ColdFusion structure nested elements? - coldfusion

I would like to set nested elements inside of the structure. Here is example of my current code:
<cfset fnResults = StructNew()>
<cfset dateList = "HD_DATE1,HD_DATE2,HD_DATE3,HD_DATE4" />
<cfset servicesEquipment = {
1="Strongly Agree",
3="Don't Know",
5="Strongly Disagree"
<cfset isActive = {
1="Yes ",
0="No "
<cfquery name="UserInfo" datasource="TestDB">
LTRIM(RTRIM(si_last)) + ', ' + LTRIM(RTRIM(si_first)) AS hd_staff,
(SELECT TOP 1 tm_name FROM hmMaster WHERE tm_tblid = 'HD_YN1' AND tm_code = hd_yn1) AS zhd_yn1,
(SELECT TOP 1 tm_name FROM hmMaster WHERE tm_tblid = 'HD_STATUS' AND tm_code = hd_status) AS zhd_status,
(SELECT TOP 1 tm_name FROM hmMaster WHERE tm_tblid = 'HD_AGE' AND tm_code = hd_age1) AS zhd_age1,
(SELECT TOP 1 tm_name FROM hmMaster WHERE tm_tblid = 'HD_AGE' AND tm_code = hd_age2) AS zhd_age2,
(SELECT TOP 1 tm_name FROM hmMaster WHERE tm_tblid = 'HD_AGE' AND tm_code = hd_age3) AS zhd_age3,
(SELECT TOP 1 tm_name FROM hmMaster WHERE tm_tblid = 'HEAR_IND' AND tm_code = hd_hri) AS zhd_hri,
(SELECT TOP 1 tm_name FROM hmMaster WHERE tm_tblid = 'HEAR_LOSS' AND tm_code = hd_deg1) AS zhd_deg1,
(SELECT TOP 1 tm_name FROM hmMaster WHERE tm_tblid = 'HEAR_LOSS' AND tm_code = hd_deg4) AS zhd_deg4,
(SELECT TOP 1 tm_name FROM hmMaster WHERE tm_tblid = 'HEAR_TYPE' AND tm_code = hd_deg2) AS zhd_deg2,
(SELECT TOP 1 tm_name FROM hmMaster WHERE tm_tblid = 'HEAR_TYPE' AND tm_code = hd_deg5) AS zhd_deg5,
(SELECT TOP 1 tm_name FROM hmMaster WHERE tm_tblid = 'HD_TONE' AND tm_code = hd_toner) AS zhd_toner,
(SELECT TOP 1 tm_name FROM hmMaster WHERE tm_tblid = 'HD_TONE' AND tm_code = hd_tonel) AS zhd_tonel,
(SELECT TOP 1 tm_name FROM hmMaster WHERE tm_tblid = 'HD_CFG' AND tm_code = hd_cfgr) AS zhd_cfgr,
(SELECT TOP 1 tm_name FROM hmMaster WHERE tm_tblid = 'HD_CFG' AND tm_code = hd_cfgl) AS zhd_cfgl
ON si_staff = hd_staff
WHERE hd_userid = '10051989'
<cfset fnResults.recordcount = UserInfo.recordcount>
<cfif UserInfo.recordcount EQ 0>
<cfset fnResults.message = "No records were found.">
<cfloop query="UserInfo">
<cfset qryRecs = StructNew()>
<cfloop array="#UserInfo.getColumnList()#" index="columnName">
<cfif listContains(dateList, columnName, ",")>
<cfset qryRecs[columnName] = URLEncodedFormat(Trim(DateFormat(UserInfo[columnName][CurrentRow],'mm/dd/yyyy')))>
<cfelseif columnName EQ 'hd_active'>
<cfset qryRecs[columnName] = URLEncodedFormat((structKeyExists(isActive, LossInfo[columnName][CurrentRow]))? isActive[UserInfo[columnName][CurrentRow]]:"No ")>
<cfelseif columnName EQ 'hd_tosound'>
<cfset qryRecs[columnName] = URLEncodedFormat((structKeyExists(servicesEquipment, UserInfo[columnName][CurrentRow]))? servicesEquipment[UserInfo[columnName][CurrentRow]]:"")>
<cfset qryRecs[columnName] = URLEncodedFormat(Trim(UserInfo[columnName][CurrentRow]))>
<cfset = qryRecs>
<cfdump var="#fnResults#">
Code above use some logic to manipulate the data. Here is example of my output after I dump fncResults:
HD_AGE1 [empty string]
HD_AGE2 [empty string]
HD_AGE3 36
HD_DATE1 09%2F22%2F1993
HD_DATE2 [empty string]
HD_DATE3 [empty string]
HD_DATE4 [empty string]
HD_LEAR [empty string]
HD_REAR [empty string]
HD_STAFF [empty string]
HD_TOSOUND [empty string]
ZHD_AGE1 [empty string]
ZHD_AGE2 [empty string]
ZHD_DEG2 Unknown
ZHD_DEG5 Unknown
ZHD_YN1 Did Not
On the front end I have to set all fields that have letter 'z' in front of 'hs' to be my data for title attribute. Because of that I want to organize my structure to look like this:
HD_ACTIVE Value: No%20 Title: This is test
HD_AGE3 Value: 36 Title: Years
HD_COMMENT Value: Test Title: Test
As a side note I have tried to set nested variables in my structure. Something like this: <cfset qryRecs[columnName].value =UserInfo[columnName][CurrentRow]> This throw an error:
Element HD_YN1 is undefined in a CFML structure referenced as part of an expression.
