Using vector of a class that contains static member variable - c++

I had an Airplane class and this Airplane had a vector of Seat class named "m_seat".
In the Constructor of my Airplane, I used the number of seats as the needed parameter to resize the m_seat vector size to the requested size of the user. This was my code:
class Seat;
class Airplane {
vector<Seat> m_seat;
class Seat{
static int m_seatNumber;
Seat() { m_seatNumber += 10; }
int Seat::m_seatNumber = 100;
Airplane::Airplane(int numberOfSeats) {
for (int i = 0; i<numberOfSeats; ++i) {
int main()
return 0;
But it gave this error.
std::vector<_Ty,_Aloc>::push_back no overload of function takes 0 arguments,
and if this was really the problem, I had no idea what should I have put in my push_back()? So I tried {}
and It worked!
Now, I have another problem which is my main problem(SO rule: Ask only one question at a time!) that all seat numbers appear to be increased to the same number! I also used the "resize" member function of the vector, instead of that loop:
But the problem (same increase in the number of the m_seatNumber) remains unsolved.
Non-native English Speaker, Sorry.

Disclaimer: This is a "best guess" answer.
If you wanted each seat to have a different, automatically increasing number, you need two values; one non-static, describing each seat, and one static, describing last-used number:
class Seat{
static int lastSeatNumber;
int seatNumber;
Seat() { seatNumber = lastSeatNumber; lastSeatNumber += 10; }
int Seat::lastSeatNumber = 100;
That way each seat will receive its distinct number. This design is bad, however, as it doesn't allow e.g. seat number sharing between two airplanes! It also doesn't allow you to "free up" the numbers of seats you're no longer using, and the number can only keep growing. Also copying a Seat, while possible, won't manipulate that number at all. It'd be much better to allow the Airplane class to assign the seat numbers:
class Seat{
int seatNumber;
Seat(int seatNumber) : seatNumber(seatNumber) { }
Airplane::Airplane(int numberOfSeats) {
int seatNumber = 100;
const int numberIncrement = 10;
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfSeats; ++i) {
seatNumber += numberIncrement;
This way you can get the old behavior by adding another parameter to the airplane constructor telling it which number to start counting from.


Vector Isn't Creating Multiple Class Objects

I have a vector that stores multiple class objects for later access. This way my program can create new objects during runtime. This is done like so:
vector<Person> peopleVector;
peopleVector.push_back(Person(name, age));
for (int i = 0; i < peopleVector.size(); i++) {
cout << peopleVector[i].name << endl;
This function should print out each objects "name" every time the code runs (it's a function that runs multiple times). However, when I run this, somehow the vector does not increase in size. If you add cout << peopleVector.size(); to that code, you will find that each time it runs, it gets one (obviously assuming you also have the class code which I have below).
I'm curious why I can't create multiple objects in the class.
#pragma once
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Person {
Person(string personName, int personAge);
string name;
int age;
Person::Person(string personName, int personAge) {
name = personName;
age = personAge;
#include "Class.h"
#include <random>
int main() {
// Necessary for random numbers
string name = names[rand() % 82]; // Array with a lot of names
int age = 4 + (rand() % 95);
// Create a new person
void newPerson(string name, int age) {
vector<Person> peopleVector;
peopleVector.push_back(Person(name, age));
for (int i = 0; i < peopleVector.size(); i++) {
cout << peopleVector[i].name << endl;
Just FYI those #includes might be a little bit off because I took that code out of a large section that had like 15 includes.
You are creating an empty vector each time you call your newPerson() function, and then you add a single person to it.
You then display the contents of that vector. What else can it contain, other than the single person that you added?
Every time a function runs, all local variables inside the function are re-created in their default state. That means that every time you call newPerson, it just recreates peopleVector.
There are two solutions:
Have newPerson take a reference to a vector, and add it on to that
make peopleVector static, so that it isn't re-initialized every time
First solution:
// Create a new person; add it to peopleVector
// The function takes a reference to the vector you want to add it to
void newPerson(string name, int age, vector<Person>& peopleVector) {
peopleVector.push_back(Person(name, age));
for (int i = 0; i < peopleVector.size(); i++) {
cout << peopleVector[i].name << endl;
Second solution: mark peopleVector as static
// create a new person; add it to peopleVector
void newPerson(string name, int age) {
// Marking peopleVector as static prevents it from being re-initialized
static vector<Person> peopleVector;
peopleVector.push_back(Person(name, age));
for (int i = 0; i < peopleVector.size(); i++) {
cout << peopleVector[i].name << endl;

