Visual Studio Queries open in Browser instead of inside Visual Studio - visual-studio-2017

In Visual Studio 2017 When I am clicking on a Query it opens in a browser instead of opening (like it used to) inside visual studio
How can I change this to be opened in visual studio?

In Visual Studio 2017 (aka VS version 15) the default behaviour for opening work items has been changed to browser. You can switch back to the old behaviour: Open Tools > Options > Work Items and change "Open work items in" to "Visual Studio".
More details here:


VS 2017 won't open VS 2015 ETL solution

I inherited a project that was created in Visual Studio 2015 with SQL Server Data Tools version 14.
I'm running VS 2017 version 15.6.0 with SQL Server Data Tools 15.1.61801.210
When I try to open the solution it just fails with the below error message. What do I need to do in order to "upgrade" the solution so I can work with it?
This version of Visual Studio is unable to open the following projects. The project types may not be installed or this version of Visual Studio may not support them.
For more information on enabling these project types or otherwise migrating your assets, please see the details in the "Migration Report" displayed after clicking OK.
- LabSOR, "C:\Users\GROSCH\Documents\LabSOR\ETL\LabSOR_SSIS\LabSOR\LabSOR.dtproj"
No changes required
These projects can be opened in Visual Studio 2015, Visual Studio 2013, Visual Studio 2012, and Visual Studio 2010 SP1 without changing them.
- LabSOR, "C:\Users\GROSCH\Documents\LabSOR\ETL\LabSOR_SSIS\LabSOR.sln"
Ended up the SSDT integration elements hadn't installed. Once I did that I could right-click on the project in the solution explorer and reload it, and then it started working.

Schema Diff Timeout issue with Visual Studio 2017

When perform schema diff for 2 databases with Visual Studio Pro 2017, I'm facing with issue about schema diff timeout because the database in server too large, so the result always display no differences detected.
With Visual Studio 2015, I can workaround by increasing the "QueryTimeoutSeconds" in regedit and it's working as normally. But when upgrade to Visual Studio 2017, I can't find anywhere have this value
Have anyone experiance with this issue and have any solution workaround?
My environment:
- SQL Server 2017 Developer
- Visual Studio 2017 Pro
- SSDT 15.1.61710.120
After more investigation, I found that in Visual Studio 2017, we can updating QueryTimeoutSeconds in regedit, but a little configuration because Visual Studio 2017 already hive the regedit.
First, please close all Visual Studio 2017 application, after that, open regedit application.
Choose HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, click File and choose Load Hive, and paste the link to address: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\VisualStudio\, select and choose privateregistry.bin -> Click Open.
Input VS_2017_LoadHive in the appeared dialog and click OK.
Expand HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > VS_2017_LoadHive, and find QueryTimeoutSeconds key under SQLDB > Database, after that increased the value to 6000.
After that, select File and choose Unload Hive.
Open Visual Studio 2017 again and enjoy.

Visual Studio 2017: Can't open Solution directly

Yesterday I uninstalled Visual Studio 2015 and then installed Visual Studio 2017 Enterprise. Now I have the following problem when I try to open a solution (existings and also if I create a completely new one):
When I open "MySolution.sln" directly per double click or pinned from Taskbar, then the solution opens very shortly but then immediately closes again and I am at the plain Visual Studio start screen.
But when I open the solution from Visual Studio via "Open Solution" dialog, everything works as expected.
Has anybody an idea why this could happen? What is the difference between these 2 opening ways?
EDIT: The problem only occurs, when the solution is in a TFS source controlled folder.

Can't create a Windows Form in Visual Studio 2015

Okay, so. When I open Visual Studio 2015 and create an Empty CLR project under C++, then create a Windows Form, it says Opening file.... :
Then it shows me this error
By the way, I use Visual Studio 2015 and not 2017 because it just doesnt open the Windows form, when I press create or open file, nothing happens, the UI disappears then comes back like this.
Dont give your project the name of a file. You are naming your project "Project.h". Why?

how can i use windbg with visual studio 2015?

i am using visual studio 2015. i want a debugger that can support scripting, for example when hit the first break point 1 it can set another break point according to the value of a local variable.
can it be done with visual studio debugger?
and i am trying to use Microsoft windows debugger with visual studio 2015. According to Microsoft's document, visual studio has support Microsoft windows debugger from visual studio 2012.
Then i choose DEBUG -> Attach to process, but no "windows user mode debugger" transport ?