How to automatically adjust string length in the A edit descriptor? - fortran

I'm trying to write a string filename in fortran using:
WRITE(FILENAME,'(A27,I3.3,A1,I3.3,A3)') NAME,MYPR,'_',IBL,'.nc'
where NAME is a string of variable lengths, and MYPR and IBL are integers.
I'm searching for a solution where I can dynamically write the format:
where A27 will change depending on the length of NAME. I've tried 'A' alone but this caused an error. I'm not sure of what is possible here as many texts do not even cover something similar issues.
Would appreciate some ideas.

The obvious solution would be to use the format string '(A,I3.3,A1,I3.3,A3)', i.e. using just A for the name and letting the compiler choose the correct length. This is working perfectly for me.
As #agentp suggested, you might see issues due to whitespaces in the string. This might be resolved by using trim(name) to get rid of trailing whitespace, or even trim(adjustl(name)) which removes both leading and trailing whitespace. This solution is given below in subroutine print1().
The other option would be to generate the format string dynamically - after all, that is just a string as well. This is quite cumbersome, and an overkill in your situation - see print2().
module test_mod
implicit none
subroutine print1(NAME,MYPR,IBL)
character(len=*),intent(in) :: NAME
integer,intent(in) :: MYPR,IBL
WRITE(*,'(A,I3.3,A1,I3.3,A3)') trim(adjustl(NAME)),MYPR,'_',IBL,'.nc'
end subroutine
subroutine print2(NAME,MYPR,IBL)
character(len=*),intent(in) :: NAME
integer,intent(in) :: MYPR,IBL
character(len=128) :: fmt
write(fmt,*) len_trim(adjustl(NAME))
fmt = '(A'//trim(adjustl(fmt))//',I3.3,A1,I3.3,A3)'
WRITE(*,fmt) trim(adjustl(NAME)),MYPR,'_',IBL,'.nc'
end subroutine
end module
program test
use test_mod
call print1(' Testfile ', 1, 2)
call print2(' Testfile ', 1, 2)
end program


Variable format statement when porting from Intel to GNU gfortran

Suppose I'm trying to write out a CSV file header that looks like this:
STRING1 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004,
And some variable-format Fortran90 code that does this is
WRITE(6,'(A,(999(5X,I4,",")))') ' STRING1',(y,y=X,Y)
The "999" repeats the (5X,I4,",") format structure as many times as it needs to (up to 999 times, at least) to complete. Assume X and Y are subject to change and therefore the number of loop iterations may also change.
But if I want the header to look like this, with an additional string on the end of the sequence, like
STRING1 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, STRING2
...I have tried adding another A toward the end of the format string, but that repeated variable format structure apparently doesn't know that it needs to "escape" when the integers are done with and so it errors out.
I can work around this by including 'ADVANCE="no"' in the format string and printing the second string using a new WRITE statement to get what I fundamentally want, but is there a way I can do this all with a single format structure?
[NOTE: no angle-bracket answers please; this is for GNU gfortran, which doesn't support that extension]
C'mon folks, get with the program!
This is standard Fortran 2008:
WRITE(6,'(A,*(5X,G0,:,","))') ' STRING1',(y,y=X,Y), ' STRING2'
I am fairly sure that gfortran supports the "indefinite group repeat count". G format was extended in Fortran 2008 to support any intrinsic data type, and a width of zero means "minimum number of characters." The colon is a F77 feature that stops the trailing comma from being emitted.
With this, ifort gives me:
STRING1 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, STRING2
FWIW, I am not happy with your reuse of y as the loop control variable, since this is NOT a statement entity and will get set to 2005 at the end of the loop. Use a separate variable, please!
program test
character(len=20) :: N_number
integer :: X,Y
write(N_number,*) Y-X+1
write(6,'(A,('//TRIM(N_number)//'(5X,I4,","))A)') ' STRING1',(y,y=X,Y),' STRING2'
end program test
It's a shame that the variable-format extension isn't standard. Since it isn't, most people recommend the approach shown by #anonymous. That is, instead of using <N>, you first convert the integer into a string using an internal-write statement. This string representation of N is then inserted within the format expression to be used in the write or print statements.1
Alternatively, you could convert the numerical values from the array into a string.2 It's also pretty straightforward. In the example below, I've shown both of these approaches.
program writeheader
implicit none
character(len=80) :: string1, string2, string3, fmt, num
integer, dimension(10) :: array
integer :: x,y,len
string1 = "begin"
string3 = "end"
array = [1:10]
x = 3
y = 7
!! Method 1: Convert the variable number of values into a string, then use it
!! to create the format expression needed to write the line.
write(num, "(i)") y - x + 1
fmt = "(a,', ',(" // trim(adjustl(num)) // "(i0:', ')), a)"
print fmt, trim(string1), array(x:y), trim(string3)
!! Method 2: Convert the desired range of array values into a character string.
!! Then concat, and write the entire line as a string.
write(string2, "(*(', ',i0))" ) array(x:y)
len = len_trim(string2) + 1
print "(a)", trim(string1) // string2(1:len) // trim(string3)
end program writeheader
In either case shown in the example, the output looks like: begin, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, end
1 If I can find it, I'll add a link to a nice solution here on SO that created a function to generate the format expression.
2 I've used the array bounds directly here, as an alternative to implied do-loops.

