Convert from Rapidjson Value to Rapidjson Document - c++

As per the tutorial:
Each JSON value is stored in a type called Value. A Document, representing the DOM, contains the root Value of the DOM tree.
If so, it should be possible to make a sub-document from a document.
If my JSON is:
"mydict": {
"inner dict": {
"val": 1,
"val2": 2
I'd like to be able to create a Document from the inner dictionary.
(And then follow the instructions in the FAQ for How to insert a document node into another document?)

Given the original document contains:
"mydict": {
"inner dict": {
"val": 1,
"val2": 2
You can copy the sub-document:
const char json[] = "{\"mydict\": {\"inner dict\": {\"val\": 1, \"val2\": 2}}}";
Document doc, sub; // Null
sub.CopyFrom(doc["mydict"], doc.GetAllocator());
You can also swap the sub-document with another:
const char json[] = "{\"mydict\": {\"inner dict\": {\"val\": 1, \"val2\": 2}}}";
Document doc, sub; // Null
With some validation:
const char json[] = "{\"mydict\": {\"inner dict\": {\"val\": 1, \"val2\": 2}}}";
Document doc, sub; // Null
if (doc.IsObject()) {
auto it = doc.FindMember("mydict");
if (it != doc.MemberEnd() && it->value.IsObject()) {
Each will result in sub containing:
"inner dict": {
"val": 1,
"val2": 2
With the CopyFrom() approach, doc will contain:
"mydict": {
"inner dict": {
"val": 1,
"val2": 2
With Swap():
"mydict": null


How to remove or erase a "key":"value" pair in a Json::Value object using "key"?

I am working in C++ language, visual studio 2022, and using jsoncpp library for working with Json.
To Give you an Idea, here is an example of Json data I am working with
"name":"Regina Eagle",
"name":"Julius Baker",
"city":"Las Vegas"
"name":"Rocco Sawyer",
"job":"Chef Manager",
"city":"San Francisco"
"name":"Chad Murray",
"job":"Project Manager",
"name":"Rocco Parker",
It's a Json array of objects (with key:value pairs).
I have a set of column heads for eg: {"name","job","salary"}, and I want to sort the json data in a way that each object will have only columns that are in the given set.
This is my approach:
Store json data in a Json::Value object (let us say records).
Iterate through records (as it is an array).
Creating another loop to Iterate through object stored at each index.
Extract the key of the key:value pair and check if it's present in the set or not.
If it's present then continue, else if it isn't then remove that key:value entry from there.
This way we can delete unwanted column while looping through the object.
Here, is the code snippet:
set<string> col {"name","job","salary"};
Json::Value records = [
"name":"Regina Eagle",
"name":"Julius Baker",
"city":"Las Vegas"
"name":"Rocco Sawyer",
"job":"Chef Manager",
"city":"San Francisco"
"name":"Chad Murray",
"job":"Project Manager",
"name":"Rocco Parker",
for (int i = 0; i<records.size(); i++)
for (auto j = records[i].begin(); j != records[i].end(); j++)
string key = j.key().asString();
if (col.find(key) != col.end())
It works fine until the 'removeMember' function get to run, and throws an error saying can't increment the value of iterator.
Expression: cannot increment value-initialized map/set iterator
Am I doing something wrong?
Or there is another/better way of doing this ?
Please advice.
Don't remove or add elements in a container you're currently iterating.
The JSON objects are stored in a std::map and removeMember calls std::map::erase. It invalidates the current iterator and it can't be incremented anymore. j++ causes the error.
One approach is to first only store the keys of properties you want to delete, and then to delete the properties in a separate loop.
set<string> col {"name","job","salary"};
Json::Value records = [
"name":"Regina Eagle",
"name":"Julius Baker",
"city":"Las Vegas"
"name":"Rocco Sawyer",
"job":"Chef Manager",
"city":"San Francisco"
"name":"Chad Murray",
"job":"Project Manager",
"name":"Rocco Parker",
for (int i = 0; i<records.size(); i++)
std::vector<std::string> toRemove;
for (auto j = records[i].begin(); j != records[i].end(); j++)
string key = j.key().asString();
if (col.find(key) != col.end())
// records[i].removeMember(key);
for (const auto &key : toRemove)