I'm not sure if I need one more structure in order to achive that. Also I'm not sure what is the best way to organize this kind of structure. If you have any suggestions or examples please let me know . Thank you!

This code snippet is not a complete answer but should help you in the nesting structs with the Value/Title keys.
<!--- in order to nest structs, the 'nesting' parent structs must be created before assigning values to them --->
<cfif NOT structKeyExists(qryRecs, "columnName")>
<cfset qryRecs[columnName] = structNew()>
<!--- qryRecs[columnName] now exists as a struct so 'Value', 'Title', etc. keys can be added to it --->
<cfset qryRecs[columnName].value = UserInfo[columnName][CurrentRow]>

All the credit to #Scott-Jibben for explaining the issue in the first place. I'm posting this for a CFScript solution.
if( !structkeyexists( application, "testStruct" ) ){
dump('application.testStruct does not exist;');
application.testStruct = structNew(); // this line is key
} else {
dump('application.testStruct exists - no error;');
if( !structkeyexists( application.testStruct, "keyName2" ) ){
// you should only see this if you failed to include the StructNew() line above;
dump('application.testStruct.keyName2 does not exist and could produce an error;');
} else {
dump('application.testStruct.keyName2 exist - no error;');
For added context, I needed to load some variables into the Application scope. If the variable existed, then a database query was skipped. If it was missing, a query was needed to load site settings. The nested structure would throw an error on the first hit of the page after the web server or service was restarted. After reading Scott's solution defining the nested structure, the app is working as expected after a restart.


Writing a spreadsheet using CFspreadsheet to avoid error this file might be corrupted

I am trying to figure out how to add my html table to a CFspreadsheet to show in excel. All the examples online that I have found are not as crazy as mine (only a simple one basic query). Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. This is what I have been able to figure out so far for my spreadsheet:
<cfset objSpreadsheet = SpreadsheetNew()>
<cfset filename = expandPath("./myexcel.xls")>
<!--- Create and format the header row. --->
<cfset SpreadsheetAddRow( objSpreadsheet, "Associate Name,Location,Checklists Generated by Associate,Checklists Generated by Selected Location(s),Associate Percentage of Location Total" )>
<cfset SpreadsheetFormatRow( objSpreadsheet, {bold=true, alignment="center"}, 1 )>
<cfheader name="Content-Disposition" value="attachment; filename=#filename#">
<cfcontent type="application/" variable="#SpreadsheetReadBinary( objSpreadsheet )#">
My table trying to convert:
<table class="table table-hover">
<th><strong>Associate Name</strong></th>
<th><strong>Checklists Generated by Associate</strong></th>
<th><strong>Checklists Generated by Selected Location(s)</strong></th>
<th><strong>Associate Percentage of Location Total</strong></th>
<cfoutput query="GetEmployeeInfo">
<td><cfif rnA EQ 1><strong>#assoc_name#</strong></cfif></td>
<td><cfif rnL EQ 1>#trans_location#</cfif></td>
<td>#DecimalFormat(totalChecklistsByAssocLocPct)# %</td>
<!---<td> rnA: #rnA# | rnL: #rnL# | rnTotAssoc: #rnTotAssoc# </td> --->
<cfif rnTotAssoc EQ 1>
<td>Associate Total</td>
<td>#DecimalFormat(totalChecklistsByLocPct)# %</td>
My crazy queries!:
<cfquery datasource="#application.dsn#" name="GetEmployeeInfo">
SELECT s4.associate /* Associate's ID */
, s4.assoc_name /* Associate's Name */
, s4.trans_location /* Associate's Location */
, s4.checklistsByAssocLoc /* Gives you a count of Checklists by Associate for a specific Location. */
, s4.assocChecklistsByLoc /* Gives you a count of Total Checklists by All Associates in a Location. */
