panic: Error while trying to create dir if missing: mkdir /var/hyperledger: permission denied - blockchain

I'm following this guide
after the make native command, I execute the next command ./orderer but I received the following error:
panic: Error while trying to create dir if missing: mkdir /var/hyperledger: permission denied
shell log:
2017-07-06 14:50:11.556 CEST [orderer/main] main -> INFO 001 Starting orderer:
Version: 1.0.0-rc2-snapshot-a0afe19a
Go version: go1.8.3
OS/Arch: linux/amd64
panic: Error while trying to create dir if missing: mkdir /var/hyperledger: permission denied
goroutine 1 [running]:*DB).Open(0xc42034b480)
/home/user/work/src/ +0x315, 0xc4203583c0)
/home/user/work/src/ +0x11b, 0xc420355dc0, 0xc4203583a0, 0xc420167c50)
/home/user/work/src/ +0x85, 0x23, 0x2, 0x2)
/home/user/work/src/ +0xf7
main.createLedgerFactory(0xc4201c06c0, 0x870ad0, 0xc4200ec8c0, 0xc42033e6c0, 0x0)
/home/user/work/src/ +0x2c3
main.initializeMultiChainManager(0xc4201c06c0, 0x11a18a0, 0x11f2e40, 0xc4201d45d0, 0x1)
/home/user/work/src/ +0x43
/home/user/work/src/ +0x37f

sudo mkdir -p /var/hyperledger/production
sudo chown -R $(whoami):$(whoami) /var/hyperledger

You could change the fileSystemPath in core.yaml from "/var/hyperledger/production" to a place that does not need a sudo permission. Such as "/tmp/hyperledger/production"


How to config supervisor with Django channels and server daphne

I have a problem with my configuration supervisor, my file is in etc/supervisor/conf.d/realtimecolonybit.conf,
When I try command supervisorctl reread, show me the "No config updates to processes" and when I try the other command like this
supervisorctl status realtimecolonybit
Shows me this error
realtimecolonybit FATAL can't find command '/home/ubuntu/realtimecolonybit/bin/;'
And when try the supervisorctl start realtimecolonybit
show me this error
realtimecolonybit: ERROR (no such file)
My configuration in my file realtimecolonybit.conf is below
command = /home/ubuntu/realtimecolonybit/bin/;
user = root
stdout_logfile = /home/ubuntu/realtimecolonybit/logs/realtimecolonybit.log;
redirect_strderr = true;
My configuration from my file is below
echo "Starting $NAME as `whoami`"
source /home/ubuntu/realtimecolonybit/bin/activate
# workon realtimecolonybit
test -d $RUNDIR || mkdir -p $RUNDIR
exec daphne -b -p 8001 colonybit.asgi:application
When I run without supervisor like this
(realtimecolonybit)realtimecolonybit/#/ ./bin/
it's run ok and working well, but sometimes down the server
I try to run a Django 1.11 and django_channel with supervisor my app is in aws.
I solve my problem, the error was in file .conf, I remove ; and remove the .sh, change the to start
wrong command
command = /home/ubuntu/realtimecolonybit/bin/;
correct command
command = /home/ubuntu/realtimecolonybit/bin/start

