In my report view, I have a table where the rows are repeated twice => once for each position available. I want to show only one row for each employee with his latest position. How can I accomplish this?
John Smith
John Smith
Senior Engineer
Sort on the date. Group on the name. Choose All Rows as the function and change the code from _ to Table.Last(_) then expand
I'm practicing my Power BI skills. I've downloaded a csv file which contains data about olympic games. The dataset has many columns, such as country, athlete name, year, sport, event, medal which the athlete has won, olympic city, etc.
The problem is that I want to create a bar graph that display country name by medal types count. However if create a graph "Country" by "Medal" from original csv it will not display the correct numbers of medals, because if a country wins a medal in a team sport (like volleyball or football) it should count as only one medal, and not the sum of all medals of all athletes in that team. This could be solved by removing Athlete column and selecting distinct values of "Event" column, like creating a table using the following formula:
Table 2 = CALCULATETABLE(ALLEXCEPT('summer (3)','summer (3)'[Athlete]),DISTINCT('summer (3)'[Event]))
However, I don't want to create a new table, because I would have serious problems with relationship between them (I have no idea how to do it, to be honest). So I want to create a measure. I created the following measure:
Medal count = COUNTX(CALCULATETABLE(ALLEXCEPT('summer (3)','summer (3)'[Athlete]),DISTINCT('summer (3)'[Event])),'summer (3)'[Medal])
It is showing the correct number of all medals in olympic games history (untill 2012). However, for every country, its showing the number of gold medal, silver medal and bronze medal with the same number (the total number of olympic medals 14753). It's not filtering by the number of rows for that specific country.
The same number also appears if I select any medal type from filter option (Gold, Silver or Bronze).
I have no idea how to fix this. How can I create a measure that shows the correct number of medal type for every country?
This is what I would do. First I will create an "id" column if I haven't had that, then I will do the distinctcount on that.
The DAX for the id column should be something like this:
debug_id = CONCATENATE(Table['Year'],CONCATENATE(Table['Sport'],CONCATENATE(Table['Discipline'],CONCATENATE(Table['Country'],CONCATENATE(Table['Event'],Table['Medal'])))))
then you can basically drag and drop this field onto the x-axis (y-axis and legends stay the same) and select Count (Distinct). If you really want the measure for this, it should be quite straight forward like:
Medals count = DISTINCTCOUNT(Table['debug_id'])
I have following questions.
Table Sales:
Table Product:
Table Sales is connected to table Product via Sales ID.
Table Sales contain 5 unique records, table Product contain only 3 of them. 2 are missing. Is there some way how to artificially create in Power BI missing category?
I have a problem that i was trying to solve 3 days ago and i'm not able to.
I have the following tables:
All i want to reach is a COLUMN CHART with a CATEGORY SLICER where i choose the category and i see the TOP 5 companies by category and sales. Yes, in this example the TOP is not needed but in my real case i have 400 companies so i want to:
Select and Show only the required category.
In that category, show only the 5 better companies by sales.
The problem here is Power BI takes all the companies for the TOP N filter so if i choose a category, and also try a top 5, if the companies are not in the TOP5 all companies list, it doesn`t show anything.
If you always want to show the same Top N values in your visual, you can use the filter pane to achieve that.
Below a walk through:
The to add the Top N filtering, I add the following:
It is in Dutch, so a little clarification:
I add a 'filter on this visual'
I selected Populairste N, which is Top N
And as a value I drag and dropped the maximum of sales.
Things to keep in mind:
You are using a many to many relationship, make sure that this is activated in the Power BI model.
Make sure the direction of filtering is from category to sales, otherwise the slicer will not work. It looks like this:
I want to get a distinct count of Enquiries with Food and Drink in Power Bi. The way the database is structured is:
1 Enquiry could have multiple days, which have food and drink attached to them.
I want to try and calculate how many enquiries have food and drink attached so I need to do a distinct count on the enquiry id in the Enquiries table where a record exists in the food and drink table
The table structure is as follows:
Enquiry Table
Enquiry Day Table
EnquiryDayID EnquiryId
5 10
6 10
Enquiry Day Food Drink Table
EnquiryDayFoodDrinkId EnquiryDayId
20 5
21 6
Basically I want the distinct count to only return 1 as there is only one distinct enquiry with food + Drink attached.
Here is the code in SQL which return the correct number. I want to get the same result in Power BI
select count (distinct(e.pkEnquiries))
from EnquiryDayFoodDrink edfd
inner join EnquiryDay ed
on ed.EnquiryDayId = edfd.EnquiryDayId
inner join Enquiries e
on ed.EnquiryId = e.pkEnquiries