C++ from linux to windows: 'does not evaluate to a constant' - c++

I am trying to port this function from Linux to windows:
template<class TDescriptor, class F>
bool TemplatedVocabulary<TDescriptor,F>::loadFromBinaryFile(const std::string &filename) {
fstream f;
f.open(filename.c_str(), ios_base::in|ios::binary);
unsigned int nb_nodes, size_node;
f.read((char*)&nb_nodes, sizeof(nb_nodes));
f.read((char*)&size_node, sizeof(size_node));
f.read((char*)&m_k, sizeof(m_k));
f.read((char*)&m_L, sizeof(m_L));
f.read((char*)&m_scoring, sizeof(m_scoring));
f.read((char*)&m_weighting, sizeof(m_weighting));
m_words.reserve(pow((double)m_k, (double)m_L + 1));
m_nodes[0].id = 0;
char buf[size_node];// fails
int nid = 1;
while (!f.eof()) {
f.read(buf, size_node);
m_nodes[nid].id = nid;
const int* ptr=(int*)buf;
m_nodes[nid].parent = *ptr;
//m_nodes[nid].parent = *(const int*)buf;
m_nodes[nid].descriptor = cv::Mat(1, F::L, CV_8U);
memcpy(m_nodes[nid].descriptor.data, buf+4, F::L);
m_nodes[nid].weight = *(float*)(buf+4+F::L);
if (buf[8+F::L]) { // is leaf
int wid = m_words.size();
m_nodes[nid].word_id = wid;
m_words[wid] = &m_nodes[nid];
return true;
This line:
char buf[size_node];
will not compile, giving the error:
expression did not evaluate to a constant.
I have tried using:
std::vector<char> buf(size_node)
char buf[size_node] = new char[];
but I see the same error. It seems like this is related to a run time constant vs compile time constant, as stated in the answer here:
Tuple std::get() Not Working for Variable-Defined Constant
But I am not sure how to get around it in this case. Thank you.

It should be
char *buf = new char[size_node];
Remember to delete the memory after use.
Or, just use std::vector. It's much safer.
std::vector<char> buf(size_node);
Then you'd have to change how buf is used. For example:
f.read(buf, size_node);
should become
f.read(buf.data(), size_node); //Only C++11


a value of type "void *" cannot be assigned to an entity of type "RANDOMSTRUCT *"

So I was working on malloc in void. And I have a code:
int iInitRandomPhaseArrays(WS_ELEMENT *Aufbau, RANDOMSTRUCT **random)
int iCounter = 0, i;
Act = Aufbau;
if (*random != NULL)
return -1;
while (Act != NULL)
if (Act->operation == Linsenarray)
Act = Act->pNext;
if (iCounter)
dummy = malloc(iCounter * sizeof(random));
ran1_3ARG(&ran1_idum, &ran1_iy, ran1_iv);
dummy[0].idum = ran1_idum;
dummy[0].iy = ran1_iy;
memcpy(dummy[0].iv, ran1_iv, sizeof(ran1_iv));
for (i = 0; i < iCounter; i++)
ran1_3ARG(&dummy[i].idum, &dummy[i].iy, dummy[i].iv);
dummy[0].Anzahl = iCounter;
*random = dummy;
return iCounter;
here error:
a value of type "void *" cannot be assigned to an entity of type "RANDOMSTRUCT *"
Can anyone help me solve it?
Change the line:
dummy = malloc(iCounter * sizeof(random));
to say:
dummy = (RANDOMSTRUCT *)malloc(iCounter * sizeof(RANDOMSTRUCT));
dummy = malloc(iCounter * sizeof(random));
this allocates the wrong amount of memory (a multiple of a pointer size, not the pointed-to) and returns a void*. In c++ void* doesn't implicitly convert to other pointer types. In c it does.
Assuming you actually mean to use C-isms in C++ code, write this:
template<class T>
T* typed_malloc( std::size_t count = 1 ) {
return static_cast<T*>(malloc( sizeof(T)*count ));
this function is a type-safe version of malloc that handles 9999/10000 uses, and prevents an annoying class of bugs.
Then change the line of code to:
dummy = typed_malloc<RANDOMSTRUCT>(iCounter);
Sometimes using malloc in c++ isn't easy to remove, because your code interacts with c code. This kind of change can eliminate bugs before they happen as you modify c code to c++ relatively transparently.

