Error: cannot implicitly convert expression ... of type int to ubyte - d

I'm trying to run this program (from wikipedia):
Multiply two numbers in the GF(2^8) finite field defined
by the polynomial x^8 + x^4 + x^3 + x + 1.
ubyte gMul(ubyte a, ubyte b) pure nothrow {
ubyte p = 0;
foreach (immutable ubyte counter; 0 .. 8) {
p ^= -(b & 1) & a;
auto mask = -((a >> 7) & 1);
// 0b1_0001_1011 is x^8 + x^4 + x^3 + x + 1.
a = (a << 1) ^ (0b1_0001_1011 & mask);
b >>= 1;
return p;
void main() {
import std.stdio, std.conv;
enum width = ubyte.max + 1, height = width;
auto f = File("rijndael_finite_field_multiplication.pgm", "wb");
f.writefln("P5\n%d %d\n255", width, height);
foreach (immutable y; 0 .. height)
foreach (immutable x; 0 .. width) {
immutable char c = gMul(!ubyte,!ubyte);
When I do so I get this error:
test.d(12): Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (cast(int)a << 1 ^ 283 & mask) of type int to ubyte
Failed: ["dmd", "-v", "-o-", "test.d", "-I."]
It's not clear to me how to fix this. Any ideas?

If you see a "cannot implicitly convert" error, one fix is often to just explicitly convert with the cast operator:
// before
a = (a << 1) ^ (0b1_0001_1011 & mask);
// after
a = cast(ubyte)((a << 1) ^ (0b1_0001_1011 & mask));
Notice the cast(ubyte) and the () surrounding the entire expression.
That should fix your problem, but let me also explain a few more things...
test.d(12): Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (cast(int)a << 1 ^ 283 & mask) of type int to ubyte
In this error message, you notice the compiler inserted a cast(int) right before a. This happens in most arithmetic because D inherited C's integer promotion rules: any arithmetic is casted to int before it happens in D, just like in C.
But, D is different than C in an important way: it prohibits narrowing implicit conversions, unless the compiler can prove, in the expression alone, that the value of the expression will definitely fit in the type.
So, something like literal 4 + 10, the compiler knows it is greater than or equal to zero, yet less than 256, and will thus fit in a ubyte and it won't require the explicit cast.
But, if you did ubyte a; ubyte b; ubyte c = a + b;, the compiler can no longer PROVE it in this expression alone - a + b could be anywhere from 0 (smallest values, 0 + 0) to 510 (largest values, 255 + 255). So it might fit... but might not. So the compiler will require you to explicitly cast it.
However, check this out: ubyte a, b; ubyte c = a & 0xf + b & 0xf0; that will compile. Why? Because the compiler can see those bit masks and understand it changes the possible value range. Once you mask the values, it limits them and the sum of those possible values fits... so no cast needed.
The idea here is that if a possible value gets dropped by stuffing it into a ubyte (or other small types), the compiler wants to make sure you are aware of it and making a conscious decision. Thus, the cast is needed if there's even a slim chance a bit will get dropped. (C, on the other hand, never needs the cast since it will just happily drop the bytes.)


How does 0 flip back to max integer value when subtracting -1? [duplicate]

I have come across code from someone who appears to believe there is a problem subtracting an unsigned integer from another integer of the same type when the result would be negative. So that code like this would be incorrect even if it happens to work on most architectures.
unsigned int To, Tf;
To = getcounter();
while (1) {
Tf = getcounter();
if ((Tf-To) >= TIME_LIMIT) {
This is the only vaguely relevant quote from the C standard I could find.
A computation involving unsigned operands can never overflow, because a
result that cannot be represented by the resulting unsigned integer
type is reduced modulo the number that is one greater than the largest
value that can be represented by the resulting type.
I suppose one could take that quote to mean that when the right operand is larger the operation is adjusted to be meaningful in the context of modulo truncated numbers.
0x0000 - 0x0001 == 0x 1 0000 - 0x0001 == 0xFFFF
as opposed to using the implementation dependent signed semantics:
0x0000 - 0x0001 == (unsigned)(0 + -1) == (0xFFFF but also 0xFFFE or 0x8001)
Which or what interpretation is right? Is it defined at all?