Getline() and cin manipulate dynamic array

I'm totally lost and confused and could use some help.
I'm currently working on a small command line-based game. For this I wrote a class Inventory, dynamically creating an array of invSpace-objects, each space representing a pair of a pointer to an Item (another class of mine) and a integer, depicting a quantity. Here's the code:
class invSpace {
Item *item;
int quantity;
invSpace() {
item = NULL;
quantity = 0;
class Inventory {
invSpace* spaces = NULL;
size_t size;
int free_space() {
int free = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if (spaces[i].item == NULL) {
return free;
Inventory() {}
Inventory(size_t new_size) {
size = new_size;
spaces = new invSpace[size];
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { //I know this is obsolete because
spaces[i].item = NULL; //of the invSpace constructor, I
spaces[i].quantity = 0; //just did this for testing
~Inventory() {
delete[] spaces;
invSpace& operator[](int index) {
return spaces[index];
There are some more methods in this class, like for adding, deleting and searching for items, but those don't matter now. So this is basically just a simple array within one object, dynamically allocating memory in the constructor and with some extra methods. After being created, the array contains zero elements, or Items, so the free_space() method should return the size of the array. But it doesn't. It returns about half of the size.
My first thought was that something went wrong with the allocation. But at a second glance I noticed that the Inventory is totally fine directly after being created; with exactly as many spaces as requested, all of them set to item=NULL/quantity=0. But after a call of getline() at the start of main() that scans user input and saves it to a string for further analyzing, some spaces get filled with random addresses and integers.
Even stranger, with each new call of getline() some spaces are freed, some others filled. As far as my debugging, experimenting and testing goes, none of these addresses belong to any variable in my program, they are just plain random. Also, at no point is there be any interference with the Inventory and the getline() function or the string it returns. In fact, after being created, no part of this object is used anywhere in the code beside the free_space() method. What's even stranger is that spaces in the Inventory class is marked private, so a method is required to meddle with this pointer/array (or so I would expect).
This problem occurs with getline() and cin but not with any of C's <stdio.h> input stream functions. Using malloc() instead of new[] makes no difference. Of course, I could use something like scanf() for the reading from the console. Still, I just want to know why all these things happen. I have absolutely no idea.
Thanks in advance for every answer!
I narrowed the whole code so that it still produces the same error, also changed free_space() so that it prints adress and integer if present:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
class Item {
static map<string, Item*> itemlist;
string name;
string description;
Item() {}
Item(const string new_name, const string new_description) {
name = new_name;
description = new_description;
itemlist.insert(pair<string, Item*> (name, this));
map<string, Item*> Item::itemlist;
/*The more Items are declared, the more random adresses appear in the
Item item01("sword", "A sharp and deadly weapon.");
Item item02("shield", "This will protect you. To a certain extent.");
Item item03("stick", "What is this for exactly?");
Item item04("bottle of water", "A bottle full of refreshing spring water.");
class invSpace {
Item *item;
int quantity;
invSpace() {
item = NULL;
quantity = 0;
class Inventory {
invSpace* spaces = NULL;
size_t size;
int free_space() {
int free = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if (spaces[i].item == NULL) {
cout << i << " = free" << endl;
else {
cout << spaces[i].item << " / " << spaces[i].quantity << endl;
return free;
Inventory() {}
Inventory(size_t new_size) {
size = new_size;
spaces = new invSpace[size];
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
spaces[i].item = NULL;
spaces[i].quantity = 0;
~Inventory() {
delete[] spaces;
class Player {
string name;
Inventory inventory;
Player(const string new_name) {
inventory = Inventory(40);
name = new_name;
Player player("Me");
int main() {
string input;
//Inventory inventory(40); //no error when declared outside the Player class
while (1) {
cout << "\n>> ";
getline(cin, input);
if (input == "x") {
else {
Some things I noticed: No error occurs if the inventory isn't part of a Player-object. If it is but no Items are declared only the first inventory space receives a random adress (and int value) after the first call of getline().
The more Items there are, the more random adresses I get, it seems...

