phpunit skipping tests with dependencies between different test cases - unit-testing

For a integration test I want to reuse test results. A dependency is defined via annotations. For the depending tests to be executed the result from previous tests needs to be available. Therefore the tests need to be executed in a fixed order. Otherwise tests which depend on other tests are skipped. To make sure the tests are executed in a fixed order, a test suite has been defined. Still the test with the dependency is skipped. Why is that?
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
class ATest extends TestCase
public function testA()
return $this;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
class BTest extends TestCase
* #depends ATest::testA()
public function testB($a)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<testsuite name="dependency">
phpunit --testsuite dependency
PHPUnit 5.5.7 by Sebastian Bergmann and
Runtime: PHP 7.1.5 with Xdebug 2.5.4 Configuration:
.S 2
/ 2 (100%)
Time: 49 ms, Memory: 4.00MB
There was 1 skipped test:
1) BTest::testB This test depends on "ATest::testA()" to pass.
OK, but incomplete, skipped, or risky tests! Tests: 1, Assertions: 1,
Skipped: 1.

You can't have a test depend on a test in a different TestCase. The tests need to be contained in the same test case. Since the test is not in the test case, it gets treated like a failed test and the test is skipped when you run the tests.
Your tests need to be combined into one test in order for the dependency to work.
Part of the reason for this is that each of your tests should be isolated and be able to run in any order. Having a test depend on a test in a separate testcase means that the test files will need to run in a specific order. This can get complicated very easily with having circular test dependencies.
In addition, you now have things affecting tests that are not contained within your testcase. This can lead to a nightmare in maintaining the tests.


How can I skip running slow tests when running a particular test suite in PHPUnit, but still run all tests when I need full code coverage?

I have a single test suite that is marked at so in my PHPUnit configuration. The test suite contains various many tests, and it also has database-intensive live database tests, which take a long time to complete.
In particular one of the tests takes over 2 seconds to complete (see below).
I want to separate running fast tests form slow tests, so that I can run the full slow but complete version of tests when I have more time, but in general I want to run the fast tests for my every-day needs, thereby omitting the slow tests when running the test suit.
How can I do this?
For the record, my phpunit.xml config is like so:
<phpunit bootstrap="bootstrap.php">
<testsuite name="Crating">
Command I use to run my test suite is like so:
phpunit -c phpunit.xml --testsuite CratingCalc
One of the files in my ../module/Crating/test/ directory is CrateRepositoryTest.php. It looks like so:
class CrateRepositoryTest extends TestCase
function testCombine()
//mocked up hardcoded data
$fake = new FakeCratingDataModel();
//connection to real live database
$real = new CratingDataModel();
* Tests that verify mocked up data to match live data
* Purpose to have them is to alert me when live database data or schema change
$this->assertEquals($fake->getContentsBySalesOrderNumber(7777), $real->getContentsBySalesOrderNumber(7777));
$this->assertEquals($fake->getContentsByShopJobNumber(17167), $real->getContentsByShopJobNumber(17167));
$this->assertEquals($fake->getNearCrating(20, 20, 20), $real->getNearCrating(20, 20, 20));
$this->assertEquals($fake->getContentsByInquiryNumber(640, 2), $real->getContentsByInquiryNumber(25640, 2));
Normally, you can add annotations #group small or I have #group ci (just for things I'll run in a full CI environment).
Having small, medium or large tests is in fact so common, there are dedicated group annotations - #small, #medium & #large, and there are also settings for the phpunit.xml file that can also give a time-limit for each (and will kill, and fail them, if they take too long):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<phpunit xmlns:xsi=""
.... >
I have two ways to run my tests - the full version that does not exclude any groups (running over 1250 tests takes around 50 seconds, without coverage), and the faster tests that adds --exclude-group ci,large,webtest to the phpunit command, that can run 630 of the tests in less than 4 seconds.

scalatest run integration test separately from unit test

I am using scalatest maven plugin and I would like to run integration test separately from unit tests. The tests path are src/it and src/test for integration test and unit test respectively.
Which is the best approach to achieve this goal?
One option is to create an object and then use it as a tag in each test:
object IntegrationTag extends Tag("Integration-Test")
test("Test for correct number of records", IntegrationTag) {
// some stuff
Then, if you want to test the Unit Tests simply run the command:
mvn test -DtagsToExclude=Integration-Test
This is a possible solution...sure that will be more.

