Dart2JS Pub Build Fails to Traverse Project Folders Correctly - build

I'm working on a long-term project for some time now. After moving some folders around, correctly refactoring different parts of the code, Webstorm's Dart analyser is showing NO errors, but running either pub serve or pub build fails.
Pub or Dart2JS doesn't seems to be traversing folders correctly.
This is the first error I get:
[Error from Dart2JS on CS_Game_Engine|web/main.dart]:
Can't read 'file:///Data/ownCloud/cybersecgame/CS%20Game%20Engine/web/UIElements/Data/Variables/Variable.dart' (Could not find asset CS_Game_Engine|web/UIElements/Data/Variables/Variable.dart.).
import '../../Data/Variables/Variable.dart';
This is interesting, because the file TextVariableEditor.dart, as you see in the error, is located in the web/UIElements/NodeSettingsItems/ directory.
The file I am trying to access (Variables.dart) is located in web/Data/Variables/Variable.dart.
The import statement moves 2 folders up with the ../../, but Pub or Dart2JS is not going 2 folders up, its only going 1 folder up. See the error again:
Can't read 'file:///Data/ownCloud/cybersecgame/CS%20Game%20Engine/web/UIElements/Data/Variables/Variable.dart'
It's looking for the file in the wrong place. I'm not sure what to do to fix this, and I've looked around and can't really find anything. Again, Webstorm's Dart Analyzer shows no issues, but the pub build or pub serve both fail, unable to find the file.
I've used the ../../ many times before in my code, but this is the first time it is causing issues. There are other errors similar to this, but having the same issue of not reading the ../../ correctly.
Update 1:
I've done more testing, and adding an additional ../ to the path's beginning fixes the error during the pub build. However, now Webstorm and it's Dart Analyzer is showing lots of errors since the path is obviously wrong (1 too many ../). This is a workaround, but not a fix. Does anybody know why pub or the Dart2JS is reading the path incorrectly? Somehow skipping one of the ../?

Code within the web directory should only access files in two places:
Things in the web directory, via relative paths
Things in packages via package: imports
#2 is interesting. This can include files within your own project, you just need to put those files in the lib directory and access them via a package:my_proj URI.
See https://github.com/dart-lang/sample-pop_pop_win/ as an example
See also https://www.dartlang.org/tools/pub/package-layout


Protoc Output Directory Issue - No Such File or Directory

I recently finished the basic tutorial for C++ here and wanted to set up a project based on the proto files from here. I followed a similar directory structure as the tutorial and changed up the CMakeLists.txt file to accommodate the new files.
I'm currently trying to just compile the manager.proto file. I was able to compile the file and get my server/client files, however the files are being outputted within cmake/build/minknow_api rather than the expected cmake/build folder. This meant the make command would return the error:
clang: error: no such file or directory: '/Users/name/Documents/grpc/examples/cpp/minknow_api/cmake/build/manager.grpc.pb.cc'
clang: error: no input files
I read that it was because protoc outputs based on the imports of the proto file, i.e the file comes with import minknow_api/device.proto for instance. I copied the files from within the cmake/build/minknow_api into cmake/build/ and reran make and it seemed to work, however, the C++ file imports as expected are searching within a minknow_api directory, meaning I'd have to manually edit these imports to look within the current directory instead of to then compile successfully.
I've tried experimenting with trying to get rid of the minknow_api from the proto imports, however had no luck and only got more import issues during compilation. It seems some files have the same names for messages etc, which means I had to keep the minknow.somename as the package so I can thus distinguish in the files which imported values I wanted to access. I've also tried moving files into their own directories like instance.proto which has package minknow.instance would go inside of instance directory, but still no luck.
I was wondering if anyone could figure out how to get rid of the minknow_api out of my proto imports properly so that I won't get these import and output directory issues down the track?

Generating working CHM files using Doxygen and GraphViz (Invalid .hhc file?)

I'm in the middle of documenting my C++ GUI library and I just started using Doxygen. I've got two test files that are documented now, but I have problems when trying to generate the CHM help files. Doxygen runs without error, and dot appears to be functioning correctly to generate images.
However, it appears the resulting .hhc, .hhk, and .hhp files are broken in some way. index.hhc and index.hhk are exactly the same and running 'hhc index.hhp' does not work. It returns an error :
HHC6000: Error: An internal file could not be created. Make certain there is enough disk space on the drive where you are compiling your file.
HHC5007: Error: Fatal navigational compilation error. This is likely the result of an invalid contents (.hhc) file.
I have uploaded a zip file of my two test sources, the Doxyfile generated by the Doxy Wizard, and the .hh* files created by doxygen.
Both HTML Help Workshop and GraphViz are on my path.
Do I need to change a setting in the doxyfile? How do I fix this?
Regards, bugsquasher
After taking albert 's advice, everything seemed to magically work. Nothing was really different though.

GraphicsMagick.NET missing CORE_RL_bzlib_.lib file, C++ linker error?