nlohmann json insert value array partially to already existing data

I have a particular case which I am trying to solve with minimal changes if possible.
one of the data is
[ 1,2,3,[[4,5]] ]
Later at some stage I want to insert
Then it should become
[ 1,2,3,[[4,5],[4,6]] ]
How can I make this possible without making 1,2,3 value as key?
I did some playing. I didn't get the results you were looking for. Here's my code and results so far.
#include <iostream>
#include <json.hpp>
using namespace std;
using JSON = nlohmann::json;
int main() {
JSON json = JSON::object();
JSON key1JSON = JSON::object();
JSON key2JSON = JSON::object();
JSON key3JSON = JSON::array();
key3JSON.push_back( {1,2,3, {4,5} } );
key3JSON.push_back( {6} );
key2JSON["subsubkey3"] = key3JSON;
key1JSON["subkey2"] = key2JSON;
json["key1"] = key1JSON;
cout << json.dump(2) << endl;
"key1": {
"subkey2": {
"subsubkey3": [
You'll see that the first push_back pushed an array inside an array, which is probably one level deeper than you wanted, and the second one added a second array, which is also not what you want.
Which means you're probably going to have to write your own method, especially as you want to also handle uniqueness. I personally never free-format data that way you have in your example. But maybe your method would look something like:
bool contains(const JSON &json, const JSON &value) {
... this looks like fun to write.
void appendUnique(JSON &json, const JSON &array) {
for (JSON & thisJson: array) {
if (!contains(json, thisJson)) {
I modified my code like this:
void appendUnique(JSON &json, const JSON & array) {
for (const JSON & thisJSON: array) {
appendUnique(key3JSON, {1,2,3, {4,5} } );
appendUnique(key3JSON, {6} );
And got this:
"key1": {
"subkey2": {
"subsubkey3": [
I'm not going to write the isUnique method. But I think you may have to take this to conclusion.

How to convert any value to an object and add members with boost::property_tree json

I have a program that modifies a JSON document if necessary. The program has to add a child to another value whether or not it's an already an object. The program should behave like so:
If the object with key "x" does not exist, create object with key "x" and add value y as a child.
If the object with key "x" DOES exist, set value y as a child.
If the key "x" exists and is ANY OTHER type, delete it, create an object with the key "x" and then add value y as a child.
I see ways to test if property tree values exist or whether they are specified types, but none to test if it's an object or not an object.
Here's a simple program I made illustrating what I mean:
#include <boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp>
#include <boost/property_tree/json_parser.hpp>
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
const char *json = "{"
"\"object\" : { \"mighty\" : \"wind\" },"
"\"boolean\" : true"
void printTree( std::string name, boost::property_tree::ptree tree )
std::cout << "Pass '" << name << "'" << std::endl;
std::stringstream ss;
boost::property_tree::write_json( ss, tree );
std::cout << ss.str() << std::endl;
catch( std::exception &e )
std::cout << "Could not make create json: " << e.what() << std::endl;
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
boost::property_tree::ptree tree;
// Load it
std::istringstream ss_json( json );
boost::property_tree::read_json( ss_json, tree );
// Add a value to an object that doesn't exist
tree.put( "none.value", "hello!" );
// Print to see
printTree( "Nonexistent value test", tree );
// Add a value to the object
tree.put( "object.value", "bello!" );
// Print this one
printTree( "Adding value test", tree );
// Convert boolean to an object and add a value
tree.put( "boolean.value", "mello!" );
// Print it
printTree( "Converting value test", tree );
The output will be:
Pass 'Nonexistent value test'
"object": {
"mighty": "wind"
"boolean": "true",
"none": {
"value": "hello!"
Pass 'Adding value test'
"object": {
"mighty": "wind",
"value": "bello!"
"boolean": "true",
"none": {
"value": "hello!"
Pass 'Converting value test'
Could not make create json: <unspecified file>: ptree contains data that cannot be represented in JSON format
You can see in the output, the last step fails to convert to JSON (doesn't throw when I try to set it).
How can I achieve scenario 3 in my list above?
If the key "x" exists and is ANY OTHER type, delete it, create an object with the key "x" and then add value y as a child. Also, they don't observe any of the JSON data types.
Your plan is pretty doomed. Property Tree is not a JSON library. Property Trees can have data and child nodes at the same node. E.g.
ptree p;
auto& x = p.put_child("x", {});
write_json(std::cout, p);
"x": "hello"
But adding
/*auto& a = */ p.put_child("x.a", {});
write_json(std::cout, p);
Fails with Live On Coliru
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::wrapexcept<boost::property_tree::json_parser::json_parser_error>'
what(): <unspecified file>: ptree contains data that cannot be represented in JSON format
A workaround would be to remove any value prior to or when adding properties:
auto& a = p.put_child("x.a", {});
a.add("prop1", 123);
a.add("prop2", "one two three");
a.add("b.prop1", "nesting");
write_json(std::cout, p);
Would print Live On Coliru
Finer notes
It might seem more efficient to check the presence of a value before clearing it:
if (x.get_value_optional<std::string>()) {
But due the the stringly typed nature of Property Tree storage there's no difference as the condition will just always be true for std::string. (Similarly there's no way to retrieve a value by reference.)
Note ALSO that when setting the n.prop1 nested property, you MAY have to also check that b has no value if you don't control the source data, because otherwise it would fail again.
Assuming that your object graph structure is reasonably predictable (or even static), I'd suggest getting it over with ahead of time:
for (auto key : { "x", "x.a", "x.a.b" }) {
if (auto child = p.get_child_optional(key)) {
std::cout << "clearing " << key << std::endl;
Which can be generalized with a helper:
clear_values("x.a.b", p);
Which could be implemented as
void clear_values(ptree::path_type path, ptree& p) {
if (path.empty())
auto head = path.reduce();
auto child = p.get_child_optional(head);
if (child) {
clear_values(path, *child);
In fact with such a helper it might become opportune to also create the expected hierarchy on the fly:
void clear_values(ptree::path_type path, ptree& p, bool create = false) {
if (path.empty())
auto head = path.reduce();
auto child = p.get_child_optional(head);
if (!child && create) {
child = p.put_child(head, {});
if (child) {
clear_values(path, *child, create);
Now it would even work well without any pre-existing data:
Live On Coliru
#include <boost/property_tree/json_parser.hpp>
#include <iostream>
using boost::property_tree::ptree;
void clear_values(ptree::path_type path, ptree& p, bool create = false) {
if (path.empty())
auto head = path.reduce();
auto child = p.get_child_optional(head);
if (!child && create) {
child = p.put_child(head, {});
if (child) {
clear_values(path, *child, create);
int main() {
ptree p;
clear_values("x.a.b", p, true);
auto& a = p.get_child("x.a");
a.add("prop1", 123);
a.add("prop2", "one two three");
a.add("b.prop1", "nesting");
write_json(std::cout, p);
"x": {
"a": {
"b": {
"prop1": "nesting"
"prop1": "123",
"prop2": "one two three"