Array elements of a class object are not being set correctly, set() and get() member functions likely cause

This is my first time working with classes in C++ and I seem to be getting tripped up quite a lot. My program is supposed to be a rewrite of a previous program that used struct (see here: Random number generator in a for loop gives same numbers each time), but using a class instead.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
const int WHEEL_POSITIONS = 30;
const char wheelSymbols[WHEEL_POSITIONS + 1] = "-X-X-X-X-X=X=X=X*X*X*X*X#X#X7X";
class slotMachine
int spinPos;
char spinSymbol;
slotMachine(); // Constructor
char symbols[WHEEL_POSITIONS + 1]; // Should be private?
void setSpinSymbol(); // Spins the wheels
char getSpinSymbol() const // Returns the symbol
{ return spinSymbol; }
} wheels[3];
// Constructor initializes slot wheels to contents of wheelSymbols
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < (WHEEL_POSITIONS + 1); j++)
wheels[i].symbols[j] = wheelSymbols[j];
void slotMachine::setSpinSymbol()
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
wheels[i].spinPos = (rand() % WHEEL_POSITIONS);
wheels[i].spinSymbol = wheels[i].symbols[(wheels[i].spinPos)];
void displayResults(slotMachine fwheels[3])
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
cout << fwheels[i].getSpinSymbol();
void displayResults(slotMachine []);
//bool getWinner(slotMachine []);
int main(void)
slotMachine wheels[3];
time_t seed;
return 0;
The code compiles but outputs the following:
I have a feeling this error is caused by something having gone amiss in my constructor slotMachine, my getSpinSymbol() function, or my setSpinSymbol() function, but I've looked it over several times and can't seem to figure it out. I've read a handful of material online covering classes in C++, but I'm still very new and very shaky on the concept--apologies if it's something small or obvious that I've overlooked.
There are several issues with your code:
1.Class names should be started with upper case letter. slotMachine -> SlotMachine
2.Remove wheels[3] after class definition.You are using the array declared in main() method.
3.Why you are declaring displayResults(..) again after it's definition?
4.You are not calling setSpinSymbol() before displayResults(..).
The problem was explained to me by a friend not on StackOverflow, and I will transcribe his answer here in case anyone else (for any reason) runs into the same problem:
You aren't using constructors and methods correctly. You shouldn't be
accessing wheels (the array of slotMachine objects) directly inside
those methods; you should just be performing operations on "this," the
slotMachine object on which the method was called. For example, the
constructor slotMachine::slotMachine() is automatically called for
each element of the array wheels. You just need to initialize the
current slotMachine object inside the constructor:
for (int j = 0; j < (WHEEL_POSITIONS + 1); j++)
this->symbols[j] = wheelSymbols[j];
And slotMachine::setSpinSymbol() should just set the value of
spinSymbol for the object on which the method was called:
void slotMachine::setSpinSymbol()
this->spinPos = (rand() % WHEEL_POSITIONS);
this->spinSymbol = symbols[this->spinPos];
(In all of this code, the this-> part is actually unnecessary; you
can leave it out if you want. I put it in to try to make it clearer
that these methods are operating on fields of "the current object.")
Now, the reason you are getting garbage is because you never call
setSpinSymbol(), so the spinSymbol field is never initialized in
these objects. You probably want to call setSpinSymbol() in the
constructor, so that the spinSymbol field is guaranteed to be
This explanation did solve my problem, and my program now outputs the correct information, so I believe it to be correct. My issues with using constructors and methods correctly has been explained here, and the reason why I was getting garbage values (as well as a few other points) was answered by another commenter.