Get Coverage stats when tests are in another package

My tests aren't in the same package as my code. I find this a less cluttered way of organising a codebase with a lot of test files, and I've read that it's a good idea in order to limit tests to interacting via the package's public api.
So it looks something like this:
I can type go test bandsintown-api/api_client_tests -cover
and see 0.181s coverage: 100.0% of statements. But that's actually just coverage over my UtilityFunction.go (as I say when I ran go test bandsintown-api/api_client_tests -cover=cover.out and
go tool cover -html=cover.out).
Is there any way to get the coverage for the actual api_client package under test, without bringing it all into the same package?
As it is mentioned in comments you can run
go test -cover -coverpkg "api_client" "api_client_tests"
to run the tests with coverage.
But splitting code files from tests files to a different directories isn't a Go's way.
I suppose that you want to have a black-box testing(nothing package-private stuff can be accessible outside, even for tests).
To accomplish this it's allowed to have tests in another package(without moving the files). Example:
package api_client
// will not be accessible outside of the package
var privateVar = 10
func Method() {
package api_client_tests
import "testing"
func TestClient(t *testing.T) {

Separating unit tests and integration tests in Go

Is there an established best practice for separating unit tests and integration tests in GoLang (testify)? I have a mix of unit tests (which do not rely on any external resources and thus run really fast) and integration tests (which do rely on any external resources and thus run slower). So, I want to be able to control whether or not to include the integration tests when I say go test.
The most straight-forward technique would seem to be to define a -integrate flag in main:
var runIntegrationTests = flag.Bool("integration", false
, "Run the integration tests (in addition to the unit tests)")
And then to add an if-statement to the top of every integration test:
if !*runIntegrationTests {
this.T().Skip("To run this test, use: go test -integration")
Is this the best I can do? I searched the testify documentation to see if there is perhaps a naming convention or something that accomplishes this for me, but didn't find anything. Am I missing something?
#Ainar-G suggests several great patterns to separate tests.
This set of Go practices from SoundCloud recommends using build tags (described in the "Build Constraints" section of the build package) to select which tests to run:
Write an integration_test.go, and give it a build tag of integration. Define (global) flags for things like service addresses and connect strings, and use them in your tests.
// +build integration
var fooAddr = flag.String(...)
func TestToo(t *testing.T) {
f, err := foo.Connect(*fooAddr)
// ...
go test takes build tags just like go build, so you can call go test -tags=integration. It also synthesizes a package main which calls flag.Parse, so any flags declared and visible will be processed and available to your tests.
As a similar option, you could also have integration tests run by default by using a build condition // +build !unit, and then disable them on demand by running go test -tags=unit.
#adamc comments:
For anyone else attempting to use build tags, it's important that the // +build test comment is the first line in your file, and that you include a blank line after the comment, otherwise the -tags command will ignore the directive.
Also, the tag used in the build comment cannot have a dash, although underscores are allowed. For example, // +build unit-tests will not work, whereas // +build unit_tests will.
To elaborate on my comment to #Ainar-G's excellent answer, over the past year I have been using the combination of -short with Integration naming convention to achieve the best of both worlds.
Unit and Integration tests harmony, in the same file
Build flags previously forced me to have multiple files (services_test.go, services_integration_test.go, etc).
Instead, take this example below where the first two are unit tests and I have an integration test at the end:
package services
import "testing"
func TestServiceFunc(t *testing.T) {
func TestInvalidServiceFunc3(t *testing.T) {
func TestPostgresVersionIntegration(t *testing.T) {
if testing.Short() {
t.Skip("skipping integration test")
Notice the last test has the convention of:
using Integration in the test name.
checking if running under -short flag directive.
Basically, the spec goes: "write all tests normally. if it is a long-running tests, or an integration test, follow this naming convention and check for -short to be nice to your peers."
Run only Unit tests:
go test -v -short
this provides you with a nice set of messages like:
=== RUN TestPostgresVersionIntegration
--- SKIP: TestPostgresVersionIntegration (0.00s)
service_test.go:138: skipping integration test
Run Integration Tests only:
go test -run Integration
This runs only the integration tests. Useful for smoke testing canaries in production.