When you work with unsigned types, modular arithmetic (also known as "wrap around" behavior) is taking place. To understand this modular arithmetic, just have a look at these clocks:
9 + 4 = 1 (13 mod 12), so to the other direction it is: 1 - 4 = 9 (-3 mod 12). The same principle is applied while working with unsigned types. If the result type is unsigned, then modular arithmetic takes place.
Now look at the following operations storing the result as an unsigned int:
unsigned int five = 5, seven = 7;
unsigned int a = five - seven; // a = (-2 % 2^32) = 4294967294
int one = 1, six = 6;
unsigned int b = one - six; // b = (-5 % 2^32) = 4294967291
When you want to make sure that the result is signed, then stored it into signed variable or cast it to signed. When you want to get the difference between numbers and make sure that the modular arithmetic will not be applied, then you should consider using abs() function defined in stdlib.h:
int c = five - seven; // c = -2
int d = abs(five - seven); // d = 2
Be very careful, especially while writing conditions, because:
if (abs(five - seven) < seven) // = if (2 < 7)
// ...
if (five - seven < -1) // = if (-2 < -1)
// ...
if (one - six < 1) // = if (-5 < 1)
// ...
if ((int)(five - seven) < 1) // = if (-2 < 1)
// ...
if (five - seven < 1) // = if ((unsigned int)-2 < 1) = if (4294967294 < 1)
// ...
if (one - six < five) // = if ((unsigned int)-5 < 5) = if (4294967291 < 5)
// ...
The result of a subtraction generating a negative number in an unsigned type is well-defined:
[...] A computation involving unsigned operands can never overflow,
because a result that cannot be represented by the resulting unsigned integer type is
reduced modulo the number that is one greater than the largest value that can be
represented by the resulting type.
(ISO/IEC 9899:1999 (E) §6.2.5/9)
As you can see, (unsigned)0 - (unsigned)1 equals -1 modulo UINT_MAX+1, or in other words, UINT_MAX.
Note that although it does say "A computation involving unsigned operands can never overflow", which might lead you to believe that it applies only for exceeding the upper limit, this is presented as a motivation for the actual binding part of the sentence: "a result that cannot be represented by the resulting unsigned integer type is
reduced modulo the number that is one greater than the largest value that can be
represented by the resulting type." This phrase is not restricted to overflow of the upper bound of the type, and applies equally to values too low to be represented.
Well, the first interpretation is correct. However, your reasoning about the "signed semantics" in this context is wrong.
Again, your first interpretation is correct. Unsigned arithmetic follow the rules of modulo arithmetic, meaning that 0x0000 - 0x0001 evaluates to 0xFFFF for 32-bit unsigned types.
However, the second interpretation (the one based on "signed semantics") is also required to produce the same result. I.e. even if you evaluate 0 - 1 in the domain of signed type and obtain -1 as the intermediate result, this -1 is still required to produce 0xFFFF when later it gets converted to unsigned type. Even if some platform uses an exotic representation for signed integers (1's complement, signed magnitude), this platform is still required to apply rules of modulo arithmetic when converting signed integer values to unsigned ones.
For example, this evaluation
signed int a = 0, b = 1;
unsigned int c = a - b;
is still guaranteed to produce UINT_MAX in c, even if the platform is using an exotic representation for signed integers.
With unsigned numbers of type unsigned int or larger, in the absence of type conversions, a-b is defined as yielding the unsigned number which, when added to b, will yield a. Conversion of a negative number to unsigned is defined as yielding the number which, when added to the sign-reversed original number, will yield zero (so converting -5 to unsigned will yield a value which, when added to 5, will yield zero).
Note that unsigned numbers smaller than unsigned int may get promoted to type int before the subtraction, the behavior of a-b will depend upon the size of int.
Well, an unsigned integer subtraction has defined behavior, also it is a tricky thing. When you subtract two unsigned integers, result is promoted to higher type int if result (lvalue) type is not specified explicitly. In the latter case, for example, int8_t result = a - b; (where a and b have int8_t type) you can obtain very weird behavior. I mean you may loss transitivity property (i.e. if a > b and b > c it is true that a > c).
