aws lambda update-function-configuration receives AccessDeniedException - amazon-web-services

I want to grant vpc access for my lambda function. I use the following aws cli command.
aws lambda update-function-configuration \
--function-name SampleFunction \
--vpc-config SubnetIds=subnet-xxxx,SecurityGroupIds=sg-xxxx
But I receive the following error:
An error occurred (AccessDeniedException) when calling the
UpdateFunctionConfiguration operation: Your access has been denied by
EC2, please make sure your request credentials have permission to
DescribeSecurityGroups for sg-xxxx. EC2 Error Code:
UnauthorizedOperation. EC2 Error Message: You are not authorized to
perform this operation.
I have granted the following permission to both my lambda role and the user who execute the aws command.
- "ec2:CreateNetworkInterface"
- "ec2:DescribeNetworkInterfaces"
- "ec2:DeleteNetworkInterface"
- "ec2:DescribeSecurityGroups"
I further tried to grant full access to both the lambda role and the user. But still received the same error
Can anyone suggest what else I can try?

The trick is to add the pipeline / worker role / user which is deploying the lambda function) have access to network related policies. The lambda function should itself suffice with managed policy - AWSLambdaVPCAccessExecutionRole
Effect: Allow
Resource: '*'

Your users IAM policy needs further permissions.
For example ec2:CreateSecurityGroup & etc. Have a look at this documentation to add requred permissions.

I experienced the same issue. Despite the IAM policy for the user having the required permissions, I could not use the aws cli to crate a lambda function with a VPC config (aws lambda create-function) or modify an existing function to add a VPC config (aws lambda update-function-configuration).
The only way I could get this to work was to create the lambda function without a VPC config. I then modified the function to add the VPC config information (vpc, subnet and security groups) via the AWS console (in Lambda > Fucntions > My Function > Network). I was only able to use the console to do this, introducing a manual step in an otherwise fully automated process.
To answer some of the questions above about which user needs the ec2:DescribeSecurityGroups and related permissions. It is the user running the cli command or logged in to the console. The function does not need a policy providing these permissions. The only special permissions needed for a function with a VPC config are:
These allow the function to create ENIs within your VPC using the subnet and security group you provide as described here.

Both the Lambda funtion's role and the user role (either cloudformation or cmline user) must have:
- ec2:CreateNetworkInterface
- ec2:DescribeNetworkInterfaces
- ec2:DeleteNetworkInterface
- ec2:DescribeSecurityGroups
- ec2:DescribeSubnets
or ec2:* if ok for your use case'security
I had the same issue deploying a lambda with a VPC config using SAM/cloudformation and resolved it by adding this above.
on github issue some people say it is because of cloudformation order creation it is not (or maybe not anymore because I tested adding 20 dummy resource and still the same issue only resolved by adding the permissions above)


EC2 instance using the wrong user when executing PHP code

I have a ec2 instance with a role attached to it. The role is called webserver and has all the relevant policies attached to it.
I am trying to invoke my lambda function from my PHP code, but I get the following error:
Failed attempt at deleting data/ account: exception 'Aws\Lambda\Exception\LambdaException' with message 'Error executing "Invoke" on ""; AWS HTTP error: Client error: `POST` resulted in a `403 Forbidden` response:
{"Message":"User: arn:aws:iam::34234324324342:user/SecretGuy is not authorized to perform: lambda:InvokeFunction on resour (truncated...)
AccessDeniedException (client): User: arn:aws:iam::34234324324342:user/SecretGuy is not authorized to perform: lambda:InvokeFunction on resource: arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-2:34234324324342:function:blahFunction because no identity-based policy allows the lambda:InvokeFunction action - {"Message":"User: arn:aws:iam::34234324324342:user/SecretGuy is not authorized to perform: lambda:InvokeFunction on resource: arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-2:34234324324342:function:blahFunction because no identity-based policy allows the lambda:InvokeFunction action"}'
Now SecretGuy is a user I created a long time ago, and somehow my ec2 is trying to use that.
I am wondering if anyone can help with this?
From my understanding, you are running PHP code on an EC2 instance, and your code invokes the Lambda function.
And this EC2 instance has attached IAM Role with proper permissions to invoke the Lambda function. Then you tried to run your code and faced that the EC2 instance is using an unexpected IAM identity(IAM User named SecretGuy here), not the role you attached.
There's a chance that you might have IAM credentials set by environment variables for that Linux user or static credentials set on your EC2 instance.
AWS SDK client has an order to retrieve credentials on the machine. The official docs of PHP AWS SDK say,
When you initialize a new service client without providing any credential arguments, the SDK uses the default credential provider chain to find AWS credentials. The SDK uses the first provider in the chain that returns credentials without an error.
The default provider chain looks for and uses credentials as follows, in this order:
Use credentials from environment variables.
Setting environment variables is useful if you're doing development work on a machine other than an Amazon EC2 instance.
Use the AWS shared credentials file and profiles.
This credentials file is the same one used by other SDKs and the AWS CLI. If you're already using a shared credentials file, you can use that file for this purpose.
We use this method in most of our PHP code examples.
Assume an IAM role.
IAM roles provide applications on the instance with temporary security credentials to make AWS calls. For example, IAM roles offer an easy way to distribute and manage credentials on multiple Amazon EC2 instances.
To retrieve IAM credentials from the role attached,
You can check which IAM Identity you are using to call AWS API with the below command on the EC2 instance. (as that Linux user, you are running PHP code)
aws sts get-caller-identity
Then it will show result as below,
"Account": "34234324324342",
"Arn": "arn:aws:iam:: 34234324324342:user/SecretGuy"
Then you need to look for environment variables set or static credentials files on that EC2 instance.
My guess is maybe someone used aws CLI on that EC2 before, with SecretGuy credentials, So there would be a file $HOME/.aws/credentials.
If the file exists and is confirmed as a SecretGuy access key, you have to delete that file. (If EC2 runs some critical application, you might want to copy all permissions of SecretGuy to the IAM Role you attached before deleting it to avoid unexpected service outage)
Or, you can look for environment variables.
If the above commands return the access key id value, you might have to unset environment variables.
After that, your code will retrieve credentials from IAM Role.

