cat lines into file after regex - regex

I want to add the info below into the file usr/local/nagios/etc/hosts.cfg but want to do it just below ##company in the hosts.cfg file. My setup script will contain the info that needs to be added
I have spend hours trying to get sed to just add a line into a file after a marker but to no avail
define host{
use linux-box
host_name $host_name
alias $alias
address $ip
parents $parent
notification_period 24x7
notification_interval 5
Previously I used
cat <> /path /filename
but now I need to do it in specif places in the file

Given the following file:
# some content
If I run the following command:
sed -i 's/###company/&\ndefine host {\nuse host\nhost_name HOSTNAME/' file
Now, the contents of file are:
# some content
define host {
use host
host_name HOSTNAME
Is this what you're looking for?


Edit a remote file using SSH in Perl

Below is the code snippet I have written.
This tries to fetch the server name and file name through the arguments
I am stuck at editing the remote file after the server name and corresponding file name are fetched.
Command run: sox3d1 TEST50
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
use XML::Simple;
my $host=$ARGV[0];
my $db_host=$ARGV[1];
my %servers;
$servers{""}=["sox3d1","sox3d2"] ;
$servers{""}=["sox4d1","sox4d2"] ;
$servers{""}=["sox6d1","sox6d2"] ;
$servers{""}=["soxuat61","soxuat62","soxuat63"] ;
$servers{""}=["soxuat51","soxuat52","soxuat53"] ;
my $files=
my %groups_by_host;
for my $group (keys(%servers)) {
for my $host (#{ $servers{$group} }) {
push #{ $groups_by_host{$host} }, $group;
my $server = $groups_by_host{$host}; # we get the server name via variable $host
my ( $ssh_to_server )=#$server; # This is the server to ssh
my $dest_file=$files->{"db"} ; #This will fetch the file from the remote server
print "$ssh_to_server","->","$dest_file \n";
The file in this server has to be edited and below are the steps to do that via ssh.
Search for the string $host (i.e sox3d3) in the remote file $dest_file by doing ssh to server $ssh_to_server
Replace the string TEST30 with TEST50
The file is a semicolon-separated file
File content in remote server (db_info.ref):
sox3d3 ;/appl/sox3d3/current ;TEST30 ;TEST30 ;USER_10 ;USER_30
sox4d4 ;/appl/sox4d4/current ;TEST40 ;TEST40 ;USER_20 ;USER_40
So, the 3rd and 4th columns (TEST30;TEST30) should be replaced with TEST50 as per input.
Have tried the below code to get it working
as i said i was trying for a one line and had many variables in the command , the below worked actually
Update 1:
This basically ssh's the server and changes the file accordingly
'ssh' => ('-q',$ser),
'sed' => ('-i -E', qq('/$host/s#([^;]+;[^;]+;)[^;]+;[^;]+#\\1$db_host
;$db_host #') , $dest_file),
Tried something like this?
my $destination = sprintf( '%s#%s', $user, $host );
my $file = '/path/to/some/file.txt';
'ssh' => $destination,
'sed' => ( '-i', 's/TEST30/TEST50/g', $file ),
The ssh documentation shows you can pass a command after the ssh destination. When you do this, ssh will log into the server, run that command, then log out again, instead of dropping you into the shell on the server.
So you can use that to run sed to edit the file.

multiple name match the pattern

Input file:File name='sample1.txt'
lion is a good friend (Host=lion) (Port=animal) and tiger is
burger is a food (Host=Burger)(Port=Food)
I have data as shown in the above txt file.I want to collect the host and port in each line from a txt file and place them in new txt file
Required Outfile:
Code used till nw:
cat sample1.txt | perl -ne 'print "$1=$2\n" if(/Host=([\w.]*.'-'*[\w.]*.).*Port=(\d+)/)' > sample2.txt
sed 's|[()]||g' sample2.txt > sample3.txt
Obtained output:
Not getting the Tiger and an:
Problem : I am not able to get the host and port in same line which is present more then once..i some line it have only one host and port other line there are more than one host and port value..pls help me to slove this ..thank you ..:)
If you want to have all entries in the order of appearance, you can use something like that:
perl -nle 's{Host=([^)]*).*?Port=([^)]*)}{print "$1:$2"}ge' < sample1.txt > sample3.txt