The loss of transitivity can destroy a tree-type data structure work. Care must be taken not to provide comparison function for sorting, searching, tree building that uses unsigned integer subtraction to deduce which key is higher or lower.
See example below.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
void main()
uint8_t a = 255;
uint8_t b = 100;
uint8_t c = 150;
printf("uint8_t a = %+d, b = %+d, c = %+d\n\n", a, b, c);
printf(" b - a = %+d\tpromotion to int type\n"
" (int8_t)(b - a) = %+d\n\n"
" b + a = %+d\tpromotion to int type\n"
"(uint8_t)(b + a) = %+d\tmodular arithmetic\n"
" b + a %% %d = %+d\n\n",
b - a, (int8_t)(b - a),
b + a, (uint8_t)(b + a),
UINT8_MAX + 1,
(b + a) % (UINT8_MAX + 1));
printf("c %s b (b - c = %d), b %s a (b - a = %d), AND c %s a (c - a = %d)\n",
(int8_t)(c - b) < 0 ? "<" : ">", (int8_t)(c - b),
(int8_t)(b - a) < 0 ? "<" : ">", (int8_t)(b - a),
(int8_t)(c - a) < 0 ? "<" : ">", (int8_t)(c - a));
$ ./a.out
uint8_t a = +255, b = +100, c = +150
b - a = -155 promotion to int type
(int8_t)(b - a) = +101
b + a = +355 promotion to int type
(uint8_t)(b + a) = +99 modular arithmetic
b + a % 256 = +99
c > b (b - c = 50), b > a (b - a = 101), AND c < a (c - a = -105)
int d = abs(five - seven); // d = 2
std::abs is not "suitable" for unsigned integers. A cast is needed though.

implicit conversion of unsigned and signed [duplicate]

I have come across code from someone who appears to believe there is a problem subtracting an unsigned integer from another integer of the same type when the result would be negative. So that code like this would be incorrect even if it happens to work on most architectures.
unsigned int To, Tf;
To = getcounter();
while (1) {
Tf = getcounter();
if ((Tf-To) >= TIME_LIMIT) {
This is the only vaguely relevant quote from the C standard I could find.
A computation involving unsigned operands can never overflow, because a
result that cannot be represented by the resulting unsigned integer
type is reduced modulo the number that is one greater than the largest
value that can be represented by the resulting type.
I suppose one could take that quote to mean that when the right operand is larger the operation is adjusted to be meaningful in the context of modulo truncated numbers.
0x0000 - 0x0001 == 0x 1 0000 - 0x0001 == 0xFFFF
as opposed to using the implementation dependent signed semantics:
0x0000 - 0x0001 == (unsigned)(0 + -1) == (0xFFFF but also 0xFFFE or 0x8001)
Which or what interpretation is right? Is it defined at all?
When you work with unsigned types, modular arithmetic (also known as "wrap around" behavior) is taking place. To understand this modular arithmetic, just have a look at these clocks:
9 + 4 = 1 (13 mod 12), so to the other direction it is: 1 - 4 = 9 (-3 mod 12). The same principle is applied while working with unsigned types. If the result type is unsigned, then modular arithmetic takes place.
Now look at the following operations storing the result as an unsigned int:
unsigned int five = 5, seven = 7;
unsigned int a = five - seven; // a = (-2 % 2^32) = 4294967294
int one = 1, six = 6;
unsigned int b = one - six; // b = (-5 % 2^32) = 4294967291
When you want to make sure that the result is signed, then stored it into signed variable or cast it to signed. When you want to get the difference between numbers and make sure that the modular arithmetic will not be applied, then you should consider using abs() function defined in stdlib.h:
int c = five - seven; // c = -2
int d = abs(five - seven); // d = 2
Be very careful, especially while writing conditions, because:
if (abs(five - seven) < seven) // = if (2 < 7)
// ...
if (five - seven < -1) // = if (-2 < -1)
// ...
if (one - six < 1) // = if (-5 < 1)
// ...
if ((int)(five - seven) < 1) // = if (-2 < 1)
// ...
if (five - seven < 1) // = if ((unsigned int)-2 < 1) = if (4294967294 < 1)
// ...
if (one - six < five) // = if ((unsigned int)-5 < 5) = if (4294967291 < 5)
// ...
