Accessing 8-bit data as 7-bit - c++

I have an array of 100 uint8_t's, which is to be treated as a stream of 800 bits, and dealt with 7 bits at a time. So in other words, if the first element of the 8-bit array holds 0b11001100 and the second holds ob11110000 then when I come to read it in 7-bit format, the first element of the 7-bit array would be 0b1100110 and the second would be 0b0111100 with the remaining 2 bits being held in the 3rd.
The first thing I tried was a union...
struct uint7_t {
uint8_t i1:7;
union uint7_8_t {
uint8_t u8[100];
uint7_t u7[115];
but of course everything's byte aligned and I essentially end up simply loosing the 8th bit of each element.
Does anyone have any idea's on how I can go about doing this?
Just to be clear, this is something of a visual representation of the result of the union:
xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx 32 bits of 8 bit data
0xxxxxxx 0xxxxxxx 0xxxxxxx 0xxxxxxx 32 bits of 7-bit data.
And this represents what it is that I want to do instead:
xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx 32 bits of 8 bit data
xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxx 32 bits of 7-bit data.
I'm aware the last bits may be padded but that's fine, I just want someway of accessing each byte 7 bits at a time without losing any of the 800 bits. So far the only way I can think of is lots of bit shifting, which of course would work but I'm sure there's a cleaner way of going about it(?)
Thanks in advance for any answers.

Not sure what you mean by "cleaner". Generally people who work on this sort of problem regularly consider shifting and masking to be the right primitive tool to use. One can do something like defining a bitstream abstraction with a method to read an arbitrary number of bits off the stream. This abstraction sometimes shows up in compression applications. The internals of the method of course do use shifting and masking.
One fairly clean approach is to write a function which extracts a 7-bit number at any bit index in an array of unsigned char's. Use a division to convert the bit index to a byte index, and modulus to get the bit index within the byte. Then shift and mask. The input bits can span two bytes, so you either have to glue together a 16-bit value before extraction, or do two smaller extractions and or them together to construct the result.
If I were aiming for something moderately performant, I'd likely take one of two approaches:
The first has two state variables saying how many bits to take from the current and next byte. It would use shifting, masking, and bitwise or, to produce the current output (a number between 0 and 127 as an int for example), then the loop would update both state variables via adding and modulus, and would increment the current byte pointers if all bits in the first byte were consumed.
The second approach is to load 56-bits (8 outputs worth of input) into a 64-bit integer and use a fully unrolled structure to extract each of the 8 outputs. Doing this without using unaligned memory reads requires constructing the 64-bit integer piecemeal. (56-bits is special because the starting bit position is byte aligned.)
To go real fast, I might try writing SIMD code in Halide. That's beyond scope here I believe. (And not clear it is going to win much actually.)
Designs which read more than one byte into a integer at a time will likely have to consider processor byte ordering.

Process them in groups of 8 (since 8x7 nicely rounds to something 8bit aligned). Bitwise operators are the order of the day here. Faffing around with the last (upto) 7 numbers is a little faffy, but not impossible. (This code assumes these are unsigned 7 bit integers! Signed conversion would require you to do consider flipping the top bit if bit[6] is 1)
// convert 8 x 7bit ints in one go
void extract8(const uint8_t input[7], uint8_t output[8])
output[0] = input[0] & 0x7F;
output[1] = (input[0] >> 7) | ((input[1] << 1) & 0x7F);
output[2] = (input[1] >> 6) | ((input[2] << 2) & 0x7F);
output[3] = (input[2] >> 5) | ((input[3] << 3) & 0x7F);
output[4] = (input[3] >> 4) | ((input[4] << 4) & 0x7F);
output[5] = (input[4] >> 3) | ((input[5] << 5) & 0x7F);
output[6] = (input[5] >> 2) | ((input[6] << 6) & 0x7F);
output[7] = input[6] >> 1;
// convert array of 7bit ints to 8bit
void seven_bit_to_8bit(const uint8_t* const input, uint8_t* const output, const size_t count)
size_t count8 = count >> 3;
for(size_t i = 0; i < count8; ++i)
extract8(input + 7 * i, output + 8 * i);
// handle remaining (upto) 7 bytes
const size_t countr = (count % 8);
// how many bytes do we need to copy from the input?
size_t remaining_bits = 7 * countr;
if(remaining_bits % 8)
// round to next nearest multiple of 8
remaining_bits += (8 - remaining_bits % 8);
remaining_bits /= 8;
uint8_t in[7] = {0}, out[8] = {0};
for(size_t i = 0; i < remaining_bits; ++i)
in[i] = input[count8 * 7 + i];
extract8(in, out);
for(size_t i = 0; i < countr; ++i)
output[count8 * 8 + i] = in[i];