Obviously the downside to this approach is if anyone runs go test, without the -short flag, it will default to run all tests - unit and integration tests.
In reality, if your project is large enough to have unit and integration tests, then you most likely are using a Makefile where you can have simple directives to use go test -short in it. Or, just put it in your file and call it the day.
I see three possible solutions. The first is to use the short mode for unit tests. So you would use go test -short with unit tests and the same but without the -short flag to run your integration tests as well. The standard library uses the short mode to either skip long-running tests, or make them run faster by providing simpler data.
The second is to use a convention and call your tests either TestUnitFoo or TestIntegrationFoo and then use the -run testing flag to denote which tests to run. So you would use go test -run 'Unit' for unit tests and go test -run 'Integration' for integration tests.
The third option is to use an environment variable, and get it in your tests setup with os.Getenv. Then you would use simple go test for unit tests and FOO_TEST_INTEGRATION=true go test for integration tests.
I personally would prefer the -short solution since it's simpler and is used in the standard library, so it seems like it's a de facto way of separating/simplifying long-running tests. But the -run and os.Getenv solutions offer more flexibility (more caution is required as well, since regexps are involved with -run).
I was trying to find a solution for the same recently.
These were my criteria:
The solution must be universal
No separate package for integration tests
The separation should be complete (I should be able to run integration tests only)
No special naming convention for integration tests
It should work well without additional tooling
The aforementioned solutions (custom flag, custom build tag, environment variables) did not really satisfy all the above criteria, so after a little digging and playing I came up with this solution:
package main
import (
func TestIntegration(t *testing.T) {
if m := flag.Lookup("").Value.String(); m == "" || !regexp.MustCompile(m).MatchString(t.Name()) {
t.Skip("skipping as execution was not requested explicitly using go test -run")
t.Run("HelloWorld", testHelloWorld)
t.Run("SayHello", testSayHello)
The implementation is straightforward and minimal. Although it requires a simple convention for tests, but it's less error prone. Further improvement could be exporting the code to a helper function.
Run integration tests only across all packages in a project:
go test -v ./... -run ^TestIntegration$
Run all tests (regular and integration):
go test -v ./... -run .\*
Run only regular tests:
go test -v ./...
This solution works well without tooling, but a Makefile or some aliases can make it easier to user. It can also be easily integrated into any IDE that supports running go tests.
The full example can be found here:
I encourage you to look at Peter Bourgons approach, it is simple and avoids some problems with the advice in the other answers:
There are many downsides to using build tags, short mode or flags, see here.
I would recommend using environment variables with a test helper that can be imported into individual packages:
func IntegrationTest(t *testing.T) {
if os.Getenv("INTEGRATION") == "" {
t.Skip("skipping integration tests, set environment variable INTEGRATION")
In your tests you can now easily call this at the start of your test function:
func TestPostgresQuery(t *testing.T) {
// ...
Why I would not recommend using either -short or flags:
Someone who checks out your repository for the first time should be able to run go test ./... and all tests are passing which is often not the case if this relies on external dependencies.
The problem with the flag package is that it will work until you have integration tests across different packages and some will run flag.Parse() and some will not which will lead to an error like this:
go test ./... -integration
flag provided but not defined: -integration
Usage of /tmp/go-build3903398677/b001/foo.test:
Environment variables appear to be the most flexible, robust and require the least amount of code with no visible downsides.

mvn test does not find JUnit Tests

I have a a test class which is named so the test class if found. But the unit tests within the class are not run when I execute mvn test.
I am using JUnit 4 and the test method's are annotated with #Test. eg.
public void shouldDoSomeAsserting() {
// unit test impl
If I rename that test method so it is name testShouldDoSomeAsserting() then mvn test does find and execute that unit test.
I was under the impression that when I use #Test as long as the method was public and void that it would be considered a test method.
Have I missed something?
Are you absolutely sure you are using JUnit 4? This sounds like JUnit 3 behaviour.
I made a minimal sample project and I couldn't recreate your problem. The test runs as expected.
The sample project is here:
Maybe you can get some kind of hint from it.
I've got it working by manually specifying a provider; more details here: Surefire JUnit 4 config