Ionic 2 - How to remove gap between header and content? - ionic2

I have an Ionic 2 side menu app. When I toggle the menu it pops out, and when toggeling it again it disappears but makes a gap between the header and the content (on the left side).
Does anyone know why this happens ?
Also after doing some interaction on the page (a button click), the gap disappears.

how you are using the menue? can you include your code?
how ever you can close menu function to hide menu without gaps
for Examle:
constructor(public platform: Platform, public menu: MenuController)
openPage(page) {
// close the menu when clicking a link from the menu;


Swift 3 disable Control-Center and statusbar swipe

I will build an app. The User can leave the App only by click in the end Button or with the Homebutton.
Now of i swipe down the statusbar is shown. Same with swipe Up from the Button the Control Center comes Up.
Can i disable this? In xcode i checked hide statusbar and requires fullscreen.
The statusbar is hidden.
I removed the gestureRecognizers:
In viewDidLoad:
Or cant i disable the swipe Up/swipe down for controlCenter,notificationscreen
Sadly you can't, it's just to allow the users to keep those features accessible and not having the app to block their phone.

how can i change focus from one object to next preferred focus view which i want in appleTv os development project in swift3

Actually i'm developing a Apple Tv project in swift3.I faced some problem with focus navigation using remote.
Is there any way to change focus from one object to another object which i want.
I tried below code but not working......
override var preferredFocusedView: UIView? {
get {
return preferredFocusedView1
In the bellow screenshot i want to move focus from the pink icon to the star button when pressed down button of remote. how it is possible. plz provide me some code in details

How can I put a menu inside a CDockablePane?

I would like to put a menu inside a CDockablePane so that the pane can have a standard menu as well as a toolbar. The menu itself does not have to be dockable (neither does the toolbar).
As my first attempt, I started with a standard SDI from the VS project wizard, with a dockable Properties pane from which I cut out all the content except the toolbar (I'll be adding a form view eventually). I then tried putting a standard CMFCMenuBar into the pane in much this same way as is done for the main menu in the main frame, but with the dockable pane as the parent. This eventually displays OK in the pane, but only after ignoring various ASSERTS along the way (and on exit), presumably because it is expecting a CFrameWndEx rather than CDockablePane as parent. I suspect it's getting in a tangle with the main frame dock manager.
I would greatly appreciate any advice (or better still sample code) on how to do this properly. Clearly the CMFCMenuBar route is a kludge.

Different CMFCColorButton behavior between 2 applications

Using MFC in Visual Studio 2012
I want to use a CMFCColorButton in a dialog in my application.
I added the CMFCColorButton button to my dialog in the resource editor (test it, works OK); click on the button and the underlying CMFCColorPopupMenu is display and stay displayed until manually dismissed (choosing a color or clicking somewhere else).
When I build my application and try the button in the dialog, it works differently, when I click the button, the underlying CMFCColorPopupMenu is displayed and immediately dismissed. If I want to select a color, I need to keep the mouse button down.
I tried in a different application (default MFC application) and I get the desired behavior (click and the CMFCColorPopupMenu stay visible).
I am not certain what could trigger the behavior difference.
I try toggling the CMFCColorButton::m_bAutoSetFocus value of the button and there is no change of behavior. ( I am not certain what is the purpose of this variable, but that is another subject)
Any ideas? hints/tips?

how to make slew key in mfc

i have a dialog box in which a edit control and a button is presentfuncionality is that when i cliked on button edit control changes values from 0 to 30.for single click functionality is working fine but when i hold that button then it should quickly go on increasing 0 to 30 but its not going that not taking left click down to achecve this functionality
Try Spin control, it should work as you expect.
Edit: maybe you can use AutoRepeat button: