Random generation algorithm in C++ - c++

Suppose you need to generate a random permutation of the first N integers. For example, {4, 3, 1, 5, 2} and {3, 1, 4, 2, 5} are legal permutations, but {5, 4, 1, 2, 1} is not, because one number (1) is duplicated and another (3) is missing. This routine is often used in simulation of algorithms. We assume the existence of a random number generator, RandInt(i,j), that generates between i and j with equal probability. Here is the algorithm:
Fill the array A from A[0] to A[N-1] as follows: To fill A[i], generate random numbers until you get one that is not already in A[0], A[1],…, A[i-1].
Implement this algorithm in C++ and find the complexity. This is my code:
int a;
bool b = false;
A[0] = RandInt(1,n);
for (int i=1;i<n;i++) {
do {
b = false;
a = RandInt(1,n);
for (int j=0;j<i;j++)
if(A[j] == a)
b = true;
} while(b);
A[i] = a;
Is this code correct? And how can I find the complexity of the algorithm? Since, RandInt(i,j) generates random numbers, I don't know how many times the do while loop will be repeated.

This algorithm will produce correct results, selecting a permutation uniformly at random from all possible permutations.
The running time is not bounded above by any deterministic function since, as you point out, it could run literally forever. In the best case, this algorithm runs in O(n^2) and selects a random permutation without having to repeat any selection. On average, you'd expect to have to try n/n=1 time to get the first unique random, n/(n-1) times to get the second, and so on down to an expected value of n/1=n times to get the last one. Adding those together gives you n*H(n), where H(n) is the nth harmonic number. It turns out H(N) is Theta(log n) so this algorithm is O(n^2 log n) in the average case.
There is a better way to do what you're trying to do: you can start with any permutation and shuffle it into another one using an algorithm that is O(n) in the worst case. The algorithm is the Fisher-Yates algorithm and works as follows:
1. if n == 1 then return
2. r = random(2, n)
3. temp = array[1]
4. array[1] = array[r]
5. array[r] = temp
6. FisherYates(array[2...n])
This is a recursive formulation but an iterative one is straightforward. It calls random exactly n times, where n is the size of the array at the topmost invocation.


How to uniform spread every k values over a collection of n values with k <= n?

I've a collection of k elements. I need to spread them uniformly random into a collection of n elements, where k <= n.
So for example, with this k-collection (with k = 3):
{ 3, 5, 6 }
and give n = 7, a valid permutation result (with n = 7 elements) could be:
{ 6, 5, 6, 3, 3, 6, 5}
Notice that every item within the k-collection must be used into the permutation.
So this is not a valid result:
{ 6, 3, 6, 3, 3, 6, 6} // it lacks "5"
What's the fast way to accomplish this?
The simplest way I can think of.
Add one of each item to the array. So with your example, your initial array is [3,5,6]. This guarantees that every element is represented at least once.
Then, successively pick an element at random, and add it to the array. Do this n-3 times. (i.e. fill the array with randomly selected items from the list of elements)
Shuffle the array.
This takes O(n) to fill the array, and O(n) to shuffle it.
Let's assume you have a
std::vector<int> input;
that contains the k elements you need to spread and
std::vector<int> output;
that will be filled with n elements.
I used the following approach for a similiar problem. (Edit: Thinking about it, here is a simpler and probably faster version than the original)
First we satisfy the condition that every item from input must occurr at least once in output. Therefore we put every element from input once into output.
output.resize(n); // fill with n 0's
std::copy(input.begin(), input.end(), output.begin()); // fill k first items
Now we can fill up the remaining n - k slots with random elements from input:
std::random_device rd;
std::mt19937 rand(rd()); // get seed from random device
std::uniform_int_distribution<> dist(0, k - 1); // for random numbers in [0, k-1]
for(size_t i = k; i < n; i++) {
output[i] = input[dist(rand)];
At the end shuffle the whole thing, to randomize the position of the first k elements:
std::random_shuffle(output.begin(), output.end(), rand);
I hope this is what you wanted.
You can try just randomly put values to ur n-collection, then verify if it contains all k-collection values if not try again. However it's not always fast xd u can also put missing values in a random place of n-collection, but remember to verify again.
Simply make an array of the k elements, say {3,5,6} in the given example. Make a variable counter, which is zero initially. If you want to spread it over n elements, simply iterate over n elements of array with the counter incrementing as

Does this recursive algorithm for finding the largest sum in a continuous sub array have any advantages?

