be a private instance member and a public function to change it to false/true. In your recursive function, test its value to verify if the task should continue. When you want, set its value to false (through the function of course) to stop the recursive calls, i.e., when the user clicks the button you call the function in the desired instance. This way you will not break any OO principle, since you have a private flag and a public member function to safely change it.
Using a global variable is actually not the worst thing in the world. Having a proliferation of unnecessary global variables leads to maintenance nightmares, but it actually sounds like a quick and easy-to-understand solution here. But if you want a clean OO solution, this is certainly possible:
EDIT My original post overlooked the fact that you want to be able to run several operations in sequence, and if any of them is cancelled, none of the remaining operations are performed. This means it's more useful to keep the bool flag inside the canceller, instead of separately in each cancellable operation; and exceptions are the nicest way to handle the actual control flow. I've also tightened up a few things (added volatile for the flag itself, made names clearer, restricted unnecessary access rights).
// A thing that can cancel another thing by setting a bool to true.
class Canceller {
Canceller : cancelledFlag(false) {}
void RegisterCancellee(Cancellee const& c) {
void Cancel() {
cancelledFlag = true;
volatile bool cancelledFlag;
class CancelButton : public Canceller {
// Call Cancel() from on-click event handler
class Cancellation : public std::exception {
virtual const char* what() const throw() {
return "User cancelled operation";
// A thing that can be cancelled by something else.
class Cancellee {
friend class Canceller; // Give them access to RegisterCanceller()
Cancellee() : pCancelledFlag(0) {}
// Does nothing if unconnected
void CheckForCancellation() {
if (pCancelledFlag && *pCancelledFlag) throw Cancellation();
void RegisterCanceller(volatile bool& cancelledFlag) {
pCancelledFlag = &cancelledFlag;
volatile bool* pCancelledFlag;
class Op1 : public Cancellee { // (And similarly for Op2 and Op3)
// Poll CheckForCancellation() inside main working loop
CancelButton cancelButton("CANCEL!");
try {
ClassWithLongOperation Op1(10);
Op1.Run(); // Takes several minutes.
ClassWithLongOperation Op2(20);
SomeOtherClassWithLongOperation Op3;
} catch (Cancellation& c) {
// Maybe write to a log file
// Do some other stuff
The "double bouncing" registration allows the canceller to give access to a private flag variable.
The most important thing is to not use thread termination functions, except in very specialised cases. Why? They don't run destructors. Nor do they give the target thread any chance to "clean up".
Instead of using a global variable, add a method to ClassWithLongOperation and/or MyThread, something like cancelOperation() that will set an internal boolean variable. The appropriate class methods would then need to check the variable at appropriate moments.
You could implement a Stop() method for your ClassWithLongOperation and have the event handler for BigFatCancelButton to call this Stop() method for the current operation.
... Or add a Stop() method to the Thread class and make the work objects be aware of the threads they're running in. You may as well throw in a Stop() method for the work objects. Depending on what's more important: Stop the thread or the work object.

How can I protect a QThread function so it will not be called again until finished its previous work?

I'm using a QThread and inside its run method I have a timer invoking a function that performs some heavy actions that take some time. Usually more than the interval that triggers the timer (but not always).
What I need is to protect this method so it can be invoked only if it has completed its previous job.
Here is the code:
NotificationThread::NotificationThread(QObject *parent)
: QThread(parent),
void NotificationThread::fire()
if (!bWorking)
m_mutex.lock(); // <-- This is not protection the GetUpdateTime method from invoking over and over.
bWorking = true;
int size = groupsMarkedForUpdate.size();
if (MyApp::getInstance()->GetUpdateTime(batchVectorResult))
bWorking = false;
emit UpdateNotifications();
void NotificationThread::run()
m_NotificationTimer = new QTimer();
int interval = val.toInt();
// This method is invoked from the main class
void NotificationThread::Execute(const QStringList batchReqList)
m_batchReqList = batchReqList;
You could always have a thread that needs to run the method connected to an onDone signal that alerts all subscribers that it is complete. Then you should not run into the problems associated with double lock check and memory reordering. Maintain the run state in each thread.
I'm assuming you want to protect your thread from calls from another thread. Am I right? If yes, then..
This is what QMutex is for. QMutex gives you an interface to "lock" the thread until it is "unlocked", thus serializing access to the thread. You can choose to unlock the thread until it is done doing its work. But use it at your own risk. QMutex presents its own problems when used incorrectly. Refer to the documentation for more information on this.
But there are many more ways to solve your problem, like for example, #Beached suggests a simpler way to solve the problem; your instance of QThread would emit a signal if it's done. Or better yet, make a bool isDone inside your thread which would then be true if it's done, or false if it's not. If ever it's true then it's safe to call the method. But make sure you do not manipulate isDone outside the thread that owns it. I suggest you only manipulate isDone inside your QThread.
Here's the class documentation: link
LOL, I seriously misinterpreted your question. Sorry. It seems you've already done my second suggestion with bWorking.

