sending simple int from UWP app to another program - c++

I'm lost at a seemlingly minor problem. I have a UWP app from windows samples, which counts the faces detected by the camera. I want that app to send that number to another program. I've tried doing it by clipboard, however as the other program is constantly checking the clipboard it wouldn't work.
Then I thought of a simple socket connection but I can't seem to get it working in UWP as all infos seem to be in C# not C++.
Can someone gimme a hint how to send a single int over a tcp socket to another client?
Or any other suggestions how to achieve that?
I'm really desperate...
thanks in advance.

In UWP, app services are the standard way of communicating between apps. You need to create an app service in the source app then consume the service in the second one. The app service also can be consumed by non-UWP apps.


user mode driver (umdf) c++ http request

I have developed a umdf2 driver and in some point it needs to communicate to a remote server to fetch some data. I am wondering is there any easy way (e.g. library) to do the http requests (GET, POST) in Windows user mode? I have never used winsock2 and I am not sure how easy/possible it's to use it?
Currently, I am using a kind of Pipe to hand this job to another app that resides upper level and uses Windows SDK to do this smoothly.
Any advice is greatly appreciated.
filler filler filler

control a Qt/C++/QML GUI application running on a embedded device from a remote client application?

We have a Qt application(Qt 5.9.5,C++,QML,Ubuntu) running on a device (deals with telecommunications), which can also be viewed in a browser using webserver. All the operations done manually on the device have been visualized on the browser simultaneously.
Requirement: Now what we want to achieve is build a similar application(maybe web application) so that you execute it from a browser and simultaneously the application on the device should execute by itself. The device is just switched on initially. everything should be operated from the client application. What are the possible options?
We have started with Qt Remoteobjects to make a remote application but Qt version of device is older one when compared with Qt version of some functionalities in remote objects module. so using remote objects is not possible now.
Can Qt WebGL streaming helpful in this case?
Does QtWebchannel and websockets help by setting up communication with html/javascript application. Is it a possible solution?
Is virtual network computing (VNC) an option to think about in my scenario?
I have come across some concepts like Qt for WebAssembly, Web toolkit(Wt), Emscripten, Cutelyst web-framework, Qt for Automation - MQTT,OPC UA, KNX, CoAP . Do these really help at any point while developing a client application to control the QML GUI on a telecom. device?
Which of the options suits my scenario?
I have been following Qt's blogs about these related topics. Still not sure which method is suitable?
Sorry for a lengthy explanation. Kindly provide some suggestions.
Thank you.

Web service to interact with running electron app

I looking for some advice on the best way to set up a project. Not sure if this is the right place to ask but I will give it a go.
I am looking to create a "Smart Mirror". I know there are options already available for this but I want to go through the process of creating my own.
I have created the UI using electron and I am using this on a raspberry pi 3b+ using raspian stretch.
Now this is where my knowledge is lacking, due to no experience and not sure if what search terms to look for.
I would like to create a plug in on Chrome(used on my mobile phone) or a process that runs separately, to say "Send page/video to Smart Mirror". What I envisage is that this plug in will copy the URL for the page or the video and send this via a web service call. The running electron app on my raspberry pi will receive this call and process the URL and then display the page/video within a portion of the application.
I have only ever consumed a web service from within an application.
I am not sure how to set this up. Can my electron app be set up to receive this call? If so what search terms should I be looking for?
I hope this makes sense.
Please let me know your thoughts or if I am thinking about this all wrong

windows service to Desktop Application communication

I'm new to programming. There are quite a lot of Q/A on this, but I couldn't find a concrete answer. Hence the question. I'm writing a screen sharing application. Now I want to turn that application to windows service. which I already did with. Apparently, the application works like this. When the counter party sends the screenshots, the application receives it and parses the data to RGB and shows on a window renderer. Because now its a service, although it receives the data, i believe that it may not be able to open renderer in the current desktop due to session isolation, the way to get around this would be to use IPC between Desktop App an the service. However, it makes it complected. Is there any simple way to solve this problem?

Rails WebService and C++ application to expose

(Sorry for my english)
First: I have an application created using C++ (this is for performance needs), this application uses an image to make some processing and returns a simple answer (1 or 0 ).
Now I need to expose this application from a webservice.
I think to create a webservice using Rails, but I don't know if it's possible using rails to call the C++ process..
The idea is to use the webservice to get an image sent by a client, pass this image to the C++ application and return (using the webservice) a message to the client, based on the result of C++ application.
Is this possible?
Any example or guideline?
Thanks in advance
EDIT: Solved using Thrift
I read something about Thrift .. but i think maybe i can't use to solve this problem (maybe) ..
The idea is use a mobile application (iOS and/or Android) where the user can upload an image to the service. The service take the image and make some image processing, this part (the processing) was written with C++ as standalone application that receive an image and return a message, so when the processing is done, the service receive the result (a message) from the processing app and return this to the mobile application.
So.. is this possible with Thrift (if so, i need to read more)? o i need to use something else?
Thanks in advance
I have never done that before, but I think you should take a look at Thrift which was initially developed by Facebook and allows you to make multiple languages work together via RPC calls.
Thrift allows you to define data types
and service interfaces in a simple
definition file. Taking that file as
input, the compiler generates code to
be used to easily build RPC clients
and servers that communicate
seamlessly across programming
I encourage you to search on Google with the following keywords : thrift C++ rails webservice etc.