Ocaml - How can I convert value of int variable to string? - ocaml

I want to make string "t1", "t2","t3", ...so on.
so I did like this
let i =0;...
(something) -> let z = "t" ^ string_of_int (i+1)
my intention is every time that program enters (something), i increases.
because I have to make new string when program enters (something).
but it had syntax error
What should I do?

If you want to embed an integer as part of a string, use Printf.sprintf:
let make_string i =
Printf.sprintf "t%d" i
You'll have to take care of tht part that generates increasing numbers with something else, like a for loop.


Creating an empty array of Strings of size x that can be updated

I'm trying to create an array of strings so that I can modify the contents of the strings depending on the input parameter of a function. I've only started to use OCaml recently so I may be missing something simple here. Currently I have:
let myArray = Array.make x "" in
for i = 0 to Array.length myArray do
myArray[i] = "SOME STRING HERE";
However when doing this, I get the following error when performing ocamlbuild
Error: This expression has type string array
This is not a function; it cannot be applied.
Assignment to an array looks like this in OCaml:
myArray.(i) <- "SOME STRING HERE"
As an additional comment, your loop is accessing past the end of the array. The last element of an array is Array.length array - 1.

Changing the State of Lexing.lexbuf

I am writing a lexer for Brainfuck with Ocamllex, and to implement its loop, I need to change the state of lexbuf so it can returns to a previous position in the stream.
Background info on Brainfuck (skippable)
in Brainfuck, a loop is accomplished by a pair of square brackets with
the following rule:
[ -> proceed and evaluate the next token
] -> if the current cell's value is not 0, return to the matching [
Thus, the following code evaluates to 15:
+++ [ > +++++ < - ] > .
it reads:
In the first cell, assign 3 (increment 3 times)
Enter loop, move to the next cell
Assign 5 (increment 5 times)
Move back to the first cell, and subtract 1 from its value
Hit the closing square bracket, now the current cell (first) is equals to 2, thus jumps back to [ and proceed into the loop again
Keep going until the first cell is equals to 0, then exit the loop
Move to the second cell and output the value with .
The value in the second cell would have been incremented to 15
(incremented by 5 for 3 times).
Basically, I wrote two functions to take care of pushing and popping the last position of the last [ in the header section of brainfuck.mll file, namely push_curr_p and pop_last_p which pushes and pops the lexbuf's current position to a int list ref named loopstack:
{ (* Header *)
let tape = Array.make 100 0
let tape_pos = ref 0
let loopstack = ref []
let push_curr_p (lexbuf: Lexing.lexbuf) =
let p = lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_p in
let curr_pos = p.Lexing.pos_cnum in
(* Saving / pushing the position of `[` to loopstack *)
( loopstack := curr_pos :: !loopstack
; lexbuf
let pop_last_p (lexbuf: Lx.lexbuf) =
match !loopstack with
| [] -> lexbuf
| hd :: tl ->
(* This is where I attempt to bring lexbuf back *)
( lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_p <- { lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_p with Lexing.pos_cnum = hd }
; loopstack := tl
; lexbuf
{ (* Rules *)
rule brainfuck = parse
| '[' { brainfuck (push_curr_p lexbuf) }
| ']' { (* current cell's value must be 0 to exit the loop *)
if tape.(!tape_pos) = 0
then brainfuck lexbuf
(* this needs to bring lexbuf back to the previous `[`
* and proceed with the parsing
else brainfuck (pop_last_p lexbuf)
(* ... other rules ... *)
The other rules work just fine, but it seems to ignore [ and ]. The problem is obviously at the loopstack and how I get and set lex_curr_p state. Would appreciate any leads.
lex_curr_p is meant to keep track of the current position, so that you can use it in error messages and the like. Setting it to a new value won't make the lexer actually seek back to an earlier position in the file. In fact I'm 99% sure that you can't make the lexer loop like that no matter what you do.
So you can't use ocamllex to implement the whole interpreter like you're trying to do. What you can do (and what ocamllex is designed to do) is to translate the input stream of characters into a stream of tokens.
In other languages that means translating a character stream like var xyz = /* comment */ 123 into a token stream like VAR, ID("xyz"), EQ, INT(123). So lexing helps in three ways: it finds where one token ends and the next begins, it categorizes tokens into different types (identifiers vs. keywords etc.) and discards tokens you don't need (white space and comments). This can simplify further processing a lot.
Lexing Brainfuck is a lot less helpful as all Brainfuck tokens only consist of a single character anyway. So finding out where each token ends and the next begins is a no-op and finding out the type of the token just means comparing the character against '[', '+' etc. So the only useful thing a Brainfuck lexer does is to discard whitespace and comments.
So what your lexer would do is turn the input [,[+-. lala comment ]>] into something like LOOP_START, IN, LOOP_START, INC, DEC, OUT, LOOP_END, MOVE_RIGHT, LOOP_END, where LOOP_START etc. belong to a discriminated union that you (or your parser generator if you use one) defined and made the lexer output.
If you want to use a parser generator, you'd define the token types in the parser's grammar and make the lexer produce values of those types. Then the parser can just parse the token stream.
If you want to do the parsing by hand, you'd call the lexer's token function by hand in a loop to get all the tokens. In order to implement loops, you'd have to store the already-consumed tokens somewhere to be able to loop back. In the end it'd end up being more work than just reading the input into a string, but for a learning exercise I suppose that doesn't matter.
That said, I would recommend going all the way and using a parser generator to create an AST. That way you don't have to create a buffer of tokens for looping and having an AST actually saves you some work (you no longer need a stack to keep track of which [ belongs to which ]).