The result of a subtraction generating a negative number in an unsigned type is well-defined:
[...] A computation involving unsigned operands can never overflow,
because a result that cannot be represented by the resulting unsigned integer type is
reduced modulo the number that is one greater than the largest value that can be
represented by the resulting type.
(ISO/IEC 9899:1999 (E) §6.2.5/9)
As you can see, (unsigned)0 - (unsigned)1 equals -1 modulo UINT_MAX+1, or in other words, UINT_MAX.
Note that although it does say "A computation involving unsigned operands can never overflow", which might lead you to believe that it applies only for exceeding the upper limit, this is presented as a motivation for the actual binding part of the sentence: "a result that cannot be represented by the resulting unsigned integer type is
reduced modulo the number that is one greater than the largest value that can be
represented by the resulting type." This phrase is not restricted to overflow of the upper bound of the type, and applies equally to values too low to be represented.
Well, the first interpretation is correct. However, your reasoning about the "signed semantics" in this context is wrong.
Again, your first interpretation is correct. Unsigned arithmetic follow the rules of modulo arithmetic, meaning that 0x0000 - 0x0001 evaluates to 0xFFFF for 32-bit unsigned types.
However, the second interpretation (the one based on "signed semantics") is also required to produce the same result. I.e. even if you evaluate 0 - 1 in the domain of signed type and obtain -1 as the intermediate result, this -1 is still required to produce 0xFFFF when later it gets converted to unsigned type. Even if some platform uses an exotic representation for signed integers (1's complement, signed magnitude), this platform is still required to apply rules of modulo arithmetic when converting signed integer values to unsigned ones.
For example, this evaluation
signed int a = 0, b = 1;
unsigned int c = a - b;
is still guaranteed to produce UINT_MAX in c, even if the platform is using an exotic representation for signed integers.
With unsigned numbers of type unsigned int or larger, in the absence of type conversions, a-b is defined as yielding the unsigned number which, when added to b, will yield a. Conversion of a negative number to unsigned is defined as yielding the number which, when added to the sign-reversed original number, will yield zero (so converting -5 to unsigned will yield a value which, when added to 5, will yield zero).
Note that unsigned numbers smaller than unsigned int may get promoted to type int before the subtraction, the behavior of a-b will depend upon the size of int.
Well, an unsigned integer subtraction has defined behavior, also it is a tricky thing. When you subtract two unsigned integers, result is promoted to higher type int if result (lvalue) type is not specified explicitly. In the latter case, for example, int8_t result = a - b; (where a and b have int8_t type) you can obtain very weird behavior. I mean you may loss transitivity property (i.e. if a > b and b > c it is true that a > c).
The loss of transitivity can destroy a tree-type data structure work. Care must be taken not to provide comparison function for sorting, searching, tree building that uses unsigned integer subtraction to deduce which key is higher or lower.
See example below.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
void main()
uint8_t a = 255;
uint8_t b = 100;
uint8_t c = 150;
printf("uint8_t a = %+d, b = %+d, c = %+d\n\n", a, b, c);
printf(" b - a = %+d\tpromotion to int type\n"
" (int8_t)(b - a) = %+d\n\n"
" b + a = %+d\tpromotion to int type\n"
"(uint8_t)(b + a) = %+d\tmodular arithmetic\n"
" b + a %% %d = %+d\n\n",
b - a, (int8_t)(b - a),
b + a, (uint8_t)(b + a),
UINT8_MAX + 1,
(b + a) % (UINT8_MAX + 1));
printf("c %s b (b - c = %d), b %s a (b - a = %d), AND c %s a (c - a = %d)\n",
(int8_t)(c - b) < 0 ? "<" : ">", (int8_t)(c - b),
(int8_t)(b - a) < 0 ? "<" : ">", (int8_t)(b - a),
(int8_t)(c - a) < 0 ? "<" : ">", (int8_t)(c - a));
$ ./a.out
uint8_t a = +255, b = +100, c = +150
b - a = -155 promotion to int type
(int8_t)(b - a) = +101
b + a = +355 promotion to int type
(uint8_t)(b + a) = +99 modular arithmetic
b + a % 256 = +99
c > b (b - c = 50), b > a (b - a = 101), AND c < a (c - a = -105)
int d = abs(five - seven); // d = 2
std::abs is not "suitable" for unsigned integers. A cast is needed though.

