Is strcpy equivalent to strcpy_s - c++

I would like to know if I can safely replace strcpy_s defined here - (the one with two arguments) with strcpy defined here - (the first one). If no then what is the closest version of strcpy that I can use to replace strcpy_s?

The C11 standard added bounds-checked functions including strcpy_s(). So if you're worried about portability, it's okay as long as you have a C11-compliant compiler. Note that C11-standard "constraint handler" is slightly different than the Microsoft CRT's "invalid parameter handler" so if you're installing a custom handler, it may need some adjustments.
As for replacing it altogether, no, you can't safely replace it with strcpy() for reasons that should be obvious: strcpy() is not bounds-checked. You would either need to do your own bounds checking using strlen(), or use strncpy(), but note that strncpy() behaves differently (specifically, if the source string is too big to fit in the destination, the destination buffer will not be null-terminated).


How will std::spanstream usually be used in C++?

<spanstream> will debut in C++23 (see cppreference). According to the proposal, they are string-streams with std::span based buffers.
My questions are:
Does std::spanstream have somewhat equivalent uses of the old std::strstream (or strstream deprecated in C++ 98)?
What will be the benefits of using them after the full release of C++ 23?
They are intended to be a near drop-in replacement for strstream (except with proper bounds checking). As such, they will have the exact same use cases. When you have an existing buffer that you want to stream into/outof.
The ability to move a std::string into stringstreams added in C++20 eliminated the use case when the existing buffer is in a std::string. But sometimes you just have a naked char const* with a known length.

Length of a C string: std::strlen() vs. std::char_traits<char>::length()

Both are equivalent in that they return the length of the null-terminated character sequence. Are there reasons of preferring one to the other?
Use the simpler alternative. std::char_traits::length is great and all, but for C strings it does the same and is much longer code.
Do yourself a favour and avoid code bloat. I’m a huge fan of C++ functions over C equivalent (e.g. I will never use std::strcpy or std::memcpy, there’s a perfectly fine std::copy). But avoiding std::strlen is just silly.
One reason to use C++ functions exclusively is interface uniformity: for instance, both std::strcpy and std::memcpy have atrocious interfaces. However, std::strlen is a perfectly fine algorithm in the best tradition of C++. It doesn’t generalise, true, but the neither do other class-specific free functions found in the standard library.
std::strlen() is a holdover from the C Standard Library and only operates on a const char* (it is unsafe in that it has undefined behavior if the string is not null terminated). If the string is using a wide character set (e.g. const unsigned short*), std::strlen() is useless.
std::char_traits<T>::length() will operate on whatever the T type is (e.g. if it is an unsigned short, it will still operate properly, but also requires a null terminated value - that is the last value must be T(0) - if an array of T's passed to it is not null terminated, behavior is undefined as well).
In general, when dealing with strings, it is better to use std::string::length() instead of using C-style character strings.
Both Zack Howland and Konrad Rudolph have a point. Thanks. I accept both answers. The summarized reply would be:
There doesn't seem to be any except personal preference either for shorter code or the C++ standard library (I leave out generalization since it wasn't the point of the question as can be seen from the title).
std::strlen() is a C standard library compatibility (even though it is part of ISO C++) function that takes const char* as an argument. length() is a method of the std::string family of classes. So if you want to use strlen() on std::string you'd have to write:
which is less tidy than mystr.length(). Apart from that, there should be no tangible difference (for char type, that is).

C++/Win32 deprecated string functions: mbstowcs, wcstombs, safe or not safe?

The compiler (VC 2010) keeps complaining about me using them.
In case not safe, please offer simplest replacement.
Well you have the safe versions of most common string functions, they end at _s and offer a possibility to specify the length of the buffer.
If by "safe" you mean that you can use the functions without worrying that they will disappear in the future? In that case, most likely yes, as these functions are part of the C (and C++ probably) standard.
Many Windows DLLs use (imports, exports) these unsafe (also called "obsolete" or "banned") APIs. These are parts of Win32!
I used them in win-32 GDI+ string-drawing functions which takes a char array then chages into wide char string then draw on screen. I use VC++ 2010 express too! Works without any leak.

What is the strtok_s equivalent in VC7?

The strtok_s function exists in vc8 but not in vc7. So what's a function (or code) that does the equivalent of strtok_s in vc7?
Take a look at this MSDN page.
As far as I can tell, the security enhancements a) Make strtok() reentrant (and thread-safe) by having it take a "context" parameter and b) Make it safe to use with NULL pointers. (The actual behaviors in the case of NULL parameters are listed in a table on the page I've linked.)
As for a VC7 alternative, you'll have to write (or import) one yourself. The NULL-safety is easy to do externally, you'll just have to be careful not to pass NULL strings where none are expected; but as far as reentrancy goes, there's no way for strtok() to handle that.
Take a look at this and this question. I believe POSIX also supplies a reentrant version of strtok() called strtok_r(); you can search for it. It would also be a good (and short) exercise to write an implementation yourself. Shouldn't take more than ~10 lines of code.

Why use c strings in c++?