Swift substring initialization

Currently I am trying to mess with this in playground before I implement some version of this into my actual code. I am trying to take a string and print out 4 characters. The code that is shown below, I am planning on using in a loop and increment the starting and ending position by 4 which is why there are variables currently at the starting and ending points. Before I can even get there however, I am getting an error:
error: cannot invoke initializer for type 'Range' with an argument list of type '(start: String.CharacterView.Index, end: String.CharacterView.Index)'
var str_start = 0
var str_end = 4
let sub_str = initial_str.substring(Range<String.Index>(start: initial_str.startIndex.advancedBy(str_start), end: initial_str.endIndex.advancedBy(str_end)))
I've already looked at these sources but to no avail:
Creating Range<String.Index> from constant Ints
Cannot invoke initializer for type 'Range<String.Index>' with an argument list of type '(start: String.Index, end: String.Index)'
Any assistance is greatly appreciated, and I apologize if it is a simple fix.
Here's one way to do it:
let initialString = "foo bar"
let newStartIndex = initialString.index(initialString.startIndex, offsetBy: 1)
let newEndIndex = initialString.index(initialString.endIndex, offsetBy: -1)
let substring = initialString[newStartIndex..<newEndIndex]
// this also works, but it needs `import Foundation`:
// let substring = initialString.substring(with: newStartIndex..<newEndIndex)
oo ba

regex match string starting at offset

I'm learning Rust and trying to write a simple tokenizer right now. I want to go through a string running each regular expression against the current position in the string, create a token, then skip ahead and repeat until I've processed the whole string. I know I can put them into a larger regex and loop through captures, but I need to process them individually for domain reseasons.
However, I see nowhere in the regex crate that allows an offset so I can begin matching again at specific point.
extern crate regex;
use regex::Regex;
fn main() {
let input = "3 + foo/4";
let ident_re = Regex::new("[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*").unwrap();
let number_re = Regex::new("[1-9][0-9]*").unwrap();
let ops_re = Regex::new(r"[+-*/]").unwrap();
let ws_re = Regex::new(r"[ \t\n\r]*").unwrap();
let mut i: usize = 0;
while i < input.len() {
// Here check each regex to see if a match starting at input[i]
// if so copy the match and increment i by length of match.
Those regexs that I'm currently scaning for will actually vary at runtime too. Sometimes I may only be looking for a few of them while others (at top level) I might be looking for almost all of them.
The regex crate works on string slices. You can always take a sub-slice of another slice and then operate on that one. Instead of moving along indices, you can modify the variable that points to your slice to point to your subslice.
fn main() {
let mut s = "hello";
while !s.is_empty() {
println!("{}", s);
s = &s[1..];
Note that the slice operation slices at byte-positions, not utf8-char-positions. This allows the slicing operation to be done in O(1) instead of O(n), but will also cause the program to panic if the indices you are slicing from and to happen to be in the middle of a multi-byte utf8 character.

Haskell - Concat a list of strings

Im trying to create a list of strings using some recursion.
Basically i want to take a part of a string up to a certain point. Create a list from that and then process the rest of the string through recursion.
type DocName = FilePath
type Line = (Int,String)
type Document = [Line]
splitLines :: String -> Document
splitLines [] = []
splitLines str | length str == 0 = []
| otherwise = zip [0..(length listStr)] listStr
listStr = [getLine] ++ splitLines getRest
getLine = (takeWhile (/='\n') str)
getRest = (dropWhile (=='\n') (dropWhile (/='\n') str))
Thats what i got. But it just concats the strings back together since they are list of characters themselves. But i want to create a list of strings.
["test","123"] if the input was "test\n123\n"
If you try to compile your code, you'll get an error message telling you that in the line
listStr = [getLine] ++ splitLines getRest
splitLines getRest has type Document, but it should have type [String]. This is easy enough to understand, since [getLine] is a list of strings (well a list of one string) and so it can only be concatenated with another list of strings, not a list of int-string-tuples.
So to fix this we can use map to replace each int-string-tuple in the Document with only the string to get a list of strings, i.e.:
listStr = [getLine] ++ map snd (splitLines getRest)
After changing the line to the above your code will compile and run just fine.
But it just concats the strings back together since they are list of characters themselves.
I'm not sure why you think that.
The reason your code did not compile was because of the type of splitLines as I explained above. Once you fix that error, the code behaves exactly as you want it to, returning a list of integer-string-tuples. At no point are strings concatenated.
Well, if you wrote this just to practice recursion then it is fine once you fix error mentioned by sepp2k. But in real code, I would prefer -
splitLines str = zip [0..] (lines str)
Or even
splitLines = zip [0..] . lines