Regex in php matching until count [duplicate] - regex

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How do you parse and process HTML/XML in PHP?
(31 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
Good day!
I am trying to write a bit more difficult regex, but without success :(
I try to match html from starting
<div class="about">
and count closing
tags. So to match everything in between.
I wrote a regex, but it is not performing. I guess I am missing something like that counts of instances could have anything in between them. I tried to google it but the might of regex is obviously tough for newbies.
<div class="about">[\s\S]*(<\/div>){2}
Help and advice appreciated.

As others have said, you should avoid regexes in many cases where there exists a better parser (whether HTML, CSS, CSV, or whatever) that works for your use-case.
The reason for this is that the data may be tree structured, and might have some of the things you're looking for within other elements; for example, within <!-- --> comments. And then you have to exclude those. Which means recognizing when a comment really is a comment, and it rapidly becomes a mess.
But there are use-cases where such a parser is overkill. If you want a quick guesstimate, from a commandline command rather than a script you'll be using forever and sharing with others, regexes can still be your friend.
Something like this:
<div class="about">([\s\S]*?<\/div>)*
This will capture not only the divs within the "about" div, but every closing div tag in the remainder of the page, whether it's commented out or not (along with any separating tags and whitespace and other stuff). If yours is a simple enough case that this is all you want, then that's fine.
But if you want anything complex, then you'll rapidly venture into recursive regexes, with conditionals, and then the pain starts; the DOM tree parser will become the better option, long before you reach that point.

First thanks to everybody sharing time and knowledge.
With your help I did the job with
<div class="about">([\s\S]*?<\/div>){6}
{6} is the count of closing div tag.
However, what is more important that you gave me the clues that this will work until html page structure changes and to make it permanent I should use a DOM parser.


How do I select src between <> if img exists?

I need to select src=" using a regular expression in the form: //, but only if it is within an image tag.
This should return true:
<img alt="Alt text" src="/directory/Images/my-image.jpg" />
This to return false:
<script type="text/javascript" async="" src=""></script>
The end result will be replacing the scr=", which the application I am using performs, I need the regex for the find.
First, the standard disclaimer: if you are using regexes to parse a HTML DOM, you are DOING IT WRONG. With all structured data (XML, JSON, and so forth), the right way to parse HTML is to use something built for that purpose, and query it using its querying system.
That said, it is often the case that what you want is a quick hack on the commandline or the search field of an editor or whatever, and you don't want or need to faff with writing an application that loads in DOM-parsing libraries.
In that case, if you're not actually writing a program, and you don't mind that there are edge-cases where any regex you try will break, then consider something like this:
/<img\b[^<>]+\bsrc\s*=\s*"([^"]+)"/i ... maybe replacing the leading / and trailing /i with whatever other thing your language uses to denote a case-insensitive regular expression.
Note that this makes assumptions, that the url is quoted with doublequotes, the tag is correctly formed, there are no extraneous <img strings in the document, there are no doublequotes in the URL, and countless others that I didn't think of, but a proper parser would. These assumptions are a large part of why using a parser is so important: it makes no such assumptions, and if fed garbage, will correctly let you know that you did so, rather than trying to digest it and giving you pain later on.
<img\b - an img tag. The word boundary ensures this isn't an imgur tag or whatever.
[^<>]+ - one or more characters, with no closing tag, and for safety, no opening tags either.
\bsrc\s*=\s* - 'src=', but with optional whitespace, and another word-boundary check.
"([^"]+)" - some URL consisting of non-quote characters, within quotes.
Now, be aware that since we're doing NO security checking on the URL, you could be grabbing anything, such as javascript:...something malicious..., or it could be 6GB long - you just don't know. You could add in checking for such things, but you'll always miss something, unless you control the input and know exactly what you're parsing.
Your mention of "my application" does mean that I must reiterate: the above is almost certainly the wrong way to do it if you are writing an application, and the question you should be asking is probably closer to "how do I get the value of the src attribute of an img tag from a HTML page, in my chosen programming language?" rather than "how do I use regexes to extract this token from this HTML tag?"
When I say this, I don't mean "ivory-tower computer scientists will look down their nose at you" - though I admit there can be a lot of that kind of snootiness in programming :D
I mean something more like... "you're setting yourself up for pain as you run into edge-case after edge-case, and spiral down into a deep rabbit-hole of infinitely refining your regex. And you can likely avoid the pain with a simple one-liner, infinitely nicer than regex, perhaps document.querySelector('img[src^="/directory/Images"]') as #LGSon suggests in a comment.
People will say this because they've had this pain, and they're wincing at the idea that you might suffer it too.
There are several ways to match that. This RegEx is just an example and it is not certainly the best expression:
You can wrap your target image URLs with a capturing group (), maybe similar to this expression:
and simply call it using $2 (group #2).
You can also simplify it as you wish by adding ignore flag such as this expression:

Regex confusion - title of certain length

I have been going through Regex tutorials for hours now and I can't seem to grasp it very well. I would like a regex statement that extracts an html title only if the title is exceptionally long (1000+ characters). I've managed to work out the following to select the entire title:
I have no idea where to begin adding the length portion. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!
would do that (unless the title contains newlines - in that case it depends on the regex engine how to handle that).
This also presupposes that there is only one <title> tag in the string you're looking at (which probably is the case in an HTML file, so you should be OK, given the general warning that regexes are a brittle tool when dealing with HTML).

Get value between <b> tag using regex in Yahoo Pipes

I have searched up and down trying to find an answer that will work for me but haven't been able to figure this out. I'm using Yahoo Pipes for this.
Lake Harmony Estates <b>Sleeps: 16</b>
What I need to do is extract the Sleeps: 16 out from the B tag and output just that value and nothing else. I don't suspect this is very hard to do, but given my limited regex knowledge it's giving me troubles. I've tried adapting regex code pertaining to other tags, but just can't seem to get this one to work.
Any help on this would be appreciated. Thanks.
Here is my pipe if you wanted to take a look at the regex horrible-ness I've created. The one I'm trying to work though is the item.sleeps, last entry in the 2nd regex
This should fit your needs assuming the html isn't ladened with quotes and such. Note that the + will mean that empty <b> tags are ignored. Also, html is not truly passable via regex, so this will only work for basic tags. It should work even if the tag has an ID or a class property, but there are absolutely manners to break this regex.
I posted this question to Twitter and got a response back that worked for me.
Replace with $1 and have G flag checked.
This solution did everything I needed. I had additional data that I had already excluded in my example that became unnecessary with this regex.

Regex to Parse HTML Tables

I am trying to remove the tables within an HTML file, specifically, for the following document, I'd like to remove anything within the tags <TABLE....> and </TABLE>. The document contains multiple tables with texts in between.
The expression that I came up with, <TABLE.*>\s*[\s|\S]*</TABLE>\s*, however would remove the text in between the tables. In fact it would remove everything between the first <TABLE> and the last </TABLE> tags. I would like to keep the texts in between and only remove the tables. Any suggestion is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
<TABLE STYLE=xxx, Font=yyy, etc>
table texts that should be DELETED...
other texts that should be KEPT...
<TABLE STYLE=xxx, Font=yyy, etc>
table texts that should be DELETED...
The answer is to use a HTML or SGML parser, there are some around for .NET:
SGML parser .NET recommendations
If you absolutely want to use regular expressions, familiarize yourself with balancing groups, otherwise nested tables will break. It's not easy, and may perform much slower than a regular SGML parser. Be warned though: Seeing your expression I assume that you are a regex newbie (hint: avoid greedy . matches at any cost), so this is probably not yet your cup of tea.
Since I know you're not going to look at an HTML parser even if I tell you you really should, I'll just answer the question.
This matches only tables:
It requires two options: dotall and ignoreCase.
You can try it here:
Now do consider using HTML Agility Pack suggested by Lucero ok?
Edit: maybe this was what you meant, sorry:

How can I manipulate just part of a Perl string?

I'm trying to write some Perl to convert some HTML-based text over to MediaWiki format and hit the following problem: I want to search and replace within a delimited subsection of some text and wondered if anyone knew of a neat way to do it. My input stream is something like:
Please mail support. if you want some help.
and I want to change Please help and Please can some one help me out here to Please%20help and Please%20can%20some%20one%20help%20me%20out%20here respectively, without changing any of the other spaces on the line.
Naturally, I also need to be able to cope with more than one such link on a line so splicing isn't such a good option.
I've taken a good look round Perl tutorial sites (it's not my first language) but didn't come across anything like this as an example. Can anyone advise an elegant way of doing this?
Your task has two parts. Find and replace the mailto URIs - use a HTML parsing module for that. This topic is covered thoroughly on Stack Overflow.
The other part is to canonicalise the URI. The module URI is suitable for this purpose.
use URI::mailto;
my #hrefs = (' help&Body=Please can some one help me out here');
print URI::mailto->new($_)->as_string for #hrefs;
Why dont you just search for the "Body=" tag until the quotes and replace every space with %20.
I would not even use regular expresions for that since I dont find them useful for anything except mass changes where everything on the line is changes.
A simple loop might be the best solution.