Here is a solution that uses the vector bool specialization. It also uses a similar mechanism to allow access to the seven-bit elements via reference objects.
The member functions allow for the following operations:
uint7_t x{5}; // simple value
Arr<uint7_t> arr(10); // array of size 10
arr[0] = x; // set element
uint7_t y = arr[0]; // get element
arr.push_back(uint7_t{9}); // add element
arr.push_back(x); //
std::cout << "Array size is "
<< arr.size() << '\n'; // get size
for(auto&& i : arr)
std::cout << i << '\n'; // range-for to read values
int z{50};
for(auto&& i : arr)
i = z++; // range-for to change values
auto&& v = arr[1]; // get reference to second element
v = 99; // change second element via reference
Full program:
#include <vector>
#include <iterator>
#include <iostream>
struct uint7_t {
unsigned int i : 7;
struct seven_bit_ref {
size_t begin;
size_t end;
std::vector<bool>& bits;
seven_bit_ref& operator=(const uint7_t& right)
auto it{bits.begin()+begin};
for(int mask{1}; mask != 1 << 7; mask <<= 1)
*it++ = right.i & mask;
return *this;
operator uint7_t() const
uint7_t r{};
auto it{bits.begin() + begin};
for(int i{}; i < 7; ++i)
r.i += *it++ << i;
return r;
seven_bit_ref operator*()
return *this;
void operator++()
begin += 7;
end += 7;
bool operator!=(const seven_bit_ref& right)
return !(begin == right.begin && end == right.end);
seven_bit_ref operator=(int val)
uint7_t temp{};
temp.i = val;
return *this;
template<typename T>
class Arr;
class Arr<uint7_t> {
Arr(size_t size) : bits(size * 7, false) {}
seven_bit_ref operator[](size_t index)
return {index * 7, index * 7 + 7, bits};
size_t size()
return bits.size() / 7;
void push_back(uint7_t val)
for(int mask{1}; mask != 1 << 7; mask <<= 1){
bits.push_back(val.i & mask);
seven_bit_ref begin()
return {0, 7, bits};
seven_bit_ref end()
return {size() * 7, size() * 7 + 7, bits};
std::vector<bool> bits;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, uint7_t val)
os << val.i;
return os;
int main()
uint7_t x{5}; // simple value
Arr<uint7_t> arr(10); // array of size 10
arr[0] = x; // set element
uint7_t y = arr[0]; // get element
arr.push_back(uint7_t{9}); // add element
arr.push_back(x); //
std::cout << "Array size is "
<< arr.size() << '\n'; // get size
for(auto&& i : arr)
std::cout << i << '\n'; // range-for to read values
int z{50};
for(auto&& i : arr)
i = z++; // range-for to change values
auto&& v = arr[1]; // get reference
v = 99; // change via reference
std::cout << "\nAfter changes:\n";
for(auto&& i : arr)
std::cout << i << '\n';

The following code works as you have asked for it, but first the output and live example on ideone.
Before changing values...:
7 bit representation: 1111111 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000
8 bit representation: 11111110 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
After changing values...:
7 bit representation: 1000000 1001100 1110010 1011010 1010100 0000111 1111110 0000000
8 bit representation: 10000001 00110011 10010101 10101010 10000001 11111111 00000000
8 Bits: 11111111 to ulong: 255
7 Bits: 1111110 to ulong: 126
After changing values...:
7 bit representation: 0010000 0101010 0100000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000
8 bit representation: 00100000 10101001 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
It is very straight forward using a std::bitset in a class called BitVector. I implement one getter and setter. The getter returns also a std::bitset at the given index selIdx with a given template argument size M. The given idx will be multiplied by the given size M to get the right position. The returned bitset can also be converted to numerical or string values.
The setter uses an uint8_t value as input and again the index selIdx. The bits will be shifted to the right position into the bitset.
Further you can use the getter and setter with different sizes because of the template argument M, which means you can work with either 7 or 8 bit representation but also 3 or what ever you like.
I'm sure this code is not the best concerning speed, but I think it is a very clear and clean solution. Also it is not complete at all as there are just one getter, one setter and two constructors. Remember to implement error checking concerning indexes and sizes.
#include <iostream>
#include <bitset>
template <size_t N> class BitVector
std::bitset<N> _data;
BitVector (unsigned long num) : _data (num) { };
BitVector (const std::string& str) : _data (str) { };
template <size_t M>
std::bitset<M> getBits (size_t selIdx)
std::bitset<M> retBitset;
for (size_t idx = 0; idx < M; ++idx)
retBitset |= (_data[M * selIdx + idx] << (M - 1 - idx));
return retBitset;
template <size_t M>
void setBits (size_t selIdx, uint8_t num)
const unsigned char* curByte = reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*> (&num);
for (size_t bitIdx = 0; bitIdx < 8; ++bitIdx)
bool bitSet = (1 == ((*curByte & (1 << (8 - 1 - bitIdx))) >> (8 - 1 - bitIdx)));
_data.set(M * selIdx + bitIdx, bitSet);
void print_7_8()
std:: cout << "\n7 bit representation: ";
for (size_t idx = 0; idx < (N / 7); ++idx)
std::cout << getBits<7>(idx) << " ";
std:: cout << "\n8 bit representation: ";
for (size_t idx = 0; idx < N / 8; ++idx)
std::cout << getBits<8>(idx) << " ";
int main ()
BitVector<56> num = 127;
std::cout << "Before changing values...:";
num.setBits<8>(0, 0x81);
num.setBits<8>(1, 0b00110011);
num.setBits<8>(2, 0b10010101);
num.setBits<8>(3, 0xAA);
num.setBits<8>(4, 0x81);
num.setBits<8>(5, 0xFF);
num.setBits<8>(6, 0x00);
std::cout << "\n\nAfter changing values...:";
std::cout << "\n\n8 Bits: " << num.getBits<8>(5) << " to ulong: " << num.getBits<8>(5).to_ulong();
std::cout << "\n7 Bits: " << num.getBits<7>(6) << " to ulong: " << num.getBits<7>(6).to_ulong();
num = BitVector<56>(std::string("1001010100000100"));
std::cout << "\n\nAfter changing values...:";
return 0;

Here is one approach without the manual shifting. This is just a crude POC, but hopefully you will be able to get something out of it. I don't know if you are able to easily transform your input into bitset, but i think it should be possible.
int bytes = 0x01234567;
bitset<32> bs(bytes);
cout << "Input: " << bs << endl;
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
bitset<7> slice(bs.to_string().substr(i*7, 7));
cout << slice << endl;
Also this is probably much less performant then the bitshifting version, so i wouldn't recommend it for heavy lifting.

