make a record read-only in vTiger once it is saved - vtiger

I have a question please..
how can I make a record become read-only once a particular field has a particular value. for eg. status field has the value "validate"
Think you :)

Vtiger does not offer that functionality through configuration means. However you can create a "before save" event handler. That is code that gets executed every time a record gets saved (but just before the saving is final).
In a nutshell, you have to first create the handler (a php class that extends the VTEventHandler class), then inside that class create the function handleEvent($eventName, $entityData). Inside the function you would write your logic. Finally, you have to register your handler by calling vtlib's Vtiger_Event::register.
In your event handler you can check what the value of the field was before being edited and after it was edited (but before being saved). So, if the field value prior to editing was "validate", in your code you just have to make sure that value stays that way.
You can find more on event handlers here:


model ready event not fired after transition to page where model is needed

I have a model with a bunch computed properties and things in a ready event:
one field of the model is a json field, for which I defined sub keys if non existent.
dynamic computed properties depending on the model content are defined
the model is associated to route rep/route/:idmodel with findRecord call to a backend
when I am on the page /rep/route/123, for instance, the ready event is fired and everything is ok,
so far so good
When I go elsewhere and return to /rep/route/123 the ready event is not fired again. it seems ok since there was not another ajax call, the record is in the data storage.
But what was defined in the ready callback seems not to persist. if the ready event was not called on the page /rep/route/123 I am returning on
subkeys of the json field are not there anymore
dynamic computed propertiesare not there
that is to say if the model has been loaded from the backend previously, the ready event was fired then, but the benefits of it (some computed properties defined dynamically on the model) disappear once I return on the page where it would be needed, if no new ajax call is needed.
the only workaround I found is to call model.reload on some didInsertElement of a component in the /rep/route template, to force ajax call and fire the ready event
I also tried to call this.get('model').ready() directly but it does not work.
So what would be the best way to keep all dynamic things defined in the ready event, when quitting the page and returning on it afterwards.
I am not sure I understand your question correctly, but an Ember route with a dynamic segment will only have its model hook called when it is .entered via the URL.
Since your :123 is a dynamic segment, transitionTo will not get model hook called in your route.

How to write a python function called automatically?

how to write a Python function who is called automatically in openerp without an event or a button, i have writed the function but now i called it with a button, but it must be called automatically
function field will get automatically call without any event or button.
If store=True will store the value of the field in database.
Once stored then the functional fields function will not be executed again.
If 'store'=False, then every time(any change in the record) the functional field will be executed
from this link you can get more detail: [][1]
Hope this help.

Qt5: Tell QPlainTextEdit to ignore syntax highlighting changes

I have a QPlainTextEdit widget in my application which has a QSyntaxHighlighter assigned to it. Upon each content change within that text edit area, I need to get a notification (to update the global application save/changed state). However, the signal textChanged() also gets emitted each time the highlighter gets to work, which I need to filter out somehow.
I already had a look at modificationChanged(), but that doesn't seem to work either. It ignores the highlighting changes and successfully notifies me upon the first content change, but not of any subsequent changes. The documentation mentions, that I should be able to reset the internal state with setModified(false) but that method doesn't seem to exist.
Any ideas on how to filter the changes?
Do I have to switch to QTextDocument which seems to have a single contentsChanged() that is said to ignore syntax highlighting changes?
It turns out I already was on the right track...just not all the way:
I indeed need to listen to modificationChanged signals since they are emitted on content changes (which are the relevant events for my application save state handling).
I however originally did not see a way to reset the internal modification state (e.g. when my application saves its state). The reason was that setModified(bool) does not exist for the QPlainTextEdit, but I realized that each of those objects has a QTextDocument internally which does have that method. So I simply call that each time I need to reset the state to non-modified:
As a result, when the content is changed the next time, modificationChanged will get emitted again so that I can react to it and for example enable the "Save" icon.
BTW: The signal contentsChanged from QTextDocument is also emitted upon formatting changes, so not helpful in my scenario.
I have not tested it, it is just basically an idea.
When the user modifies the text, it is a QKeyEvent.
When the highlighter does, it is some sort of QInputMethodEvent (?)
What you could do is, check if the event is a QKeyEvent, and if it is not, block it.
You can create a filterobject class, or just define the following method in the class that contains the QTextEdit.
bool MyClass::eventFilter(QObject *o, QEvent *e)
if (e->type() == QKeyEvent) //The user modified the text edit
return false;
return true;
And you have to install it (for example in the constructor), if you defined it in the class that contains QTextEdit:
Instead of hooking into modificationChanged(), and resetting the modified flag everytime, you could just hook into textChanged(). It's triggered anytime you make a change to the document, regardless if had been previously changed or not...

How to know when all QAbstractItemModel::data() functions finished

I wrote a QAbstractItemModel based class and implemented data(const QModelIndex & ar_index, int a_role) const function. I refresh the model using:
beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), 0, 0);
// fill model
Inside data function I update some information X needed after refreshing.
I checked that data functions are invoked after refreshing the model and debugging I verified that my X variable is properly setted.
After refreshing, I need to fill another widget with this X value. How do I know that all data refresh was finished and correctly show Xvalue? Which signal is emmited after completelly refreshing the model?
There is no standard signal to use here -- the Qt's MVC API is designed to support not only static models, but also the dynamic ones, and for these, there cannot ever be a signal telling "all done". For example, in Trojita, a Qt IMAP e-mail client, rowsInserted is emitted to indicate that a new e-mail has arrived, but this happens even before the library knows anything about the new arrivals -- not even their UIDs. Only after the remote server has responded to the library's commands with data, the dataChanged is emitted to indicate that the "data represented by the model" has changed and that the attached views shall update.
You said you're reimplementing your own QAIM from scratch. This means that you can set any contracts you see fit here. Are some of the data immutable, i.e. guaranteed to never change after they have been loaded? If so, you can use a custom role like RoleIsItemFetched and after each change to the model (that is, after modelReset, rowsInserted, rowsMoved and dataChanged) check whether your data(someIndex, RoleIsItemFetched).toBool() function returns true. If so, you have your data, if not, you have to keep waiting.
An alternative to that might be to introduce your own signal. Don't be afraid of that, the MVC API is great for presenting data to users, but if you think you need more control over what is returned and have full control over the model and the "views", go ahead and make the code do what you need.

Ember.js textField change event

I just start to learn ember.js
Why this code don't work properly -- App.MyTextField.change() execution is triggered only after MyTextField loses focus?
Alternative code with the same functionality works as expected.
Keep in mind that handlers on your Ember.Views (change, select, click, etc) are bound to normal HTML DOM events. "onchange" only gets called on an input field when the field loses focus and has changed, not any time the value is modified. You should observe 'value' if you want to be notified of changes to the displayed value.
Here's a working solution.
What I've done is made formDirty a computed value, which recomputes upon changes in the input. Ember, unlike the native "change" event, updates the the Input's value on each keystroke (copy/paste event etc).
Ember's binding makes sure the peopleController is always updated with the input value, thus also updating the computed field formDirty.
Note that if you add more inputs, you must tell the computed property to listen to its events, e.g.
formDirty: function() {
return !Ember.empty(this.get('fName')) && !Ember.empty(this.get('lName'));;
}.property('lName', 'fName').cacheable() // <- dependencies
cacheable() is used for performance sake only, meaning don't computed again until the dependencies change.