, s4.totalChecklistsByAssoc /** Gives you a count of Total Checklists by Specific Associate in All Locations. */
, s4.totalAssocChecklistsByAllFilteredLoc /* Gives you a count of Total Checklists by Specific Associates in All Locations. */
, CASE WHEN ( coalesce(s4.assocChecklistsByLoc,0) > 0 ) THEN (CAST(s4.checklistsByAssocLoc AS decimal(8,2))/s4.assocChecklistsByLoc) * 100 ELSE 0 END AS totalChecklistsByAssocLocPct /* This gives you a percent of associate location checklists over count of checklists by Associate in a Location. */
, CASE WHEN ( coalesce(s4.totalAssocChecklistsByAllFilteredLoc,0) > 0 ) THEN (CAST(s4.totalChecklistsByAssoc AS decimal(8,2))/s4.totalAssocChecklistsByAllFilteredLoc) * 100 ELSE 0 END AS totalChecklistsByLocPct /* This gives you a percent of Total Associate Checklists in All Locations over count of Checklists by All Associate in All Locations. */
, s4.rnA /* Placeholder for a record to display the Associate Name. */
, s4.rnL /* Placeholder for a record to display the Location. */
, s4.rnTotAssoc /* Placeholder for the last Associate Location row. The next row should be an Associate Total. */
, SUM(s3.assocChecklistsByLoc) OVER (PARTITION BY s3.associate) AS totalAssocChecklistsByAllFilteredLoc /* Gives you a count of Total Checklists by Specific Associates in All Locations. */
SELECT a.assoc_name
, s1.associate
, s1.trans_location
, s1.checklistsByAssocLoc
, s1.assocChecklistsByLoc
, s1.totalChecklistsByAssoc
, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY s1.associate ORDER BY s1.associate, s1.trans_location) AS rnA /* Placeholder for a record to display the Associate Name */
, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY s1.associate, s1.trans_location ORDER BY s1.associate, s1.trans_location) AS rnL /* Placeholder for a record to display the Location */
, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY s1.associate ORDER BY s1.trans_location DESC) AS rnTotAssoc /* Placeholder for the last Associate Location row. The next row should be an Associate Total. */
SELECT c.associate
, c.trans_location
, COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY c.associate, c.trans_location) AS checklistsByAssocLoc /* Gives you a count of Checklists by Associate for a specific Location. */
, COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY c.associate) AS totalChecklistsByAssoc /* Gives you a count of Total Checklists by Associate in All Locations. */
, COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY c.trans_location) AS assocChecklistsByLoc /* Gives you a count of Total Checklists by All Associates in a Location. */
FROM cl_checklists c
LEFT OUTER JOIN tco_associates a ON c.associate = a.assoc_id
AND a.assoc_id IN ( <cfqueryparam value="#FORM.EmployeeName#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" list="true" /> ) /* SELECTED ASSOCIATE IDs */
WHERE c.[DATE] >= <cfqueryparam value="#date1#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_timestamp" /> /* SELECTED DATES */
AND c.[DATE] <= <cfqueryparam value="#date2#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_timestamp" />
AND c.trans_location IN ( <cfqueryparam value="#locList#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" list="true" /> ) /* SELECTED LOCATIONS */
) s1
INNER JOIN tco_associates a ON s1.associate = a.assoc_id
AND a.assoc_id IN ( <cfqueryparam value="#FORM.EmployeeName#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" list="true" /> ) /* SELECTED ASSOCIATE IDs */
) s2
WHERE s2.rnA = 1 OR s2.rnL = 1 /* There will be a final Location (rnL=1 and rnTotAssoc=1). This is the final row. */
) s3
) s4
ORDER BY s4.assoc_name, s4.trans_location
This is the path I was thinking but I truly dont understand calling the rows and columns. Do I even have the right idea or am I way off?