VS2017: cannot add strings/wstrings

I have trouble understanding why the following code does not do what it should, VS2017 does not show an error and the solution is created, but the string is never what it should be:
void COrion::AddJournalMessage(CTextData *msg, const string &name)
CTextData *jmsg = new CTextData(msg);
jmsg->Text = name + jmsg->Text;
jmsg->Text is std::string.
now at runtime let's say 'name' is "Player:" and 'jmsg->Text' is "Hello World", I would expect the text after the code to be "Player:Hello World", but it is not. It's only "Player:" and I don't understand why.
I found a workaround in a way:
jmsg->Text = name.c_str() + jmsg->Text;
with this change it is "Player:Hello World".
Problem is, I still don't understand why the first one does not work.
Can someone explain where the problem is?
Is it specific to VS or something?
to make it clear: this is from an open source project I want to use, not code I wrote myself, but the problem has been the source of many bugs, since it is used in this way alot.
CTextData class:
class CTextData : public CRenderTextObject
bool Unicode = false;
uchar Font = 0;
uint Timer = 0;
uint MoveTimer = 0;
string Text = "";
wstring UnicodeText = L"";
uchar Alpha = 0xFF;
CRenderWorldObject *Owner = NULL;
CTextData(CTextData *obj);
virtual ~CTextData();
virtual bool IsText() { return true; }
bool CanBeDrawedInJournalGump();
CGLTextTexture m_Texture;
void GenerateTexture(
int maxWidth,
ushort flags = 0,
uchar cell = 30,
int font = -1);

Removing duplication between similar functions in C and C++, in an EmPy template

Those #things are EmPy
const char *
publish__#(spec.base_type.type)(void * untyped_data_writer, const void * untyped_message)
DataWriter * topic_writer = static_cast<DataWriter *>(untyped_data_writer);
const __ros_msg_type & ros_message = *(const __ros_msg_type *)untyped_message;
__dds_msg_type dds_message;
conversion_cpp(ros_message, dds_message);
#(__dds_msg_type_prefix)DataWriter * data_writer =
DDS::ReturnCode_t status = data_writer->write(dds_message, DDS::HANDLE_NIL);
// some common switch statements in C and C++
static const char *
publish(void * data_writer, const void * cool_message)
if (!data_writer) {return "data writer handle is null";}
if (!cool_message) {return "ros message handle is null";}
DDS::DataWriter * topic_writer = static_cast<DDS::DataWriter *>(data_writer);
__dds_msg_type dds_message;
const char * err_msg = conversion_c(cool_message, &dds_message);
if (err_msg != 0) {return err_msg;}
#(__dds_msg_type_prefix)DataWriter * data_writer =
DDS::ReturnCode_t status = data_writer->write(dds_message, DDS::HANDLE_NIL);
#[for field in spec.fields]#
#[if field.type.type == 'string']#
#[if field.type.is_array]#
#[if field.type.array_size]#
size_t size = #(field.type.array_size);
size_t size = dds_message.#(field.name)_.length();
#[end if]#
for (DDS::ULong i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
// This causes the DDS::String_mgr to release the given c string without freeing it.
// This causes the DDS::String_mgr to release the given c string without freeing it.
#[end if]#
#[end if]#
#[end for]#
// some common switch statements in C and C++
This question is a bit specific to an open source project I am trying to contribute to, so I ll point to the exact functions I guess.
This is the original C method
and this is the C++ method
Do I need to use function pointers?
Another thing going on here is that the C package depends on the C++ package.
(Maybe this isn't good question or is a vague question, but I am not sure what to do as I am new to this codebase)