Carry bits in incidents of overflow

* isLessOrEqual - if x <= y then return 1, else return 0
* Example: isLessOrEqual(4,5) = 1.
* Legal ops: ! ~ & ^ | + << >>
* Max ops: 24
* Rating: 3
int isLessOrEqual(int x, int y)
int msbX = x>>31;
int msbY = y>>31;
int sum_xy = (y+(~x+1));
int twoPosAndNegative = (!msbX & !msbY) & sum_xy; //isLessOrEqual is FALSE.
// if = true, twoPosAndNegative = 1; Overflow true
// twoPos = Negative means y < x which means that this
int twoNegAndPositive = (msbX & msbY) & !sum_xy;//isLessOrEqual is FALSE
//We started with two negative numbers, and subtracted X, resulting in positive. Therefore, x is bigger.
int isEqual = (!x^!y); //isLessOrEqual is TRUE
return (twoPosAndNegative | twoNegAndPositive | isEqual);
Currently, I am trying to work through how to carry bits in this operator.
The purpose of this function is to identify whether or not int y >= int x.
This is part of a class assignment, so there are restrictions on casting and which operators I can use.
I'm trying to account for a carried bit by applying a mask of the complement of the MSB, to try and remove the most significant bit from the equation, so that they may overflow without causing an issue.
I am under the impression that, ignoring cases of overflow, the returned operator would work.
EDIT: Here is my adjusted code, still not working. But, I think this is progress? I feel like I'm chasing my own tail.
int isLessOrEqual(int x, int y)
int msbX = x >> 31;
int msbY = y >> 31;
int sign_xy_sum = (y + (~x + 1)) >> 31;
return ((!msbY & msbX) | (!sign_xy_sum & (!msbY | msbX)));
I figured it out with the assistance of one of my peers, alongside the commentators here on StackOverflow.
The solution is as seen above.
The asker has self-answered their question (a class assignment), so providing alternative solutions seems appropriate at this time. The question clearly assumes that integers are represented as two's complement numbers.
One approach is to consider how CPUs compute predicates for conditional branching by means of a compare instruction. "signed less than" as expressed in processor condition codes is SF ≠ OF. SF is the sign flag, a copy of the sign-bit, or most significant bit (MSB) of the result. OF is the overflow flag which indicates overflow in signed integer operations. This is computed as the XOR of the carry-in and the carry-out of the sign-bit or MSB. With two's complement arithmetic, a - b = a + ~b + 1, and therefore a < b = a + ~b < 0. It remains to separate computation on the sign bit (MSB) sufficiently from the lower order bits. This leads to the following code:
int isLessOrEqual (int a, int b)
int nb = ~b;
int ma = a & ((1U << (sizeof(a) * CHAR_BIT - 1)) - 1);
int mb = nb & ((1U << (sizeof(b) * CHAR_BIT - 1)) - 1);
// for the following, only the MSB is of interest, other bits are don't care
int cyin = ma + mb;
int ovfl = (a ^ cyin) & (a ^ b);
int sign = (a ^ nb ^ cyin);
int lteq = sign ^ ovfl;
// desired predicate is now in the MSB (sign bit) of lteq, extract it
return (int)((unsigned int)lteq >> (sizeof(lteq) * CHAR_BIT - 1));
The casting to unsigned int prior to the final right shift is necessary because right-shifting of signed integers with negative value is implementation-defined, per the ISO-C++ standard, section 5.8. Asker has pointed out that casts are not allowed. When right shifting signed integers, C++ compilers will generate either a logical right shift instruction, or an arithmetic right shift instruction. As we are only interested in extracting the MSB, we can isolate ourselves from the choice by shifting then masking out all other bits besides the LSB, at the cost of one additional operation:
return (lteq >> (sizeof(lteq) * CHAR_BIT - 1)) & 1;
The above solution requires a total of eleven or twelve basic operations. A significantly more efficient solution is based on the 1972 MIT HAKMEM memo, which contains the following observation:
ITEM 23 (Schroeppel): (A AND B) + (A OR B) = A + B = (A XOR B) + 2 (A AND B).
