Get Buffer from Graphic Interface GDI+ - c++

Here is my code :
void CPictureCtrl::DrawItem(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpDrawItemStruct)
if (mBIsPicLoaded) {
RECT rc;
INT width = (INT) rc.right - rc.left;
INT height = (INT)(rc.bottom -;
Graphics graphics(lpDrawItemStruct->hDC);
Image image(mPstream);
graphics.DrawImage(&image, (INT)rc.left, (INT), width, height);
Is it possible to extract the buffer from graphics because the picture has been scaled and I would like to have it as base64 ?


Why is drawing to a hidden HDC giving different results than when drawing to the HDC returned by GetDC(HWND)

I have two methods, paintDoubleBuffered and paint. They are both supposed to draw this image on the screen:
The image is made up of approximately 12 smaller images each sized 256x256 tiled together.
My standard painting method works as expected. Here it is:
void MainWindow::paint(HWND hwnd) {
HDC hdc{GetDC(hwnd)};
paint(hwnd, hdc);
ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc);
void MainWindow::paint(HWND hwnd, HDC hdc) {
constexpr INT img_width{ MDNR_Map::pannel_width };
constexpr INT img_height{ MDNR_Map::pannel_height };
const INT width{ GetDeviceCaps(hdc, HORZRES) };
const INT height{ GetDeviceCaps(hdc, VERTRES) };
const INT num_width_pannels{ (width / img_width) + 1 };
const INT num_height_pannels{ (height / img_height) + 1 };
Gdiplus::Graphics g(hdc);
for (INT y = 0; y < num_height_pannels; y++) {
for (INT x = 0; x < num_width_pannels; x++) {
Location_t get_loaction(x + map_location.x, y + map_location.y, map_location.layer);
const IMG_t v{ mdnr_map.get(get_loaction) };
const Point drawPoint((INT)(img_width * x), (INT)(img_height * y));
Status stat{ g.DrawImage(v, drawPoint) };
if (stat != Status::Ok)
throw std::runtime_error(":(");
The issue with that paint method is that mdnr_map.get is an io bound call and may take several micro seconds. Because I need to call it about 12 times, it can lead to flickering.
To solve this, I attempted to write a double-buffered paint method, which is as follows:
void MainWindow::paintDoubleBuffered(HWND hwnd) {
// Get DC for window
HDC hdc{ GetDC(hwnd) };
const INT win_width{ GetDeviceCaps(hdc, HORZRES) };
const INT win_height{ GetDeviceCaps(hdc, VERTRES) };
// Create an off-screen DC for double-buffering
HDC hdcMem{ CreateCompatibleDC(hdc) };
HBITMAP hbmMem{ CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdc, win_width, win_height) };
HANDLE hOld{ SelectObject(hdcMem, hbmMem) };
// Draw into hdcMem here
paint(hwnd, hdcMem);
// Transfer the off-screen DC to the screen
BitBlt(hdc, 0, 0, win_width, win_height, hdcMem, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
// Free-up the off-screen DC
SelectObject(hdcMem, hOld);
However, this does not work and instead produces this abombination of an image:
With a little poking and proding, I was able to discover that if I changed my double buffered paint method by multiplying the image size by 1.5, the image was no longer so garbled, but was now zoomed in by a factor of 1.5
void MainWindow::paintDoubleBuffered(HWND hwnd) {
// Get DC for window
HDC hdc{ GetDC(hwnd) };
const INT win_width{ GetDeviceCaps(hdc, HORZRES) };
const INT win_height{ GetDeviceCaps(hdc, VERTRES) };
// Create an off-screen DC for double-buffering
HDC hdcMem{ CreateCompatibleDC(hdc) };
HBITMAP hbmMem{ CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdc, win_width, win_height) };
HANDLE hOld{ SelectObject(hdcMem, hbmMem) };
// Draw into hdcMem here
constexpr INT img_width{ MDNR_Map::pannel_width + 128 }; // MDNR_Map::pannel_width is 256
constexpr INT img_height{ MDNR_Map::pannel_height + 128}; // MDNR_Map::pannel_height is 256
const INT num_width_pannels{ (win_width / img_width) + 1 };
const INT num_height_pannels{ (win_height / img_height) + 1 };
Gdiplus::Graphics g(hdcMem);
for (INT y = 0; y < num_height_pannels; y++) {
for (INT x = 0; x < num_width_pannels; x++) {
Location_t get_loaction(x + map_location.x, y + map_location.y, map_location.layer);
Gdiplus::Bitmap* pannel{ mdnr_map.get(get_loaction) };
const Point drawPoint((INT)(img_width * x), (INT)(img_height * y));
Status stat{ g.DrawImage(pannel, drawPoint) };
if (stat != Status::Ok)
throw std::runtime_error(":(");
// Transfer the off-screen DC to the screen
BitBlt(hdc, 0, 0, win_width, win_height, hdcMem, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
// Free-up the off-screen DC
SelectObject(hdcMem, hOld);
My question is why does drawing to the HDC returned by CreateCompatibleBitmap produce a different result than drawing to the HDC returned by GetDC?
I have tried:
All raster-operation codes for BltBlt.
I have checked that the temporary HDC is the same size as the window.
I have tried replacing the code snippet
const INT win_width{ GetDeviceCaps(hdc, HORZRES) };
const INT win_height{ GetDeviceCaps(hdc, VERTRES) };
RECT rect;
GetWindowRect(hwnd, &rect);
const INT win_width{ rect.right - rect.left };
const INT win_height{ rect.bottom - };
I have also called SetProcessDPIAware() before drawing.
Upon feedback from #Paul Sanders, I rewrote my paintDoubleBuffered method as follows, NOTE, I have called BufferedPaintInit in the object constructor:
void MainWindow::paintDoubleBuffered(HWND hwnd) {
HDC hdc{ BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps)};
RECT sz;
GetWindowRect(hwnd, &sz);
BP_PAINTPARAMS paintParams = { 0 };
paintParams.cbSize = sizeof(paintParams);
paintParams.dwFlags = BPPF_ERASE;
paintParams.pBlendFunction = NULL;
paintParams.prcExclude = NULL;
HDC hdcBuffer;
HPAINTBUFFER hBufferedPaint = BeginBufferedPaint(hdc, &sz, BPBF_COMPATIBLEBITMAP, &paintParams, &hdcBuffer);
if (hBufferedPaint && this->bufferedInitResult == Ok) {
// Application specific painting code
paint(hwnd, hdcBuffer);
EndBufferedPaint(hBufferedPaint, TRUE);
paint(hwnd, hdc);
ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc);
Unfortunately, this did not work and the resultant screen looks like this:
The issue ended up being not in the approach to double buffering, but in the call to Graphics::DrawImage(Image*, Gdiplus::Point) in my paint method. Changing to DrawImage(Image* image, INT x, INT y, INT width, INT height) fixed the scaling issue.