I keep receiving -2 as my updated salary

I am doing the following with my program:
1) Write the class definition for a class named Employee with name and salary as employee objects. The class contains two member functions: the constructor and a function that allows a program to assign values to the data members.
2) Add two member functions to the Employee class. One member function should allow any program using an employee object to view the contents of the salary data member. The other member function should allow the program to view the contents of the employee name data member.
3) Add another member function to the Employeeclass. The member function should calculate an employee objects new salary, based on a raise percentage provided by the program using the object. Before calculating the raise, the member function should verify that the raise percentage is greater than or equal to zero. If the raise percentage is less than zero, the member function should display an error message.
4) Write a main function that will create an array of employee objects, assign values to the objects, display the names and current salaries for all objects, ask user for the raise percentage and then calculate and display new salaries for all objects.
However, I receive -2 as my new salary after I input the data from the keyboard. I figured another set of eyes could see what I can't and would highly appreciate if someone can lend a hand, or at least steer me in the right direction. Perhaps it is a logic error, or something wrong with my declarations. Thank you for your time.
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
EMPLOYEE(string name, int salary);//
string name;//name to be input
int salary;//salary to be input
int percentage_raise;
int updated_salary;
int enter_values();
int output_values();
//default constructor
name = "";
salary = 0;
//constructor with name/salary variables
name= NAME;
salary= SALARY;
//name and salary to be input...
int EMPLOYEE::enter_values()
{ cout<<"Enter name and salary: ";
cin>> name;
return 0;
int EMPLOYEE::output_values()
{ cout<<"Name: "<<name<<endl;
cout<<"Salary: "<<salary<<endl;
return 0;
if ( percentage_raise >= 0)
{ int updated_salary;
int raise= (salary *percentage_raise)/100;
updated_salary += raise;
else if(percentage_raise< 0)
{ cout<<"Error Message"<<endl;
return 0;
int main()
EMPLOYEE employees[100];
EMPLOYEE percent_to_be_raised;
int i;
for(i =0 ;i<100 ; i++)
{ employees[i]=EMPLOYEE();
// employees[i].NEW_SALARY();
cout<<"How much should the salary be raised by?"<<endl;
cout<<employees[i].name <<"'s new salary is "<<percent_to_be_raised.updated_salary<<endl;
You need to rewrite this quite alot.
A few pointers:
EMPLOYEE percent_to_be_raised;
Is completely off base. The task states that this calculation should be done in an employee member function. I.e. the raise should be performed as
Employee alfred;
std::cin>> alfred.salary;
double raise;
std::cin>> raise;
alfred.raise_salary(raise); // this is what the task asks for.
Use a naming convention.
is fine for a c++ class with a capitalized class name convention. EMPLOYEE is not; this looks like a macro name.
Member function usually starts with non-capitalized
Employee::new_salary( the_salary );
Follow the examples you have available from the course material.
Of course
Does not do anything. Please review your code in detail and start at the first spot you don't understand.
Note that the OP coding style convention is used to assist the OP. I am aware of the proper naming convention for classes, member functions, and class data members (e.g. see the answer by Captain Giraffe for more).
Inside of:
if ( percentage_raise >= 0)
{ int updated_salary;
int raise= (salary *percentage_raise)/100;
updated_salary += raise;
} // added this to close the function properly
there is a locally declared variable, which is typed identically to the public access data member of the same name. What is the intention here?
Most likely it should be coded like so:
if ( percentage_raise >= 0)
int raise = (salary *percentage_raise)/100;
updated_salary += raise;
} // added this to close the function properly
There are design considerations for having all class member data public, as well as having an integer for a percentage. From the calculation above, it looks like only values of one, two, three, etc. are allowed for the percentage number. What is the class supposed to do if a raise is 3.75 percent?
The constructor has to set ALL class data members to something meaningful too. For example, the percentage_raise and updated_salary variables are ignored. Most likely the default constructor has to be updated to:
//default constructor
name = "";
salary = 0;
percentage_raise = 0;
updated_salary = 0;
The name and salary constructor has to be updated too. It should probably look like (using the style convention posted by the OP):
//constructor with name/salary variables
name = NAME;
salary = SALARY;
percentage_raise = 0;
updated_salary = salary;