Remove nested object in JSON with rapidjson

I'm trying to remove object nested in object in JSON file. However, I can not find any examples on the internet or on the official rapidjson page. My code is written on C++.
I have tried with the following code:
const Value& rootObject= document["root"];
const Value& settingsObject = extensionsObject;
But I am not sure what parameter to pass or how to initialize MemberIterator for exact element (as I already know the name of the object I want to remove).
Here is example of the JSON structure:
"root": {
"settings": {
"item1": {
"someInfo": 123
"item2": {
"someInfo": "string"
please chek my code.
Value Child_Obj(kObjectType); // creat object to but it inside another object
Child_Obj.SetObject(); // set it
Child_Obj.AddMember("Child Number", Value(15), Document->GetAllocator()); // add to child key and its value
Value Parent_Obj(kObjectType); // creat parent object that will have inside him the child object
Parent_Obj.SetObject(); // set it
Parent_Obj.AddMember("Parent Number", Value(10), Document->GetAllocator()); // add to parent key and its value
Parent_Obj.AddMember("Child", Child_Obj, Document->GetAllocator()); // add child object to parent object , "Child" as key and Child_Obj as value
// now the file looks like this :
"Parent Number":10,
"Child Number":15
// let delete this child
Parent_Obj.RemoveMember("Child"); // here you will give it the key for the object you need to delete
// now its look like this :
"Parent Number":10,
// and for fun , if you want to iterate through object , you can do this :
Value::MemberIterator it = Parent_Obj.MemberBegin();
for (; it != Parent_Obj.MemberEnd(); ++it)
std::string str = it->name.GetString(); // this will give you the key for current child

Writing in order to jsoncpp (c++)

