Access GLSL Uniforms after shaders have used them - opengl

I've noticed that my shaders are performing a calculation that I need in the CPU code. Is it possible for me to load that results of that calculation into a uniform array, and then access that uniform from the CPU once the GPU has finished working?

You can write arbitrary amounts of data through either Image Load/Store or SSBOs. While the number of image variables is restricted in image load/store, those variables can refer to buffer textures or array textures. Either of which give you access to a more-or-less arbitrarily large amount of data to write to:
layout(rgba32f, writeOnly) imageBuffer buffer;
imageStore(buffer, valueOffset1, value1);
imageStore(buffer, valueOffset2, value2);
imageStore(buffer, valueOffset3, value3);
imageStore(buffer, valueOffset4, value4);
SSBOs make this even easier:
layout(std430) buffer Data
float giantArray[];
giantArray[valueOffset1] = data1;
giantArray[valueOffset2] = data2;
giantArray[valueOffset3] = data3;
giantArray[valueOffset4] = data4;
However, note that any such writes will be unordered with regard to writes from other shader invocations. So overwriting such data will be... problematic. And you'll need an appropriate glMemoryBarrier call before you try to read from it.
But if all you're doing is a compute operation, you ought to be using dedicated compute shaders.

As far as i know, there is no way of retreiving uniform data from your GPU. But you could execute the calculation and set the output color to something you can identify on your screen depending on the expected result of your calculation. For exmaple:
#version 330 core
layout(location = 0) out vec4 color;
void main() {
if( Something you're trying to debug )
color = vec4(1, 1, 1, 1);
color = vec4(0, 0, 0, 1);
That's the only way I know of, and I use it all the time.


Can SSBO be read/write within the same shader?

I wrote a small tessellation program. I can write to a SSBO (checked output using RenderDoc) but reading the data back right away in the same shader (TCS) does not seem to work. If I set the tessellation levels directly, I can see that my code works:
In the main of the Tessellation Control shader:
gl_TessLevelInner[0] = 1;
gl_TessLevelOuter[0] = 1;
gl_TessLevelOuter[1] = 2;
gl_TessLevelOuter[2] = 4;
But going through the SSBO memory, it does not work. The display is blank like 0 were placed in the gl_TessLevelInner & gl_TessLevelOuter output.
Here is the SSBO in the TCS:
struct SSBO_Data {
float Inside; // Inside Tessellation factor
float Edges[3]; // Outside Tessellation factor
layout(std430, binding=2) volatile buffer Tiling {
SSBO_Data Tiles[];
In the main of the Tessellation Control shader
Tiles[0].Inside = 1;
Tiles[0].Edges[0] = 1;
Tiles[0].Edges[1] = 2;
Tiles[0].Edges[2] = 4;
gl_TessLevelInner[0] = Tiles[0].Inside;
gl_TessLevelOuter[0] = Tiles[0].Edges[0];
gl_TessLevelOuter[1] = Tiles[0].Edges[1];
gl_TessLevelOuter[2] = Tiles[0].Edges[2];
In C++, I use the ShaderBuffer class from nVidia to create an array of a few thousand tiles and transfer data to the SSBO. I confirmed that the correct data is stored in the SSBO using RenderDoc.
In the ShaderBuffer class, I tried changing the glBufferData usage to GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW instead of GL_STATIC_DRAW but it did not help.
I also set the SSBO to volatile but that did not help.
I also inserted a barrier(); between the writing and reading of the SSBO data and it did not help either.
Is it possible to use SSBO for writing and reading back within the same shader?
Writing to any incoherent memory location (SSBO or image load/store)from a single shader instance and then reading from the same location works in the same stage if and only if:
You are reading it in the same instance that did the writing.
Only that instance wrote to the memory being read.
#2 holds even if all instances are writing the same value. Violating #2 creates a race condition (again, regardless of the value written), which is UB.
I also inserted a barrier(); between the writing and reading of the SSBO data and it did not help either.
That's not going to do something useful for your use case, what you actually need is glMemoryBarrierBuffer().

What is the relationship with index in glBindBufferBase() and stream number in geometry shader in OpenGL?