This is straightforward, as A AND B represent the carry bits, and A XOR B represent the sum bits. In a newsgroup posting to comp.arch.arithmetic on February 11, 2000, Peter L. Montgomery provided the following extension:
If XOR is available, then this can be used to average
two unsigned variables A and B when the sum might overflow:
(A+B)/2 = (A AND B) + (A XOR B)/2
In the context of this question, this allows us to compute (a + ~b) / 2 without overflow, then inspect the sign bit to see if the result is less than zero. While Montgomery only referred to unsigned integers, the extension to signed integers is straightforward by use of an arithmetic right shift, keeping in mind that right shifting is an integer division which rounds towards negative infinity, rather than towards zero as regular integer division.
int isLessOrEqual (int a, int b)
int nb = ~b;
// compute avg(a,~b) without overflow, rounding towards -INF; lteq(a,b) = SF
int lteq = (a & nb) + arithmetic_right_shift (a ^ nb, 1);
return (int)((unsigned int)lteq >> (sizeof(lteq) * CHAR_BIT - 1));
Unfortunately, C++ itself provides no portable way to code an arithmetic right shift, but we can emulate it fairly efficiently using this answer:
int arithmetic_right_shift (int a, int s)
unsigned int mask_msb = 1U << (sizeof(mask_msb) * CHAR_BIT - 1);
unsigned int ua = a;
ua = ua >> s;
mask_msb = mask_msb >> s;
return (int)((ua ^ mask_msb) - mask_msb);
When inlined, this adds just a couple of instructions to the code when the shift count is a compile-time constant. If the compiler documentation indicates that the implementation-defined handling of signed integers of negative value is accomplished via arithmetic right shift instruction, it is safe to simplify to this six-operation solution:
int isLessOrEqual (int a, int b)
int nb = ~b;
// compute avg(a,~b) without overflow, rounding towards -INF; lteq(a,b) = SF
int lteq = (a & nb) + ((a ^ nb) >> 1);
return (int)((unsigned int)lteq >> (sizeof(lteq) * CHAR_BIT - 1));
The previously made comments regarding use of a cast when converting the sign bit into a predicate apply here as well.

Saturating subtract/add for unsigned bytes

Imagine I have two unsigned bytes b and x. I need to calculate bsub as b - x and badd as b + x. However, I don't want underflow/overflow occur during these operations. For example (pseudo-code):
b = 3; x = 5;
bsub = b - x; // bsub must be 0, not 254
b = 250; x = 10;
badd = b + x; // badd must be 255, not 4
The obvious way to do this includes branching:
bsub = b - min(b, x);
badd = b + min(255 - b, x);
I just wonder if there are any better ways to do this, i.e. by some hacky bit manipulations?
The article Branchfree Saturating Arithmetic provides strategies for this:
Their addition solution is as follows:
u32b sat_addu32b(u32b x, u32b y)
u32b res = x + y;
res |= -(res < x);
return res;
modified for uint8_t:
uint8_t sat_addu8b(uint8_t x, uint8_t y)
uint8_t res = x + y;
res |= -(res < x);
return res;
and their subtraction solution is:
u32b sat_subu32b(u32b x, u32b y)
u32b res = x - y;
res &= -(res <= x);
return res;
modified for uint8_t:
uint8_t sat_subu8b(uint8_t x, uint8_t y)
uint8_t res = x - y;
res &= -(res <= x);
return res;
A simple method is to detect overflow and reset the value accordingly as below
bsub = b - x;
if (bsub > b)
bsub = 0;
badd = b + x;
if (badd < b)
badd = 255;
GCC can optimize the overflow check into a conditional assignment when compiling with -O2.