Write to file using an implicit do loop

I need a help about implicit do loop in Fortran.
This is my simple code:
Program Simple
Implicit none
Read(1,'(M(f3.1,1x))') ((Pot(i,j),j=1,M),i=1,N)
Write(2,'(M(i0,1x,i0,1x,f3.1,1x))') ((i,j,Pot(i,j),j=1,M),i=1,N)
End program Simple
This is the file First.txt:
1.1 1.2 1.3
2.1 2.2 2.3
When I try to execute this program I got a this message:
Unexpected element 'N' in format string
Unexpected element 'M' in format string
I want to keep the name of integer variables N and M in write statement.
Is there any way to also keep their values from declaration part?
You are using M and N in the string (as characters), not as variables. In order to use the variables you need to write their values into the format string:
character(len=128) :: fmtString
write(fmtString,*) M
fmtString = '('//trim(adjustl(fmtString))//'(f3.1,1x))'
Read(1,fmtString) ((Pot(i,j),j=1,M),i=1,N)
And similarly for the write statement.
However, you can probably use list-directed input (Read(1,*)) for the input, and let Fortran figure out the exact format.
Instead of this string manipulation you can use (*(f3.1,1x)) in modern compilers, or if you have an old one just specify a very large number, e.g. (99999(f3.1,1x)). In both cases, the correct number of values will be printed. However, this will result into writing all m*n values in one single line [thanks #agentp for pointing this out].

Doxygen recognize parameters with linebreak

I'm trying to document my Fortran 77+90 extensions files. In general, everything works fine, except for one thing. Some of my subroutines have a little longer parameter list. Because of that, they are written with linebreak to add inline comments, as you can see below:
subroutine example (
& a, ! fist parameter
& b, ! second parameter
& c, ! third parameter
& ...
& z) ! 26th parameter
<doing some stuff here...>
However, when I run doxygen, it doesn’t recognize these parameter, which results in an empty parameter list inside my html document. It just says:
subroutine example ( )
Of course I can add the parameters using #param, but they don’t show up in the initial description.
Is there a hidden option/command in doxygen to get my desired output? I want something like this in my documentation:
subroutine example ( integer a
double precision b
integer z )
This can be created when i put all my parameters inline like this:
subroutine example (a,b,c,...,z)
<doing some stuff here...>
Unfortunately, the requested fixed format of Fortran doesn’t let me use this. Can someone help me with that?
EDIT: This is what happens with linebreaks in the subroutine parameterlist!
To elaborate on albert's comment, you can document your subroutine for example like this:
!> Get a globally defined function.
subroutine aot_fun_global(L, fun, key)
type(flu_state) :: L !< Handle for the Lua script.
!> Returned handle, providing access to the function.
type(aot_fun_type), intent(out) :: fun
!> Name of the function to look up in the global scope of the Lua script.
character(len=*), intent(in) :: key
And the doxygen html for it.

How to remove leading space when printing with write?

Suppose I have the following code
program fortran
open(900, FILE='SOMETHING')
write(900, *) '21'
end program fortran
The file form will be
that is, there is a space before the number. How to get rid of that space?
You can write it as a string:
PROGRAM fortran
WRITE(900,'(a)') '21'
To respond to the comment:
The more explicit way of doing that would be to write the number into a string (you could also use list-directed I/O for this step), remove whitespaces from the string trim and finally output the left-adjusted adjustl:
program test
character(len=23) :: str
write(str,'(ES23.15 E3)') 1.23d0
write(*,'(a)') adjustl(trim(str))
write(str,'(ES14.7 E2)') 0.12e0
write(*,'(a)') adjustl(trim(str))
end program
> ./a.out
This solution is probably more complicated then necessary, but it is a very flexible approach that can be extended easily for arbitrary purposes and formats.
In list-directed format (the * in write(unit,*)) the compiler typically inserts a leading space. The first column used to be used to control line printers but that is now deleted from Fortran.
You can use any explicit format you want to get rid of the leading space. For example the general g0 one or the string specific a or the integer-specific i.

Fortran; looping over file names with common attributes

I'm fairly new to Fortran and I am having trouble with my file names, I have a bunch of data in simuln#.res (where 1<#<20), I have multiple different directories with all the same simuln#.res names but they had different input parameters. The code looks like this:
character(len=11) :: theFileA
character(len=12) :: theFileB
character(len=:), allocatable :: fileplace
write(*,*) "the directory with the data sets, use quotations"
read(*,*) fileplace
fileLoop : do j=1,20
if (j .lt. 10) then
write(theFileA, '("simuln", I1,".res")' ) j
open(newunit= iin,file = fileplace//theFileA,status='old')
write(theFileB, '("simuln",I2,".res")') j
open(newunit= iin,file = fileplace//theFileB,status='old')
end if
does some stuff with the file
end do fileLoop
The code compiles with a gfortran compiler on my mac, but when I put in my path to the directory with the files, it gives the error simuln1.res does not exist (which it absolutely does, triple checked). I have tried changing the edit descriptor (and making real(j)), but I still get the same thing.
Can anyone help me?
You have fileplace of deferred length ((len=:)), but you appear to not allocate it before attempting the read.
That is, read(*,*) fileplace doesn't, under the F2003 rules of automatic allocation, allocate fileplace to the correct length and assign. That means that later on fileplace could well be being treated as a zero-length character variable ('') in the file to be opened.
To check this hypothesis, try print *, fileplace//theFileA. This could be supported by the fact that the error message refers to just the trailing part of the file's name.
If this is the case, then use a "large" variable. You say 90 characters is as long as you need, so:
character(len=90) :: fileplace ! Adjust length as desired
read(*,*) fileplace
open (newunit=iin, file=TRIM(fileplace)//theFileA, status='old')
Ensure you append the file's name to the trimmed directory name to avoid having spaces between the two parts.
[As a side note, you appear to not need theFileA and theFileB; just use the latter, considering that trailing blanks are ignored. And you may well want to force a trailing '/' on fileplace.]