Regex for n-directory file path - regex

I'm trying to use regex to evaluate if a given path is valid or not:
List of acceptable values:
1. /a_B_1/b_Sc2/c_d3/23_DS_xy/some_file_name.txt
2. /x_y_q/ffs/www/A/a_ol/some_file_name.txt
3. /tsf/ggg/wWw/abc/a_o#l/some=file name.csv
4. /a/b/c/d/some file.txt
As you can see for all groups, accepted range is [a-zA-Z0-9_]. Only the last group can have spaces, #, =.
Group ordering: /<group1>/<group2>/<group3>/<group4>/<group5>.
Group 5 can have sub-directories and hence the '*'.
I've tried:
Can someone please guide?
Sample code
val regex = """ ... """.r
val testString = "/a/b/c/d/some file.txt"
regex.findFirstMatchIn(testString) match {
case Some(r) => println(r)
case _ => println("Regex did not match")

Not sure what your question is, but note that you don't need to escape backslahes inside triple-quoted strings.
Something like this """(/\w+){4}/([\w\s#=/]+)""".r seems like it should do what you are describing.


Shorten Regular Expression (\n) [duplicate]

I'd like to match three-character sequences of letters (only letters 'a', 'b', 'c' are allowed) separated by comma (last group is not ended with comma).
I have written following regular expression:
re.match('([abc][abc][abc],)+', "abc,defx,df")
However it doesn't work correctly, because for above example:
>>> print bool(re.match('([abc][abc][abc],)+', "abc,defx,df")) # defx in second group
>>> print bool(re.match('([abc][abc][abc],)+', "axc,defx,df")) # 'x' in first group
It seems only to check first group of three letters but it ignores the rest. How to write this regular expression correctly?
Try following regex:
^...$ from the start till the end of the string
[...] one of the given character
...{3} three time of the phrase before
(...)* 0 till n times of the characters in the brackets
What you're asking it to find with your regex is "at least one triple of letters a, b, c" - that's what "+" gives you. Whatever follows after that doesn't really matter to the regex. You might want to include "$", which means "end of the line", to be sure that the line must all consist of allowed triples. However in the current form your regex would also demand that the last triple ends in a comma, so you should explicitly code that it's not so.
Try this:
This finds any number of allowed triples followed by a comma (maybe zero), then a triple without a comma, then the end of the line.
Edit: including the "^" (start of string) symbol is not necessary, because the match method already checks for a match only at the beginning of the string.
The obligatory "you don't need a regex" solution:
all(letter in 'abc,' for letter in data) and all(len(item) == 3 for item in data.split(','))
You need to iterate over sequence of found values.
data_string = "abc,bca,df"
imatch = re.finditer(r'(?P<value>[abc]{3})(,|$)', data_string)
for match in imatch:
So the regex to check if the string matches pattern will be
data_string = "abc,bca,df"
match = re.match(r'^([abc]{3}(,|$))+', data_string)
if match:
print "data string is correct"
Your result is not surprising since the regular expression
tries to match a string containing three characters of [abc] followed by a comma one ore more times anywhere in the string. So the most important part is to make sure that there is nothing more in the string - as scessor suggests with adding ^ (start of string) and $ (end of string) to the regular expression.
An alternative without using regex (albeit a brute force way):
>>> def matcher(x):
total = ["".join(p) for p in itertools.product(('a','b','c'),repeat=3)]
for i in x.split(','):
if i not in total:
return False
return True
>>> matcher("abc,bca,aaa")
>>> matcher("abc,bca,xyz")
>>> matcher("abc,aaa,bb")
If your aim is to validate a string as being composed of triplet of letters a,b,and c:
for ss in ("abc,bbc,abb,baa,bbb",
print ss,' ',bool(re.match('([abc]{3},?)+\Z',ss))
abc,bbc,abb,baa,bbb True
acc True
abc,bbc,abb,bXa,bbb False
abc,bbc,ab,baa,bbb False
\Z means: the end of the string. Its presence obliges the match to be until the very end of the string
By the way, I like the form of Sonya too, in a way it is clearer:
To just repeat a sequence of patterns, you need to use a non-capturing group, a (?:...) like contruct, and apply a quantifier right after the closing parenthesis. The question mark and the colon after the opening parenthesis are the syntax that creates a non-capturing group (SO post).
For example:
(?:abc)+ matches strings like abc, abcabc, abcabcabc, etc.
(?:\d+\.){3} matches strings like 1.12.2., 000.00000.0., etc.
Here, you can use
Note that using a capturing group is fraught with unwelcome effects in a lot of Python regex methods. See a classical issue described at re.findall behaves weird post, for example, where re.findall and all other regex methods using this function behind the scenes only return captured substrings if there is a capturing group in the pattern.
In Pandas, it is also important to use non-capturing groups when you just need to group a pattern sequence: Series.str.contains will complain that this pattern has match groups. To actually get the groups, use str.extract. and
the Series.str.extract, Series.str.extractall and Series.str.findall will behave as re.findall.