Is there any good reason to use C-strings in C++ nowadays? My textbook uses them in examples at some points, and I really feel like it would be easier just to use a std::string.
The only reasons I've had to use them is when interfacing with 3rd party libraries that use C style strings. There might also be esoteric situations where you would use C style strings for performance reasons, but more often than not, using methods on C++ strings is probably faster due to inlining and specialization, etc.
You can use the c_str() method in many cases when working with those sort of APIs, but you should be aware that the char * returned is const, and you should not modify the string via that pointer. In those sort of situations, you can still use a vector<char> instead, and at least get the benefit of easier memory management.
A couple more memory control notes:
C strings are POD types, so they can be allocated in your application's read-only data segment. If you declare and define std::string constants at namespace scope, the compiler will generate additional code that runs before main() that calls the std::string constructor for each constant. If your application has many constant strings (e.g. if you have generated C++ code that uses constant strings), C strings may be preferable in this situation.
Some implementations of std::string support a feature called SSO ("short string optimization" or "small string optimization") where the std::string class contains storage for strings up to a certain length. This increases the size of std::string but often significantly reduces the frequency of free-store allocations/deallocations, improving performance. If your implementation of std::string does not support SSO, then constructing an empty std::string on the stack will still perform a free-store allocation. If that is the case, using temporary stack-allocated C strings may be helpful for performance-critical code that uses strings. Of course, you have to be careful not to shoot yourself in the foot when you do this.
Because that's how they come from numerous API/libraries?
Let's say you have some string constants in your code, which is a pretty common need. It's better to define these as C strings than as C++ objects -- more lightweight, portable, etc. Now, if you're going to be passing these strings to various functions, it's nice if these functions accept a C string instead of requiring a C++ string object.
Of course, if the strings are mutable, then it's much more convenient to use C++ string objects.
If a function needs a constant string I still prefer to use 'const char*' (or const wchar_t*) even if the program uses std::string, CString, EString or whatever elsewhere.
There are just too many sources of strings in a large code base to be sure the caller will have the string as a std::string and 'const char*' is the lowest common denominator.
Textbooks feature old-school C strings because many basic functions still expect them as arguments, or return them. Additionally, it gives some insight into the underlying structure of the string in memory.
Memory control. I recently had to handle strings (actually blobs from a database) about 200-300 MB in size, in a massively multithreaded application. It was a situation where just-one-more copy of the string might have burst the 32bit address space. I had to know exactly how many copies of the string existed. Although I'm an STL evangelist, I used char * then because it gave me the guarantee that no extra memory or even extra copy was allocated. I knew exactly how much space it would need.
Apart from that, standard STL string processing misses out on some great C functions for string processing/parsing. Thankfully, std::string has the c_str() method for const access to the internal buffer. To use printf() you still have to use char * though (what a crazy idea of the C++ team to not include (s)printf-like functionality, one of the most useful functions EVER in C. I hope boost::format will soon be included in the STL.
If the C++ code is "deep" (close to the kernel, heavily dependent on C libraries, etc.) you may want to use C strings explicitly to avoid lots of conversions in to and out of std::string. Of, if you're interfacing with other language domains (Python, Ruby, etc.) you might do so for the same reason. Otherwise, use std::string.
Some posts mention memory concerns. That might be a good reason to shun std::string, but char* probably is not the best replacement. It's still an OO language. Your own string class is probably better than a char*. It may even be more efficient - you can apply the Small String Optimization, for instance.
In my case, I was trying to get about 1GB worth of strings out of a 2GB file, stuff them in records with about 60 fields and then sort them 7 times of different fields. My predecessors code took 25 hours with char*, my code ran in 1 hour.
1) "string constant" is a C string (const char *), converting it to const std::string& is run-time process, not necessarily simple or optimized.
2) fstream library uses c-style strings to pass file names.
My rule of thumb is to pass const std::string& if I am about to use the data as std::string anyway (say, when I store them in a vector), and const char * in other cases.
After spending far, far, too much time debugging initialization rules and every conceivable string implementation on several platforms we require static strings to be const char*.
After spending far, far, too much time debugging bad char* code and memory leaks I suggest that all non-static strings be some type of string object ... until profiling shows that you can and should do something better ;-)
Legacy code that doesn't know of std::string. Also, before C++11 opening files with std::ifstream or std::ofstream was only possible with const char* as an input to the file name.
Given the choice, there is generally no reason to choose primitive C strings (char*) over C++ strings (std::string). However, often you don't have the luxury of choice. For instance, std::fstream's constructors take C strings, for historical reasons. Also, C libraries (you guessed it!) use C strings.
In your own C++ code it is best to use std::string and extract the object's C string as needed by using the c_str() function of std::string.
It depends on the libraries you're using. For example, when working with the MFC, it's often easier to use CString when working with various parts of the Windows API. It also seems to perform better than std::string in Win32 applications.
However, std::string is part of the C++ standard, so if you want better portability, go with std::string.
For applications such as most embedded platforms where you do not have the luxury of a heap to store the strings being manipulated, and where deterministic preallocation of string buffers is required.
c strings don't carry the overhead of being a class.
c strings generally can result in faster code, as they are closer to the machine level
This is not to say, you can't write bad code with them. They can be misused, like every other construct.
There is a wealth of libary calls that demand them for historical reasons.
Learn to use c strings, and stl strings, and use each when it makes sense to do so.
STL strings are certainly far easier to use, and I don't see any reason to not use them.
If you need to interact with a library that only takes C-style strings as arguments, you can always call the c_str() method of the string class.
The usual reason to do it is that you enjoy writing buffer overflows in your string handling. Counted strings are so superior to terminated strings it's hard to see why the C designers ever used terminated strings. It was a bad decision then; it's a bad decision now.