AWS Lambda rename the function - amazon-web-services

I have by mistake given wrong name to AWS Lambda function. Now, I wanted to change its name. I found from the given stackoverflow question that best way to do that is just create a new function and copy the exact same code into it.
Is it possible to rename an AWS Lambda function?
I am thinking to do that but I am just worried about data loss. Since my lambda is currently had 2 SNS triggers from where it is constantly receiving data. So, if I stop this lambda and create new one, I would lose some data during that time. Also, if I start the new lambda before deleting previous one, I would some entries in my datastore twice. So, is there any way I could use to get this done?

As #John Rotenstein said, it is not possible to rename an AWS Lambda. If you look at the documentation for Lambda ( you will see that updating FunctionName requires replacement of the entity.
If you specify a name, you cannot perform updates that require replacement of this resource. You can perform updates that require no or some interruption. If you must replace the resource, specify a new name.
If you are working with more complex systems, as it seems due to your note of SNS triggers, I would highly encourage you to take a look at CloudFormation (, which uses code to manage deployed services. This not only has the benefit of allowing easier updates, but also enables other fun things which are inherent with code, such as integration with a VCS.
As a data loss prevention strategy while you perform this migration, you can create a new Lambda and point it to a staging database, delete the old Lambda, repoint your new Lambda to your production database, and push updates from your staging database into your production database. Check out the import/export docs ( to see one method in which you might perform data migration.

There is no rename function for an AWS Lambda function.
You could instead try creating an alias to a Lambda function that would allow both names to function simultaneously. (This is normally used when different versions exist.)


AWS CDK multi stack or single stack

I use CDK to deploy a lambda function (along some IAM role & queue) and monitoring resources about the lambda, lambda log group and queue earlier. What i have right now is basically 2 class, 1 class to create all the lambda related resource and another to create monitoring resource and they are added all into 1 deployment stack.
Recently im deploying this to a new account and i realized my stack fail to create because some of the monitoring stuff is looking for the lambda log group and cant find it since its not created yet.
So what is the better option:
have 2 deployment group, 1 for lambda related resource and 1 for monitoring resource
use dependencies to create some ordering in my stack.
seems like both possible solution but what is a better long term solution?
Assuming you mean a Stack for your two classes, then you are better off making them both cdk.NestedStacks and instantiating them in a single common stack. You can then expose constructs as class attributes in one stack and pass them into the other as parameters to the second. Of course, this only works one way - if you have to go both ways you need to re-evaluate how you have your stacks organized.
The advantage of doing this is great: exposing constructs as an attribute is the best practice as it gives you direct access to that construct before it creates the CloudFormation data for it. you have complete access to every part of that construct from various arns (like dynamodb stream arns which are difficult to import) and automatically know the layer versions for lamdba layers - among many other things.
In addition, you never run into a stack dependency - if they are different top level stacks and you share constructs between them you can very run into lock situations where attempting to change something in one stack creates a dependency lock and prevents the stack from deploying.
The downside is that they all are part of the deployment. So there is a potential for something to be updated when you didnt expect it too - though CDK does use the Cloudformation Changeset system so it should not update things that have no changes applied to them (but sometimes, changes occur because of the way CDK generates tokens and such that you may not be aware of)
IF you do not go this route you are stuck using the various from* methods in cdk constructs to import the existing construct into your stack. This causes some issues, as it it can't import everything about a given construct at synth time (layer version and dynamo stream arns are two notable ones i mentioned already). Plus, you need to know the name of the construct - and Best Practices says you shouldn't deliberately name your constructs so you can easily spin up adhoc versions of your app without naming issues.

Does AWS Lambda load models every time when the function is invoked? [duplicate]

I am looking at AWS Lambda to create a Python function that would process data.
I need to load a heavy model to run my script (trained word2vec model), it takes about 5 min to do it on my computer for example. But once it's loaded, the execution of the function is very fast.
If I use AWS Lambda, will this model load only once or will it load each time I call my function ?
AWS Lambda uses reusable containers. So, for your use case, the Lambda function will execute quickly if it happened in an already initialized container. It'll be slow otherwise. However, there is no way you can predict the behavior.
Relevant documentation:
From here:
The first time a function executes after being created or having its code or resource configuration updated, a new container with the appropriate resources will be created to execute it, and the code for the function will be loaded into the container.
Let’s say your function finishes, and some time passes, then you call it again. Lambda may create a new container all over again, in which case the experience is just as described above. This will be the case for certain if you change your code. However, if you haven’t changed the code and not too much time has gone by, Lambda may reuse the previous container.
Remember, you can’t depend on a container being reused, since it’s Lambda’s prerogative to create a new one instead.
More official documentation here.
It will MAYBE (thanks Michael-sqlbot for the correction) load each time you invoke Lambda.
We can infer that the AWS Lambdas are stateless based on the following
Lambda is stateless
"Lambda functions are 'stateless' with no affinity to the underlying infrastructure, so that Lambda can rapidly launch as many copies of the function as needed to scale to the rate of incoming events
Lambda must be coded in stateless style
Your Lambda function code must be written in a stateless style, and have no affinity with the underlying compute infrastructure. Your code should expect local file system access, child processes, and similar artifacts to be limited to the lifetime of the request
However Container reuse is possible in Lambda
If you haven’t changed the code and not too much time has gone by, Lambda may reuse the previous container
So basically to answer your question, it is possible that you get back the model, and the probability of that is inversely proportional to the time span between 2 Lambda invocations. But you simply cannot rely on that

AWS service for managing state data - dynamodb/step functions/sqs?