<cfoutput query="GetEmployeeInfo">
<cfif rnA EQ 1><cfset SpreadsheetSetCellValue( objSpreadsheet, #assoc_name#, 2, 1) ></cfif>
<cfif rnL EQ 1><cfset SpreadsheetSetCellValue( objSpreadsheet, #trans_location#, 2, 1) ></cfif>
<cfset SpreadsheetSetCellValue( objSpreadsheet, #checklistsByAssocLoc#, 2, 1) >
<cfset SpreadsheetSetCellValue( objSpreadsheet, #assocChecklistsByLoc#, 2, 1) >
<cfset SpreadsheetSetCellValue( objSpreadsheet, #DecimalFormat(totalChecklistsByAssocLocPct)# %, 2, 1) >
<cfif rnTotAssoc EQ 1>
<cfset SpreadsheetSetCellValue( objSpreadsheet, 'Associate Total', 2, 1) >
<cfset SpreadsheetSetCellValue( objSpreadsheet, '', 2, 1) >
<cfset SpreadsheetSetCellValue( objSpreadsheet, #totalChecklistsByAssoc#, 2, 1) >
<cfset SpreadsheetSetCellValue( objSpreadsheet, #totalAssocChecklistsByAllFilteredLoc#, 2, 1) >
<cfset SpreadsheetSetCellValue( objSpreadsheet, #DecimalFormat(totalChecklistsByLocPct)# %, 2, 1) >
Also tried:
<cfoutput query="GetEmployeeInfo">
<cfset SpreadsheetAddRow( objSpreadsheet, "<cfif rnA EQ 1>#assoc_name#</cfif>,<cfif rnL EQ 1>#trans_location#</cfif>,#checklistsByAssocLoc#,#assocChecklistsByLoc#,#DecimalFormat(totalChecklistsByAssocLocPct)# %" )>
<cfif rnTotAssoc EQ 1>
<cfset SpreadsheetAddRow( objSpreadsheet, "Associate Total,'',#totalChecklistsByAssoc#,#totalAssocChecklistsByAllFilteredLoc#,#DecimalFormat(totalChecklistsByLocPct)# %" )>
For your final snippet ColdFusion tags will not be evaluated in a string literal. For if else statements, you could use the ternary operator to toggle some of the output. Also, if any of your data contains comma/s it'll split the data between cells. To combat this, try wrapping each cell value in quotes. This may keep your text in one cell. Others still have had issues with this fix.
<cfset rowNumber = 0 />
<cfoutput query="GetEmployeeInfo">
<cfset rowNumber++ />
<cfset rowList = "'#(rnA eq 1)?assoc_name:''#', '#(rnl eq 1)?trans_location:''#', '#checklistsByAssocLoc#,#assocChecklistsByLoc#', '#DecimalFormat(totalChecklistsByAssocLocPct)# %'">
<cfset SpreadsheetAddRow( objSpreadsheet, rowList)>
<cfset spreadsheetFormatCell( objSpreadsheet, {bold: true}, rowNumber, 1 )>
<cfif rnTotAssoc EQ 1>
<cfset rowNumber++ />
<cfset rowList = "'Associate Total','','#totalChecklistsByAssoc#','#totalAssocChecklistsByAllFilteredLoc#','#DecimalFormat(totalChecklistsByLocPct)# %'" >
<cfset SpreadsheetAddRow( objSpreadsheet, rowList )>
Personally, due to slow rendering time of using many (few hundred+) spreadsheetAddRows to create a spread sheet, and working with lists of string data can be a pain, I almost always place my spreadsheet data into a query object. Once the data is in a query object, it takes one call to spreadsheetAddRows to get the data into the spreadsheet.
qReportData = queryNew("Name, Age",
"varchar, integer",
[{name: "Tom", age: 25},{name: "Dick", age: 40},{name: "Harry", age: 55}]
sheet = SpreadsheetNew(false);
//Add and format headers
bold = {bold: true};
spreadsheetAddRow(sheet, "Name, Age");
spreadsheetFormatRow(sheet, bold, 1);
spreadsheetAddRows(sheet, qReportData);
Given that some of your report data can be on multiple rows, under specific situations, you won’t be able to just export your report query, so we'll have to build a new one with code. We'll iterate over the report and generate rows in our spreadsheet query. In my example, I'll add an extra row any time the person is over the age of 40.
qSheetOutput = queryNew("Name, Age");
for(row in qReportData){
queryAddRow(qSheetOutput, {
age: row.age
if(row.age > 40){
queryAddRow(qSheetOutput, {
name: & " is over 40"
// now writing the generated query to the spreadsheet
spreadsheetAddRows(sheet, qSheetOutput);
The last step will be to iterate and format the cells of the spreadsheet. As I iterate over the output I have to offset the row I'm working with by the count of headers in the sheet, witch in this example is 1. Also for this example, the extra row for a person over the age of 40 will not be bolded, and will span 2 cells.