I'm a long time VB programmer, and pretty good with c#, but I'm dumb as a brick when it comes to c++. But nonetheless, I need to build the source code for GraphicsMagick.NET, specifically for .net 2.0 if I can, to try to see if I can convert it to a fully managed dll, so that I can import it into Unity3D (who cares why I need to build it?).
Anyway, without posting the entire project here, I realize it might be hard for anyone here to know exactly what is causing my error. But perhaps someone can give an educated guess? Edit: you can download a zip of the full source from https://graphicsmagick.codeplex.com/SourceControl/latest if you want to see all the code I'm working with that is giving me this error.
This project, I assume, is supposed to compile without errors right out of the box. But it doesn't. It has this line of code in the include.h file:
# if defined(HasBZLIB)
# pragma comment(lib, "CORE_RL_bzlib_.lib")
# endif
and as a result of this evil line, I'm getting this evil error:
LNK1104 cannot open file 'CORE_RL_coders_.lib'
C:\Users\A\Downloads\graphicsmagick-d\GraphicsMagick.NET.net20\LINK 1
Being the good VB programmer, I searched my project folder extensively, and that _.lib file doesn't exist. But in the process of searching online, I learned that c++ sometimes generates .lib files when you build a project. So perhaps this file was supposed to be built first, before it was linked, but for whatever reason it didn't get built first? You can see how clueless I am with c++.
Of course I commented out the line. But then it simply generates an error on the next line, which is another .lib file missing. I assume it will generate an error on every _.lib file in the entire include.h file, and there are a fair number of them.
Why is this project, which is supposed to build, missing so many .lib files? Can anyone give an educated guess why? am I probably missing some dependency that the author of this project forgot to mention in the installation instructions? Or would it be more likely that these .lib files are supposed to be created by me somehow, and I'm just not building it right?
In the downloaded release under GraphicsMagick there are two script files called CopyLibsFromDropbox.cmd and CopyLibsToDropbox.cmd, the first of which contains
echo You can download the library files here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/a8krszzmo76fqkt/AAAc9Jho29Jk3iLrKhsBmw-Ma?dl=0
goto done
In that dropbox, you will find all the lib files you need. Download the whole thing as a .zip and extract the thing inside the the \GraphicsMagick directory. Should look like that now:
Once the libs are inside that folder you can actually compile the code. The scripts are for copying them from your local dropbox directory to this directory, if you choose to "save this inside my dropbox" at the dropbox download page above. In the end, you should see something like
3> GraphicsMagick.NET.Web -> C:\Users\Maxi\Downloads\graphicsmagick-d1b5b1b28f26cdedf3ceeb555b94a87609286740\GraphicsMagick.NET.Web\bin\ReleaseQ16\x86\GraphicsMagick.NET.Web-x86.dll
3> Codeanalysis is beeing executed...
3> Codeanalysis finished -- 0 Errors, 0 Warning(s)
========== Build: 2 successfull, 0 failed, 0 recent, 1 skipped ==========
(who cares why I need to build it?)
I do. You can already include managed dlls to Unity, and GraphicsMagick.NET already gives you a .NET dll which you should be able to use within Unity, or did you have any particular problems with that? Need some image processing functionality from that library?

TFS Build and absolute path in app.config

first, I'd like to apologize for my english, it's not my 1st language !
I'm a total n00b in the wonderful world of TFS Build (2010), and I've got a problem.
I'll try to explain it to you using a simple example (but my actual situation is much more complicated).
I have a project with a console application "MyApp1", its location on my computer is "D:\MyProjets\MyApp1".
I have another project "Res" which contains only resources, including a file named emailTemplate.html.
My project "MyApp1" uses this file. Therefore, in the "App.config" file there's a key that stores the path of this resource : "D:\MyProjets\Res\emailTemplate.html"
Finally, I have a test for that application "MyApp1". This test checks if an e-mail has been sent. To send the e-mail "MyApp1" will need the file "emailTemplate.html", and will use the key in the configuration file to find it.
When I run the test on my computer : everything's ok.
But if I build the solution with TFS Build, when the tests are run I have a problem with this resource. During the build, the source files are copied in a directory (for example "D:\Build\1\My build projet\Sources\MyProjets\Res", and therefore "MyApp1" will look for "emailTemplate.html" in "D:\MyProjets\Res\emailTemplate.html" (configuration file) and of course won't be able to find it.
How should I do ?
I already know that my project shouldn't work with resources this way, but it's almost impossible for us to change that now, since it's the way we've been working in my company for a loooong time...
I thought about modifying the BuildProcessTemplate to force the Build server to run a getLatest on the Res projects exactly where I want. But I don't know if it's a good idea, or if it's even possible...
Thanks a lot for your help ! :)
Edit your build definition to include the "Res" project directory in the workspace as well. It should be automatically download/updated at each build (if you use any of the default process templates), and as long as you use relative paths in your tests you should be fine.

Where to start for writing a shell script for copying elements into main app xcode4

I am looking for some documentation or tutorial for copying files from a given directory into the app created by xcode at build time, before it is run.
At first I have tried to copy files into the derived directory, hoping that everything resides in there would be automatically added to the app, but I was wrong.
So I am looking for a script because the original dir may change its name, second the script could be customized by another xcode 4 user with its src dir path etc.
The things is I don't know how to start, which language etc. I am quite confident with shell script, but maybe there's a better option.
Second, I am trying to figure out which command could add a file in the already built app.
That answer didn't really help - the BUILT_PRODUCT_DIR isn't where most stuff goes.
Ultimately, I found you just need to do:
Add the following to the very end of your script (or get your script to write directly to the output location):
...but there's a lot of other things I tried. More thoughts and ideas here: http://red-glasses.com/index.php/tutorials/xcode4-a-script-that-creates-adds-files-to-your-project/
You want a Run Script or Copy Files build phase. Select your main project in the navigator, then select the app's target. Click the Build Phases tab. Click the Add Build Phase button at the bottom of the window and choose the appropriate phase.
By "appropriate" I mean if you really want to run a script, you'll use a Run Script build phase and use Xcode-provided environment variables like $BUILT_PRODUCT_DIR (see the documentation or hit build and examine the full output of an empty script in the build log) to figure out your target folder. If all you want to do is copy files (no real processing), the Copy Files build phase already knows how to locate the app bundle's proper folders depending on what you're copying (Resources, Frameworks, etc.).