Add SSM:GetParameter to AWS EC2 Instance

First time deploying an app to AWS and it's been an adventure. My current error:
Dec 21 03:49:33 ip-172-31-31-185 web: botocore.exceptions.ClientError: An error occurred (AccessDeniedException) when calling the GetParameter operation: User: arn:aws:sts::[my account number]:assumed-role/aws-elasticbeanstalk-ec2-role/[the instance number] is not authorized to perform: ssm:GetParameter on resource: arn:aws:ssm:us-east-2:[my account number]:parameter/Dev/WebServer/[thing I want to get] because no identity-based policy allows the ssm:GetParameter action
The docs are very good at telling me what I need to do-- it appears I need to add an IAM policy to the instance using AWS systems manager. I even have the policy-- but less good in telling me how to do it. Where can you add instance policies in AWS Console?
Based on the error message - it comes from Beanstalk, the documentation is
So likely you already have an instance profile based on an existing role. So that is the role you need to change. The policy is managed in IAM (not Systems Manager), just add ssm:GetParameter rule there either with a star (which may be good enough to debug in the dev environment) and if it works then limit it to your arn, if you for arn:aws:ssm:us-east-2:[my account number]:parameter/Dev/WebServer/[thing I want to get] make [thing I want to get] something like myapp-prefix-[thing I want to get] then you can easily limit the access only to parameters which belongs to this given app. Or you can use tags.

How can I add database proxy in lambda via cloudformation?

I am using cloudformation to provision lambda and RDS on AWS. But I don't know how to add database proxy on lambda. Below screenshot is from lambda console:
Does cloudformation support adding this? I can't see it in lambda and db proxy template.
The exact configuration I use in CloudFormation template is:
Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
- Version: '2012-10-17'
- Effect: Allow
- rds-db:connect
- <rds_proxy_arn>/*
where <rds_proxy_arn> is the ARN of the proxy but service is rds-db instead of rds and resource type is dbuser instead of db-proxy. For example, if your proxy's ARN is arn:aws:rds:us-east-1:123456789012:db-proxy:prx-0123456789abcdef01 the whole line should be arn:aws:rds-db:us-east-1:123456789012:db-proxy:prx-0123456789abcdef01/*.
After deployed, we can see a new link is added in Database Proxies of the Console.
As per the CloudFormation/Lambda documentation there is no option to specify the DB Proxy for a Lambda.
I don't see an option to add an RDS proxy while creating a Lambda function in the low level HTTP API also. Not sure why.
As per the following Github issue, it seems this is not required to connect lambda to RDS proxy.
You merely need to provide the new connection details to lambda (e.g. using env variables to make it work)
After talking with AWS support, the screenshot in AWS console to add proxy on lambad is only to grant below IAM permission to lambda. That means it is an optional.
Allow: rds-db:connect
Allow: rds-db:*