Saltstack fails when creating minions from a map file on DigitalOcean

I can't create a minion from the map file, no idea what's happened. A month ago my script was working correctly, right now it fails. I was trying to do some research about it but I could't find anything about it. Could someone have a look on my DEBUG log? The minion is created on DigitalOcean but the master server can't connect to it at all.
so I run:
salt-cloud -P -m /etc/salt/cloud.maps.d/ -l debug
The master is running on Ubuntu 16.04.1 x64, the minion also.
I use the latest saltstack's library:
echo "deb xenial main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/saltstack.list
I tested both 2016.3.2 and 2016.3.3, what is interesting, the same script was working correctly 4 weeks ago, I assume something had to change.
Writing /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/salt-2016.3.3.egg-info
* INFO: Running install_ubuntu_git_post()
Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/ to /lib/systemd/system/salt-minion.service.
* INFO: Running install_ubuntu_check_services()
* INFO: Running install_ubuntu_restart_daemons()
Job for salt-minion.service failed because a configured resource limit was exceeded. See "systemctl status salt-minion.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.
start: Unable to connect to Upstart: Failed to connect to socket /com/ubuntu/upstart: Connection refused
* ERROR: No init.d support for salt-minion was found
* ERROR: Fai
[DEBUG ] led to run install_ubuntu_restart_daemons()!!!
[ERROR ] Failed to deploy 'minion-zk-0'. Error: Command 'ssh -t -t -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -oControlPath=none -oPasswordAuthentication=no -oChallengeResponseAuthentication=no -oPubkeyAuthentication=yes -oIdentitiesOnly=yes -oKbdInteractiveAuthentication=no -i /etc/salt/keys/cloud/do.pem -p 22 root#REMOVED_IP '/tmp/.saltcloud-5d18c002-e817-46d5-9fb2-d3bdb2dfe7fd/ -c '"'"'/tmp/.saltcloud-5d18c002-e817-46d5-9fb2-d3bdb2dfe7fd'"'"' -P git v2016.3.3'' failed. Exit code: 1
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/salt/cloud/", line 2293, in create_multiprocessing
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/salt/cloud/", line 1281, in create
output = self.clouds[func](vm_)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/salt/cloud/clouds/", line 481, in create
ret = __utils__['cloud.bootstrap'](vm_, __opts__)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/salt/utils/", line 527, in bootstrap
deployed = deploy_script(**deploy_kwargs)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/salt/utils/", line 1516, in deploy_script
if root_cmd(deploy_command, tty, sudo, **ssh_kwargs) != 0:
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/salt/utils/", line 2167, in root_cmd
retcode = _exec_ssh_cmd(cmd, allow_failure=allow_failure, **kwargs)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/salt/utils/", line 1784, in _exec_ssh_cmd
cmd, proc.exitstatus
SaltCloudSystemExit: Command 'ssh -t -t -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -oControlPath=none -oPasswordAuthentication=no -oChallengeResponseAuthentication=no -oPubkeyAuthentication=yes -oIdentitiesOnly=yes -oKbdInteractiveAuthentication=no -i /etc/salt/keys/cloud/do.pem -p 22 root#REMOVED_ID '/tmp/.saltcloud-5d18c002-e817-46d5-9fb2-d3bdb2dfe7fd/ -c '"'"'/tmp/.saltcloud-5d18c002-e817-46d5-9fb2-d3bdb2dfe7fd'"'"' -P git v2016.3.3'' failed. Exit code: 1
[DEBUG ] LazyLoaded nested.output
Command 'ssh -t -t -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -oControlPath=none -oPasswordAuthentication=no -oChallengeResponseAuthentication=no -oPubkeyAuthentication=yes -oIdentitiesOnly=yes -oKbdInteractiveAuthentication=no -i /etc/salt/keys/cloud/do.pem -p 22 root#REMOVED_IP '/tmp/.saltcloud-5d18c002-e817-46d5-9fb2-d3bdb2dfe7fd/ -c '"'"'/tmp/.saltcloud-5d18c002-e817-46d5-9fb2-d3bdb2dfe7fd'"'"' -P git v2016.3.3'' failed. Exit code: 1
root#master-zk:/etc/salt/cloud.maps.d# salt '*'
Minion did not return. [No response]
It is located in your cloud configuration somewhere in /etc/salt/cloud.profiles.d/, /etc/salt/cloud.providers.d/ or /etc/salt/cloud.d/. Just figure out where and change the value salt to your masters ip.
I currently do this in my providers setting like that:
driver: vmware
user: 'foo'
password: 'secret'
url: 'some url'
protocol: 'https'
port: 443

Permission denied # rb_sysopen - log/application.log (Errno::EACCES)

Hi I am using docker to deploy my rails app using phusion/passenger image. Here is my Dockerfile:
FROM phusion/passenger-ruby22:0.9.19
# set correct environment variables
ENV HOME /root
ENV RAILS_ENV production
# Use baseimage-docker's init system.
CMD ["/sbin/my_init"]
# Expose Nginx HTTP service
# Start Nginx / Passenger
RUN rm -f /etc/service/nginx/down
# Remove the default site
RUN rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default
# Add the nginx site and config
ADD nginx.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/nginx.conf
ADD rails-env.conf /etc/nginx/main.d/rails-env.conf
# Let ensure these packages are already installed
# otherwise install them anyways
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y build-essential \
nodejs \
# bundle gem and cache them
ADD Gemfile /tmp/
ADD Gemfile.lock /tmp/
RUN gem install bundler
RUN bundle install
# Add rails app
ADD . /home/app/webapp
WORKDIR /home/app/webapp
RUN touch log/delayed_job.log log/production.log log/
RUN chown -R app:app /home/app/webapp
RUN RAILS_ENV=production rake assets:precompile
# Clean up APT and bundler when done.
RUN apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/* /var/tmp/*
I am getting permission issue for tmp and log files.
web_1 | [ 2016-07-19 08:45:12.6653 31/7ff812726700 age/Cor/App/Implementation.cpp:304 ]: Could not spawn process for application /home/app/webapp: An error occurred while starting up the preloader.
web_1 | Error ID: 42930e85
web_1 | Error details saved to: /tmp/passenger-error-9DeJ86.html
web_1 | Message from application: Permission denied # rb_sysopen - log/logentries.log (Errno::EACCES)
web_1 | /usr/lib/ruby/2.2.0/logger.rb:628:in `initialize'
web_1 | /usr/lib/ruby/2.2.0/logger.rb:628:in `open'
web_1 | /usr/lib/ruby/2.2.0/logger.rb:628:in `open_logfile'
web_1 | /usr/lib/ruby/2.2.0/logger.rb:584:in `initialize'
web_1 | /usr/lib/ruby/2.2.0/logger.rb:318:in `new'
web_1 | /usr/lib/ruby/2.2.0/logger.rb:318:in `initialize'
web_1 | /var/lib/gems/2.2.0/gems/le-2.7.2/lib/le/host/http.rb:37:in `new'
web_1 | /var/lib/gems/2.2.0/gems/le-2.7.2/lib/le/host/http.rb:37:in `initialize'
I tried to give chmod -R 665/775/777 log/ and still didn't fixed the problem.
Rearrange your line RUN RAILS_ENV=production rake assets:precompile first then RUN chown -R app:app /home/app/webapp(after your rake task) So, It should be something like this:
RUN RAILS_ENV=production rake assets:precompile
RUN chown -R app:app /home/app/webapp