Consider the following example for which my source is
Json::Value root;
Json::Value text;
Json::StyledWriter writer;
string strJson=writer.write(root);
cout<<"JSON WriteTest" << endl << strJson <<endl;
I thought I'd write the json fields in the order of the lines. Instead the result is:
JSON WriteTest
"begin" : 1,
"end" : 1,
"id" : 0,
"text" : {
"first" : "i",
"second" : "love",
"third" : "you"
"type" : "test"
I want json format is
JSON WriteTest
"id" : 0,
"text" : {
"first" : "i",
"second" : "love",
"third" : "you"
"type" : "test"
"begin" : 1,
"end" : 1,
How can I write a Json order?
No, I don't think you can. JsonCpp keeps its values in a std::map<CZString, Value>, which is always sorted by the CZString comparison. So it doesn't know the original order you added items.
This is my workaround to a get an ordered json output from jsoncpp
Json::Value root;
Json::Value text;
Json::StyledWriter writer;
string resultString=writer.write(root);
resultString=ReplaceAll(resultString,"*1*", "");
resultString=ReplaceAll(resultString,"*2*", "");
resultString=ReplaceAll(resultString,"*3*", "");
resultString=ReplaceAll(resultString,"*4*", "");
resultString=ReplaceAll(resultString,"*5*", "");
cout<<"JSON WriteTest" << endl << resultString <<endl;
with RepleceAll function defined as this
std::string ReplaceAll(std::string str, const std::string& from, const std::string& to) {
size_t start_pos = 0;
while((start_pos = str.find(from, start_pos)) != std::string::npos) {
str.replace(start_pos, from.length(), to);
start_pos += to.length(); // Handles case where 'to' is a substring of 'from'
return str;
I have a way can solve your problem. Would you like to try? My solution is that you use boost/property_tree/json_parser.hpp, the output is what format you want! About There is my code:
#include <boost/property_tree/json_parser.hpp>
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
boost::property_tree::ptree parser, child;
parser.put("id", 0);
child.put("first", "i");
child.put("second", "love");
child.put("third", "you");
parser.put_child("text", child);
parser.put("type", "test");
parser.put("begin", 1);
parser.put("end", 1);
stringstream ss;
boost::property_tree::json_parser::write_json(ss, parser);
cout << ss.str() << endl;
return 0;
Before run the codes, you should install boost 1.57. The codes run well in gcc 4.7, boost 1.57.The output is { "id" : 0, "text" : { "first" : "i", "second" : "love", "third" : "you" }, "type" : "test" "begin" : 1, "end" : 1, }. About boost::property_tree::ptree, you can click here. It used list<pair<key, ptree>> for saving data. So it saved unordered data, unless you called list.sort(). I hope this can help you.
As mentioned by The Dark, JsonCpp keeps its values in a std::map<CZString, Value>, which is always sorted by the CZString comparison, without keeping track neither of the original order in which you added the items nor the desired order in the output.
But you can use this "hidden feature" in your benefit. I mean, you just need that the keys in the desired order follow the "natural" order of CZString. I have a method in my JSONCPP wrapper classes that do this. The quick'n'dirty code, converted to simple function, would be something like this:
std::string sortedStr(Json::Value & value, std::vector<std::string> sortKeys)
Json::Value sortedValue; // The JSON object to store the new (sorted) hash
char newKey[60]; // I use C expressions, modify to C++ if you like
// Build new sortedValue
int i = 0;
for (auto & key : sortKeys) {
sprintf(newKey, "SORTEDKEY:%03d-%s", i++, key.c_str());
sortedValue[newKey] = value[key];
// Write to string, should be sorted on primary keys
Json::StyledWriter w;
std::string result = w.write(sortedValue);
// Remove aux. tags from primary keys
std::size_t pos = 0;
while ((pos = result.find("SORTEDKEY:", pos)) != std::string::npos) {
result.erase(pos, 14);
return result;
To use it, just call:
std::string sortedObjStr = sortedValue(myValue, {"first", "second", "third", "fourth"});
Note that:
I use this for relatively small objects (configuration data).
I use the "tag" SORTEDKEY, since this is not going to appear anywhere in my data. Modify according to your needs.
I do not check that the keys used do exist. You can add this check.
You can use this also to generate a restricted, ordered subset of your original object.
The key-value pairs in an object will always be sorted. Json arrays are not sorted, they consists of a series of values without keys.
Objects, as named collections (arrays) of key-value pairs within brackets, in an array, will retain their positions, e.g.
"adressen" : [
"start" : {
"ID" : 1,
"key" : "2352KJ25",
"lat" : 52.157225922529967,
"lon" : 4.5298663828345527
"eind" : {
"ID" : 2,
"key" : "2352KJ25",
"lat" : 52.157225922529967,
"lon" : 4.5298663828345527
ID, key, lat, lon are sorted, but start and eind are in their original positions.
So, at least your first, second, third could have been
Json::Value text(Json::arrayValue);
No need for the tags first, second and third!
Maybe this helps you to find a workaround.