How to extract bitmap from spritesheet in Win32 C++?

I'm trying to load individual cards from a spritesheet of cards based on suit and rank but I'm unsure of how to construct a new Bitmap object from cutting out Rectangle coordinates in the source image. I'm using <windows.h> currently and trying to find a simple way to accomplish this. I'm looking for something like this:
HBITMAP* twoOfHearts = CutOutFromImage(sourceImage, new Rectangle(0, 0, 76, 116));
From source:
Here's a function I played with the other week for more-or-less this same task. In my case, I wanted to return a HBRUSH that could be used with FillRect. In that instance, we still need to create a bitmap of the area of interest, before then going on to create a brush from it.
In your case, just return the dstBmp instead. spriteSheet is a global that has had a 256x256 spritesheet loaded. I've hardcoded the size of my sprites to 16x16, you'd need to change that to something like 81x117.
Here's some code that grabs a copy of the required area and some more that uses these 'stamps' to draw a level map. That said - there are all kinds of problems with this approach. Speed is one, excessive work is another one that impacts on the first. Finally, scrolling a window drawn like this produces artefacts.
// grabs a 16x16px section from the spriteSheet HBITMAP
HBRUSH getSpriteBrush(int col, int row)
HDC memDC, dstDC, curDC;
HBITMAP oldMemBmp, oldDstBmp, dstBmp;
memDC = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);
dstDC = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);
dstBmp = CreateCompatibleBitmap(curDC, 16, 16);
int xOfs, yOfs;
xOfs = 16 * col;
yOfs = 16 * row;
oldMemBmp = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(memDC, spriteSheet);
oldDstBmp = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(dstDC, dstBmp);
BitBlt(dstDC,0,0,16,16, memDC, xOfs,yOfs, SRCCOPY);
SelectObject(memDC, oldMemBmp);
SelectObject(dstDC, oldDstBmp);
HBRUSH result;
result = CreatePatternBrush(dstBmp);
return result;
void drawCompoundSprite(int x, int y, HDC paintDC, char *tileIndexes, int numCols, int numRows)
int mapCol, mapRow;
HBRUSH curSprite;
RECT curDstRect;
for (mapRow=0; mapRow<numRows; mapRow++)
for (mapCol=0; mapCol<numCols; mapCol++)
int curSpriteIndex = tileIndexes[mapRow*numCols + mapCol];
int spriteX, spriteY;
spriteX = curSpriteIndex % 16;
spriteY = curSpriteIndex / 16;
curDstRect.left = x + 16*mapCol; = y + 16 * mapRow;
curDstRect.right = curDstRect.left + 16;
curDstRect.bottom = + 16;
curSprite = getSpriteBrush(spriteX, spriteY);
FillRect(paintDC, &curDstRect, curSprite);
The latter function has since been replaced with the following:
void drawCompoundSpriteFast(int x, int y, HDC paintDC, unsigned char *tileIndexes, int numCols, int numRows, pMapInternalData mData)
int mapCol, mapRow;
HBRUSH curSprite;
RECT curDstRect;
HDC memDC;
memDC = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);
oldBmp = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(memDC, mData->spriteSheet);
for (mapRow=0; mapRow<numRows; mapRow++)
for (mapCol=0; mapCol<numCols; mapCol++)
int curSpriteIndex = tileIndexes[mapRow*numCols + mapCol];
int spriteX, spriteY;
spriteX = curSpriteIndex % mData->tileWidth;
spriteY = curSpriteIndex / mData->tileHeight
// Draw sprite as-is
// BitBlt(paintDC, x+16*mapCol, y+16*mapRow,
// mData->tileWidth, mData->tileHeight,
// memDC,
// spriteX * 16, spriteY*16,
// Draw sprite with magenta rgb(255,0,255) areas treated as transparent (empty)
x+mData->tileWidth*mapCol, y+mData->tileHeight*mapRow,
mData->tileWidth, mData->tileHeight,
spriteX * mData->tileWidth, spriteY*mData->tileHeight,
mData->tileWidth, mData->tileHeight,
SelectObject(memDC, oldBmp);