Can't enable phar writing

I am actually using wamp 2.5 with PHP 5.5.12 and when I try to create a phar file it returns me the following message :
Uncaught exception 'UnexpectedValueException' with message 'creating archive "..." disabled by the php.ini setting phar.readonly'
even if I turn to off the phar.readonly option in php.ini.
So how can I enable the creation of phar files ?
I had this same problem and pieced together from info on this thread, here's what I did in over-simplified explanation:
in my PHP code that's generating this error, I added echo phpinfo(); (which displays a large table with all sort of PHP info) and in the first few rows verify the path of the php.ini file to make sure you're editing the correct php.ini.
locate on the phpinfo() table where it says phar.readonly and note that it is On.
open the php.ini file from step 1 and search for phar.readonly. Mine is on line 995 and reads ;phar.readonly = On
Change this line to phar.readonly = Off. Be sure that there is no semi-colon at the beginning of the line.
Restart your server
Confirm that you're phar project is now working as expected, and/or search on the phpinfo()table again to see that the phar.readonly setting has changed.
phar.readonly can only be disabled in php.ini due to security reasons.
If you want to check that it's is really not done using other method than php.ini then in terminal type this:-
$ php -r "ini_set('phar.readonly',0);print(ini_get('phar.readonly'));"
If it will give you 1 means phar.readonly is On.
More on phar.configuration
Need to disable in php.ini file
Type which php
Gives a different output depending on machine e.g.
Then open the path given not the php file.
E.g. /c/Apps/php/php-7.2.11
Edit the php.ini file
could do
vi C:\Apps\php\php-7.2.11\php.ini
code C:\Apps\php\php-7.2.11\php.ini
phar.readonly = Off
phar.require_hash = Off
Using php-cli and a hashbang, we can set it on the fly without messing with the ini file.
#!/usr/bin/php -d phar.readonly=0
print(ini_get('phar.readonly')); // Must return 0
// make sure it doesn't exist
try {
$p = new Phar(dirname(__FILE__) . '/brandnewphar.phar', 0, 'brandnewphar.phar');
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Could not create phar:', $e;
echo 'The new phar has ' . $p->count() . " entries\n";
$p['file.txt'] = 'hi';
$p['file2.txt'] = 'there';
$p['file3.txt'] = 'babyface';
function __autoload($class)
include "phar://myphar.phar/" . str_replace("_", "/", $class) . ".php";
include "phar://myphar.phar/startup.php";
// Test
$m = file_get_contents("phar://brandnewphar.phar/file2.txt");
$m = explode("\n",$m);
/* Output:
* there
✓ Must be set executable:
chmod +x testphar.php
✓ Must be called like this:
// OUTPUT there
⚠️ Must not be called like this:
php testphar.php
// Exception, phar is read only...
⚠️ Won't work called from a CGI web server
php -S localhost:8785 testphar.php
// Exception, phar is read only...
For anyone who has changed the php.ini file, but just doesn't see any changes. Try to use the CLI version of the file. For me, it was in /etc/php/7.4/cli/php.ini
Quick Solution!
cat /etc/php/7.4/apache2/php.ini | grep phar.readonly
sed -i 's/;phar.readonly = On/;phar.readonly = Off/g' /etc/php/7.4/apache2/php.ini