Python Regex - How to extract the third portion?

My input is of this format: (xxx)yyyy(zz)(eee)fff where {x,y,z,e,f} are all numbers. But fff is optional though.
Input: x = (123)4567(89)(660)
Expected output: Only the eeepart i.e. the number inside 3rd "()" i.e. 660 in my example.
I am able to achieve this so far:"\((\d*)\)", x).group()
Output: (123)
Expected: (660)
I am surely missing something fundamental. Please advise.
Edit 1: Just added fff to the input data format.
You could find all those matches that have round braces (), and print the third match with findall
import re
n = "(123)4567(89)(660)999"
r = re.findall("\(\d*\)", n)
The (eee) part is identical to the (xxx) part in your regex. If you don't provide an anchor, or some sequencing requirement, then an unanchored search will match the first thing it finds, which is (xxx) in your case.
If you know the (eee) always appears at the end of the string, you could append an "at-end" anchor ($) to force the match at the end. Or perhaps you could append a following character, like a space or comma or something.
Otherwise, you might do well to match the other parts of the pattern and not capture them:
pattern = r'[0-9()]{13}\((\d{3})\)'
If you want to get the third group of numbers in brackets, you need to skip the first two groups which you can do with a repeating non-capturing group which looks for a set of digits enclosed in () followed by some number of non ( characters:
x = '(123)4567(89)(660)'
print("(?:\(\d+\)[^(]*){2}(\(\d+\))", x).group(1))
Demo on rextester

scala regex to match tab separated words from a string

I'm trying to match the following string
"name type this is a comment"
Name and type are definitely there.
Comment may or may not exist.
I'm trying to store this into variables n,t and c.
val nameTypeComment = """^(\w+\s+){2}(?:[\w+\s*)*\(\,\,]+)"""
str match { case nameType(n, t, c) => print(n,t,c) }
This is what I have but doesn't seem to be working. Any help is appreciated.
val nameType = """^(\w+)\s+([\w\)\(\,]+)""".r
However this works when i was trying to work with strings only with name and type and no comment which is a group of words which might or not be there.
Note that ^(\w+\s+){2}(?:[\w+\s*)*\(\,\,]+) regex only contains 1 capturing group ((\w+\s+)) while you define 3 in the match block.
The ^(\w+)\s+([\w\)\(\,]+) only contains 2 capturing groups: (\w+) and ([\w\)\(\,]+).
To make your code work, you need to define 3 capturing groups. Also, it is not clear what the separators are, let me assume the first two fields are just 1 or more alphanumeric/underscore symbols separated by 1 or more whitespaces. The comment is anything after 2 first fields.
Then, use
val s = "name type this comment a comment"
val nameType = """(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+(.*)""".r
val res = s match {
case nameType(n, t, c) => print(n,t,c)
case _ => print("NONE")
See the online demo
Note that we need to compile a regex object, pay attention at the .r after the regex pattern nameType.
Note that a pattern inside match is anchored by default, the start of string anchor ^ can be omitted.
Also, it is a good idea to add case _ to define the behavior when no match is found.

