VS2017 Intellisense is slow and sometimes it crashes, any suggestions? - visual-studio-2017

I'm working with the community edition of VS2017.
Version 15.2(26430.14) which is the latest update as of 07/Jul/2017.
Intellisense is sporadically slow, and stops normal progress of my coding effort. It seems to "wake up" after about a 10 to 20 second wait. But today, it crashed, and the activity log showed this information.
<time>2017/07/06 00:17:33.497</time>
<source>Editor or Editor Extension</source>
<description>System.InvalidOperationException: Cannot Match. The session is dismissed.
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Language.Intellisense.Implementation.CompletionSession.Match()
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Language.Intellisense.Implementation.CompletionSession.OnViewBuffer_Changed(Object sender, TextContentChangedEventArgs e)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Utilities.GuardedOperations.RaiseEvent[TArgs](Object sender, EventHandler`1 eventHandlers, TArgs args)
At the time I was editing XAML and adding a Binding to the IsOpen property of a ContextMenu. After closing the editor and reopening, it worked fine...
I've removed all Plug-ins but Code Maid, which I'll try next. However, I'm looking for suggestions to this hiccup.

I had a similar problem. I closed Visual Studio and deleted the .vs (hidden) folder and restarted. It automatically regenerated the folder.

I had an issue with this as well. See Link (https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/2894215/you-experience-performance-issues-product-crashes-or-rendering-issues)
It looks to be an issue with some display drivers causing issues. The recommended workaround is to disable hardware acceleration for VS2017. I did this and it fixed my issues. Intellisense is now working as fast as I can type.
I have attached a screenshot from the link for the workaround just in case the link becomes dead.

The root cause of this problem was the new version of CCleaner Cloud Edition. Once I removed this software the problem all intellisense slowness and crashes ceased!


Where is snippet explorer located?

I have successfully installed the snippet designer (by Mathew Manela) and had successfully exported my own code snippet once from my VS 2017 by following the instruction from this site:
However, after I closed the VS2017 and come back and attempted to export another code snippet, I can no longer see the option to export code snippet after I highlighted the code and right clicked on it.
I wonder where has the functionality gone?
Also I no longer see the snippet explorer, which according to the link, it is located under view->other window. I did see it before I closed the vs 2017 application.
The snippet I originally created worked and is still working though, which amazes me.
I wonder what have I done incorrectly? How do I export another snippet?
I think I finally figured out what have I done wrong the hard way.
What I did earlier and probably should not have done was downloading the extension from the link above and clicked on it to install. It downloaded and installed like a champ, no complaint. It even worked for 1 time but then vanished in thin air the next time I got into VS2017. There is no way to find it. Maybe I am not supposed to click on the extension to install it outside of VS2017, but there was no warning or error message, which gave user the false impression that everything was fine.
Now, to fix the issue, I went into VS2017, Tools --> Extension And Updates and pick up the SnippetDesigner from there, re-installed it and closed VS2017 for it to finalize.
Then going back into VS 2017 and everything comes back!
Just posted my experience, hopefully someone else does not have to hit their head against the wall trying to figure out why SnippetDesigner is behaving the way I described above.

Is there an autosave feature in Visual Studio 2017 to deal with its bugs and crashes?

I used to deal with this when I was working with Adobe AfterEffects. It was (and maybe still is) so buggy that it could crash at any moment. So instead of fixing their buggy code-base their developers added a feature that would periodically auto-save all solution files into a separate (copy) folder. So after a crash you could recover some of your work. (Mine was set on auto-save every minute.)
So I've recently switched to using Visual Studio 2017 to develop my C++/MFC projects. (Before that I worked with somewhat older VS 2008 that used to crash very rarely.) But now VS2017 crashes pretty much every day. And if I forget to click save, it literally takes down last 10-15 minutes of my work, if not more.
I tried reporting this to Microsoft (back in summer of 2018, 6 months ago.) Some of my reports were either closed right away when they needed more proof and I didn't have time to deal with their laziness to read my entire post, but some that were accepted are still open and were never fixed. So I'm done submitting bug reports through that portal.
My only recourse at this point is to ask if there's an auto-save "feature" in VS2017, similar to what Adobe did to their AfterAffects?
Anyone wants to crash it right now? Here's just one bug. Create new project -> Visual C++ -> MFC/ATL project -> MFC Application. Then go to Resource View -> Add Resource -> Accelerator. Then click on "None" where I pointed with an arrow:
Is your VS2017 still running after that?
You can find a plugin in the market that does the job.
"Auto Save File" extension has more installs and better reviews than the extension from fluffeyrug.

Visual Studio 2017 blank project open dialog and hang

I installed 2017 and used it for some time (months). After one of the updates, I started having trouble in the file browser window not navigating to other folders without hanging. I can't navigate or choose a file. the app is hung here. I have left it up for several minutes and it stays hung there. I have to kill it from Task Manager in the current version; in prior versions it hung the system and I had to power off. I saw similar problems posted and a reply that indicated it was reproduced and would be fixed. I starting using VS 2015 again in the meantime. That was a few release ago. I had hopes that the most recent one (now on 15.7.3) might fix it since it was fairly large. It made me have a different issue in the same dialog. Now it is blanked out and only VS 2017 is hung. That's a little better since I don't have to restart my system every time I try to run it. But I really need to move to VS 2017.
Any suggestions would be appreciated. I have uninstalled and re-installed several times and tried uninstalling and reinstalling the more recent .net versions.
Windows 10 Enterprise, kept current with Windows Update, 32G RAM
On trying to browse for a solution, this comes up.