Command cron_01_set_leader output: bash: /usr/local/bin/bundle: No such file or directory

After installing/configuring whenever-elasticbeanstalk gem, I'm seeing the following error in /var/log/cfn-init.log on my EC2 instance after running git aws.push from my local repo.
Iam using aws elastic benastalk with rails 4.
2014-10-21 08:08:37,602 [DEBUG] Running test for command cron_01_set_leader
2014-10-21 08:08:37,744 [DEBUG] Test command output:
2014-10-21 08:08:37,745 [DEBUG] Test for command cron_01_set_leader passed
2014-10-21 08:08:38,085 [ERROR] Command cron_01_set_leader (su -c "/usr/local/bin/bundle exec create_cron_leader --no-update" $EB_CONFIG_APP_USER) failed
2014-10-21 08:08:38,086 [DEBUG] Command cron_01_set_leader output: bash: /usr/local/bin/bundle: No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
I have added the whenever-elasticbeanstalk
Below is my cron.config file content..
Any idea ...what am i doing wrong?
# Reload the on deployment
mode: "00700"
owner: root
group: root
content: |
#!/usr/bin/env bash
. /opt/elasticbeanstalk/containerfiles/envvars
su -c "/usr/local/bin/bundle exec setup_cron" $EB_CONFIG_APP_USER
# Add Bundle to the PATH
mode: "000755"
owner: root
group: root
content: |
#!/usr/bin/env bash
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin
encoding: plain
test: test ! -f /opt/elasticbeanstalk/containerfiles/.cron-setup-complete
leader_only: true
cwd: /var/app/ondeck
command: su -c "/usr/local/bin/bundle exec create_cron_leader --no-update" $EB_CONFIG_APP_USER
cwd: /opt/elasticbeanstalk/containerfiles
command: touch .cron-setup-complete
Which solution stack are you using? Can you give the exact name, something like "64bit Amazon Linux 2014.03 v1.0.9 running Ruby 2.1 (Puma)".
I think you will need to replace "/usr/local/bin/bundle" with the actual version of bundle that is used for the solution stack.
Can you just try using "bundle" instaed of "/usr/local/bin/bundle"?

knife bootstrap returning error

knife bootstrap --sudo -x chef -P chef -N server --run-list 'role[inicial]'
My recipes/default.rb:
script "teste de script" do
interpreter "bash"
cwd "/home/ubuntu"
code <<-EOH
as-create-launch-config LcTiagoN --image-id ami-0521316c --instance-type t1.micro --key tiagov
My roles/inicial.rb:
name "inicial"
run_list "recipe[my_cookbook]"
The following error occurs below:
Expected process to exit with [0], but
received '127'
---- Begin output of "bash" "/tmp/che
f-script20140501-8463-12uvvvl" ----
STDERR: /tmp/chef-script20140501-8463-
12uvvvl: line 1: as-create-launch-config: command not found
---- End output of "bash" "/tmp/chef-
script20140501-8463-12uvvvl" ----
However when I run the same command (as-create-launch-config LcTiagoN --image-id ami-0521316c --instance-type t1.micro --key tiagov) directly logged in the Amazon instance, the command is executed successfully.
Any suggestions?
Sounds like a problem with the PATH environment. Did you login as "chef" when running the as-create-launch-config command manually?
Best advice I can offer is to include the full path to the command in the bash script. For example:
script "teste de script" do
code <<-EOH
/path/to/this/cmd/as-create-launch-config ...