for(row in qSheetOutput){
spreadsheetFormatCell(sheet, {dataformat="#", alignment="center"}, qSheetOutput.currentRow + 1, 1);
spreadsheetFormatCell(sheet, qSheetOutput.currentRow + 1, qSheetOutput.currentRow + 1, 1, 2);
spreadsheetFormatCell( sheet, bold, qSheetOutput.currentRow + 1, 1 );
If looking at the output is too difficult to determine the correct format/s needed for the row, you could iterate over an array/s of row numbers that require a specific format/s. Once again notice I'm using the header count as an offset again.
dataRows = [];
messageRows = [];
for(row in qReportData){
queryAddRow(qSheetOutput, {
age: row.age
arrayAppend(dataRows, qSheetOutput.recordCount + 1);
if(row.age > 40){
queryAddRow(qSheetOutput, {
name: & " is over 40"
arrayAppend(messageRows, qSheetOutput.recordCount + 1);
for(rowNumber in dataRows){
spreadsheetFormatCell( sheet, bold, rowNumber, 1 );
for(rowNumber in messageRows){
spreadsheetFormatCell(sheet, {dataformat="#", alignment="center"}, rowNumber, 1);
spreadsheetFormatCell(sheet, rowNumber, rowNumber, 1, 2);
Here is the complete working code on
In honour of your perseverance, here is one that I did a couple of days ago. The visitData, headers, columns and title variables were set earlier in the program because they also applied to html output.
filePath = "d:\dw\dwweb\work\";
fileName = title & " " & getTickCount() & ".xlsx";
sheet = spreadSheetNew("data", true);
HeaderFormat = {};
HeaderFormat.bold = true;
spreadSheetAddRow(sheet, headers);
SpreadSheetFormatRow(sheet, HeaderFormat, 1);
SpreadSheetAddFreezePane(sheet, 0,1);
for (queryRow = 1; queryRow <= visitData.recordcount; queryRow ++) {
rowNumber = queryRow + 1;
for (columnNumber = 1; columnNumber <= listLen(columns); columnNumber ++) {
thisColumn = listGetAt(columns, columnNumber);
thisValue = visitData[thisColumn][queryrow];
SpreadSheetSetCellValue(sheet, thisValue, rowNumber, columnNumber);
} // columns
} // rows
SpreadSheetWrite(sheet,filePath & fileName, true);
<cfheader name="content-disposition" value="Attachment;filename=#fileName#">
<cfcontent file="#filePath & fileName#" type="application/">
Note the variables that I use in the last two tags. The <cfheader> tag has only the name of the file, but not the path. A mistake I was making earlier was to use just one variable which had both. The result was undesireable filenames being sent to the user.

Breaking a Value List to show 5 records in one Line and then move to Next line and so on

I have the following code where i am tryin to use mod operator to list 5 items on the line and then move to next line, On the single line it should display 5 items and then in next line, it should display the remaining items, if the remaining items are more than 5, it should go to 3rd line then
i am trying this code: but it not doing anything
<cfset items = "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0">
<cfif listLen(items) mod 5>
it is displaying all in one line
There are a couple of things wrong with your code.
You are not looping over the list to display each item.
Chr(10) and Chr(13) (linefeed and carriage return) do not display in HTML and your browser.
I modified your code like this:
<cfset counter = 0>
<cfset items = "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,a,b,c">
<cfloop index="thisItem" list="#items#">
<cfset counter = counter + 1>
<cfif counter mod 5>
<cfoutput>#thisItem#, </cfoutput>
Try it here
and here is an example of that same logic using cfscript syntax:
counter = 0;
items = "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,a,b,c";
for (counter = 1; counter lte listlen(items); counter++) {
if (counter mod 5) {
writeOutput('#listGetAt(items,counter)#, ');
} else {
Try it here
The code I have given you here can be cleaned up a bit but hopefully it is easy to understand for you.
Here is another approach if you are on CF10+:
// Items List
items_list = "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,a,b,c";
// Convert to array
items_array = items_list.listToArray( "," );
// Item Count
itemCount = arrayLen( items_array );
// Display
for ( i = 1; i <= itemCount; i += 5) {
writeOutput( items_array.slice( i, i + 5 - 1 > itemCount ? itemCount % 5 : 5 ).toList( "," ) & "<br>" );
Here is the TryCF.
Here is another approach.