Thread implemented as a Singleton

I have a commercial application made with C,C++/Qt on Linux platform. The app collects data from different sensors and displays them on GUI. Each of the protocol for interfacing with sensors is implemented using singleton pattern and threads from Qt QThreads class. All the protocols except one work fine. Each protocol's run function for thread has following structure:
void <ProtocolClassName>::run()
while(!mStop) //check whether screen is closed or not
//Code for receiving and processing incoming data
} //end while
Hierarchy of GUI.
1.Login screen.
2. Screen of action.
When a user logs in from login screen, we enter the action screen where all data is displayed and all the thread's for different sensors start. They wait on mStop variable in idle time and when data arrives they jump to receiving and processing data. Incoming data for the problem protocol is 117 bytes. In the main GUI threads there are timers which when timeout, grab the running instance of protocol using
<ProtocolName>::instance() function
Check the update variable of singleton class if its true and display the data. When the data display is done they reset the update variable in singleton class to false. The problematic protocol has the update time of 1 sec, which is also the frame rate of protocol. When I comment out the display function it runs fine. But when display is activated the application hangs consistently after 6-7 hours. I have asked this question on many forums but haven't received any worthwhile suggestions. I Hope that here I will get some help. Also, I have read a lot of literature on Singleton, multithreading, and found that people always discourage the use of singletons especially in C++. But in my application I can think of no other design for implementation.
Thanks in advance
A Hapless programmer
I think singleton is not really what you are looking for. Consider this:
You have (lets say) two sensors, each with its own protocol (frame rate, for our purpose).
Now create "server" classes for each sensor instead of an explicit singleton. This way you can hide the details of how your sensors work:
class SensorServer {
int lastValueSensed;
QThread sensorProtocolThread;
int getSensedValue() { return lastValueSensed; }
class Sensor1Server {
Sensor1Server() {
sensorProtocolThread = new Sensor1ProtocolThread(&lastValueSensed);
class Sensor1ProtocolThread : public QThread {
int* valueToUpdate;
const int TIMEOUT = 1000; // "framerate" of our sensor1
Sensor1ProtocolThread( int* vtu ) {
this->valueToUpdate = vtu;
void run() {
int valueFromSensor;
// get value from the sensor into 'valueFromSensor'
*valueToUpdate = valueFromSensor;
This way you can do away with having to implement a singleton.
Just a drive-by analysis but this doesn't smell right.
If the application is "consistently" hanging after 6-7 hours are you sure it isn't a resource (e.g. memory) leak? Is there anything different about the implementation of the problematic protocol from the rest of them? Have you run the app through a memory checker, etc.?
Not sure it's the cause of what you're seeing, but you have a big fat synchronization bug in your code:
void <ProtocolClassName>::run()
while(!mStop) //check whether screen is closed or not
return; // BUG: missing mutex.unlock()
//Code for receiving and processing incoming data
} //end while
void <ProtocolClassName>::run()
while(!mStop) //check whether screen is closed or not
const QMutexLocker locker( &mutex );
return; // OK now
//Code for receiving and processing incoming data
} //end while