RethinkDB Multiple emits in Map - mapreduce

I've been trying out RethinkDB for a while and i still don't know how to do something like this MongoDB example:
In Mongo, in the map function, I could iterate over an array field of one document, and emit multiple values.
I don't know how to set the key to emit in map or return more than one value per document in the map function.
For example, i would like to get from this:
'num' : 1,
'lets': ['a','b,'c']
{'num': 1, 'let' : 'a' },
{'num': 1, 'let' : 'b' },
{'num': 1, 'let' : 'c' }
I'm not sure if I should think this differently in RethinkDB or use something different from map-reduce.

I'm not familiar with Mongo; addressing your transformation example directly:
'num' : 1,
'lets': ['a', 'b', 'c']
.do(function(row) {
return row('lets').map(function(l) {
return r.object(
'num', row('num'),
'let', l
You can, of course, use map() instead of do() (in case not a singular object)


How can I extract values from within a list

Let us say that I have a Map in dart which holds value in this format : String, List<MyModel>. Now the Map would look something like this -
'a' : [MyModel1, MyModel2],
'b' : [MyModel3],
'c' : [MyModel4, MyModel5]
I want to design a function that would return me this : [MyModel1, MyModel2,......,MyModel5] . I can easily do the same by iterating over values in the map and then use a nested loop to iterate over each value to finally extract each of the elements. However, what I want is a better way to do it (probably without using the two for loops as my Map can get pretty long at times.
Is there a better way to do it ?
You could use a Collection for and the ... spread operator, like this:
void main() {
Map<String, List<int>> sampleData = {
'a': [1, 2],
'b': [3],
'c': [4, 5, 6]
final output = mergeMapValues(sampleData);
print(output); // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
// Merge all Map values into a single list
List<int> mergeMapValues(Map<String, List<int>> sampleData) {
final merged = <int>[for (var value in sampleData.values) ...value]; // Collection for
return merged;
Here's the above sample in Dartpad:

Replacing string values in a FeatureCollection with numbers in google earth engine

I have a FeatureCollection with a column named Dominance which has classified regions into stakeholder dominance. In this case, Dominance contains values as strings; specifically 'Small', 'Medium', 'Large' and 'Others'.
I want to replace these values/strings with 1,2,3 and 4. For that, I use the codes below:
var Shape = ee.FeatureCollection('XYZ')
var Shape_custom =['Dominance'])
var conditional = function(feat) {
return ee.Algorithms.If(feat.get('Dominance').eq('Small'),
feat.set({class: 1}),
var test =
## This I plan to repeat for all classes
However, I am not able to change the values. The error I am getting is feat.get(...).eq is not a function.
What am I doing wrong here?
The simplest way to do this kind of mapping is using a dictionary. That way you do not need more code for each additional case.
var mapping = ee.Dictionary({
'Small': 1,
'Medium': 2,
'Large': 3,
'Others': 4
var mapped = Shape
.map(function (feature) {
return feature.set('class', mapping.get(feature.get('Dominance')));

Flattening data with same performance for recursive $query->with

I am using Laravel 5.5.13.
Thanks to awesome help from awesome member of SO I currently get nested (and repeated) data by doing this:
public function show(Entity $entity)
return $entity->with([
'comments' => function($query) {
'helpfuls' => function($query) {
'thumbs' => function($query) {
This gives me example data like this:
However I want to flatten it to this: - look at the version diff we see the changes:
We see line 15 is now "helpful_ids": [] and has just array of ids, and then all displaynames and helpfuls were moved to top of array on line 45 and 78.
Is it possible to flatten this data, while keeping same query performance (or better)?

Control dtype of aggregation results

When I do
"timestamp": {
"len" : len,
I get timestamp.len column of type datetime64 which is, obviously, not what I want.
How do I control this?
I can probably do some post-processing, like
but I would rather get the right type right away.
Yeah! That's weird.
Use size instead
df = pd.DataFrame(dict(id=['a', 'a', 'b', 'b'],
timestamp=pd.date_range('2016-09-29', periods=4)))
df.groupby('id').aggregate({'timestamp': {'len': 'size'}})

Groovy way to check if a list is sorted or not

Does Groovy have a smart way to check if a list is sorted? Precondition is that Groovy actually knows how to sort the objects, e.g. a list of strings.
The way I do right now (with just some test values for this example) is to copy the list to a new list, then sort it and check that they are equal. Something like:
def possiblySorted = ["1", "2", "3"]
def sortedCopy = new ArrayList<>(possiblySorted)
I use this in unit tests in several places so it would be nice with something like:
def possiblySorted = ["1", "2", "3"]
Is there a good way like this to check if a list is sorted in Groovy, or which is the preffered way? I would almost expect Groovy to have something like this, since it is so smart with collections and iteration.
If you want to avoid doing an O(n*log(n)) operation to check if a list is sorted, you can iterate it just once and check if every item is less or equals than the next one:
def isSorted(list) {
list.size() < 2 || (1..<list.size()).every { list[it - 1] <= list[it] }
assert isSorted([])
assert isSorted([1])
assert isSorted([1, 2, 2, 3])
assert !isSorted([1, 2, 3, 2])
Why not just compare it to a sorted instance of the same list?
def possiblySorted = [ 4, 2, 1 ]
// Should fail
assert possiblySorted == possiblySorted.sort( false )
We pass false to the sort method, so it returns a new list rather than modifying the existing one
You could add a method like so:
List.metaClass.isSorted = { -> delegate == delegate.sort( false ) }
Then, you can do:
assert [ 1, 2, 3 ].isSorted()
assert ![ 1, 3, 2 ].isSorted()