Timer callback with low precision in microsecond with thread and lock in c++ - c++

I wrote a timercallback class that don't have enough speed in running.
class Manager
void CallFunction(Function<Treturn>* m_function)
if (m_Status == TimerStatus::Paused)
unique_lock<mutex> lock(m_MutexLock);
while (m_Status != TimerStatus::Stoped&&m_Status != TimerStatus::Paused)
unique_lock<mutex> lock(m_MutexLock);
m_Notifier.wait_for(lock, m_Interval);
} while (m_Status == TimerStatus::Paused);
But when set time of timercallback to call function every 1ms don't call and take more for example 10 ms. I need help for improve code to call callback function (event function of this timer) in 1 ms and run in one thread with lock. How can I do this? sample of use this class:
Manager tester;
TimerCallback<microseconds> m_timer(chrono::microseconds(10),Core::Utility::ptr_fun(&tester,&Manager::runner));


Handle mutex lock in callback c++

I've got a Timer class that can run with both an initial time and an interval. There's an internal function internalQuit performs thread.join() before a thread is started again on the resetCallback. The thing is that each public function has it's own std::lock_guard on the mutex to prevent the data of being written. I'm now running into an issue that when using the callback to for example stop the timer in the callback, the mutex cannot be locked by stop(). I'm hoping to get some help on how to tackle this issue.
class Timer
Timer(string_view identifier, Function &&timeoutHandler, Duration initTime, Duration intervalTime);
void start()
void stop() // for example
std::lock_guard lock{mutex};
running = false;
void setInitTime()
void setIntervalTime()
void resetCallback(Function &&timeoutHandler)
std::lock_guard lock{mutex};
quit = false;
internalQuit() // performs thread join
std::lock_guard lock {mutex};
quit = true;
running = false;
mainLoop(Function &&timeoutHandler)
std::unique_lock lock{mutex};
// wait for running with sleepCv.wait()
// handle initTimer with sleepCv.wait_until()
timeoutHandler(); // callback
// handle intervalTimer with sleepCv.wait_until()
timeoutHandler(); // callback
startTimerThread(Function &&timeoutHandler)
thread = std::thread([&, timeoutHandler = std::forward<Function>(timeoutHandler)](){
std::thread thread{};
std::mutex mutex{};
std::condition_variable sleepCv{}
// initTime, intervalTime and some booleans for updating with sleepCv.notify_all();
For testing this, I have the following testcase in Gtest. I'm expecting the timer to stop in the callback. Unfortunately, the timer will hang on acquiring the mutex lock in the stop() function.
std::atomic<int> callbackCounter;
void timerCallback()
callbackCounter.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_acq_rel);
TEST(timerTest, timerShouldStopWhenStoppedInNewCallback)
std::atomic<int> testCounter{0};
Timer<std::chrono::steady_clock > t{"timerstop", &timerCallback, std::chrono::milliseconds(0), std::chrono::milliseconds(100)};
testCounter += 1;
ASSERT_EQ(testCounter.load(), 1); // trigger due to original interval timeout
ASSERT_EQ(testCounter.load(), 1); // no trigger, because stopped in new callback
Removing all the mutexes in each of the public fucntions, fixes the issue. But that could lead to possible race conditions for data being written to variables. Hence each function has a lock before writing to f.e. the booleans.
I've tried looking into the std::move functionality to move the thread during the resetCallback into a different variable and then call join on that one. I'm also investigating recursive_mutex but have no experience with using that.
void resetCallback(Function &&timeoutHandler)
std::lock_guard lock{mutex};
quit = false;
auto prevThread = std::thread(std::move(this->thread));
// didn't know how to continue from here, requiring more selfstudy.
It's a new subject for me, have worked with mutexes and timers before but with relatively simple stuff.
Thank you in advance.

Incorrect Interval Timer for a CallBack function in C++

I find on the web this class to implement a callback function that asynchronously do some work while I'm on the Main thread. This is the class:
#include "callbacktimer.h"
CallBackTimer::~CallBackTimer() {
if( _execute.load(std::memory_order_acquire) ) {
void CallBackTimer::stop()
_execute.store(false, std::memory_order_release);
if( _thd.joinable() )
void CallBackTimer::start(int interval, std::function<void(void)> func)
if( _execute.load(std::memory_order_acquire) ) {
_execute.store(true, std::memory_order_release);
_thd = std::thread([this, interval, func]()
while (_execute.load(std::memory_order_acquire)) {
bool CallBackTimer::is_running() const noexcept {
return ( _execute.load(std::memory_order_acquire) &&
_thd.joinable() );
The problem here is that if I put a job to be done every millisecond I don't know why but it is repeated every 64 milliseconds and not every 1 millisecond, this snippet get an idea:
#include "callbacktimer.h"
int main()
CallBackTimer cBT;
int i = 0;
cBT.start(1, [&]()-> void {
std::cout << i << std::endl;
return 0;
Here I should see on the Standard Output: 1000, 2000, 3000, and so on. But it doesn't...
It's quite hard to do something on a PC in a 1ms interval. Thread scheduling happens at 1/64s, which is ~16ms.
When you try to sleep for 1 ms, it will likely sleep for 1/64s instead, given that no other thread is scheduled to run. As your main thread sleeps for one second, your callback timer may run up to 64 times during that interval.
See also How often per second does Windows do a thread switch?
You can try multimedia timers which may go down to 1 millisecond.
I'm trying to implement a chronometer in qt which should show also the microsecondo
Well, you can show microseconds, I guess. But your function won't run every microsecond.