Can't run VS 2015 Community without /resetsettings; Getting CANTLOADLIBRARY on opening new projects, and crashing on new .cpp files

I have Windows 10, fully updated.
I downloaded and installed Visual Studio Community 2015 last week for the first time, (previously programmed in Code:blocks, still installed) and selected custom install to allow for C++ and Python programming.
Installation ran smoothly, but VS always fails on launch.
On first launch ever, it said it was setting things up for first startup; asked me for sign-in which I did, at which point it briefly showed something about my profile before saying 'An error occurred while starting for the first time. Please restart Microsoft Visual Studio'. Imgur images of all dialog boxes here, including parts of a processmonitor log I estimated to be around the general time of the error.
Closing and restarting several times didn't help.
Uninstalling and re-installing didn't help.
Rebooting didn't help.
And uninstalling, running Ccleaner's Cleaner and Registry Cleaner, rebooting computer and re-installing VS didn't help either.
Repairing the install from Programs also didn't help.
I managed to find the exact same error on Google Search for VS 2013 but the only solution was where one person got a completely new OS and re-installed VS on that.
I tried the other suggestions they had including running:
devenv.exe /safemode
devenv.exe /resetskippkgs
devenv.exe /resetuserdata
devenv.exe /installvstemplates
devenv.exe /resetsettings
the first 3 took me to the same sign-in screen. Regardless of signing-in or not, or running VS from the Administrator Profile or not, these option always give the same failed on first startup error.
Installvstemplates gives an error saying the operation could not be completed, but /resetsettings finally got me into VS.
That's about all it does though, I can go to the home page and access options/menu buttons, but signing-in makes it crash and reload again (but it does sign me in and take me to the home screen)
Signed-in/not and Administrator or not, VS crashes on opening a new .cpp file.
When I click Start a New Project I get "Error loading type library/DLL.(Exception from HRESULT: 0x80029C4A (TYPE_E_CANTLOADLIBRARY)). Closing VS and trying to open it normally from start menu still always throws the original error, despite working if I open it via /resetsettings.
I've also checked [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID{73B7DC00-F498-4ABD-AB79-D07AFD52F395}\InProcServer32] in Regedit and found it is apparently correct.
I also used devenv /log to generate an xml file of the process when I open it.
Just to mention I have .NET Framework 4.5-4.6 installed with VS as well.
Looking forward to any advice.
So, for anyone else getting the same problem, I haven't gotten any other advice, since this post.
If you're still having probs # this point the only real solution seems to be a clean install of your OS .
I can confirm it solved all my issues, with VS + some OS problems I wasn't aware of . I can only assume they might've been related, good luck.

VS2010 Intellisense problems

This question actually is an implicit answer, since I could fix the problem in the meantime for myself. But I wanted to publish my experience, since some other developers might have a similar problems.
The problem:
I am using VS2010 prof SP1 on Windows XP SP3, pure C++ only. (AntiVirus software present).
Since some days Intellisense - which is quite helpful under normal conditions - does not work anymore.
Things tried:
created a new simple console application. -> Intellisense still not working.
resetting VS-Settings by means of Tools/Import & Export Settings/Reset. -> Intellisense still not working
Changes to option settings in Text-Editor/C++/Advanced inclusive logging did not help.
-> Intellisense still not working
There was actually an interesting observation:
Intellisense normally creates a directory 'ipch' in the solution directory to store intermediate files. In my solution folders it disappeared as soon as the solution was opened. When I created a folder 'ipch' and opened the solution Intellisense removed the folder again - strange.
The final fix:
During the last week some new Windows updates were installed. I noticed some other unusual behaviour of my PC as well. After having created an image of my PC, I decided to
uninstall Windows updates from 2013-09-11 (4 packages) and one update from 2013-08-28.
(unfortunately I did not note down the KB-numbers)
AND: out of a sudden Intellisense is working again !
Maybe this report could be helpful for some other persons.
Automatic Updates are now disabled on my PCs.
Confirmed 100%
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Version 10.0.30319.1 RTMRel
Microsoft NET framework 4.0.30319 RTMRel
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Version 2002 Service Pack 3
Intellisense stops working after installing KB2876217.
Intellisense is back after removing update.
I had the same problem and also had the idea that one of the Windows Updates is buggy, so I can confirm your report.
I tried to uninstall them one-b<-one and found the "bad guy":
KB2876217 destroys intellisense for VS2010 under XP SP3.
A supported hotfix is available from Microsoft to fix this issue. Check at http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2526044/en-us
Actually, it may not be such a good idea to uninstall update KB2876217. Instead, install Visual Studio SP1 update (if not already installed) and then install update KB2526044. I have tried it before and it does work...