libclang get primitive value

How can I get the value of a primitive literal using libclang?
For example, if I have a CXCursor of cursor kind CXCursor_IntegerLiteral, how can I extract the literal value.
I've run into so many problems using libclang. I highly recommend avoiding it entirely and instead use the C++ interface clang provides. The C++ interface is highly useable and very well documented: http://clang.llvm.org/doxygen/annotated.html
The only purpose I see of libclang now is to generate the ASTUnit object for you as with the following code (it's not exactly easy otherwise):
ASTUnit * astUnit;
index = clang_createIndex(0, 0);
tu = clang_parseTranslationUnit(
index, 0,
clangArgs, nClangArgs,
0, 0, CXTranslationUnit_None
astUnit = static_cast<ASTUnit *>(tu->TUData);
Now you might say that libclang is stable and the C++ interface isn't. That hardly matters, as the time you spend figuring out the AST with libclang and creating kludges with it wastes so much of your time anyway. I'd just as soon spend a few hours fixing up code that does not compile after a version upgrade (if even needed).
Instead of reparsing the original, you already have all the information you need inside the translation unit :
if (kind == CXCursor_IntegerLiteral)
CXSourceRange range = clang_getCursorExtent(cursor);
CXToken *tokens = 0;
unsigned int nTokens = 0;
clang_tokenize(tu, range, &tokens, &nTokens);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nTokens; i++)
CXString spelling = clang_getTokenSpelling(tu, tokens[i]);
printf("token = %s\n", clang_getCString(spelling));
clang_disposeTokens(tu, tokens, nTokens);
You will see that the first token is the integer itself, the next one is not relevant (eg. it's ; for int i = 42;.
If you have access to a CXCursor, you can make use of the clang_Cursor_Evaluate function, for example:
CXChildVisitResult var_decl_visitor(
CXCursor cursor, CXCursor parent, CXClientData data) {
auto kind = clang_getCursorKind(cursor);
switch (kind) {
case CXCursor_IntegerLiteral: {
auto res = clang_Cursor_Evaluate(cursor);
auto value = clang_EvalResult_getAsInt(res);
std::cout << "IntegerLiteral " << value << std::endl;
return CXChildVisit_Recurse;
IntegerLiteral 42
I found a way to do this by referring to the original files:
std::string getCursorText (CXCursor cur) {
CXSourceRange range = clang_getCursorExtent(cur);
CXSourceLocation begin = clang_getRangeStart(range);
CXSourceLocation end = clang_getRangeEnd(range);
CXFile cxFile;
unsigned int beginOff;
unsigned int endOff;
clang_getExpansionLocation(begin, &cxFile, 0, 0, &beginOff);
clang_getExpansionLocation(end, 0, 0, 0, &endOff);
ClangString filename = clang_getFileName(cxFile);
unsigned int textSize = endOff - beginOff;
FILE * file = fopen(filename.c_str(), "r");
if (file == 0) {
fseek(file, beginOff, SEEK_SET);
char buff[4096];
char * pBuff = buff;
if (textSize + 1 > sizeof(buff)) {
pBuff = new char[textSize + 1];
pBuff[textSize] = '\0';
fread(pBuff, 1, textSize, file);
std::string res(pBuff);
if (pBuff != buff) {
delete [] pBuff;
return res;
You can actually use a combination of libclang and the C++ interface.
The libclang CXCursor type contains a data field which contains references to the underlying AST nodes.
I was able to successfully access the IntegerLiteral value by casting data[1] to the IntegerLiteral type.
I'm implementing this in Nim so I will provide Nim code, but you can likely do the same in C++.
let literal = cast[clang.IntegerLiteral](cursor.data[1])
echo literal.getValue().getLimitedValue()
The IntegerLiteral type is wrapped like so:
APIntObj* {.importcpp: "llvm::APInt", header: "llvm/ADT/APInt.h".} = object
# https://github.com/llvm-mirror/llvm/blob/master/include/llvm/ADT/APInt.h
APInt* = ptr APIntObj
IntegerLiteralObj* {.importcpp: "clang::IntegerLiteral", header: "clang/AST/Expr.h".} = object
IntegerLiteral* = ptr IntegerLiteralObj
proc getValue*(i: IntegerLiteral): APIntObj {.importcpp: "#.getValue()".}
# This is implemented by the superclass: https://clang.llvm.org/doxygen/classclang_1_1APIntStorage.html
proc getLimitedValue*(a: APInt | APIntObj): culonglong {.importcpp: "#.getLimitedValue()".}
Hope this helps someone :)