Objective: Evaluating the algorithm for finding the largest sum in a continuous subarray below.
Note: written in C++
As I was looking into the problem that Kadane successfully solved using dynamic programming, I thought I would find my own way of solving it. I did so by using a series of recursive calls depending on whether the sum can be larger by shorting the ends of the array. See below.
int corbins_largest_sum_continuous_subarray(int n, int* array){
int sum = 0; // calculate the sum of the current array given
for(int i=0; i<n; i++){sum += array[i];}
if(sum-array[0]>sum && sum-array[n-1]>sum){
return corbins_largest_sum_continuous_subarray(n-2, array+1);
}else if(sum-array[0]<sum && sum-array[n-1]>sum){
return corbins_largest_sum_continuous_subarray(n-1, array);
}else if(sum-array[0]>sum && sum-array[n-1]<sum){
return corbins_largest_sum_continuous_subarray(n-1, array+1);
return sum; // this is the largest subarray sum, can not increase any further
I understand that Kadane's algorithm takes O(n) time. I am having trouble calculating the Big O of my algorithm. Would it also be O(n)? Since it calculates the sum using O(n) and all calls after that use the same time. Does my algorithm provide any advantage over Kadane's? In what ways is Kadane's algorithm better?
First of all, the expression sum-array[0]>sum is equivalent to array[0]<0. A similar observation applies to those other conditions you have in your code.
Your algorithm is incorrect. The comment you have here is not true:
return sum // this is the largest subarray sum, can not increase any further
When you get at that point you know that the outer two values are both positive, but there might be a negative-sum subarray somewhere else in the array, which -- when removed -- would give two remaining subarrays, of which one (or both) could have a sum that is greater than the total sum.
For instance, the following input would be such a case:
[1, -4, 1]
Your algorithm will conclude that the maximum sum is achieved by taking the complete array (sum is -2), yet the subarray [1] represents a greater sum.
Other counter examples:
[1, 2, -2, 1]
[1, -3, -3, 1, 1]

3-sum alternative approach

I tried an alternative approach to the 3sum problem: given an array find all triplets that sum up to a given number.
Basically the approach is this: Sort the array. Once a pair of elements (say A[i] and A[j]) is selected, a binary search is done for the third element [using the equal_range function]. The index one past the last of the matching elements is saved in a variable 'c'. Since A[j+1] > A[j], we to search only upto and excluding index c (since numbers at index c and beyond would definitely sum greater than the target sum). For the case j=i+1, we save the end index as 'd' instead and make c=d. For the next value of i, when j=i+1, we need to search only upto and excluding index d.
C++ implementation:
int sum3(vector<int>& A,int sum)
int count=0, n=A.size();
int c=n, d=n; //initialize c and d to array length
pair < vector<int>::iterator, vector<int>::iterator > p;
for (int i=0; i<n-2; i++)
for (int j=i+1; j<n-1; j++)
if(j == i+1)
p=equal_range (A.begin()+j+1, A.begin()+d, sum-A[i]-A[j]);
d = p.second - A.begin();
if(d==n+1) d--;
p=equal_range (A.begin()+j+1, A.begin()+c, sum-A[i]-A[j]);
c = p.second - A.begin();
if(c==n+1) c--;
count += p.second-p.first;
for (auto it=p.first; it != p.second; ++it)
cout<<A[i]<<' '<<A[j]<<' '<<*it<<'\n';
return count;
int main() //driver function for testing
vector <int> A = {4,3,2,6,4,3,2,6,4,5,7,3,4,6,2,3,4,5};
int sum = 17;
cout << sum3(A,sum) << endl;
return 0;
I am unable to work out the upper bound time needed for this algorithm. I understand that the worst case scenario will be when the target sum is unachievably large.
My calculations yield something like:
For i=0, no. of binary searches is lg(n-2) + lg(n-3) + ... +lg(1)
For i=1, lg(n-3) + lg(n-4) + ... + lg(1)
For i=n-3, lg(1)
So totally, lg((n-2)!) + lg((n-3)!) + ... + lg(1!)
= lg(1^n*2^(n-1)3^(n-2)...*(n-1)^2*n^1)
But how to deduce the O(n) bound from this expression?
In addition to James' good answer I would like to point out that this can actually go upto O (n^3) in the worst case because you are running 3 nested for loops. Consider the case
{1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}
and the demanded sum is 3.
When computing complexity, I'll start by referring to the Big-O Cheat sheet. I use this sheet to classify smaller sections of the code to get their runtime performance.
E.g. if I had a simple loop it would be O(n). BinSearch (according to the cheat sheet) is O(log(n)), etc..
Next, I use the Properties of Big-O notation to composite the smaller pieces together.
So for instance if I had two loops independent of each other it would be O(n) + O(n) or O(2n) => O(n). If one of my loops were inside the other, I would multiply them. So g( f(x) ) turns into O(n^2).
Now, I know you're saying: "hey, wait, I'm changing the upper and lower bounds of the inner loop" but I don't think that really matters...here's a university level example.
So my back-of-the-napkin calculation of your runtime is O(n^2) * O(Log(n)) or O(n^2 Log(n)).
But this need not be the case. I could've done something horribly wrong. So my next step would be to start graphing the runtimes of your worst possible case. Set sum to the impossibly large value and generate larger and larger arrays. You can avoid integer overflow by using lots and lots of repeated smaller numbers.
Also, compare it to the Quadratic 3Sum Solution. That's a known O(n^2) solution. Be sure to compare worst cases, or at least the same array on both. Do both timed tests at the same time so you can start getting a feel for which is faster while you are empirically testing the runtime.
Release builds, optimized for speed.
1. For your analysis, note that
log(1) + log(2) + ... + log(k) = Theta(k log(k)).
Indeed, the upper half of this sum is log(k/2) + log(k/2+1) + ... + log(k),
so it is at least log(k/2)*k/2, which is asymptotically the same as log(k)*k already.
Similarly, we can conclude that
log(n-1) + log(n-2) + log(n-3) + ... + log(1) + // Theta((n-1) log(n-1))
log(n-2) + log(n-3) + ... + log(1) + // Theta((n-2) log(n-2))
log(n-3) + ... + log(1) + // Theta((n-3) log(n-3))
... +
log(1) = Theta(n^2 log(n))
Indeed, if we consider the logarithms which are at least log(n/2), it's the half-triangle (thus ~1/2) of the upper left quadrant (thus ~n^2/4) of the above sum, so there are Theta(n^2/8) such terms.
2. As noted by satvik in another answer, your output loop can take up to Theta(n^3) steps when the number of outputs itself is Theta(n^3), which is when they are all equal.
3. There are O(n^2) solutions to the 3-sum problem, which are therefore asymptotically faster than this one.