<cfset items = "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,a,b,c">
<cfloop from="1" to="#listLen(items)#" index="i">
<cfif i mod 5 eq 0>
<cfelseif i neq listLen(items)>
Results in
1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5
6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 0
a , b , c

CFML Efficiently determine if a value exists in one of multiple lists

This is my first post to SO, a resource that is incredibly valuable!
I am trying to determine if a value (state code) exists in a list of codes and if so, set a new variable that represents the division (ie. sales territory, no match = 15). The code below works, but I want to improve my skills and do this as efficiently as possible. So my question is there a "better" way to achieve the same result?
<cfset state = "LA">
<cfset division = 15>
<cfset position = 0>
<cfset aStates = ArrayNew(1)>
<cfset aStates[1] = "MA,ME,NH,RI,VT">
<cfset aStates[2] = "CT,DE,NJ,NY,DE">
<cfset aStates[3] = "DC,MD,VA,WV">
<cfset aStates[4] = "TN">
<cfset aStates[5] = "NC,SC">
<cfset aStates[6] = "GA">
<cfset aStates[7] = "FL">
<cfset aStates[8] = "AL,KY,LA,MS">
<cfset aStates[9] = "IL,WI">
<cfset aStates[10] = "CO,MN,ND,SD,WY">
<cfset aStates[11] = "IN,OH,MI">
<cfset aStates[12] = "ID,OR,UT,WA">
<cfset aStates[13] = "AZ,HI,NV">
<cfset aStates[14] = "CA">
<cfset position = 0>
<cfloop array="#aStates#" index="lStates">
<cfset position = position+1>
<cfif ListFindNoCase(lStates,variables.state) NEQ 0>
<cfset division = position>
<cfdump var="#aStates#" label="states array">
<cfoutput>State: #state#</cfoutput>
<cfoutput>Division: #division#</cfoutput>
With the current structure, you are relying on string comparisons, so there is not too much room for improvement.
Unless there is a specific reason you must hard code the values, a more flexible approach is to store the information the database. Create tables to store the "states" and "divisions", and another table to store the relationships:
StateID | Code | Name
1 | ME | Maine
2 | GA | Georgia
3 | CA | California
4 | NH | New Hampshire
DivisionID | Name
1 | Sales Territory
DivisionID | StateID
1 | 1
1 | 4
6 | 2
14 | 3
Then use an OUTER JOIN to retrieve the selected state and division. Assuming #state# will always contain a valid entry, something along these lines (not tested):
SELECT s.Name AS StateName
, CASE WHEN d.Name IS NULL THEN 'No Match' ELSE d.Name END AS DivisionName
FROM States s
LEFT JOIN DivisionStates ds ON ds.StateID = s.StateID
LEFT JOIN Divisions d ON d.DivisionID = ds.DivisionID
WHERE s.Code = <cfqueryparam value="#state#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar">
I do not know the source of the #state# variable, but I am guessing it may be passed via a form <select>. If it is currently hard coded, you could simplify things further by using querying the "states" table, and using it to populate the list. Also, consider using the ID as the list value, rather than the state "code".
I thought of an approach in this by placing the states into a Struct; with the state codes as keys.
state = "LA";
division = 15;
states_divisions_map = {
MA: 1, ME: 1, NH: 1, RI: 1, VT: 1,
CT: 2, NJ: 2, NY: 2, DE: 2,
DC: 3, MD: 3, VA: 3, WV: 3,
TN: 4,
NC: 5, SC: 5,
GA: 6,
FL: 7,
AL: 8, KY: 8, LA: 8, MS: 8,
IL: 9, WI: 9,
CO: 10, MN: 10, ND: 10, SD: 10, WY: 10,
IN: 11, OH: 11, MI: 11,
ID: 12, OR: 12, UT: 12, WA: 12,
AZ: 13, HI: 13, NV: 13,
CA: 14
if(StructKeyExists (states_divisions_map, state) ){
division = states_divisions_map[state];
writeDump(var: states_divisions_map, label: "States");
writeOutput("State: #state#");
writeOutput("Division: #division#");
This way you can quickly check for the state without all the loops.
Observation: In your original code, DE is present twice.
ListContains() is like ListFind(), but it searches for a list element that contains the the text you're looking for anywhere in it. (ListFind() looks for a list element that entirely matches the string. Generally ListFind() is the better tool but not in this case.
(CF does have an ArrayContains, but it doesn't work for this task, it merely tells you if the array contains an exactly matched element.)
Because you're searching for unique two-char state-codes, this is a perfect use of the function.