How to make background in MFC translucent?

I import a picture(.bmp or .jpeg) as the background of a client view in MFC.
When I click Open, function CDrawToolView::OnFileOpen() open a window to choose a picture, then I use ShowBitmap(CDC* pDC,CString strPicPath) and ShowPic(CDC* pDC,CString strPicPath) to load the picture as backgroud and adjust the size of client view to fit the picture.
I want to set the picture translucent, so the background looks softer. Could some one help me or give some suggestion, thanks.
Here is my code:
void CDrawToolView::ShowBitmap(CDC* pDC,CString strPicPath)
CRect rect;
CDC dcImage;
if (!dcImage.CreateCompatibleDC(pDC))
void CDrawToolView::ShowPic(CDC* pDC,CString strPicPath)
HRESULT hResult=m_MyImage.Load(strPicPath);
int iWidth=m_MyImage.GetWidth();
int iHeight=m_MyImage.GetHeight();
CRect client(0, 0, iWidth, iHeight);
CFrameWnd* pFrame = GetParentFrame();
int width = client.Width();
int height = client.Height();
int y = (::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN) - height) / 2 + 100;
int x = (::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN) - width) / 2;
pFrame->SetWindowPos( NULL, x, y, width, height, SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOZORDER );
Use AlphaBlend instead of StretchBlt
Set SourceConstantAlpha in your BLENDFUNCTION struct to something like 128 (halfway between transparent and opaque), then adjust until it looks good.
AlphaFormat should be zero unless your usa a 32-bit bitmap with an alpha channel.

Winapi get string width in pixels

I'm trying to create a method that gives me the width of a string in pixels.
My code so far:
inline void getTextWidth(HWND hwnd char* text) {
SIZE textSize;
GetTextExtentPoint32(GetDC(hwnd), text, strlen(text), &textSize);
return ?;
I know that I should use LPtoDP (MSDN), but at wants points as parameters and not the SIZE that GetTextExtentPoint32 returns.
How do I convert this?
The SIZE structure contains both a height and a width. Since you only care about the width, you apparently want LPtoDP(;.
I solved it using another method. For everyone who is interested, this is my solution:
int getStringWidth(char *text, HFONT font) {
HDC dc = GetDC(NULL);
SelectObject(dc, font);
RECT rect = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
DrawText(dc, text, strlen(text), &rect, DT_CALCRECT | DT_NOPREFIX | DT_SINGLELINE);
int textWidth = abs(rect.right - rect.left);
return textWidth;

MFC C++ Screenshot

I have an application that has drawn a grid using CDC (it has text, rectangle, and bitmaps). I want to take a screenshot of that finished grid when it is saved and use that screenshot as a "preview" for the file.
How can I take a screenshot of my application and save it?
Thank you,
Answer is here
void CScreenShotDlg::OnPaint()
// device context for painting
CPaintDC dc(this);
// Get the window handle of calculator application.
HWND hWnd = ::FindWindow( 0, _T( "Calculator" ));
// Take screenshot.
PrintWindow( hWnd,
0 );
Ultimately I ended up doing it this way because I wanted to capture even the hidden parts of the window (since the content extends beyond the screen and requires scrolling):
CDC* WindowToCaptureDC = AfxGetMainWnd()->GetWindowDC();
CDC CaptureDC;
CBitmap CaptureBmp;
CBitmap ResizeBmp;
int pWidth = grid.tableWidth + grid.marginLeft*2;
int pHeight = grid.tableHeight + grid.marginBottom;
CaptureBmp.CreateCompatibleBitmap( WindowToCaptureDC, pWidth, pHeight);
CBrush brush(RGB(255, 255, 255));
CaptureDC.Rectangle(0, 0, pWidth, pHeight);
///Drew items into CaptureDC like I did for OnDraw HERE///
double width = //desired width;
double height = //desired width;
//maintain aspect ratio
if(pWidth!=width || pHeight!=height)
double w = width/pWidth;
double h = height/pHeight;
if(w < h)
height = height*w;
width = width*h;
ResizeBmp.CreateCompatibleBitmap(WindowToCaptureDC, width, height);
MemDC.StretchBlt(0, 0, width, height, &CaptureDC, 0, 0, pWidth, pHeight, SRCCOPY);
CImage TempImageObj;
CString filePath = _T("LOCATION\\image.bmp");