C++ Struct defined data passing. Simple answer im sure

I am sure this is a very simple fix and I feel dumb asking it but here it goes.
I need help with a struct and passing info from a gather function to a save or set function, and then passing it again to another function for further use.
Basically, it looks like this to start. I'll just add short snips of the code. All can be provided if you would like to see it.
I right now am just looking for the proper way to pass struct defined data from get.... to set.... functions.
struct printype
char dots[8][15];
int unknown15; // can have values of 0..127
string serial11_14; // 8 characters 00000000...99999999
int year8; // without century, 0..99
int month7; // 1..12
int day6; // 1..31
int hour5; // 0..23
int minute2; // 0..59
int getunknown15(); // prototypes
int setunknown15(int);
then we have a simple main.
int main()
printype pt;
cout <<"-----------------------------------------------------"<<endl;
cout <<" Let's Get Started"<<endl;
cout <<"-----------------------------------------------------"<<endl;
setup(pt.dots); // sets up the array
dpinfo(pt); // prints out the final array
and finally the get and set array functions.
int getunknown15()
printype tem;
cout <<"-----------------------------------------------------"<<endl;
cout <<" Enter the Unkown Variable (0-127): ";
cin >>tem.unknown15;
cout <<"-----------------------------------------------------"<<endl;
return tem.unknown15;
next is
int setunknown15(int tem)
printype pp;
if (tem>127||tem<0)
cout << "Error" << endl;
return 0;
pp.unknown15 = tem;
return pp.unknown15;
I hope this isn't too much to read and understand
Anyway, I know this has a really simple answer but my brain just isn't working right now.
Edit: As StilesCrisis stated, Send struct as parameter is quiet stupid in this case. better use a const reference.
Well, I am not sure if I understand your question correctly. You can simply send struct to another function as parameter, or as a pointer.
void SetStruct(const printype& var);
printype GetStruct();
Is it what you are looking for?
Please use the following access to the your fields, (by reference):
struct printype *myPtr = new printype;
myPtr->day6 = 43;
When use pointer instead of a normal variable, you should use -> instead . to access your fields.
I know this is kind of old but I thought I should give it a shot, since you are using C++ and it looks like you are trying to use some OO practices (I think), you don't need to start with a struct, even though OO principles can be applied using them as well though not as elegantly.
you can define your class header file as such.
#ifndef PRINTYPE_H
#define PRINTYPE_H
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class printype
private: // we always want to declare our member fields private for safety/managements reasons, no one will be able to access them outside.
char dots[8][15];
int unknown15; // can have values of 0..127
string serial11_14; // 8 characters 00000000...99999999
int year8; // without century, 0..99
int month7; // 1..12
int day6; // 1..31
int hour5; // 0..23
int minute2; // 0..59
void init(); // This is the method we use to initialize our starting state.
public: // This is our public methods, how people deal with/get/set our state.
printype(); // This is our default constructor
printype(const printype& print_type); // This our copy constructor
virtual ~printype(); // This is our destructor, its virtual, making safer for inheritance.
// This is our setters/getters
void setUnknown(int unknown);
int getUnknown();
void setYear(int year);
int getYear();
void setMonth(int mont);
int getMonth();
// and well you get the idea, you can add more methods.
and the accompanying class source file with your functions implementation
this->init(); // Initialize all your vatiables, safer to just define a function to this.
printype::printype(const printype& orig) // copy constructor
// you get the idea ...
// Have anything you need to do before destroying the object.
void printype::init()
char dots[8][15] = {'\0'};
// you get the idea, you want to initialize all your variables since, for the most part they initially hold garbage.
void printype::setUnknown(int unknown)
if (unknown >= 0 && unknown < 127)
this->unknown15 = unknown;
error("Expecting unknown to be between 0 and 127"); // error should probably print the error and/or exit(-1) up to u
int printype::setYear(int year)
if (year >= 1 && year <= 99)
this->year8 = year;
error("Expecting year between 0 and 99"); // you may want to implement an error function!
int printype::getYear()
return this->year8;
void printype::setDots(char dots[8][15])
// you may want to do some verifications
memcpy(this->dots, dots, sizeof(dots));
void printype::setDots(char **dots) // this is a bit unsafe, use at your own risk.
if (dots)
unsigned int index = 0;
for (index = 0; index < 8; index++)
if (dots[index])
memcpy(this->dots[index], dots[index], 15);
error("dots required pointer ...");
error("dots required pointer ...");
char **getDots() // We will be returning a copy, we don't want the internal state to be affected, from outside, by using reference or pointers.
char **dots = new char*[8];
unsigned int index = 0;
for (index = 0; index < 8; index++)
dots[index] = new char[15];
memcpy(dots[index], this->dots[index], 15);
return dots;
// and well you get the idea ...
to use your class
printype *print_type_p = new print_type();
// or
printype pront_type_p();
// use the different public method to update the internal state.
// or
// and so on.