I measured how much optimization comparing with other solutions. With 1000000000+ operations on my PC, this solution and that of #ShafikYaghmour averaged 4.2 seconds, and that of #chux averaged 4.8 seconds. This solution is more readable as well.
For subtraction:
diff = (a - b)*(a >= b);
sum = (a + b) | -(a > (255 - b))
// sum = (a + b)*(a <= (255-b)); this fails
// sum = (a + b) | -(a <= (255 - b)) falis too
Thanks to #R_Kapp
Thanks to #NathanOliver
This exercise shows the value of simply coding.
sum = b + min(255 - b, a);
If you are using a recent enough version of gcc or clang (maybe also some others) you could use built-ins to detect overflow.
if (__builtin_add_overflow(a,b,&c))
For addition:
unsigned temp = a+b; // temp>>8 will be 1 if overflow else 0
unsigned char c = temp | -(temp >> 8);
For subtraction:
unsigned temp = a-b; // temp>>8 will be 0xFF if neg-overflow else 0
unsigned char c = temp & ~(temp >> 8);
No comparison operators or multiplies required.
All can be done in unsigned byte arithmetic
// Addition without overflow
return (b > 255 - a) ? 255 : a + b
// Subtraction without underflow
return (b > a) ? 0 : a - b;
If you want to do this with two bytes, use the simplest code possible.
If you want to do this with twenty billion bytes, check what vector instructions are available on your processor and whether they can be used. You might find that your processor can do 32 of these operations with a single instruction.
You could also use the safe numerics library at Boost Library Incubator. It provides drop-in replacements for int, long, etc... which guarantee that you'll never get an undetected overflow, underflow, etc.
If you are willing to use assembly or intrinsics, I think I have an optimal solution.
For subtraction:
We can use the sbb instruction
In MSVC we can use the intrinsic function _subborrow_u64 (also available in other bit sizes).
Here is how it is used:
// *c = a - (b + borrow)
// borrow_flag is set to 1 if (a < (b + borrow))
borrow_flag = _subborrow_u64(borrow_flag, a, b, c);
Here is how we could apply it to your situation
uint64_t sub_no_underflow(uint64_t a, uint64_t b){
uint64_t result;
borrow_flag = _subborrow_u64(0, a, b, &result);
return result * !borrow_flag;
For addition:
We can use the adcx instruction
In MSVC we can use the intrinsic function _addcarry_u64 (also available in other bit sizes).
Here is how it is used:
// *c = a + b + carry
// carry_flag is set to 1 if there is a carry bit
carry_flag = _addcarry_u64(carry_flag, a, b, c);
Here is how we could apply it to your situation
uint64_t add_no_overflow(uint64_t a, uint64_t b){
uint64_t result;
carry_flag = _addcarry_u64(0, a, b, &result);
return !carry_flag * result - carry_flag;
I don't like this one as much as the subtraction one, but I think it is pretty nifty.
If the add overflows, carry_flag = 1. Not-ing carry_flag yields 0, so !carry_flag * result = 0 when there is overflow. And since 0 - 1 will set the unsigned integral value to its max, the function will return the result of the addition if there is no carry and return the max of the chosen integral value if there is carry.
what about this:
bsum = a + b;
bsum = (bsum < a || bsum < b) ? 255 : bsum;
bsub = a - b;
bsub = (bsub > a || bsub > b) ? 0 : bsub;
If you will call those methods a lot, the fastest way would be not bit manipulation but probably a look-up table. Define an array of length 511 for each operation.