<cfset aStates = ArrayNew(1)>
<cfset aStates[1] = "MA,ME,NH,RI,VT">
<cfset aStates[2] = "CT,DE,NJ,NY,DE">
<cfset aStates[3] = "DC,MD,VA,WV">
<cfset aStates[4] = "TN">
<cfset aStates[5] = "NC,SC">
<cfset aStates[6] = "GA">
<cfset aStates[7] = "FL">
<cfset aStates[8] = "AL,KY,LA,MS">
<cfset aStates[9] = "IL,WI">
<cfset aStates[10] = "CO,MN,ND,SD,WY">
<cfset aStates[11] = "IN,OH,MI">
<cfset aStates[12] = "ID,OR,UT,WA">
<cfset aStates[13] = "AZ,HI,NV">
<cfset aStates[14] = "CA">
<cfset lstates = arraytolist(astates,"|")>
<cfset division = listcontainsnocase(lstates,"CO","|")>
<cfoutput>Division: #division#<br>
State: #state#</cfoutput>
We set the delimiter to | (pipe), but you can use anything, other than the default (comma), because you're using that for you're sub-delimiter.
For future reference, if you're using CF 9 (I believe) or after, you can use array shorthand for quickly building arrays.
<cfset aStates=["MA,ME,NH,RI,VT","CT,DE,NJ,NV,DE","DC,MD,VA,WV"]> ...
While it may seem merely like a stylistic difference, it saves a lot of time.
Structures can be created similarly.
<cfset MyDogIs = {Size = "medium", Color = "Black", HasPaws = ["FL","FR","BL","BR"]}>
(And you can nest implicit array and structs within another!)
Thank you all for your input. I am answering this question myself with the code I decided to use since it is based on piece supplied by multiple answers/comments. I hope this is the correct way to do this, if not please advise.
The divisions were not stored in the db as they are a set it and forget it mapping that has not changed in years and I thought I'd save a call to the DB. If they were subject to change I would have taken a table approach suggested by #leigh
Thanks to #matt-busche for the improved loop, ucase() and break recommendations, and #cfqueryparam for the short hand array suggestion.
Here's what I went with. The code is actually a function in a cfc that processes a form submission but I have pasted only the relevant part.
<cfset form.division = 15>
<cfset aDivisions = ["MA,ME,NH,RI,VT",
<cfloop from="1" to="#ArrayLen(aDivisions)#" index="i">
<cfif ListFind(aDivisions[i],Ucase(arguments.sForm.state)) NEQ 0>
<cfset form.division = i>

CFML - query row to structure

I would like to handle a row from a query by a function, where I pass the row as a structure.
<cfloop query="myquery">
I could set it up like this too...
<cfloop query="myquery">
but I don't want to. I haven't been able to finda simple way of extracting a row, But I thought I'd ask.
found a little more elegant looking solution, for single row
function GetQueryRow(query, rowNumber) {
var i = 0;
var rowData = StructNew();
var cols = ListToArray(query.columnList);
for (i = 1; i lte ArrayLen(cols); i = i + 1) {
rowData[cols[i]] = query[cols[i]][rowNumber];
return rowData;
Adobe ColdFusion 11 introduced QueryGetRow which converts a row from a query into a struct.
Ben Nadel has posted a blog post about this where he gives an example UDF that converts a query to a struct, and it accepts an optional row argument that allows you to turn an single row in that query to a struct. Take a look here.