Improving the time complexity in priority queue in c++

In the code below, I am getting time out for larger vector length, though it is working for smaller length vector.
long priceCalculate(vector < int > a, long k) {
long price = 0;
int x = pq.top();
price = price + x;
return price;
I have an array of numbers. I have to add the maximum number to price and then decrement that number by 1. Again find the maximum number and so on. I have to repeat this process for k times.
Is there any better data structure than priority queue which has less time complexity?
Below is the code using vector sort:
struct mclass {
public: bool operator()(int x, int y) {
return (x > y);
long priceCalculate(vector < int > a, long k) {
long price = 0;
sort(a.begin(), a.end(), compare);
while (--k >= 0) {
if (a[0] > 0) {
price = price + a[0];
a[0] = a[0] - 1;
sort(a.begin(), a.end(), compare);
return price;
But this is also giving timeout on large input length.
The sorting code has two performance problems:
You are resorting the vector<> in every iteration. Even if your sorting algorithm is insertion sort (which would be best in this case), it still needs to touch every position in the vector before it can declare the vector<> sorted.
To make matters worse, you are sorting the values you want to work with to the front of the vector, requiring the subsequent sort() call to shift almost all elements.
Consequently, you can achieve huge speedups by
Reversing the sort order, so that you are only interacting with the end of the vector<>.
Sort only once, then update the vector<> by scanning to the right position from the end, and inserting the new value there.
You can also take a closer look at what your algorithm is doing: It only ever operates on the tail of the vector<> which has constant value, removing entries from it, and reinserting them, decremented by one, in front of it. I think you should be able to significantly simplify your algorithm with that knowledge, leading to even more significant speedups. In the end, you can remove that tail from the vector<> entirely: It's completely described by its length and its value, and all its elements can be manipulated in a single operation. Your algorithm should take no time at all once you are through optimizing it...
For the vector solution you should be able to gain performance by avoiding sort inside the loop.
a[0] = a[0] - 1;
you can do something like the (pseudo) code below instead of calling sort:
tmp = 0;
for j = 1 to end-1
if a[0] < a[j]
swap a[0], a[tmp]
to place the decremented value correctly in the sorted vector, i.e. since the vector is sorted from start, you'll only need to find the first element which is less or equal to the decremented value and swap the element just before with [0]. This should be faster than sort that has to go through the whole vector.
Examples of algorithm
// Vector after decremt
9, 10, 9, 5, 3, 2
tmp = 1
// Vector after swap
10, 9, 9, 5, 3, 2
// Vector after decremt
9, 10, 10, 5, 3, 2
tmp = 2
// Vector after swap
10, 10, 9, 5, 3, 2
I compared my approach with the vector example from OP:
k = 1000
vector.size = 10000000
vector filled with random numbers in range 0..9999
compiled with g++ -O3
My approach:
real 0.83
user 0.78
sys 0.05
OPs vector approach
real 119.42
user 119.42
sys 0.04