Best way to optimize timer queue with concurrent_priority_queue C++

I'm working on timer queue using concurrent_priority_queue right now..
I implemented basic logic of executing most urgent event in this queue.
Here's my code.
TimerEvent ev{};
while (timer.mLoop)
while (timer.mQueue.empty() == false)
if (timer.mQueue.try_pop(ev) == false)
if (ev.Type == EVENT_TYPE::PHYSICS) // Physics event is around 15 ~ 17ms
auto now = Clock::now();
std::this_thread::sleep_for(ev.StartTime - now);
else if (ev.Type == EVENT_TYPE::INVINCIBLE) // This event is 3sec long.
auto now = Clock::now();
std::this_thread::sleep_for(ev.StartTime - now); // This is wrong!!
The problem would be easily solved if there is like front/top method in concurrent_priority_queue.
But there is no such method in class because it isn't thread-safe.
So, I just popped event out of the queue and waited until start time of the event.
In this way, I shouldn't have to insert event into queue again.
But problem is that if I have another type of event like EVENT_TYPE::INVINCIBLE, then I shouldn't just use sleep_for because this event is almost 3 second long. While waiting for 3 second, the PHYSICS event will not executed in time.
I can use sleep_for method for PHYSIC event since it is most shortest one to wait.
But I have to re-insert INVINCIBLE event into queue.
How can I optimize this timer without re-insert event into queue again?
How can I optimize this timer without re-insert event into queue again?
By the looks of it, that'll be hard when using the implementation of concurrent_priority_queue you are currently using. It wouldn't be hard if you just used the standard std::priority_queue and added some locking where needed though.
#include <atomic>
#include <chrono>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <mutex>
#include <queue>
using Clock = std::chrono::steady_clock;
using time_point = std::chrono::time_point<Clock>;
struct TimerEvent {
void operator()() { m_event(); }
bool operator<(const TimerEvent& rhs) const {
return rhs.StartTime < StartTime;
time_point StartTime;
std::function<void()> m_event; // what to execute when the timer is due
class TimerQueue {
~TimerQueue() { shutdown(); }
void shutdown() {
m_shutdown = true;
// add a new TimerEvent to the queue
template<class... Args>
void emplace(Args&&... args) {
std::scoped_lock lock(m_mutex);
// Wait until it's time to fire the event that is first in the queue
// which may change while we are waiting, but that'll work too.
bool wait_pop(TimerEvent& ev) {
std::unique_lock lock(m_mutex);
while(!m_shutdown &&
(m_queue.empty() || Clock::now() < m_queue.top().StartTime))
if(m_queue.empty()) { // wait "forever"
} else { // wait until first StartTime
auto st = m_queue.top().StartTime;
m_cv.wait_until(lock, st);
if(m_shutdown) return false; // time to quit
ev = std::move(m_queue.top()); // extract event
return true;
std::priority_queue<TimerEvent> m_queue;
mutable std::mutex m_mutex;
std::condition_variable m_cv;
std::atomic<bool> m_shutdown{};
If an event that is due before the event we're currently waiting for in wait_pop comes in, the m_cv.wait/m_cv.wait_until will unblock (because of the m_cv.notify_all() in emplace()) and that new element will be the first in queue.
The event loop could simply be:
void event_loop(TimerQueue& tq) {
TimerEvent te;
while(tq.wait_pop(te)) {
te(); // execute event
// the queue was shutdown, exit thread
And you could put any kind of invocable with the time point when you'd like it to fire in that queue.
#include <thread>
int main() {
TimerQueue tq;
// create a thread to run the event loop
auto ev_th = std::thread(event_loop, std::ref(tq));
// wait a second
// add an event in 5 seconds
tq.emplace(Clock::now() + std::chrono::seconds(5), [] {
std::cout << "second\n";
// wait a second
// add an event in 2 seconds
tq.emplace(Clock::now() + std::chrono::seconds(2), [] {
std::cout << "first\n";
// sleep some time
// shutdown, only the event printing "first" will have fired
Demo with logging

C++ Lock a mutex as if from another thread?