Example for minus (subtraction)
static unsigned char maxTable[511];
memset(maxTable, 0, 255); // If smaller, emulates cutoff at zero
maxTable[255]=0; // If equal - return zero
for (int i=0; i<256; i++)
maxTable[255+i] = i; // If greater - return the difference
The array is static and initialized only once. Now your subtraction can be defined as inline method or using pre-compiler:
#define MINUS(A,B) maxTable[A-B+255];
How it works? Well you want to pre-calculate all possible subtractions for unsigned chars. The results vary from -255 to +255, total of 511 different result. We define an array of all possible results but because in C we cannot access it from negative indices we use +255 (in [A-B+255]). You can remove this action by defining a pointer to the center of the array.
const unsigned char *result = maxTable+255;
#define MINUS(A,B) result[A-B];
use it like:
bsub = MINUS(13,15); // i.e 13-15 with zero cutoff as requested
Note that the execution is extremely fast. Only one subtraction and one pointer deference to get the result. No branching. The static arrays are very short so they will be fully loaded into CPU's cache to further speed up the calculation
Same would work for addition but with a bit different table (first 256 elements will be the indices and last 255 elements will be equal to 255 to emulate the cutoff beyond 255.
If you insist on bits operation, the answers that use (a>b) are wrong. This still might be implemented as branching. Use the sign-bit technique
// (num1>num2) ? 1 : 0
#define is_int_biggerNotEqual( num1,num2) ((((__int32)((num2)-(num1)))&0x80000000)>>31)
Now you can use it for calculation of subtraction and addition.
If you want to emulate the functions max(), min() without branching use:
inline __int32 MIN_INT(__int32 x, __int32 y){ __int32 d=x-y; return y+(d&(d>>31)); }
inline __int32 MAX_INT(__int32 x, __int32 y){ __int32 d=x-y; return x-(d&(d>>31)); }
My examples above use 32 bits integers. You can change it to 64, though I believe that 32 bits calculations run a bit faster. Up to you

Bitwise operations and shifts problems

I am testing the function fitsBits(int x, int n) on my own and I figure out there is a condition that doesn't fit in this function, what is the problem?
* fitsBits - return 1 if x can be represented as an
* n-bit, two's complement integer.
* 1 <= n <= 32
* Examples: fitsBits(5,3) = 0, fitsBits(-4,3) = 1
* Legal ops: ! ~ & ^ | + << >>
* Max ops: 15
* Rating: 2
int fitsBits(int x, int n) {
int r, c;
c = 33 + ~n;
r = !(((x << c)>>c)^x);
return r;
It seems like it gives the wrong answer in
fitsBits(0x80000000, 0x20);
It gives me 1, but actually it should be 0...
How could I fix it?
Thank you!
fitsBits(0x80000000, 0x20);
This function returns 1, because the first argument of your function is int, which is (in practice these days) a 32 bit signed integer. The largest value that signed 32 bit integer can represent is 0x7FFFFFFF, which is less than the value you are passing in. Because of that your value gets truncated and becomes -0x80000000, something that 32 bit integer can represent. Therefore your function returns 1 (yes, my first argument is something that can be represented using 0x20 = 32 bits).
If you want your function to properly classify number 0x80000000 as something that cannot be represented using 32 bits, you need to change the type of the first argument of your function. One options would've been using an unsigned int, but from your problem definition it seems like you need to properly handle negative numbers, so your remaining option is long long int, that can hold numbers between -0x8000000000000000 and 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.
You will need to do couple more adjustments: you need to explicitly specify that your constant is of type long long by using LL suffix, and you now need to shift by 64 - c, not by 32 - c:
#include <stdio.h>
int fitsBits(long long x, int n) {
long long r;
int c;
c = 65 + ~n;
r = !(((x << c)>>c)^x);
return r;
int main() {
printf("%d\n", fitsBits(0x80000000LL, 0x20));
return 0;
Link to IDEONE:
Left shifts that cause overflow are undefined for signed types. Hence the compiler may optimise (x<<c)>>c as simply x, and the entire function reduces down to return 1;.
Probably you want to use unsigned types.
A second cause of undefined behavior in your code is that c may be greater than or equal to the width of int. A shift of more than the width of the integer type is undefined behavior.
r = (((x << c)>>c)^x); //This will give you 0, meaning r = 0;
r = !((x << c)>>c);
Your function can be simplified to
int fitsBits(int x) {
int r, c;
c = 33;
r = (((x << c)>>c)^x);
return r;
Note that when NOT(!) is brought you're asking for opposite of r