scala matching optional set of characters

I am using scala regex to extract a token from a URL
my url is
here I want to extract the value of x10 in front of id. note that _23 is optional and may or may not appear but if it appears it must be removed.
The regex which I have written is
val regex = "^.*id=(.*)(\\_\\d+)?.*$".r
x match {
case regex(id) => print(id)
case _ => print("none")
this should work because (\\_\\d+)? should make the _23 optional as a whole.
So I don't understand why it prints none.
Note that your pattern ^.*id=(.*)(\\_\\d+)?.*$ actually puts x10_23&y=2 into Group 1 because of the 1st greedy dot matching subpattern. Since (_\d+)? is optional, the first greedy subpattern does not have to yield any characters to that capture group.
You can use
val regex = "(?s).*[?&]id=([^\\W&]+?)(?:_\\d+)?(?:&.*)?".r
val x = ""
x match {
case regex(id) => print(id)
case _ => print("none")
See the IDEONE demo (regex demo)
Note that there is no need defining ^ and $ - that pattern is anchored in Scala by default. (?s) ensures we match the full input string even if it contains newline symbols.
Another idea instead of using a regular expression to extract tokens would be to use the built-in URI Java class with its getQuery() method. There you can split the query by = and then check if one of the pair starts with id= and extract the value.
For instance (just as an example):
val x = ""
val uri = new URI(x)
uri.getQuery.split('&').find(_.startsWith("id=")) match {
case Some(param) => println(param.split('=')(1).replace("_23", ""))
case None => println("None")
I find it simpler to maintain that the regular expression you have, but that's just my thought!

Trying to match a string in the format of domain\username using Lua and then mask the pattern with '#'

I am trying to match a string in the format of domain\username using Lua and then mask the pattern with #.
So if the input is\admin; the output should be ######.###\#####;. The string can end with either a ;, ,, . or whitespace.
More examples:\user1,hello -> ######.###\#####,hello\testuser. Next -> ####.###\########. Next
I tried ([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9.-]+)\.?([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\\([a-zA-Z0-9 ]+)\b which works perfectly with But with Lua demo it doesn't. What is wrong with the pattern?
Below is the code I used to check in Lua:
test_text="I have the 123 name as\admin as the credentials"
pattern="([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9.-]+).?([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\\([a-zA-Z0-9 ]+)\b"
print (res)
It is printing nil.
Lua pattern isn't regular expression, that's why your regex doesn't work.
\b isn't supported, you can use the more powerful %f frontier pattern if needed.
In the string test_text, \ isn't escaped, so it's interpreted as \a.
. is a magic character in patterns, it needs to be escaped.
This code isn't exactly equivalent to your pattern, you can tweek it if needed:
test_text = "I have the 123 name as\\admin as the credentials"
pattern = "(%a%w+)%.?(%w+)\\([%w]+)"
Output: domain com admin
After fixing the pattern, the task of replacing them with # is easy, you might need string.sub or string.gsub.
Like already mentioned pure Lua does not have regex, only patterns.
Your regex however can be matched with the following code and pattern:
--[[\user1,hello -> ######.###\#####,hello\testuser. Next -> ####.###\########. Next
s1 = [[\user1,hello]]
s2 = [[\testuser. Next]]
s3 = [[\user1]]
function mask_domain(s)
s = s:gsub('(%a[%a%d%.%-]-)%.?([%a%d]+)\\([%a%d]+)([%;%,%.%s]?)',
return ('#'):rep(#a)..'.'..('#'):rep(#b)..'\\'..('#'):rep(#c)..d
return s
The last example does not end with ; , . or whitespace. If it must follow this, then simply remove the final ? from pattern.
UPDATE: If in the domain (e.g. you need to also reveal any dots before that last one you can replace the above function with this one:
function mask_domain(s)
s = s:gsub('(%a[%a%d%.%-]-)%.?([%a%d]+)\\([%a%d]+)([%;%,%.%s]?)',
a = a:gsub('[^%.]','#')
return a..'.'..('#'):rep(#b)..'\\'..('#'):rep(#c)..d
return s