Why cannot I find the cvPoint2D32f function in opencv? - python-2.7

I am using Python 2.7.13 |Anaconda 4.3.1 (64-bit) and OpenCv ''.
I am trying to apply geometrical transformation to images for which I need to use
CvPoint2D32f center = cvPoint2D32f(x, y)
but I am not able to find this function, is this not available in python or are deprecated.

The type CvPoint2D32f is an older/deprecated type. OpenCV 2 introduced the type Point2f to replace it. Regardless, you don't need that type in Python. What you likely need is a numpy array with the dtype = np.float32. For points, the array should be constructed like:
points = np.array([ [[x1, y1]], ..., [[xn, yn]] ], dtype=np.float32)
You won't always need to set the dtype, as some functions (like cv2.findHomography() for example) will take integers.
For an example of these points being used, with the images from this tutorial, we could do the following to find and apply an homography to an image:
import cv2
import numpy as np
src = cv2.imread('book2.jpg')
pts_src = np.array([[141, 131], [480, 159], [493, 630],[64, 601]], dtype=np.float32)
dst = cv2.imread('book1.jpg')
pts_dst = np.array([[318, 256],[534, 372],[316, 670],[73, 473]], dtype=np.float32)
transf = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(pts_src, pts_dst)
warped = cv2.warpPerspective(src, transf, (dst.shape[1],dst.shape[0]))
alpha = 0.5
beta = 1 - alpha
blended = cv2.addWeighted(warped, alpha, dst, beta, 1.0)
cv2.imshow("Blended Warped Image", blended)
Which will result in the following image:


How to merge 2 gray-scale images in Python with OpenCV

I want to merge 2 one-channel, gray-scale images with OpenCv merge method. It is the code below:
img_gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
zeros = numpy.zeros(img_gray.shape)
merged = cv2.merge([img_gray, zeros])
The problem is that gray-scale image doesn't have depth attribute that should be 1 and merge function require the same size of images and the same depth. I get error:
error: /build/buildd/opencv-2.4.8+dfsg1/modules/core/src/convert.cpp:296: error: (-215) mv[i].size == mv[0].size && mv[i].depth() == depth in function merge
How can i merge this arrays?
Solved, i had to change dtype of img_gray from uint8 to float64
img_gray = numpy.float64(img_gray)
OpenCV Version 2.4.11
import numpy as np
# Load the image
img1 = cv2.imread(paths[0], cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
# could also use cv2.split() but per the docs (link below) it's time consuming
# split the channels using Numpy indexing, notice it's a zero based index unlike MATLAB
b = img1[:, :, 0]
g = img1[:, :, 1]
r = img1[:, :, 2]
# to avoid overflows and truncation in turn, clip the image in [0.0, 1.0] inclusive range
b = b.astype(np.float)
b /= 255
manipulate the channels ... in my case, adding Gaussian noise to blue channel ( b => b1 )
b1 = b1.astype(np.float)
g = g.astype(np.float)
r = r.astype(np.float)
# gotcha : notice the parameter is an array of channels
noisy_blue = cv2.merge((b1, g, r))
# store the outcome to disk
cv2.imwrite('output/NoisyBlue.png', noisy_blue)
Alternatively, you may also use np.double instead np.float in astype for type casting
Open CV Documentation Link

Colouring the surface of a sphere with a set of scalar values in matplotlib

I am rather new to matplotlib (and this is also my first question here). I'm trying to represent the scalp surface potential as recorded by an EEG. So far I have a two-dimensional figure of a sphere projection, which I generated using contourf, and pretty much boils down to an ordinary heat map.
Is there any way this can be done on half a sphere?, i.e. generating a 3D sphere with surface colours given by a list of values? Something like this, http://embal.gforge.inria.fr/img/inverse.jpg, but I have more than enough with just half a sphere.
I have seen a few related questions (for example, Matplotlib 3d colour plot - is it possible?), but they either don't really address my question or remain unanswered to date.
I have also spent the morning looking through countless examples. In most of what I've found, the colour at one particular point of a surface is indicative of its Z value, but I don't want that... I want to draw the surface, then specify the colours with the data I have.
You can use plot_trisurf and assign a custom field to the underlying ScalarMappable through set_array method.
import numpy as np
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.tri as mtri
(n, m) = (250, 250)
# Meshing a unit sphere according to n, m
theta = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, num=n, endpoint=False)
phi = np.linspace(np.pi * (-0.5 + 1./(m+1)), np.pi*0.5, num=m, endpoint=False)
theta, phi = np.meshgrid(theta, phi)
theta, phi = theta.ravel(), phi.ravel()
theta = np.append(theta, [0.]) # Adding the north pole...
phi = np.append(phi, [np.pi*0.5])
mesh_x, mesh_y = ((np.pi*0.5 - phi)*np.cos(theta), (np.pi*0.5 - phi)*np.sin(theta))
triangles = mtri.Triangulation(mesh_x, mesh_y).triangles
x, y, z = np.cos(phi)*np.cos(theta), np.cos(phi)*np.sin(theta), np.sin(phi)
# Defining a custom color scalar field
vals = np.sin(6*phi) * np.sin(3*theta)
colors = np.mean(vals[triangles], axis=1)
# Plotting
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
cmap = plt.get_cmap('Blues')
triang = mtri.Triangulation(x, y, triangles)
collec = ax.plot_trisurf(triang, z, cmap=cmap, shade=False, linewidth=0.)