Function has corrupt return value

I have a situation in Visual C++ 2008 that I have not seen before. I have a class with 4 STL objects (list and vector to be precise) and integers.
It has a method:
inline int id() { return m_id; }
The return value from this method is corrupt, and I have no idea why.
debugger screenshot http://img687.imageshack.us/img687/6728/returnvalue.png
I'd like to believe its a stack smash, but as far as I know, I have no buffer over-runs or allocation issues.
Some more observations
Here's something that puts me off. The debugger prints right values in the place mentioned // wrong ID.
m_header = new DnsHeader();
if (m_header->init(bytes, size))
eprintf("0The header ID is %d\n", m_header->id()); // wrong ID!!!
inside m_header->init()
m_qdcount = ntohs(h->qdcount);
m_ancount = ntohs(h->ancount);
m_nscount = ntohs(h->nscount);
m_arcount = ntohs(h->arcount);
eprintf("The details are %d,%d,%d,%d\n", m_qdcount, m_ancount, m_nscount, m_arcount);
// copy the flags
// this doesn't work with a bitfield struct :(
// memcpy(&m_flags, bytes + 2, sizeof(m_flags));
//unpack_flags(bytes + 2); //TODO
m_init = true;
eprintf("Assigning an id of %d\n", m_id); // Correct ID.
m_header->id() is an inline function in the header file
inline int id() { return m_id; }
I don't really know how best to post the code snippets I have , but here's my best shot at it. Please do let me know if they are insufficient:
Class DnsHeader has an object m_header inside DnsPacket.
Main body:
DnsPacket *p ;
p = new DnsPacket(r);
assert (_CrtCheckMemory());
p->add_bytes(buf, r); // add bytes to a vector m_bytes inside DnsPacket
if (p->parse())
read_packet(sin, *p);
size_t size = m_bytes.size(); // m_bytes is a vector
unsigned char *bytes = new u_char[m_bytes.size()];
copy(m_bytes.begin(), m_bytes.end(), bytes);
m_header = new DnsHeader();
eprintf("m_header allocated at %x\n", m_header);
if (m_header->init(bytes, size)) // just set the ID and a bunch of other ints here.
size_t pos = DnsHeader::SIZE; // const int
if (pos != size)
; // XXX perhaps generate a warning about extraneous data?
if (ok)
m_parsed = true;
m_parsed = false;
if (!ok) {
m_parsed = false;
return m_parsed;
DnsHeader& h = p.header();
eprintf("The header ID is %d\n", h.id()); // ID is wrong here
DnsHeader constructor:
m_id = -1;
m_qdcount = m_ancount = m_nscount = m_arcount = 0;
memset(&m_flags, 0, sizeof(m_flags)); // m_flags is a struct
m_flags.rd = 1;
return *m_header;
m_header->init: (u_char* bytes, int size)
header_fmt *h = (header_fmt *)bytes;
m_id = ntohs(h->id);
eprintf("Assigning an id of %d/%d\n", ntohs(h->id), m_id); // ID is correct here
m_qdcount = ntohs(h->qdcount);
m_ancount = ntohs(h->ancount);
m_nscount = ntohs(h->nscount);
m_arcount = ntohs(h->arcount);
You seem to be using a pointer to an invalid class somehow. The return value shown is the value that VS usually uses to initialize memory with:
2^32 - 842150451 = 0xCDCDCDCD
You probably have not initialized the class that this function is a member of.
Without seeing more of the code in context.. it might be that the m_id is out of the scope you expect it to be in.
Reinstalled VC++. That fixed everything.
Thank you for your time and support everybody! :) Appreciate it!