Data science workflow with large geospatial datasets - python-2.7

I am relatively new to the docker approach so please bear with me.
The goal is to ingest large geospatial datasets to Google Earth Engine using an open source replicable approach. I got everything working on my local machine and a Google Compute Engine but would like to make the approach accessible to others as well.
The large static geospatial files (NETCDF4) are currently stored on Amazon S3 and Google Cloud Storage (GEOTIFF). I need a couple of python based modules to convert and ingest the data into Earth Engine using a command line interface. This has to happen only once. The data conversion is not very heavy and can be done by one fat instance (32GB RAM, 16 cores takes 2 hours), there is no need for a cluster.
My question is how I should deal with large static datasets in Docker. I thought of the following option but would like to know best practices.
1) Use docker and mount the amazon s3 and Google Cloud Storage buckets to the docker container.
2) Copy the large datasets to a docker image and use Amazon ECS
3) just use the AWS CLI
4) use Boto3 in Python
5) A fifth option that I am not yet aware of
The python modules that I use are a.o.: python-GDAL, pandas, earth-engine, subprocess


What is the Equivalent of Azure Blob Storage in AWS?

Apologies for the noob question, but among the storage options offered by AWS, which one is functionally closest to Azure blob container?
My previous workflow always involved mounting an azure blob container as a Linux file system in /mnt/ directory with the blobfuse, so that I can read and write data using normal file handling commands in python. So which AWS storage facility can I mount as a file system in my Linux desktop in a similar fashion?

Data streaming from raspberry pi CSV file to BigQuery table

I have some CSV files generated by raspberry pi that needs to be pushed into bigquery tables.
Currently, we have a python script using bigquery.LoadJobConfig for batch upload and I run it manually. The goal is to have streaming data(or every 15 minutes) in a simple way.
I explored different solutions:
Using airflow to run the python script (high complexity and maintenance)
Dataflow (I am not familiar with it but if it does the job I will use it)
Scheduling pipeline to run the script through GitLab CI (cron syntax: */15 * * * * )
Could you please help me and suggest to me the best way to push CSV files into bigquery tables in real-time or every 15 minutes?
Good news, you have many options! Perhaps the easiest would be to automate the python script that you have currently, since it does what you need. Assuming you are running it manually on a local machine, you could upload it to a lightweight VM on Google Cloud, the use CRON on the VM to automate the running of it, I used used this approach in the past and it worked well.
Another option would be to deploy your Python code to a Google Cloud Function, a way to let GCP run the code without you having to worry about maintaining the backend resource.
Find out more about Cloud Functions here:
A third option, depending on where your .csv files are being generated, perhaps you could use the BigQuery Data Transfer service to handle the imports into BigQuery.
More on that here:
Good luck!
Adding to #Ben's answer, you can also implement Cloud Composer to orchestrate this workflow. It is built on Apache Airflow and you can use Airflow-native tools, such as the powerful Airflow web interface and command-line tools, Airflow scheduler etc without worrying about your infrastructure and maintenance.
You can implement DAGs to
upload CSV from local to GCS then
GCS to BQ using GCSToBigQueryOperator
More on Cloud Composer