This is the Class from Ben's site without the comments
<--- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----
Blog Entry:
Ask Ben: Converting A Query To A Struct
Ben Nadel / Kinky Solutions
Date Posted:
Jul 19, 2006 at 7:32 AM
---- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --->
<cffunction name="QueryToStruct" access="public" returntype="any" output="false"
hint="Converts an entire query or the given record to a struct. This might return a structure (single record) or an array of structures.">
<cfargument name="Query" type="query" required="true" />
<cfargument name="Row" type="numeric" required="false" default="0" />
var LOCAL = StructNew();
} else {
LOCAL.FromIndex = 1;
LOCAL.ToIndex = ARGUMENTS.Query.RecordCount;
LOCAL.Columns = ListToArray( ARGUMENTS.Query.ColumnList );
LOCAL.ColumnCount = ArrayLen( LOCAL.Columns );
LOCAL.DataArray = ArrayNew( 1 );
for (LOCAL.RowIndex = LOCAL.FromIndex ; LOCAL.RowIndex LTE LOCAL.ToIndex ; LOCAL.RowIndex = (LOCAL.RowIndex + 1)){
ArrayAppend( LOCAL.DataArray, StructNew() );
LOCAL.DataArrayIndex = ArrayLen( LOCAL.DataArray );
for (LOCAL.ColumnIndex = 1 ; LOCAL.ColumnIndex LTE LOCAL.ColumnCount ; LOCAL.ColumnIndex = (LOCAL.ColumnIndex + 1)){
LOCAL.ColumnName = LOCAL.Columns[ LOCAL.ColumnIndex ];
LOCAL.DataArray[ LOCAL.DataArrayIndex ][ LOCAL.ColumnName ] = ARGUMENTS.Query[ LOCAL.ColumnName ][ LOCAL.RowIndex ];
return( LOCAL.DataArray[ 1 ] );
} else {
return( LOCAL.DataArray );
<!--- Convert the entire query to an array of structures. --->
<cfset arrGirls = QueryToStruct( qGirls ) />
<!--- Convert the second record to a structure. --->
<cfset objGirl = QueryToStruct( qGirls, 2 ) />
Another solution would be:
function QueryToStruct(query){
var cols = ListToArray(query.columnList);
var salida =,i,a){
return {'#cols[1]#':v};
return ValueArray(salida,'#cols[1]#');

Replace in ColdFusion spoiling SQL query

I've got the below MySQL query, it's causing an error, the error is below too.
SELECT DISTINCT as id, s.auctioneer as auctioneer, s.advertType as advertType, s.saleType as saleType, as auctioneerName, st.entryCopy as saleTypeName, at.entryCopy as advertTypeName, s.heading AS heading, AS city, AS sdId, sd.startDate AS startDate
FROM sales s LEFT JOIN saleloc sl ON sl.saleId = LEFT JOIN saledates sd ON sd.saleLoc =,
auctioneers an,
lookupcopy st,
lookupcopy at
#replace(findWhere,"''","'","all")# AND = sd.saleId AND sl.saleId =
AND = s.auctioneer
AND = s.saleType
AND = s.advertType
ORDER BY startDate, auctioneerName, city
Error from database
SELECT DISTINCT as id, s.auctioneer as auctioneer, s.advertType as advertType, s.saleType as saleType, as auctioneerName, st.entryCopy as saleTypeName, at.entryCopy as advertTypeName, s.heading AS heading, AS city, AS sdId, sd.startDate AS startDate
FROM sales s
LEFT JOIN saleloc sl ON sl.saleId =
LEFT JOIN saledates sd ON sd.saleLoc =, auctioneers an, lookupcopy st, lookupcopy at
'WHERE s.advertType > 0
AND s.saleType > 0
AND sl.region = "2" '
AND = sd.saleId
AND sl.saleId =
AND = s.auctioneer
AND = s.saleType
AND = s.advertType
ORDER BY startDate, auctioneerName, city
I didn't write this code and I'm not sure why the #Replace()# is being used, can anyone see how to fix the syntax error it's causing?
Before the query code, do a replace as follows:
<cfset findWhere = Replace(findWhere, "''", "'", "ALL")#
<cfif Left(findWhere, 1) EQ "'">
<cfset findWhere = Right(findWhere, Len(findWhere) - 1)>
<cfif Right(findWhere, 1) EQ "'">
<cfset findWhere = Left(findWhere, Len(findWhere) - 1)>
<cfquery name="qry" datasource="mysql">
SELECT DISTINCT as id, s.auctioneer as auctioneer, s.advertType as advertType, s.saleType as saleType, as auctioneerName, st.entryCopy as saleTypeName, at.entryCopy as advertTypeName, s.heading AS heading, AS city, AS sdId, sd.startDate AS startDate
FROM sales s
LEFT JOIN saleloc sl ON sl.saleId =
LEFT JOIN saledates sd ON sd.saleLoc =,
auctioneers an,
lookupcopy st,
lookupcopy at
#findWhere# AND = sd.saleId AND sl.saleId =
AND = s.auctioneer
AND = s.saleType
AND = s.advertType
ORDER BY startDate, auctioneerName, city
The value stored in findWhere includes single-quotes at the beginning and end of the string.
On another note: Unless you created findWhere without any direct user input value, then you need to secure it.
Better to do:
WHERE 1= 1
<cfif listFind( 'foo' , findWhere )>
foo= 2
<cfelseif listFind( 'bar' , findWhere )>
bar= 209
Just to clarify, I don't believe you can do a distinct and a group by statement in the same query.
They both do the same kind of thing, but for different reasons.