You can use this to get the index'th 7-bit element from in (note that it doesn't have proper end of array handling). Simple, fast.
int get7(const uint8_t *in, int index) {
int fidx = index*7;
int idx = fidx>>3;
int sidx = fidx&7;
return (in[idx]>>sidx|in[idx+1]<<(8-sidx))&0x7f;

You can use direct access or bulk bit packing/unpacking as in TurboPFor:Integer Compression
// Direct read access
// b : bit width 0-16 (7 in your case)
#define bzhi32(u,b) ((u) & ((1u <<(b))-1))
static inline unsigned bitgetx16(unsigned char *in,
unsigned idx,
unsigned b) {
unsigned bidx = b*idx;
return bzhi32( *(unsigned *)((uint16_t *)in+(bidx>>4)) >> (bidx& 0xf), b );


Converting a string of '1's and '0's whose length is exactly a multiple of 8 to a certain number of bytes

I have a string of 1s and 0s that i padded with enough 0s to make its length exactly divisible by 8. My goal is to convert this string to a number of bytes and order it in such a way that the first character i read is the least siginificant bit, then the next on is the next least siginificant, etc until i have read 8 bits, save that as a byte and the continue reading the string saving the next bit as as the least siginificant bit of the second byte.
As an example the string "0101101101010010" is length 16 so it will be converted into two bytes. The first byte should be "11011010" and the second byte should be "01001010".
I am unsure how to do this because it is not as simple as reversing the string (i need to maintain the order of these bytes).
Any help is appreciated, thanks!
You could iterate backwards through the string, but reversing it like you suggest might be easier. From there, you can just build the bytes one at a time. A nested for loop would work nicely:
unsigned char bytes[8]; // Make sure this is zeroed
for (int i=0, j=0; i<str.length(); j++) {
for (int k=0; k<8; k++, i++) {
bytes[j] >>= 1;
if (str[i] == '1') bytes[j] |= 0x80;
i is the current string index, j is the current byte array index, and k counts how many bits we've set in the current byte. We set the bit if the current character is 1, otherwise we leave it unset. It's important that the byte array is unsigned since we're using a right-shift.
You can get the number of bytes using the string::size / 8.
Then, it is just a matter of reversing the sub-strings.
You can do something like that:
for(int i=0; i<number_of_bytes; i++)
std::string temp_substr = original.substr(i*8,8);
std::reversed = string(temp_substr.rbegin(),temp_substr.rend()) // using reverse iterators
//now you can save that "byte" represented in the "reversed" string, for example using memcpy
Depends whether you want to expose it as a general purpose function or encapsulate it in a class which will ensure you have all the right constraints applied, such as all the characters being either 0 or 1.
#include <cstdint>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
static const size_t BitsPerByte = 8;
// Suitable for a member function where you know all the constraints are met.
uint64_t crudeBinaryDecode(const std::string& src)
uint64_t value = 0;
const size_t numBits = src.size();
for (size_t bitNo = 0; bitNo < numBits; ++bitNo)
value |= uint64_t(src[bitNo] - '0') << bitNo;
return value;
uint64_t clearerBinaryDecode(const std::string& src)
static const size_t BitsPerByte = 8;
if ((src.size() & (BitsPerByte - 1)) != 0)
throw std::invalid_argument("binary value must be padded to a byte size");
uint64_t value = 0;
const size_t numBits = std::min(src.size(), sizeof(value) * BitsPerByte);
for (size_t bitNo = 0; bitNo < numBits; ++bitNo) {
uint64_t bitValue = (src[bitNo] == '0') ? 0ULL : 1ULL;
value |= bitValue << bitNo;
return value;
int main()
std::string dead("1011" "0101" "0111" "1011");
std::string beef("1111" "0111" "0111" "1101");
std::string bse ("1111" "0111" "0111" "1101" "1011" "0101" "0111" "1011" "1111" "0111" "0111" "1101" "1011" "0111" "0111" "1111");
std::cout << std::hex;
std::cout << "'dead' is: " << crudeBinaryDecode(dead) << std::endl;
std::cout << "'beef' is: " << clearerBinaryDecode(beef) << std::endl;
std::cout << "'bse' is: " << crudeBinaryDecode(bse) << std::endl;
return 0;

How to Write a binary file in c++

I'm trying to implement the Huffman's encoding algorithm in c++.
my question is : after i got the equivalent binary string for each character , how can i write those zeros and ones as binary on a file not as string 0 or string 1 ?
thanks in advance ...
I hope this code can help you.
You start from a sequence of bytes (1s and 0s) representing the continuous encoding of every character of the input file.
You take every byte of the sequence and add a bit into a temporary byte (char byte)
Every time you fill a byte, you write it to file (you could also wait, for efficiency, to have a bigger data)
At the end, you write the remaining bits to file, filled with trailing zeros, for example
As akappa correctly pointed out, the else branch can be removed if byte is set to 0 after each file writing operation (or, more generically, every time it has been totally filled and flushed somewhere else), so only 1s must be written.
void writeBinary(char *huffmanEncoding, int sequenceLength)
char byte = 0;
// For each bit of the sequence
for (int i = 0; i < sequenceLength; i++) {
char bit = huffmanEncoding[i];
// Add a single bit to byte
if (bit == 1) {
// MSB of the sequence to msb of the file
byte |= (1 << (7 - (i % 8)));
// equivalent form: byte |= (1 << (-(i + 1) % 8);
else {
// MSB of the sequence to msb of the file
byte &= ~(1 << (7 - (i % 8)));
// equivalent form: byte &= ~(1 << (-(i + 1) % 8);
if ((i % 8) == 0 && i > 0) {
// Fill the last incomplete byte, if any, and write to file
Obtaining individually the encoding of each character in a different data structure is a broken solution, because you need to juxtapose the encoding of each character in the resulting binary file: storing them individually makes that as hard as directly storing them contiguously in a vector of bits.
This consideration suggests using a std::vector<bool> to perform your task, but it is a broken solution because it can't be treated as a c-style array, and you really need that at output time.
This question asks precisely which are the valid alternatives to std::vector<bool>, so I think answers to that question fits perfectly your question.
BTW, what I would do is to just wrap a std::vector<uint8_t> under a class which suits yout needs, like the code attached:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <cstdint>
#include <algorithm>
class bitstream {
std::vector<std::uint8_t> storage;
unsigned int bits_used:3;
void alloc_space();
bitstream() : bits_used(0) { }
void push_bit(bool bit);
template <typename T>
void push(T t);
std::uint8_t *get_array();
size_t size() const;
// beware: no reference!
bool operator[](size_t pos) const;
void bitstream::alloc_space()
if (bits_used == 0) {
std::uint8_t push = 0;
void bitstream::push_bit(bool bit)
storage.back() |= bit << 7 - bits_used++;
template <typename T>
void bitstream::push(T t)
std::uint8_t *t_byte = reinterpret_cast<std::uint8_t*>(&t);
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(t); i++) {
uint8_t byte = t_byte[i];
if (bits_used > 0) {
storage.back() |= byte >> bits_used;
std::uint8_t to_push = (byte & ((1 << (8 - bits_used)) - 1)) << bits_used;
} else {
std::uint8_t *bitstream::get_array()
return &storage.front();
size_t bitstream::size() const
const unsigned int m = 0;
return std::max(m, (storage.size() - 1) * 8 + bits_used);
bool bitstream::operator[](size_t size) const
// No range checking
return static_cast<bool>((storage[size / 8] >> 7 - (size % 8)) & 0x1);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
bitstream bs;
std::cout << bs[0] << std::endl;
std::cout << bs[0] << "," << bs[1] << std::endl;
std::uint8_t to_push = 0xF0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < bs.size(); i++)
std::cout << bs[i] << ",";
std::cout << std::endl;
You cant write to a binary file with only bits; the smallest size of data written is one byte (thus 8 bits).
So what you should do is create a buffer (any size).
char BitBuffer;
Writing to a buffer:
int Location;
bool Value;
if (Value)
BitBuffer |= (1 << Location);
BitBuffer &= ~(1 << Location)
The code (1 << Location) generates a number with all 0's except the position specified by Location. Then, if Value is set to true, it sets corresponding bit in Buffer to 1, and to 0 in other case. The binary operations used are fairly simple, if you don't understand them, it should be in any good C++ book/tutorial.
Location should be number in range <0, sizeof(Buffer)-1>, so <0,7> in this case.
Writing buffer to a file is relatively simple when using fstream. Just remember to open it as binary.
ofstream File;"file.txt", ios::out | ios::binary);
File.write(BitBuffer, sizeof(char))
EDIT: Noticed a bug and fixed it.
EDIT2: You can't use << operators in binary mode, i forgot about it.
Alternative solution : Use std::vector<bool> or std::bitset as a buffer.
This should be even simpler, but I thought I could help you a little bit more.
void WriteData (std::vector<bool> const& data, std::ofstream& str)
char Buffer;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i)
if (i % 8 == 0 && i != 0)
str.write(Buffer, 1);
// Paste buffer setting code here
// Location = i/8;
// Value = data[i];
// It might happen that data.size() % 8 != 0. You should fill the buffer
// with trailing zeros and write it individually.

How to put bit sequence into bytes (C/C++)

I have a couple of integers, for example (in binary represetation):
00001000, 01111111, 10000000, 00000001
and I need to put them in sequence to array of bytes(chars), without the leading zeros, like so:
10001111 11110000 0001000
I understand that it is must be done by bit shifting with <<,>> and using binary or |. But I can't find the correct algorithm, can you suggest the best approach?
The integers I need to put there are unsigned long long ints, so the length of one can be anywhere from 1 bit to 8 bytes (64 bits).
You could use a std::bitset:
#include <bitset>
#include <iostream>
int main() {
unsigned i = 242122534;
std::bitset<sizeof(i) * 8> bits;
bits = i;
std::cout << bits.to_string() << "\n";
There are doubtless other ways of doing it, but I would probably go with the simplest:
std::vector<unsigned char> integers; // Has your list of bytes
std::string str; // Will have your resulting string
for(unsigned int i=0; i < integers.size(); i++)
for(int j=0; j<8; j++)
str += ((integers[i]<<j) & 0x80 ? "1" : "0");
std::cout << str << "\n";
size_t begin = str.find("1");
if(begin > 0) str.erase(0,begin);
std::cout << str << "\n";
I wrote this up before you mentioned that you were using long ints or whatnot, but that doesn't actually change very much of this. The mask needs to change, and the j loop variable, but otherwise the above should work.
Convert them to strings, then erase all leading zeros:
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <cstdint>
std::string to_bin(uint64_t v)
std::stringstream ss;
for(size_t x = 0; x < 64; ++x)
if(v & 0x8000000000000000)
ss << "1";
ss << "0";
v <<= 1;
return ss.str();
void trim_right(std::string& in)
size_t non_zero = in.find_first_not_of("0");
if(std::string::npos != non_zero)
in.erase(in.begin(), in.begin() + non_zero);
// no 1 in data set, what to do?
in = "<no data>";
int main()
uint64_t v1 = 437148234;
uint64_t v2 = 1;
uint64_t v3 = 0;
std::string v1s = to_bin(v1);
std::string v2s = to_bin(v2);
std::string v3s = to_bin(v3);
std::cout << v1s << "\n"
<< v2s << "\n"
<< v3s << "\n";
return 0;
A simple approach would be having the "current byte" (acc in the following), the associated number of used bits in it (bitcount) and a vector of fully processed bytes (output):
int acc = 0;
int bitcount = 0;
std::vector<unsigned char> output;
void writeBits(int size, unsigned long long x)
while (size > 0)
// sz = How many bit we're about to copy
int sz = size;
// max avail space in acc
if (sz > 8 - bitcount) sz = 8 - bitcount;
// get the bits
acc |= ((x >> (size - sz)) << (8 - bitcount - sz));
// zero them off in x
x &= (1 << (size - sz)) - 1;
// acc got bigger and x got smaller
bitcount += sz;
size -= sz;
if (bitcount == 8)
// got a full byte!
acc = bitcount = 0;
void writeNumber(unsigned long long x)
// How big is it?
int size = 0;
while (size < 64 && x >= (1ULL << size))
writeBits(size, x);
Note that at the end of the processing you should check if there is any bit still in the accumulator (bitcount > 0) and you should flush them in that case by doing a output.push_back(acc);.
Note also that if speed is an issue then probably using a bigger accumulator is a good idea (however the output will depend on machine endianness) and also that discovering how many bits are used in a number can be made much faster than a linear search in C++ (for example x86 has a special machine language instruction BSR dedicated to this).

How to determine how many bytes an integer needs?