Permission error when using Boto3, but works via aws cli

I'm stuck on a missing permissions issue trying to create a Lambda function.
The execution role I've configured has the following permissions:
$ aws --output=text iam get-role-policy --policy-name=MyRolePolicy --role-name=my-role
ACTION s3:Get*
ACTION s3:List*
ACTION logs:CreateLogGroup
ACTION logs:CreateLogStream
ACTION logs:PutLogEvents
ACTION ec2:DescribeNetworkInterfaces
ACTION ec2:CreateNetworkInterface
ACTION ec2:DeleteNetworkInterface
And when I create a Lambda function with that role, creation succeeds:
$ aws lambda create-function \
--function-name=my-test --runtime=java8 \
--role='arn:aws:iam::1234567890:role/my-role' \
--handler=MyHandler \
<result successful>
However, when I create the function using the same arguments (esp. the same execution role) I get the following error:
Boto3 Usage
"S3Bucket": bucket,
"S3Key": artifact_name
'SubnetIds': getenv('vpc_subnet_ids').split(','),
'SecurityGroupIds': getenv('vpc_security_group_ids').split(',')
Boto3 Result
'Message':'The provided execution role does not have permissions to call CreateNetworkInterface on EC2',
'date':'Wed, 24 Jul 2019 10:55:44 GMT',
Creating a function via the console with this execution role works as well, so I must be missing something in how I'm using Boto3, but I'm at a loss to explain.
Hopefully someone can catch a misapplication of Boto3 here, cause I'm at a loss!
Your boto3 code is specifying a VPC:
'SubnetIds': getenv('vpc_subnet_ids').split(','),
'SecurityGroupIds': getenv('vpc_security_group_ids').split(',')
However, the CLI version is not specifying a VPC.
Therefore, the two requests are not identical. That's why one works and the other does not work.
From Configuring a Lambda Function to Access Resources in an Amazon VPC - AWS Lambda:
To connect to a VPC, your function's execution role must have the following permissions.
These permissions are included in the AWSLambdaVPCAccessExecutionRole managed policy.
The lambda has a role that allows ec2:CreateNetworkInterface and not the account executing script.
The current role assigned to lambda function allows for the lambda to create VpcConfig.
Check that the account running the script to provision the lambda is allowed the ec2:CreateNetworkInterface action.

Deploying an AWS Lambda from a different account

I have a Lambda .jar that I build from a Jenkins box in an AWS account ("Account_Bld"). Once built, I copy the .jar over to an S3 bucket in a different AWS account ("Account_Dst"), and I attempt to update the Lambda in Account_Dst based on the newly copied .jar in S3.
I'm using this command as part of my deploy script, which is a slight modification of another version that works when everything is located in the same account:
aws lambda update-function-code --function-name arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:{Account_Dst_Id}:function:{lambda_function_name} --zip-file fileb://{jar_file_relative_path} --region us-east-1
Not surprisingly, I get this error:
An error occurred (AccessDeniedException) when calling the UpdateFunctionCode operation: User: arn:aws:sts::{Account_Bld_Id}:assumed-role/{jenkins_ec2_role}/{jenkins_ec2_instance_id} is not authorized to perform: lambda:UpdateFunctionCode on resource: arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:{Account_Dst_Id}:function:{lambda_function_name}
I have given jenkins_ec2_role rights to update the Lambda in the other account, but it makes sense that I would need to reciprocate those rights somewhere in Account_Dst -- assuming there is a simple solution to this problem.
Now, possible resolutions. I could assume a role in Account_Dst that has the correct rights and update the Lambda, but that's more setup hassle than it is worth to me right now. I've seen some Google suggestions that I could use CodePipeline, but obviously I'm using Jenkins, so that doesn't seem like a good solution, either.
So, the question is, is there an easy solution here that I am missing?
This is now possible. A Lambda resource based policy can be configured to allow a principal from another account to perform actions e.g. lambda:UpdateFunctionCode or lambda:Invoke.
In case of UpdateFunctionCode, the documentation states:
The name of the Lambda function.
Name formats
Function name – my-function.
Function ARN – arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:123456789012:function:my-function.
Partial ARN – 123456789012:function:my-function.
The Lambda Function permission in account 222222222222 must be configured to allow the principal from account 111111111111 to update the function code:
aws lambda add-permission --function-name my-function --statement-id xaccount --action lambda:UpdateFunctionCode --principal 111111111111 --output out.txt
Then the function code in account 222222222222 can be updated from account 111111111111:
aws lambda update-function-code --function-name arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:222222222222:function:my-function --zip-file fileb://
Granting permissions in Account_Bld to access Account_Dst is not sufficient to gain access to another account. This is good, because you wouldn't want people granting themselves access to other people's accounts.
The destination account needs to accept the incoming request. The method varies by service. For example, Amazon S3 can create a Bucket Policy to permit access from other accounts, as can Amazon SQS.
However, there is no such concept in Lambda to configure incoming requests from other accounts. There is simply nowhere that can be configured to allow update-function-code from another account.
Therefore, you will need to do as you suggested:
Create an IAM User or IAM Role in Account_Dst
Use the credentials from the Account_Dst IAM User (simplest) or use the existing Account_Bld credentials to assume the Role in Account_Dst (a few more lines of code)
Call update-function-code using those credentials