I am building a Desktop-on-Demand solution using AWS Workspaces product and I am trying to understand what is the best AWS service to fit my requirements for managing state data for new users.
In a nutshell, solution will create a new AWS Workspace (virtual desktop instance) for a user when multiple conditions are met and checks are satisfied. These tasks would be satisfied by multiple lambda functions.
DynamoDB would be used as a central point for storing confguration data details like user data, user groups data and deployed virtual desktops data.
Logic for Desktops creation would be implemented using Step Functions like below:
Event hook comes from Identity Management system firing a lambda function that checks if user desktop already exists in DynamoDB table
If it does not exist, another lambda creates AWS AD connector
Once this is done, another lambda builds custom image for new desktop if needed
Another lambda pulls latest data from Identity Management system and updates DynamoDB table for users and groups.
Other lambda functions that may be fired up as a dependency
To ensure we have transactional mechanism, we only deploy new desktop when all conditions are met. I can think about few ways of implementing this check:
Use DynamoDB table for keeping State data. When all attributes in item are in expected state, desktop can be created. If any lambda fails or produces data that does not fit, dont' create desktop.
Just use Step Functions and design it's logic flow that all conditions must satisfy before desktop is created
Someone suggested using SQS queue but I don't see how this can be used for my purpose.
What is the best way to keep this data?
Step Functions is the method I would use for this. The DynamoDB solution would also work, but this seems like exactly the sort of thing Step Functions was designed to handle.
I agree that SQS would not be a correct solution.

Lambda Reference Common Python Code

So I have a class and some constants defined that 10 or more lambda functions will need. Currently, I have packaged the common code into each lambda function. Unfortunately, if I change the common code I have to repackage all 10 lambda functions and upload the changes.
Ideas that I had considered:
Lambda return a class with defs and constants – not feasible, lambda returns JSON
Try to magically load the common code from S3 – (not sure how and do not
really like that there are multiple steps to update a lambda
Packaged the common code into each lambda function – (current design)
What is the best method for referencing common python code for lambda?
The first thing I did was an automatic deployment script in python for my lambdas + API gateway (+ intern usage of S3 etc). You can deploy your lambda without changing your API gateway endpoint, and be doing so, all your lambdas can be updated in one click without modification of the interaction with outside of your AWS box.
Inside, you can manage the bounds with S3 or dynamoDB or anything else automatically. It's an investment at the beginning, but it's definitely worth it, even more in your case with many lambdas.
Your solution of a constant provider could be a short term good strategy, but you'll need to be sure that your old lambdas will work with your news constants, so either you are limited in your provider's evolutions, either you'll have to manage many versions of your provider. Lambdas are meant to be easily deployed and replaced.

Managing a 'dynamic' AWS Lambda workflow

Say I have a Lambda function called 'TestExecutor' which takes takes in an argument which contains ARNs for N 'Tests' which are also implemented as Lambda functions.
The workflow:
TestExecutor is invoked with a list of ARNs of various 'Tests'
TestExecutor calls each Test concurrently; each Lambda is expected to return a JSON
TestExecutor waits for each Test to complete. It consolidates all the JSONs received
Consolidated JSON is stored in DynamoDB/S3
Problem statement - What is the best way to create this kind of workflow in a Serverless manner?
I considered two AWS Services to manage this:
AWS Step Functions - My step function would need states for each possible 'Test' Lambda that can be executed. I want to give flexibility to the user to invoke any Lambda without needing to 'register' it in my Step function.
AWS SWF - Just seems a little overkill. Suffers from the same problem as above too.
So right now the best I can think of is doing this in a simple manner:
In my TestExecutor Lambda, I could create N threads for N tests each thread invokes a particular Test's Lambda function. Each thread waits for its Test to return a JSON. As all executions are successful, all JSONs are consolidated. Consolidated JSON is stored in DynamoDB.
I'm not happy with this solution - it will be a little tricky to manually manage failures and retries of the Test Lambdas from within the TestExecutor Lambda. This is my first time into trying something serverless, but it just seems like the wrong pattern. I'd like to get a nice top-down view of my workflow - it seems like monitoring this would be a little messy and scattered since there's no formal link between TestExecutor and the Test Lambdas
Maybe I could create an SQS Queue along with each Test Lambda. For each ARN supplied to the TestExecutor, I could push a message to a corresponding queue. But what now? I'd have to create 'Listener' Lambda's for each Test which polls each queue every T seconds. It would then invoke the actual Test Lambda. This also sounds needlessly complex.
Would love to hear some advice! Cheers.
AWS SWF doesn't suffer from the same problem as it doesn't require registration of a lambda function to invoke it.
The main limitation of SWF is that it is still not possible to run decider process as a lambda function. So you'll have to run it somewhere else. If you already have some host that can run it implementing your use case using AWS Flow Framework is pretty straightforward.
You could leverage the AWS SDK to generate a Step Machine using said ARNs from within a Lambda Function.
It would require some way to clean up afterwards somehow, and / or avoid duplicates, or the console would quickly get messy.