I'm writing an Audio class that holds an std::thread for refilling some buffers asynchronously. Say we call the main thread A and the background (class member) thread B. I'm using an std::mutex to block thread B whenever the sound is not playing, that way it doesn't run in the background when unnecessary and doesn't use excess CPU power. The mutex locked by thread A by default, so thread B is blocked, then when it's time to play the sound thread A unlocks the mutex and thread B runs (by locking then immediately unlocking it) in a loop.
The issue comes up when thread B sees that it's reached the end of the file. It can stop playback and clean up buffers and such, but it can't stop its own loop because thread B can't lock the mutex from thread A.
Here's the relevant code outline:
class Audio {
// ...
std::thread Thread;
std::mutex PauseMutex; // mutex that blocks Thread, locked in constructor
void ThreadFunc(); // assigned to Thread in constructor
// ...
void Play();
void Stop();
void Audio::ThreadFunc() {
// ... (include initial check of mutex here)
while (!this->EndThread) { // Thread-safe flag, only set when Audio is destructed
// ... Check and refill buffers as necessary, etc ...
if (EOF)
// Attempt a lock, blocks thread if sound/music is not playing
void Audio::Play() {
// ...
PauseMutex.unlock(); // unlock mutex so loop in ThreadFunc can start
void Audio::Stop() {
// ...
PauseMutex.lock(); // locks mutex to stop loop in ThreadFunc
// ^^ This is the issue here
In the above setup, when the background thread sees that it's reached EOF, it would call the class's Stop() function, which supposedly locks the mutex to stop the background thread. This doesn't work because the mutex would have to be locked by the main thread, not the background thread (in this example, it crashes in ThreadFunc because the background thread attempts a lock in its main loop after already locking in Stop()).
At this point the only thing I could think of would be to somehow have the background thread lock the mutex as if it was the main thread, giving the main thread ownership of the mutex... if that's even possible? Is there a way for a thread to transfer ownership of a mutex to another thread? Or is this a design flaw in the setup I've created? (If the latter, are there any rational workarounds?) Everything else in the class so far works just as designed.
I'm not going to even pretend to understand how your code is trying to do what it is doing. There is one thing, however, that is evident. You're trying to use a mutex for conveying some predicate state change, which is the wrong vehicle to drive on that freeway.
Predicate state change is handled by coupling three things:
Some predicate datum
A mutex to protect the predicate
A condition variable to convey possible change in predicate state.
The Goal
The goal in the below example is to demonstrate how a mutex, a condition variable, and predicate data are used in concert when controlling program flow across multiple threads. It shows examples of using both wait and wait_for condition variable functionality, as well as one way to run a member function as a thread proc.
Following is a simple Player class toggles between four possible states:
Stopped : The player is not playing, nor paused, nor quitting.
Playing : The player is playing
Paused : The player is paused, and will continue from whence it left off once it resumes Playing.
Quit : The player should stop what it is doing and terminate.
The predicate data is fairly obvious. the state member. It must be protected, which means it cannot be changed nor checked unless under the protection of the mutex. I've added to this a counter that simply increments during the course of maintaining the Playing state for some period of time. more specifically:
While Playing, each 200ms the counter increments, then dumps some data to the console.
While Paused, counter is not changed, but retains its last value while Playing. This means when resumed it will continue from where it left off.
When Stopped, the counter is reset to zero and a newline is injected into the console output. This means switching back to Playing will start the counter sequence all over again.
Setting the Quit state has no effect on counter, it will be going away along with everything else.
The Code
#include <iostream>
#include <mutex>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <thread>
#include <unistd.h>
using namespace std::chrono_literals;
struct Player
std::mutex mtx;
std::condition_variable cv;
std::thread thr;
enum State
State state;
int counter;
void signal_state(State st)
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mtx);
if (st != state)
state = st;
// main player monitor
void monitor()
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mtx);
bool bQuit = false;
while (!bQuit)
switch (state)
case Playing:
std::cout << ++counter << '.';
cv.wait_for(lock, 200ms, [this](){ return state != Playing; });
case Stopped:
cv.wait(lock, [this]() { return state != Stopped; });
std::cout << '\n';
counter = 0;
case Paused:
cv.wait(lock, [this]() { return state != Paused; });
case Quit:
bQuit = true;
: state(Stopped)
, counter(0)
thr = std::thread(std::bind(&Player::monitor, this));
void stop() { signal_state(Stopped); }
void play() { signal_state(Playing); }
void pause() { signal_state(Paused); }
void quit() { signal_state(Quit); }
int main()
Player player;
I can't really demonstrate this. You'll have to run it and see how it works, and I invite you to toy with the states in main() as I have above. Do note, however, that once quit is invoked none of the other stated will be monitored. Setting the Quit state will shut down the monitor thread. For what its worth, a run of the above should look something like this:
with the first set of numbers dumped in two groups (1..15, then 16..30), as a result of playing, then pausing, then playing again. Then a stop is issued, followed by another play for a period of ~3 seconds. After that, the object self-destructs, and in doing so, sets the Quit state, and waits for the monitor to terminate.
Hopefully you get something out of this. If you find yourself trying to manage predicate state by manually latching and releasing mutexes, changes are you need a condition-variable design patter to facilitate detecting those changes.
Hope you get something out of it.
class CtLockCS
CtLockCS() { ::InitializeCriticalSection(&m_cs); }
~CtLockCS() { ::DeleteCriticalSection(&m_cs); }
bool TryLock() { return ::TryEnterCriticalSection(&m_cs) == TRUE; }
void Lock() { ::EnterCriticalSection(&m_cs); }
void Unlock() { ::LeaveCriticalSection(&m_cs); }
// class CtLockMX - using mutex
class CtLockMX
CtLockMX(const TCHAR* nameMutex = 0)
{ m_mx = ::CreateMutex(0, FALSE, nameMutex); }
{ if (m_mx) { ::CloseHandle(m_mx); m_mx = NULL; } }
bool TryLock()
{ return m_mx ? (::WaitForSingleObject(m_mx, 0) == WAIT_OBJECT_0) : false; }
void Lock()
{ if (m_mx) { ::WaitForSingleObject(m_mx, INFINITE); } }
void Unlock()
{ if (m_mx) { ::ReleaseMutex(m_mx); } }
HANDLE m_mx;
// class CtLockSM - using semaphore
class CtLockSM
CtLockSM(int maxcnt) { m_sm = ::CreateSemaphore(0, maxcnt, maxcnt, 0); }
~CtLockSM() { ::CloseHandle(m_sm); }
bool TryLock() { return m_sm ? (::WaitForSingleObject(m_sm, 0) == WAIT_OBJECT_0) : false; }
void Lock() { if (m_sm) { ::WaitForSingleObject(m_sm, INFINITE); } }
void Unlock()
if (m_sm){
LONG prevcnt = 0;
::ReleaseSemaphore(m_sm, 1, &prevcnt);
HANDLE m_sm;