Using C# program FNR to find and replace properties, file cannot be found

I have a master virtual machine with a few websites hosted on it. When I deploy a copy of this, the settings are a standard value, and I often need to change them so they fit different databases. For this I would like to use a small c# program so I can use regular expressions to find and replace whatever property needed. For this I use fnr (
set DATABASE="dbname"
set DBHOST=""
set DBPORT="1234"
set ENV="this.env"
"fnr" --cl --dir "D:\Inetpub\wwwroot" --fileMask "web.config" --includeSubDirectories --useRegEx --find "<add key=\"DATABASE\" value=\".*\"\s*>" --replace "<add key=\"DATABASE\" value=\"%DATABASE%\">"
"fnr" --cl --dir "D:\Inetpub\wwwroot" --fileMask "web.config" --includeSubDirectories --useRegEx --find "<add key=\"HOST\" value=\".*\"\s*>" --replace "<add key=\"HOST\" value=\"%DBHOST%\">"
"fnr" --cl --dir "D:\Inetpub\wwwroot" --fileMask "web.config" --includeSubDirectories --useRegEx --find "<add key=\"ConnectionString\" value=\"Data Source.*>" --replace "<add key=\"ConnectionString\" value=\"Data Source=(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = %%3%%)(port = %DBPORT%)) )(CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SERVICE_NAME = %%2%%)));User ID=%%0%%;Password=%%1%%;Enlist=false\">"
set /p await= "any key to continue"
Windows command prompt gives me the following output in the end:
The system cannot find the file specified.
"any key to continue"
I can see the first two goes through and if I check the files it should touch, the values are changed correctly. I just cannot understand why the change port doesnt work, and tells me it cannot find the file specified. One, it doesnt specify any single file, and two, it looks for the same files as the first two.
Also, if I try to run the regex in FNR (the find part, with same parameters as only web.config files and in the same folder+subfolders) it finds the files perfectly.
Anyone got an idea as to what I'm doing wrong?
Thanks in advance.

VisualSVN post-commit hook with batch file

I'm running VisualSVN on a Windows server.
I'm trying to add a post-commit hook to update our staging project whenever a commit happens.
In VisualSVN, if I type the command in the hook/post-commit dialog, everything works great.
However, if I make a batch file with the exact same command, I get an error that says the post-commit hook has failed. There is no additional information.
My command uses absolute paths.
I've tried putting the batch file in the VisualSVN/bin directory, I get the same error there.
I've made sure VisualSVN has permissions for the directories where the batch file is.
The only thing I can think of is I'm not calling it correctly from VisualSVN. I'm just replacing the svn update command in the hook/post-commit dialog with the batch file name ("c:\VisualSVN\bin\my-batch-file.bat") I've tried it with and without the path (without the path it doesn't find the file at all).
Do I need to use a different syntax in the SVNCommit dialog to call the batch file? What about within the batch file (It just has my svn update command. It works if I run the batch file from the command line.)
Ultimately I want to use a batch file because I want to do a few more things after the commit.
When using VisualSVN > Select the Repo > Properties > Hooks > Post-commit hook.
Where is the code I use for Sending an Email then running a script, which has commands I want to customize
"%VISUALSVN_SERVER%\bin\VisualSVNServerHooks.exe" ^
commit-notification "%1" -r %2 ^
--from --to "" ^
--smtp-server ^
--no-diffs ^
set PWSH=%SystemRoot%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe
%PWSH% -command $input ^| C:\ServerScripts\SVNScripts\post-commit-wp.ps1 %1 %2
if errorlevel 1 exit %errorlevel%
The script file is located on C:\ServerScripts\SVNScripts\
post-commit-wp.ps1 and I pass in two VisualSVN variables as %1 and %2
%1 = serverpathwithrep
%2 = revision number
The script file is written in Windows PowerShell
$svn = "C:\Program Files\VisualSVN Server\bin\svn.exe"
$pathtowebistesWP = "c:\websites-wp\"
$serverpathwithrep = $args[0]
$revision = $args[1]
$dirname = ($serverpathwithrep -split '\\')[-1]
# Combine ServerPath with Dir name
$exportpath = -join($pathtowebistesWP, $dirname);
$urepos = $serverpathwithrep -replace "\\", "/"
$url = "file:///$urepos/"
# --------------------------------
# --------------------------------
$name = -join($pathtowebistesWP, "testscript.txt");
New-Item $name -ItemType file
Add-Content $name $pathtowebistesWP
Add-Content $name $exportpath
# --------------------------------
&"$svn" export -r $revision --force "$url" $exportpath
I added comments to explain each line and what it does. In a nutshell, the scripts:
Gets all the parameters
Build a local dir path
Runs SVN export
Places files to a website/publish directory.
Its a simple way of Deploying your newly committed code to a website.
Did you try to execute batch file using 'call' command? I mean:
call C:\Script\myscript.bat
I was trying the same thing and found that you also must have the script in the hooks folder.. the bat file that is.