How to deploy django project and postgreSQL from localhost to Digital ocean - django

I have developed django project on my computer. I used virtuelenv and installed all libraries and packages there. I also have postgreSQL database on my computer. How could I deploy my existing server with all files and libraries, my postgreSQL database with all tables and all rows to digitalocean. I only found tutorials on how to create new django projects on digitalocean.

Actually there is plenty of tutorials and documentation for doing this.
In the other hand you only have to migrate your data base from your computer to your new server. Maybe you should check this


How to migrate a Django app with postgres database

I have just inherrited a jDango app with .tar.gz compression extention and a .sql file which is a postgreSQL database dump. My mission which I did not choose to accept is to somehow find its way onto AWS. I'm not familier with Django. I believe the app was built with the Ubuntu OS.
I thought that maybe the best thing would be to get postgreSQL and Django working on my local machine. I have all working in vanilla on Windows, and Ubuntu (virtual box) and have set up Amazon Lightsail with a postgreSQL database..
I'm a bit stuck as to what to do next to migrate the app. Would it all be CLI/Cmd Prompt/Terminal or is there a procedure I should be using.
I'm guessing it's not as simple as importing the database and then copying files over and replacing existing vanilla Django ones? Any pointers would be of great help. Thanks.
Open your editor terminal and write code below:
python makemigrations
python migrate

Is there a way to share local PostgreSQL between computers?

I recently started working on some project with my friends. I'm working on backend with Django, and others do frontend. As they have no knowledge about Django, I was wondering if I can add the db file into the project folder, so that they can use the local db by just pulling the db file from Github repository.
When I used to use sqlite3, I could do this simply having the sqlite3.db file in my project folder. However, PostgreSQL has me use its program to create database, I'm confused how I can get the db file.
Is it possible to have a local PostgreSQL db file in my Django project so that my friends use the db by just cloning the project and installing PostgreSQL in their computers?
Just so you know, I created my Django project with cookiecutter-django.

Is it possible to build a portable webapp when using oracle with django

I started developing a django webapp which will need to connect to oracle databases. But using oracle with django requires an Oracle client if I'm not mistaken which is platform dependant. If it's not possible to create a portable webapp with django and oracle, could the app use an oracle client install on the machine where the app is running?
What do you mean by "portable" exactly ? You can definitely move your Django folder around, especially if you use SQLite for database storage, since a SQLite database is just a file.
All you'll need is Python on the target machine, access to the command line and the ability to install your dependencies with pip.
Then you can just run your webapp with python runserver.
If this doesn't answer your question, please give more info.

deploy bitnami django

I am quite computer-illiterate, but I have managed to utilize the Django framework on my own machine. I have had an account on Amazon Web Service (AWS) for some time, but it appeared rather complex to set-up and to make use of, so I put it of for a while. Then I decided to give it a try, and it was not so hard as I first thought to load a AMI and connect to the server with PuTTY. But since I were already using BitNami's Django-Stack, I decided to take a look at their hosting offer (which builds on AWS). Since they appeared to offer "one-click deployment", I set up a new server through their interface. But then, it seems like the "one-click deployment"-promise is with regard to the server itself. There does not seem to be any interface for deploying Django projects through their site. Having used PuTTY already, and adding WinSCP to my machine, I can acceess the server and load my Django-code unto the server. But then I am lost. The documentation seems a bit thin (look here).
The crux of this is the following: Can anyone make this part of the process more understandable. I.e., how to deploy a Django project on a Linux server with Apache/mod_WSGI?
The other question is: I want to use Postgres. Am I free to install this on the server. Should I opt for EBM (EMB?) for this, or what is the downside of not having EBM?
I hope I am not too unworthy of your attention, thanks!
how to deploy a Django project on a Linux server with Apache/mod_WSGI The Bitnami AMI already comes with all this configured. Once installed try going to the EC2 public url on the default 8000 port and you will see the demo django project setup there. You can add your own project once you have logged into the machine via putty check the /home/bitnami/ directory for the demo project. Copy your project, configure your database The other question is: I want to use Postgres. Am I free to install this on the server Postgres and Mysql are already installed the same way you would do on your local machine. The in your project do ./ runserver since the 8000 port is already running another application.

Creating a development environment for Django

We are starting a web project with Django (and are pretty new to this), and I was wondering what would been the best way to setup a productive development environment.
Here is some info:
We are 2 developers working on the project
We have a development/production server hosted on Webfactional (using an apache server)
The DB (MySQL) is hosted on this server
We are both using Eclipse with Pydev
The project is hosted on a Github repository
So far, we didn't setup any local development server, we are syncing modifications to the server through Github. But it is not really convenient...
We were thinking of setting up apache servers locally, that uses the remote database, and only sync once in a while.
Do you think it would be better?
Do you have other ideas/additional tips?
Don't try and share servers and databases while you're developing. You'll only get confused.
Each developer should have a local copy of MySQL on their own machine, and run the development server as mipadi recommends. Manage db schema changes via South, and keep data in fixtures or use South's data migrations. Each developer should commit to their local version of the git repository, but only push changes to Github when the particular task is complete and working (or, better, use a remote branch so that changes are synched, but only merge back to master when complete).
A good idea is to have a continuous integration server like Hudson/Jenkins that, after each commit to master, runs the tests and - if they pass - builds an up-to-date version of the site, which you can use for functional/user testing.
Edit to add There's no relationship between the development server and any particular database backend. As I recommend above, it is quite simple to install MySQL or PostgreSQL on your local machine, and use the development server against that. I have been working this way for several years, after initially encountering some of the issues you were worried about when switching between sqlite3 and the production MySQL db.
Django has its own development server that you can use for local testing.