I'm looking for the most efficient way to calculate the minimum number of bytes needed to store an integer without losing precision.
int: 10 = 1 byte
int: 257 = 2 bytes;
int: 18446744073709551615 (UINT64_MAX) = 8 bytes;
P.S. This is for a hash functions which will be called many millions of times
Also the byte sizes don't have to be a power of two
The fastest solution seems to one based on tronics answer:
int bytes;
if (hash <= UINT32_MAX)
if (hash < 16777216U)
if (hash <= UINT16_MAX)
if (hash <= UINT8_MAX) bytes = 1;
else bytes = 2;
else bytes = 3;
else bytes = 4;
else if (hash <= UINT64_MAX)
if (hash < 72057594000000000ULL)
if (hash < 281474976710656ULL)
if (hash < 1099511627776ULL) bytes = 5;
else bytes = 6;
else bytes = 7;
else bytes = 8;
The speed difference using mostly 56 bit vals was minimal (but measurable) compared to Thomas Pornin answer. Also i didn't test the solution using __builtin_clzl which could be comparable.
Use this:
int n = 0;
while (x != 0) {
x >>= 8;
n ++;
This assumes that x contains your (positive) value.
Note that zero will be declared encodable as no byte at all. Also, most variable-size encodings need some length field or terminator to know where encoding stops in a file or stream (usually, when you encode an integer and mind about size, then there is more than one integer in your encoded object).
You need just two simple ifs if you are interested on the common sizes only. Consider this (assuming that you actually have unsigned values):
if (val < 0x10000) {
if (val < 0x100) // 8 bit
else // 16 bit
} else {
if (val < 0x100000000L) // 32 bit
else // 64 bit
Should you need to test for other sizes, choosing a middle point and then doing nested tests will keep the number of tests very low in any case. However, in that case making the testing a recursive function might be a better option, to keep the code simple. A decent compiler will optimize away the recursive calls so that the resulting code is still just as fast.
Assuming a byte is 8 bits, to represent an integer x you need [log2(x) / 8] + 1 bytes where [x] = floor(x).
Ok, I see now that the byte sizes aren't necessarily a power of two. Consider the byte sizes b. The formula is still [log2(x) / b] + 1.
Now, to calculate the log, either use lookup tables (best way speed-wise) or use binary search, which is also very fast for integers.
The function to find the position of the first '1' bit from the most significant side (clz or bsr) is usually a simple CPU instruction (no need to mess with log2), so you could divide that by 8 to get the number of bytes needed. In gcc, there's __builtin_clz for this task:
#include <limits.h>
int bytes_needed(unsigned long long x) {
int bits_needed = sizeof(x)*CHAR_BIT - __builtin_clzll(x);
if (bits_needed == 0)
return 1;
return (bits_needed + 7) / 8;
(On MSVC you would use the _BitScanReverse intrinsic.)
You may first get the highest bit set, which is the same as log2(N), and then get the bytes needed by ceil(log2(N) / 8).
Here are some bit hacks for getting the position of the highest bit set, which are copied from, and you can click the URL for details of how these algorithms work.
Find the integer log base 2 of an integer with an 64-bit IEEE float
int v; // 32-bit integer to find the log base 2 of
int r; // result of log_2(v) goes here
union { unsigned int u[2]; double d; } t; // temp
t.u[__FLOAT_WORD_ORDER==LITTLE_ENDIAN] = 0x43300000;
t.d -= 4503599627370496.0;
r = (t.u[__FLOAT_WORD_ORDER==LITTLE_ENDIAN] >> 20) - 0x3FF;
Find the log base 2 of an integer with a lookup table
static const char LogTable256[256] =
#define LT(n) n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n
-1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3,
LT(4), LT(5), LT(5), LT(6), LT(6), LT(6), LT(6),
LT(7), LT(7), LT(7), LT(7), LT(7), LT(7), LT(7), LT(7)
unsigned int v; // 32-bit word to find the log of
unsigned r; // r will be lg(v)
register unsigned int t, tt; // temporaries
if (tt = v >> 16)
r = (t = tt >> 8) ? 24 + LogTable256[t] : 16 + LogTable256[tt];
r = (t = v >> 8) ? 8 + LogTable256[t] : LogTable256[v];
Find the log base 2 of an N-bit integer in O(lg(N)) operations
unsigned int v; // 32-bit value to find the log2 of
const unsigned int b[] = {0x2, 0xC, 0xF0, 0xFF00, 0xFFFF0000};
const unsigned int S[] = {1, 2, 4, 8, 16};
int i;
register unsigned int r = 0; // result of log2(v) will go here
for (i = 4; i >= 0; i--) // unroll for speed...
if (v & b[i])
v >>= S[i];
r |= S[i];
unsigned int v; // 32-bit value to find the log2 of
register unsigned int r; // result of log2(v) will go here
register unsigned int shift;
r = (v > 0xFFFF) << 4; v >>= r;
shift = (v > 0xFF ) << 3; v >>= shift; r |= shift;
shift = (v > 0xF ) << 2; v >>= shift; r |= shift;
shift = (v > 0x3 ) << 1; v >>= shift; r |= shift;
r |= (v >> 1);
unsigned int v; // 32-bit value to find the log2 of
static const unsigned int b[] = {0xAAAAAAAA, 0xCCCCCCCC, 0xF0F0F0F0,
0xFF00FF00, 0xFFFF0000};
register unsigned int r = (v & b[0]) != 0;
for (i = 4; i > 0; i--) // unroll for speed...
r |= ((v & b[i]) != 0) << i;
Find the number of bits by taking the log2 of the number, then divide that by 8 to get the number of bytes.
You can find logn of x by the formula:
logn(x) = log(x) / log(n)
Since you need to do this really quickly, Bit Twiddling Hacks has several methods for quickly calculating log2(x). The look-up table approach seems like it would suit your needs.
This will get you the number of bytes. It's not strictly the most efficient, but unless you're programming a nanobot powered by the energy contained in a red blood cell, it won't matter.
int count = 0;
while (numbertotest > 0)
numbertotest >>= 8;
You could write a little template meta-programming code to figure it out at compile time if you need it for array sizes:
template<unsigned long long N> struct NBytes
{ static const size_t value = NBytes<N/256>::value+1; };
template<> struct NBytes<0>
{ static const size_t value = 0; };
int main()
std::cout << "short = " << NBytes<SHRT_MAX>::value << " bytes\n";
std::cout << "int = " << NBytes<INT_MAX>::value << " bytes\n";
std::cout << "long long = " << NBytes<ULLONG_MAX>::value << " bytes\n";
std::cout << "10 = " << NBytes<10>::value << " bytes\n";
std::cout << "257 = " << NBytes<257>::value << " bytes\n";
return 0;
short = 2 bytes
int = 4 bytes
long long = 8 bytes
10 = 1 bytes
257 = 2 bytes
Note: I know this isn't answering the original question, but it answers a related question that people will be searching for when they land on this page.
Floor((log2(N) / 8) + 1) bytes
You need exactly the log function
nb_bytes = floor(log(x)/log(256))+1
if you use log2, log2(256) == 8 so
You need to raise 256 to successive powers until the result is larger than your value.
For example: (Tested in C#)
long long limit = 1;
int byteCount;
for (byteCount = 1; byteCount < 8; byteCount++) {
limit *= 256;
if (limit > value)
If you only want byte sizes to be powers of two (If you don't want 65,537 to return 3), replace byteCount++ with byteCount *= 2.
I think this is a portable implementation of the straightforward formula:
#include <limits.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
int i;
unsigned int values[] = {10, 257, 67898, 140000, INT_MAX, INT_MIN};
for ( i = 0; i < sizeof(values)/sizeof(values[0]); ++i) {
printf("%d needs %.0f bytes\n",
1.0 + floor(log(values[i]) / (M_LN2 * CHAR_BIT))
return 0;
10 needs 1 bytes
257 needs 2 bytes
67898 needs 3 bytes
140000 needs 3 bytes
2147483647 needs 4 bytes
-2147483648 needs 4 bytes
Whether and how much the lack of speed and the need to link floating point libraries depends on your needs.
I know this question didn't ask for this type of answer but for those looking for a solution using the smallest number of characters, this does the assignment to a length variable in 17 characters, or 25 including the declaration of the length variable.
//Assuming v is the value that is being counted...
int l=0;
This is based on SoapBox's idea of creating a solution that contains no jumps, branches etc... Unfortunately his solution was not quite correct. I have adopted the spirit and here's a 32bit version, the 64bit checks can be applied easily if desired.
The function returns number of bytes required to store the given integer.
unsigned short getBytesNeeded(unsigned int value)
unsigned short c = 0; // 0 => size 1
c |= !!(value & 0xFF00); // 1 => size 2
c |= (!!(value & 0xFF0000)) << 1; // 2 => size 3
c |= (!!(value & 0xFF000000)) << 2; // 4 => size 4
static const int size_table[] = { 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4 };
return size_table[c];
For each of eight times, shift the int eight bits to the right and see if there are still 1-bits left. The number of times you shift before you stop is the number of bytes you need.
More succinctly, the minimum number of bytes you need is ceil(min_bits/8), where min_bits is the index (i+1) of the highest set bit.
There are a multitude of ways to do this.
Option #1.
int numBytes = 0;
do {
} while (i >>= 8);
return (numBytes);
In the above example, is the number you are testing, and generally works for any processor, any size of integer.
However, it might not be the fastest. Alternatively, you can try a series of if statements ...
For a 32 bit integers
if ((upper = (value >> 16)) == 0) {
/* Bit in lower 16 bits may be set. */
if ((high = (value >> 8)) == 0) {
return (1);
return (2);
/* Bit in upper 16 bits is set */
if ((high = (upper >> 8)) == 0) {
return (3);
return (4);
For 64 bit integers, Another level of if statements would be required.
If the speed of this routine is as critical as you say, it might be worthwhile to do this in assembler if you want it as a function call. That could allow you to avoid creating and destroying the stack frame, saving a few extra clock cycles if it is that critical.
A bit basic, but since there will be a limited number of outputs, can you not pre-compute the breakpoints and use a case statement? No need for calculations at run-time, only a limited number of comparisons.
Why not just use a 32-bit hash?
That will work at near-top-speed everywhere.
I'm rather confused as to why a large hash would even be wanted. If a 4-byte hash works, why not just use it always? Excepting cryptographic uses, who has hash tables with more then 232 buckets anyway?
there are lots of great recipes for stuff like this over at Sean Anderson's "Bit Twiddling Hacks" page.
This code has 0 branches, which could be faster on some systems. Also on some systems (GPGPU) its important for threads in the same warp to execute the same instructions. This code is always the same number of instructions no matter what the input value.
inline int get_num_bytes(unsigned long long value) // where unsigned long long is the largest integer value on this platform
int size = 1; // starts at 1 sot that 0 will return 1 byte
size += !!(value & 0xFF00);
size += !!(value & 0xFFFF0000);
if (sizeof(unsigned long long) > 4) // every sane compiler will optimize this out
size += !!(value & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000ull);
if (sizeof(unsigned long long) > 8)
size += !!(value & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0000000000000000ull);
static const int size_table[] = { 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 };
return size_table[size];
g++ -O3 produces the following (verifying that the ifs are optimized out):
xor %edx,%edx
test $0xff00,%edi
setne %dl
xor %eax,%eax
test $0xffff0000,%edi
setne %al
lea 0x1(%rdx,%rax,1),%eax
movabs $0xffffffff00000000,%rdx
test %rdx,%rdi
setne %dl
lea (%rdx,%rax,1),%rax
and $0xf,%eax
mov _ZZ13get_num_bytesyE10size_table(,%rax,4),%eax
Why so complicated? Here's what I came up with:
bytesNeeded = (numBits/8)+((numBits%8) != 0);
Basically numBits divided by eight + 1 if there is a remainder.
There are already a lot of answers here, but if you know the number ahead of time, in c++ you can use a template to make use of the preprocessor.
template <unsigned long long N>
struct RequiredBytes {
enum : int { value = 1 + (N > 255 ? RequiredBits<(N >> 8)>::value : 0) };
template <>
struct RequiredBytes<0> {
enum : int { value = 1 };
const int REQUIRED_BYTES_18446744073709551615 = RequiredBytes<18446744073709551615>::value; // 8
or for a bits version:
template <unsigned long long N>
struct RequiredBits {
enum : int { value = 1 + RequiredBits<(N >> 1)>::value };
template <>
struct RequiredBits<1> {
enum : int { value = 1 };
template <>
struct RequiredBits<0> {
enum : int { value = 1 };
const int REQUIRED_BITS_42 = RequiredBits<42>::value; // 6