Including a ping timeout feature

I have Server A that receive's updates from Server B. I would like to add functionality to Server A where if it does not receive a message(server B will send update and ping messages) in 1 minutes time, Server A will go into a paused state and wait for messages to come in again.
I was looking into a boost::asio::deadline_timer, but I cannot figure out if it is possible, or if you can run this asynchronously. I tried a class that runs in its own thread and uses a deadline timer, but I am unable to cancel and restart the deadline timer. Here is some example code I used for that.
The implementation:
void ping_timeout::reset_timer()
//Call to clear the cache of a static class, which is the paused state I would like
I am unable to cancel the deadline timer from my main thread of execution by calling reset timer, I am guessing because io_.run() is waiting for the 60 seconds to expire.
Is there any modification I can do, any any libraries out there that I can us to achieve the results I would like? Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you
Main Loop:
ping_timeout timeout;
std::string message = s_recv(subscriber);
if(message.compare("UPDATE") == 0)
//Process update
else if(message.compare("PING") == 0)
Edit 2:
Working code:
void cache::process_cache()
boost::asio::io_service service;
boost::asio::io_service::work work(service);
boost::asio::deadline_timer timer(service,boost::posix_time::seconds(60));
std::string message = s_recv(subscriber);
if(message.compare("UPDATE") == 0)
//Process update
else if(message.compare("PING") == 0)
void cache::empty_cache(const boost::system::error_code& e)
if(e.value() == 0)
//Clear cache
void cache::run_io(boost::asio::io_service& io)
boost::asio::io_service::run() is a blocking call. In your specific case, you should avoid calling that in your main thread.
Note: In a typical async-driven app, you should build your app around the run method.
As for the timer code logic, something like that should work :
boost::asio::io_service service;
// Creates a work object to prevent the thread from exiting after the first job is done
boost::asio::io_service::work work(service);
// Creates the timer and post the aync wait now, will only start when service.run() is called
boost::asio::deadline_timer timer(service, boost::posix_time::seconds(60));
timer.async_wait(boost::bind(&cache::empty_cache, ...));
// Starts the worker thread to allow the timer to asynchronously waits
boost::thread ping_thread(boost::bind(&boost::asio::io_service::run, &service));
while (true) // you should add a condition in order to leave if the timer expires
std::string message = s_recv(subscriber);
/**/ if (message == "UPDATE")
// Process update
else if (message == "PING")
// Cancel the current timer
// Start another async wait
timer.async_wait(boost::bind(&cache::empty_cache, ...));