I want to transform data from geometry shaders to feedback buffer,so I set the names of variables like this:
char *Varying[] = {"lColor","lPos","gl_NextBuffer","rColor","rPos"};
then bind two buffers vbos[2] to transformFeedback object Tfb,vbos[0] to bind point 0, and vbos[1] to bind point 2:
glBindBufferBase(GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER, 0, vbos[0]);
glBindBufferBase(GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER, 2, vbos[1]);
and set stream number like this:
layout(stream=0) out vec4 lColor;
layout(stream=0) out vec4 lPos;
layout(stream = 2) out rVert
vec4 rColor;
vec4 rPos;
So I thought lColor and lPos are transformed to vbos[0],rColor and rPos are transformed to vbos[1],but nothing came out,unless I change vbos[1] to bind point 1,and stream number of rvert to 1.
I think there is three variables about indexes for binding geometry shader output and feedback buffers,first is index in glBindBufferBase(target,index,id),second is sequences of names in glTransformFeedbackVaryings(program,count,names,buffermode),third is stream number of variables in geometry shader,what is the relationship of these three parameters?
And I found that no matter what parameters I set the glDrawTransformFeedbackStream ,picture didn't change,Why?
The geometry shader layout qualifier stream has no direct relationship to the TF buffer binding index assignment. There is one caveat here: variables from two different streams can't be assigned to the same buffer binding index. But aside from that, the two have no relationship.
In geometry shader transform feedback, streams are written independently of each other. When you output a vertex/primitive, you say which stream the GS invocation is writing. Only the output variables assigned to that stream are written, and the system keeps track of how much stuff has been written to each stream.
But how the output variables map to feedback buffers is entirely separate (aside from the aforementioned caveat).
In your example, glTransformFeedbackVaryings with {"lColor","lPos","gl_NextBuffer","rColor","rPos"} does the following. It starts with buffer index 0. It assigns lColor and lPos to buffer index 0. gl_NextBuffer causes the system to increment the value of the current buffer index. That value is 0, so incrementing it makes it 1. It then assigns rColor and rPos to buffer 1.
That's why your code doesn't work.
You can skip buffer indices in the TF buffer bindings. To do that, you have to use gl_NextBuffer twice, since each use increments the current buffer index.
Or if your GL version is high enough, you can just assign the buffer bindings and offsets directly in your shader:
layout(stream=0, xfb_offset = 0, xfb_buffer = 0) out vec4 lColor;
layout(stream=0, xfb_offset = 16, xfb_buffer = 0) out vec4 lPos;
layout(stream = 2, xfb_offset = 0, xfb_buffer = 2) out rVert
vec4 rColor;
vec4 rPos;

Dynamic indexing into uniform array of sampler2D doesn't work

I need to index into array of 2 uniform sampler2D. The index is dynamic per frame.That's,I have a dynamic uniform buffer which provides that index to a fragment shader. I use Vulkan API 1.2. In device feature listing I have:
shaderSampledImageArrayDynamicIndexing = 1
I am not sure 100% but It looks like this feature is core in 1.2.Nevertheless I did try to enable it during device creation like this:
VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures features = {};
features.shaderSampledImageArrayDynamicIndexing = VK_TRUE;
Then plugging into device creation:
VkDeviceCreateInfo deviceCreateInfo = {};
deviceCreateInfo.pQueueCreateInfos = queueCreateInfos;
deviceCreateInfo.queueCreateInfoCount = 1;
deviceCreateInfo.pEnabledFeatures = &features ;
deviceCreateInfo.enabledExtensionCount = NUM_DEVICE_EXTENSIONS;
deviceCreateInfo.ppEnabledExtensionNames = deviceExtensionNames;
In the shader it looks like this:
layout(std140,set=0,binding=1)uniform Material
vec4 fparams0;
vec4 fparams1;
uvec4 iparams; //.z - array texture idx
uvec4 iparams1;
layout (set=1,binding = 0)uniform sampler2D u_ColorMaps[2];
layout (location = 0)in vec2 texCoord;
layout(location = 0) out vec4 outColor;
void main()
outColor = texture(u_ColorMaps[material.iparams.z],texCoord);
What I get is a combination of image pixels with some weird color. If I change to fixed indices - it works correctly. material.iparams.z param has been verified,it provides correct index number every frame (0 or 1). No idea what else is missing.Validation layers say nothing.
Mys setup: Windows, RTX3000 ,NVIDIA beta driver 443.41 (Vulkan 1.2)
I also found that dynamically indexed sampler return a value in Red channel (r)
which is close to one and zeros in GB. I don't set red color anyway,also the textures I fetch don't contain red. Here are two sreenshot, the upper is correct result which I get when indexing with constant value. Second is what happens when I index with dynamic uint which comes from dynamic UBO:
The problem was due to usage of Y′CBCR samplers. It appears that Vulkan disallows indexing dynamically into array of such uniforms.
Here is what Vulkan specs says:
If the combined image sampler enables sampler Y′CBCR conversion or
samples a subsampled image, it must be indexed only by constant
integral expressions when aggregated into arrays in shader code,
irrespective of the shaderSampledImageArrayDynamicIndexing feature.
So,the solution for me was to provide two separately bound samplers and use dynamic indices with if()..else condition to decide which sampler to use. Push constants would also work,but in this case I have to re-record command buffers all the time. Hopefully this info will be helpful to other people working with video formats in Vulkan API.

Shader storage buffer object with bytes

I am working on a compute shader where the output is written to SSBO.Now,the consumer of this buffer is CUDA which expects it to contain unsigned bytes.I currently can't see find the way how to write a byte per index in SSBO.With texture or image the normalized float to unsigned byte conversion is handled by OpenGL.For example I can attach a texture with internal format R8 and store byte per entry.But nothing like this is possible with SSBO.Does it mean that except of bool data type all the numerical storage types in SSBO can be at least 4 bytes per entry only?
Practically speaking I would like to be able to do the following:
Compute shader:
#version 430 core
layout (local_size_x = 8,local_size_y = 8 ) in;
struct SSBOBlock
byte mydata;
layout(std430,binding = BUFFER_OUTPUT) writeonly buffer bBuffer
SSBOBlock Ouput[];
} Out;
void main()
//..... Compute shader stuff...
Out.Ouput[globalIndex].mydata = val;//where val is normalized float
The smallest type exposed on GPUs tends to be 32-bit for scalars. Even the boolean type you mentioned is actually 32-bit. The same goes for languages like C often; a boolean does not need anything more than 1-bit but even so bool is not synonymous with "give me the smallest data type available."
There are intrinsic functions you can use to pack and unpack data types however and I will show an example of how to use them below:
#version 420 core
layout (local_size_x = 8,local_size_y = 8 ) in;
struct SSBOBlock
uint mydata;
layout(std430,binding = BUFFER_OUTPUT) writeonly buffer bBuffer
SSBOBlock Ouput[];
} Out;
void main()
//..... Compute shader stuff...
Out.Output [globalIndex].mydata = packUnorm4x8 (val)
// where val is a 4-component unsigned normalized vector to pack into globalIndex
Your sample shader shows an attempt to write a single scalar to a "byte" data type, that is not possible and you are going to have to modify this somehow to work with indices that reference a packed group of 4 scalars. In the worst-case, this might mean unpacking three values and then re-packing the entire thing just to write one scalar.
This intrinsic function is discussed in the extension specification for GL_ARB_shading_languge_packing and is core in GL 4.2 and later.
Even if you were on an implementation that does not support that extension, it is explained in the text of the extension specification exactly what each does. The equivalent operation for packUnorm4x8 is:
uint fixed_val = round(clamp(float_val, 0, +1) * 255.0);
Some bit-shifts will be necessary to properly pack each component, but those are trivial.
I found a way to write unsigned byte data into buffer in compute shader.Buffer texture does the job.It is basically image texture with buffer as storage.This way I can specify image format to be R8 which allows me to store byte size values on each index of the buffer.
GLuint _tbo_buffer,_tbo_tex;
glGenBuffers(1, &_tbo_buffer);
glBindBuffer(GL_TEXTURE_BUFFER, _tbo_buffer);
glGenTextures(1, &_tbo_tex);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_BUFFER, _tbo_tex);
//attach the TBO to the texture:
glTexBuffer(GL_TEXTURE_BUFFER, GL_R8, _tbo_buffer);
glBindImageTexture(0, _tbo_tex, 0, GL_FALSE, 0, GL_WRITE_ONLY, GL_R8);
Compute shader:
#version 430 core
layout (local_size_x = 8,local_size_y = 8 ) in;
layout(binding=0) uniform sampler2D TEX_IN;
layout(r8) writeonly uniform imageBuffer mybuffer;
void main(){
vec2 texSize = vec2(textureSize(TEX_IN,0));
vec2 uv = vec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID.xy / texSize);
vec4 tex = texture(TEX_IN,uv);
uint globalIndex = gl_GlobalInvocationID.y * nThreads.x + gl_GlobalInvocationID.x;
//store only r:
Then we can read byte by byte on CPU or map to CUDA buffer resource:
GLubyte* ptr = (GLubyte*)glMapBuffer(GL_TEXTURE_BUFFER, GL_READ_ONLY);

Writing to a single colour channel with image_load_store

The image_load_store extension provides load/store functions with *vec4 access only. If I have layout(rgba32f) uniform image2D myimage; for example, it seems like I have to write to the entire pixel at once:
imageStore(myimage, coord, vec4(1,1,1,1));
and if I want to set only the red channel to 1, I need to do this:
vec4 pixel = imageLoad(myimage, coord);
pixel.r = 1;
imageStore(myimage, coord, pixel);
which introduces a fair amount of overhead with the extra read.
Is there a mechanism I can use to write only to a specific channel?
Something similar to glColorMask, or perhaps binding the data with a different format such as a larger GL_R32F image2D or imageBuffer? If so, what are some of the overhead implications (e.g. conversion/transfer/cache issues)?