Creating a duplicate of a VM

I'm preparing to get in to the world of cloud computing.
My first question is:
Is it possible to programmatically create a new, or duplicate an existing VM from my server?
Project Background
I provide a file processing service, and as it's been growing I need to offer a better service.
Project Requirement
Machine specs:
HDD: Min 16gb
CPU: Min 1 core
RAM: Min 2
GB GPU: Min CUDA 10.1 compatible
What I'm thinking is the following steps:
User uploads a file
A dedicated VM is created for that specific file inside Google Cloud Compute
The file is sent to the VM
File is processed using a Anaconda environment
Results are downloaded to local server
Dedicated VM is removed
Results are served to user
How is this accomplished?
PS: I'm looking for resources and advice. Not code.
Your question is a perfect formulation of the concept of Google Cloud Run. At the highest level concept, you create a Docker image (think of it like a VM) and then register that Docker image with GCP Cloud Run. When a trigger occurs, GCP will spin up an instance of that Docker container and pass in information about the cause of that trigger (a file created in GCS or a REST request or others ...). What you do in your container is up to you. You have full power of the Linux environment (under Docker) to do as you like. When your request ends, the container is spun down. You are only billed for the compute resources you use. If your container (VM) isn't being used, you pay nothing until the next trigger.
An alternative to Cloud Run is Cloud Functions. This is a higher level abstraction where instead of providing a Docker container, you provide the body of a function (JavaScript, Java, Python or others) and the request is passed to that function when a trigger occurs. Which you use is mostly personal choice (you didn't elaborate on "File is processed").
Cloud Run
Cloud Functions

Mount google cloud storage folders to google ai platform job

I am trying to setup a basic pytorch pipeline with google ai platform.
I don't understand how google storage works with ai-platform jobs.
I am trying to mount several google storage blobs to my ai-platform jobs but completely can not find how I can do it. I need to do two things: 1) access dataset from my python pytorch code and 2) after train finish access logs and models
In the Google AI Platform tutorials the only relevant concept I found is manually downloading the dataset to job local storage via python API and uploading the result after the program finish. But surely this is unacceptable in the situation of quick research iterations (because of large datasets and possible crashes in the middle of training).
What is the solutions for such a basic problem?
You can use Cloud Storage Fuse to mount your bucket and use it like it was a local folder to avoid data download.

What service should I use to process my files in a Cloud Storage bucket and upload the result?

I have a software that process some files. What I need is:
start a default image on google cloud (I think docker should be a good solution) using an API or a run command
download files from google storage
process it, run my software using those downloaded files
upload the result to google storage
shut the image down, expecting not to be billed anymore
What I do know is how to create my image hehe. But I can't find any info saying me what google cloud service should I use or even if I could do it like I'm thinking. I think I'm not using the right keywords to find what i need.
I was looking at Kubernetes, but i couldn't figure out how to manipulate those instances to execute a one time processing.
Explaining better the process I have an app that receive images and send it to Google storage. After that, I need to process that images, apply filters, georeferencing, split image etc. So I want to start a docker image to process it and upload the results to google cloud again.
If you are using any of the runtimes supported by Google Cloud Functions, they are easiest way to do those kind of operations (i.e. fetch something from Google Cloud Storage, perform some actions on those files and upload them again). The Cloud Functions will be triggered by an event of your choice, and after the job, it will die.
Next option in terms of complexity would be to deploy a Google App Engine application in standard environment. It allows you to deploy your own application written in any of the supported languages for this environment. While there is traffic in your application, you will have instances serving, but the number of instances running can go down to 0 when they are not serving, which would mean less cost.
Another option would be Google App Engine in flexible environment. This product allows you to deploy your application in any custom runtime. This option has always at least one instance running, so it would never shut down.
Lastly, you can use Google Compute Engine to "create and run virtual machines on Google infrastructure". Otherwise than GAE, this is not that managed by Google, which means that most of the configuration is up to you. In this case, you would need to programmatically indicate your VM to shut down after you have finished your operations.
Based on your edit where you stated that you already have an app that is inserting images into Google Cloud Storage, your easiest option would be to use Cloud Functions that are triggered by additions, changes, or deletions to objects in Cloud Storage buckets.
You can follow the Cloud Functions tutorial for Cloud Storage to get an idea of the generic process and then implement your own code that handles your specific tasks. There are other tutorials like the Imagemagick tutorial for Cloud Functions that might also be relevant to the type of processing you intend to do.
Cloud Functions is probably your lightest weight approach. You could of course do more full scale applications, but that is likely overkill, more expensive, and more complex. You can write your processing code in Node.js, Python, or Go.