Number of swaps in a permutation [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Counting the adjacent swaps required to convert one permutation into another
(6 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
Is there an efficient algorithm (efficient in terms of big O notation) to find number of swaps to convert a permutation P into identity permutation I? The swaps do not need to be on adjacent elements, but on any elements.
So for example:
I = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, number of swaps is 0
P = {0, 1, 5, 3, 4, 2}, number of swaps is 1 (2 and 5)
P = {4, 1, 3, 5, 0, 2}, number of swaps is 3 (2 with 5, 3 with 5, 4 with 0)
One idea is to write an algorithm like this:
int count = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < n; ++ i) {
for(; P[i] != i; ++ count) { // could be permuted multiple times
std::swap(P[P[i]], P[i]);
// look where the number at hand should be
But it is not very clear to me whether that is actually guaranteed to terminate or whether it finds a correct number of swaps. It works on the examples above. I tried generating all permutation on 5 and on 12 numbers and it always terminates on those.
This problem arises in numerical linear algebra. Some matrix decompositions use pivoting, which effectively swaps row with the greatest value for the next row to be manipulated, in order to avoid division by small numbers and improve numerical stability. Some decompositions, such as the LU decomposition can be later used to calculate matrix determinant, but the sign of the determinant of the decomposition is opposite to that of the original matrix, if the number of permutations is odd.
EDIT: I agree that this question is similar to Counting the adjacent swaps required to convert one permutation into another. But I would argue that this question is more fundamental. Converting permutation from one to another can be converted to this problem by inverting the target permutation in O(n), composing the permutations in O(n) and then finding the number of swaps from there to identity. Solving this question by explicitly representing identity as another permutation seems suboptimal. Also, the other question had, until yesterday, four answers where only a single one (by |\/|ad) was seemingly useful, but the description of the method seemed vague. Now user lizusek provided answer to my question there. I don't agree with closing this question as duplicate.
EDIT2: The proposed algorithm actually seems to be rather optimal, as pointed out in a comment by user rcgldr, see my answer to Counting the adjacent swaps required to convert one permutation into another.
I believe the key is to think of the permutation in terms of the cycle decomposition.
This expresses any permutation as a product of disjoint cycles.
Key facts are:
Swapping elements in two disjoint cycles produces one longer cycle
Swapping elements in the same cycle produces one fewer cycle
The number of permutations needed is n-c where c is the number of cycles in the decomposition
Your algorithm always swaps elements in the same cycle so will correctly count the number of swaps needed.
If desired, you can also do this in O(n) by computing the cycle decomposition and returning n minus the number of cycles found.
Computing the cycle decomposition can be done in O(n) by starting at the first node and following the permutation until you reach the start again. Mark all visited nodes, then start again at the next unvisited node.
I believe the following are true:
If S(x[0], ..., x[n-1]) is the minimum number of swaps needed to convert x to {0, 1, ..., n - 1}, then:
If x[n - 1] == n - 1, then S(x) == S(x[0],...,x[n-2]) (ie, cut off the last element)
If x[-1] != n - 1, then S(x) == S(x[0], ..., x[n-1], ..., x[i], ... x[n-2]) + 1, where x[i] == n - 1.
S({}) = 0.
This suggests a straightforward algorithm for computing S(x) that runs in O(n) time:
int num_swaps(int[] x, int n) {
if (n == 0) {
return 0;
} else if (x[n - 1] == n - 1) {
return num_swaps(x, n - 1);
} else {
int* i = std::find(x, x + n, n - 1);
std::swap(*i, x[n - 1])
return num_swaps(x, n - 1) + 1;