Convert Byte Array into Bitset

I have a byte array generated by a random number generator. I want to put this into the STL bitset.
Unfortunately, it looks like Bitset only supports the following constructors:
A string of 1's and 0's like "10101011"
An unsigned long. (my byte array will be longer)
The only solution I can think of now is to read the byte array bit by bit and make a string of 1's and 0's. Does anyone have a more efficient solution?
Something like this?
#include <bitset>
#include <climits>
template<size_t numBytes>
std::bitset<numBytes * CHAR_BIT> bytesToBitset(uint8_t *data)
std::bitset<numBytes * CHAR_BIT> b;
for(int i = 0; i < numBytes; ++i)
uint8_t cur = data[i];
int offset = i * CHAR_BIT;
for(int bit = 0; bit < CHAR_BIT; ++bit)
b[offset] = cur & 1;
++offset; // Move to next bit in b
cur >>= 1; // Move to next bit in array
return b;
And an example usage:
int main()
std::array<uint8_t, 4> bytes = { 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF };
auto bits = bytesToBitset<bytes.size()>(;
std::cout << bits << std::endl;
There's a 3rd constructor for bitset<> - it takes no parameters and sets all the bits to 0. I think you'll need to use that then walk through the array calling set() for each bit in the byte array that's a 1.
A bit brute-force, but it'll work. There will be a bit of complexity to convert the byte-index and bit offset within each byte to a bitset index, but it's nothing a little bit of thought (and maybe a run through under the debugger) won't solve. I think it's most likely simpler and more efficient than trying to run the array through a string conversion or a stream.
I have spent a lot of time by writing a reverse function (bitset -> byte/char array). There it is:
bitset<SIZE> data = ...
// bitset to char array
char current = 0;
int offset = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i) {
if (data[i]) { // if bit is true
current |= (char)(int)pow(2, i - offset * CHAR_BIT); // set that bit to true in current masked value
} // otherwise let it to be false
if ((i + 1) % CHAR_BIT == 0) { // every 8 bits
buf[offset++] = current; // save masked value to buffer & raise offset of buffer
current = 0; // clear masked value
// now we have the result in "buf" (final size of contents in buffer is "offset")
Here is my implementation using template meta-programming.
Loops are done in the compile-time.
I took #strager version, modified it in order to prepare for TMP:
changed order of iteration (so that I could make recursion from it);
reduced number of used variables.
Modified version with loops in a run-time:
template <size_t nOfBytes>
void bytesToBitsetRunTimeOptimized(uint8_t* arr, std::bitset<nOfBytes * CHAR_BIT>& result) {
for(int i = nOfBytes - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
for(int bit = 0; bit < CHAR_BIT; ++bit) {
result[i * CHAR_BIT + bit] = ((arr[i] >> bit) & 1);
TMP version based on it:
template<size_t nOfBytes, int I, int BIT> struct LoopOnBIT {
static inline void bytesToBitset(uint8_t* arr, std::bitset<nOfBytes * CHAR_BIT>& result) {
result[I * CHAR_BIT + BIT] = ((arr[I] >> BIT) & 1);
LoopOnBIT<nOfBytes, I, BIT+1>::bytesToBitset(arr, result);
// stop case for LoopOnBIT
template<size_t nOfBytes, int I> struct LoopOnBIT<nOfBytes, I, CHAR_BIT> {
static inline void bytesToBitset(uint8_t* arr, std::bitset<nOfBytes * CHAR_BIT>& result) { }
template<size_t nOfBytes, int I> struct LoopOnI {
static inline void bytesToBitset(uint8_t* arr, std::bitset<nOfBytes * CHAR_BIT>& result) {
LoopOnBIT<nOfBytes, I, 0>::bytesToBitset(arr, result);
LoopOnI<nOfBytes, I-1>::bytesToBitset(arr, result);
// stop case for LoopOnI
template<size_t nOfBytes> struct LoopOnI<nOfBytes, -1> {
static inline void bytesToBitset(uint8_t* arr, std::bitset<nOfBytes * CHAR_BIT>& result) { }
template <size_t nOfBytes>
void bytesToBitset(uint8_t* arr, std::bitset<nOfBytes * CHAR_BIT>& result) {
LoopOnI<nOfBytes, nOfBytes - 1>::bytesToBitset(arr, result);
client code:
uint8_t arr[]={0x6A};
std::bitset<8> b;
Well, let's be honest, I was bored and started to think there had to be a slightly faster way than setting each bit.
template<int numBytes>
std::bitset<numBytes * CHARBIT bytesToBitset(byte *data)
std::bitset<numBytes * CHAR_BIT> b = *data;
for(int i = 1; i < numBytes; ++i)
b <<= CHAR_BIT; // Move to next bit in array
b |= data[i]; // Set the lowest CHAR_BIT bits
return b;
This is indeed slightly faster, at least as long as the byte array is smaller than 30 elements (depending on your optimization-flags passed to compiler). Larger array than that and the time used by shifting the bitset makes setting each bit faster.
you can initialize the bitset from a stream. I can't remember how to wrangle a byte[] into a stream, but...
bitset<12> x;
cout << "Enter a 12-bit bitset in binary: " << flush;
if (cin >> x) {
cout << "x = " << x << endl;
cout << "As ulong: " << x.to_ulong() << endl;
cout << "And with mask: " << (x & mask) << endl;
cout << "Or with mask: " << (x | mask) << endl;