Color image segmentation with Python

I have many pictures as below:
My objective is to identify those "beads", try to mark it with a circle, and count the detected numbers.
I tried to use image segmentation algorithms via Python and the source codes are as below:
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from skimage import data
from skimage.feature import blob_dog, blob_log, blob_doh
from math import sqrt
from skimage.color import rgb2gray
from scipy import misc # try
image = misc.imread('test.jpg')
image_gray = rgb2gray(image)
blobs_log = blob_log(image_gray, max_sigma=10, num_sigma=5, threshold=.1)
# Compute radii in the 3rd column.
blobs_log[:, 2] = blobs_log[:, 2] * sqrt(2)
blobs_dog = blob_dog(image_gray, max_sigma=2, threshold=.051)
blobs_dog[:, 2] = blobs_dog[:, 2] * sqrt(2)
blobs_doh = blob_doh(image_gray, max_sigma=2, threshold=.01)
blobs_list = [blobs_log, blobs_dog, blobs_doh]
colors = ['yellow', 'lime', 'red']
titles = ['Laplacian of Gaussian', 'Difference of Gaussian',
'Determinant of Hessian']
sequence = zip(blobs_list, colors, titles)
for blobs, color, title in sequence:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
ax.imshow(image, interpolation='nearest')
for blob in blobs:
y, x, r = blob
c = plt.Circle((x, y), r, color=color, linewidth=2, fill=False)
The best results obtained so far are still unsatisfactory:
How can I improve it ?
You could use Gimp or Photoshop and test some filters and colors changes to differentiate the circles from the background. Brightness and Contrast adjustments may work. Then you can apply an Edge detector to detect the circles.
by converting this image to grayscale you have effectively thrown away the most powerful cue you have to segment the beads - their distinctive green color. try running the same code but replace
image_gray = rgb2gray(image)
image_gray = image[:,:,1]

facecolor kwarg for Matplotlib stacked histogram

I am having trouble controlling the color and linestyle of histogram plotted using Matplotlib's hist function with stacked=True. For a single non-stacked histogram, I have no trouble:
import pylab as P
mu, sigma = 200, 25
x0 = mu + sigma*P.randn(10000)
n, bins, patches = P.hist(
x0, 20,
However, when I introduce additional histograms,
import pylab as P
mu, sigma = 200, 25
x0 = mu + sigma*P.randn(10000)
x1 = mu + sigma*P.randn(7000)
x2 = mu + sigma*P.randn(3000)
n, bins, patches = P.hist(
[x0,x1,x2], 20,
it throws the following error:
ValueError: to_rgba: Invalid rgba arg "['lightblue', 'lightgreen', 'crimson']"
could not convert string to float: lightblue
Using the color=['lightblue', 'lightgreen', 'crimson'] option does work, but I would like to have direct control of the fill and line colors separately while being able to use the named Matplotlib colors. I am using version 1.2.1 of Matplotlib.
facecolor needs to be a single named color, not a list, but adding this
after your P.hist usage might get the job done for you:
for patch in patches[0]: patch.set_facecolor('lightblue')
for patch in patches[1]: patch.set_facecolor('lightgreen')
for patch in patches[2]: patch.set_facecolor('crimson')

Transform Rectangle to trapezoid for perspective

I have picture from front-view. and I want to turn this into bird's eye view.
Now I want to calculate for each point in the rectangle (x,y) what will be transformed x,y in the trapezoid.
there must be a formula for this transformation with a given x and y and also the angle of the trapezoid (a).
I am programming in C and using opencv.
Thanks a lot in advance.
Did you consider the homography transform. You use this to create or correct perspective in an image, I think that it is exactly what you want.
With OpenCV, you can use the method cv::findHomography(). The arguments are the 4 initial points (vertices of your rectangle) and the 4 final points (the vertices of the trapeze). You get a transformation matrix that you can then use with cv::warpPerspective() or cv::perspectiveTransform().
I was able to figure out a way for your problem.
Here is the code I used for the same:
Importing the required packages:
import cv2
import numpy as np
Reading the image to be used:
filename = '1.jpg'
img = cv2.imread(filename)
Storing the height and width of the image in separate variables:
ih, iw, _ = img.shape
Creating a black window whose size is bigger than that of the image and storing its height and width in separate variables:
black = np.zeros((ih + 300, iw + 300, 3), np.uint8)
bh, bw, _ = black.shape
Storing the 4 corner points of the image in an array:
pts_src = np.array([[0.0, 0.0],[float(iw), 0.0],[float(iw), float(ih)],[0.0,float(ih)]])
Storing the 4 corner points of the trapezoid to be obtained:
pts_dst = np.array([[bw * 0.25, 0],[bw * 0.75, 0.0],[float(bw), float(bh)],[0.0,float(bh)]])
Calculating the homography matrix using pts_src and pts_dst:
h, status = cv2.findHomography(pts_src, pts_dst)
Warping the given rectangular image into the trapezoid:
im_out = cv2.warpPerspective(img, h, (black.shape[1],black.shape[0]))
cv2.imwrite("im_outImage.jpg", im_out)
If you alter the values in the array pts_dst you will be able to get different kinds of quadrilaterals.