I want to preface this post: This is perhaps more of a math question than a coding question.
I am developing a plant (lettuce) model which involves somewhat complex geometry. At this stage I have a surface curved in 2 dimensions but now I want to add waviness to this curved surface but am having a hard time envisioning how to do so. The surface is made of triangle primatives, the primatives take xyz vectors to encode location of vertices. I am using an API termed HELIOS to develop this procedural model of lettuce. I essentially created the surface with for loops and the sine function. Disclaimer: I do not have a strong background in geometry, computer graphics, or C++.
Here is the relevant code:
#include "Context.h"
#include "Visualizer.h"
using namespace helios;
using namespace std;
vector<uint> addLeaf(float leaf_length, float leaf_width, float leaf_bend_x, float leaf_bend_y, float rotation_z, float rotation_x, float displacement, float radius, Context* context ) {
std::vector<uint> UUIDs;
// float leaf_length = 10;
float Nz = 10; // params.s1_leaf_subdivisions ; number of times to split the dimension
float dz = leaf_length / Nz; // length of each subdivision
// float leaf_width = 10;
float Ny = 10; // params.s1_leaf_subdivisions ; number of times to split the dimension
float dy = leaf_width / Ny; // length of each subdivision
// leaf wave
// float A_3 = leaf_length * float(0.5); // Half waves on the leaf 10
// float A_2 = leaf_length * float(0.1); // amplitude 0.25
float A_3 = 1; // Half waves on the leaf 10
float A_2 = 1; // amplitude 0.25
float leaf_amplitude = leaf_length / float(10);
// the 2 * dx extends the sine wave a bit beyond 1/2 wavelength so base of leaves come together
for (int i = 0; i < Nz + (2 * dz); i++) {
for (float j = 0; j < Ny; j++) {
float z = i * dz; //for each subdivision in z define Z coord
float y = j * dy; //for each subdivision in y define y coord
float x = 0; // we will also need an x coord
float sz = dz; // the next step in z will be equal to a subdivision in z
float sy = dy; // the next step in y will be equal to a subdivision in y
float z_i = z * M_PI / (Nz * dz); // the second coord for z is z_i needed to define a triangle primitive
float sz_i = (z + sz) * M_PI / (Nz * dz); //
// this would be y_1 in sorghum model
float y_i = (y * M_PI / (Ny * dy)) / (A_3); // the second coord for y is y_i needed to define a triangle primitive
float sy_i = ((y + sy) * M_PI / (Ny * dy)) / (A_3);
//waviness of leaf
float leaf_wave_1;
float leaf_wave_2;
float leaf_wave_3;
float leaf_wave_4;
if (j == 0) {
leaf_wave_1 = A_2 * sin(z_i);
leaf_wave_2 = A_2 * sin(sz_i);
} else {
leaf_wave_1 = A_2 * sin(z_i);
leaf_wave_2 = A_2 * sin(sz_i);
// Now define x based on z,y and add leaf bend in x and y
x = leaf_bend_x * sin(z_i);
x = ((x*radius + displacement + (leaf_bend_y * sin(y_i))) / 2) + leaf_wave_1;
vec3 v0(x*radius + displacement, y, z);
x = leaf_bend_x * sin(sz_i);
x = ((x*radius + displacement + (leaf_bend_y * sin(y_i))) / 2) + leaf_wave_2;
vec3 v1(x*radius + displacement, y, z + sz);
if (j == Nz - 1) {
leaf_wave_3 = sin(sz_i) * A_2;
leaf_wave_4 = sin(z_i) * A_2;
} else {
leaf_wave_3 = sin(sz_i) * A_2;
leaf_wave_4 = sin(z_i) * A_2;
x = leaf_bend_x * sin(sz_i);
x = ((x*radius + displacement + (leaf_bend_y * sin(sy_i))) / 2) + leaf_wave_3 ;
vec3 v2(x*radius + displacement, y + sy, z + sz);
x = leaf_bend_x * sin(z_i);
x = ((x*radius + displacement + (leaf_bend_y * sin(sy_i))) / 2) + leaf_wave_4 ;
vec3 v3(x*radius + displacement, y + sy, z);
// set of two triangles which form a rectangle or square as subunits of leaf
UUIDs.push_back(context->addTriangle(v0, v1, v2, RGB::cyan));
UUIDs.push_back(context->addTriangle(v0, v2, v3, RGB::magenta));
return UUIDs;
// call to functions and build lettuce geometries
int main( void ){
Context context;
float leaf_length = 10;
float leaf_width = 10;
float radius = 1; // additional control leaf curvature
// add leaves one by one; 'i' here is # of leaves external to whorl
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
if (i == 0)addLeaf(leaf_length, leaf_width, 0.5*leaf_length, 0.5*leaf_width, 4 * M_PI / 9*i, 0, i/5, radius, &context);
// if (i == 1)addLeaf(leaf_length, leaf_width, 0.5*leaf_length, 0.5*leaf_width, 4 * M_PI / 9*i, -M_PI/ 20, i/5, radius, &context);
// if (i == 2)addLeaf(leaf_length, leaf_width, 0.5*leaf_length, 0.5*leaf_width, 4 * M_PI / 9*i, -M_PI/ 10, i/5, radius, &context);
// if (i == 3)addLeaf(leaf_length, leaf_width, 0.5*leaf_length, 0.5*leaf_width, 4 * M_PI / 9*i, -M_PI/ 9, i/5, radius, &context);
// if (i == 4)addLeaf(leaf_length, leaf_width, 0.5*leaf_length, 0.5*leaf_width, 4 * M_PI / 9*i, -M_PI/ 7, i/5, radius, &context);
// if (i == 5)addLeaf(leaf_length, leaf_width, 0.5*leaf_length, 0.5*leaf_width, 4 * M_PI / 9*i, -M_PI/ 5, i/5, radius, &context);
Visualizer visualizer(800);
I tried to use a sine function and an additional for loop to create a series of values to add to the X coordinate of the triangles but did not obtain the result I was looking for.
This is how you can create a Wave Geometry.
you can keep updating the m_fTime values to animate the wave.
// m_iWaveFlowOut -> value to be either 0 or 1
//m_fFrequency -> Number of waves
//m_fAmplitude -> Amplitude of wave
void Generate()
const int n8 = m_iNSegments * 8; // size of VBO gfx data
const int sz0 = m_iMSegments * n8; // size of VBO gfx data
const int sz1 = (m_iMSegments - 1) * (m_iNSegments - 1) * 6;// size of indices
int a,i, j, k, b;
float x, y, z, dx, dy, l;
glm::vec3 u, v, nor;
dx = 2.0 * ( m_fWidth / float(m_iNSegments - 1));
dy = 2.0 * ( m_fHeight / float(m_iMSegments - 1));
for (a = 0, y = -m_fHeight, j = 0; j < m_iMSegments; j++, y += dy)
for (x = -m_fWidth, i = 0; i < m_iNSegments; i++, x += dx)
float dist = glm::length(glm::vec2(x + m_fxOffset, y + m_fyOffset));
float attenuation, kc, kq;
kc = 1.0; kq = 0.0;
attenuation = 1.0f;
if (m_bUseAttenuation) {
attenuation = 1.0 / (kc + (this->m_fKl * dist) + (kq * pow(dist, 2)));
if (attenuation > 1.0) attenuation = 1.0;
switch (m_WAVETYPE)
case Sum_Wave2::WAVE2_TYPE::COS:
z = (-m_fAmplitude * attenuation) * cos(((x + m_fxOffset) / m_fFrequency) + m_fTime * m_iWaveFlowOut);
case Sum_Wave2::WAVE2_TYPE::SIN:
z = (-m_fAmplitude * attenuation) * sin(((y + m_fyOffset) / m_fFrequency) + m_fTime * m_iWaveFlowOut);
case Sum_Wave2::WAVE2_TYPE::RING:
z = (-m_fAmplitude * attenuation) * sin((glm::length(glm::vec2(x + m_fxOffset, y + m_fyOffset)) + m_fTime * m_iWaveFlowOut) / m_fFrequency);
z = 0.0;
verticesRect.push_back(x); a++;
verticesRect.push_back(y); a++;
verticesRect.push_back(z); a++;
// Normal ( will be recomputed later)
verticesRect.push_back(0.0); a++;
verticesRect.push_back(0.0); a++;
verticesRect.push_back(1.0); a++;
// TexCoord
verticesRect.push_back((x + m_fWidth) / (m_fWidth + m_fWidth)); a++;
verticesRect.push_back((y + m_fHeight) / (m_fHeight + m_fHeight)); a++;
// triangulation indices
for(a = 0, j = 1; j < m_iMSegments; j++ )
for (i = 1; i < m_iNSegments; i++)
b = ((m_iNSegments * j) + i) * 8;
// First triangle per quad
indicesRect.push_back(b - 8); a++;
indicesRect.push_back(b - 8 - n8); a++;
indicesRect.push_back(b); a++;
// Second triangle per quad
indicesRect.push_back(b - 8 - n8); a++;
indicesRect.push_back(b - n8); a++;
indicesRect.push_back(b); a++;
// recompute inner normals
for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
u[k] = verticesRect[indicesRect[a - 6] + k] - verticesRect[indicesRect[a - 4] + k];
v[k] = verticesRect[indicesRect[a - 5] + k] - verticesRect[indicesRect[a - 4] + k];
glm::vec3 cross1 = crossProduct(u, v);
cross1 = glm::normalize(cross1);
for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
u[k] = verticesRect[indicesRect[a - 3] + k] - verticesRect[indicesRect[a - 1] + k];
v[k] = verticesRect[indicesRect[a - 2] + k] - verticesRect[indicesRect[a - 1] + k];
glm::vec3 cross2 = crossProduct(u, v);
cross2 = glm::normalize(cross2);
for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
verticesRect[indicesRect[a - 1] + 3 + k] = 0.5 * (cross1[k] + cross2[k]);
for (i = 0; i < sz1; i++) {
indicesRect[i] = indicesRect[i] /= 8;
I'm trying "rotation algorithm" in opngl but it's not working I'm getting a blank page when I run my program
. should I put POINT* verts or Point verts[6]
is there something wrong with my code?
void rotate(POINT* verts, GLint nverts, POINT fixedv, GLdouble theta) {
POINT newverts[6]; //POINT fixedv
GLint k;
for (k = 0; k < nverts; k++) {
newverts[k].x = fixedv.x + (verts[k].x - fixedv.x) * cos(theta) - (verts[k].y - fixedv.y) * sin(theta);
newverts[k].y = fixedv.y + (verts[k].x - fixedv.x) * sin(theta) + (verts[k].y - fixedv.y) * cos(theta);
newverts[k].x = (verts[k].x) * cos(theta) - (verts[k].y) * sin(theta);
newverts[k].y = (verts[k].x) * sin(theta) + (verts[k].y) * cos(theta);
for (k = 0; k < nverts; k++)
glVertex2f(newverts[k].x, newverts[k].y);
display code:
void display() {
glColor3f(r, g, b);
if (check == 3) {
double theta = 3.14 * 0.5;
POINT verts[6],fixedpivot;
fixedpivot.x = x;
fixedpivot.y = y;
verts[0].x = x + 25;
verts[0].y = y + 50;
verts[1].x = x;
verts[1].y = y;
verts[2].x = x+50;
verts[2].y = y;
verts[3].x = x + 25;
verts[3].y = y + 50;
verts[4].x = x + 50;
verts[4].y = y + 100;
verts[5].x = x;
verts[5].y = y + 100;
glColor3f(r, g, b);
rotate(verts, 6, fixedpivot, theta);
I have this sample of code that I try to understand it:
__global__ void
d_boxfilter_rgba_x(unsigned int *od, int w, int h, int r)
float scale = 1.0f / (float)((r << 1) + 1);
unsigned int y = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if (y < h)
float4 t = make_float4(0.0f);
for (int x = -r; x <= r; x++)
t += tex2D(rgbaTex, x, y);
od[y * w] = rgbaFloatToInt(t * scale);
for (int x = 1; x < w; x++)
t += tex2D(rgbaTex, x + r, y);
t -= tex2D(rgbaTex, x - r - 1, y);
od[y * w + x] = rgbaFloatToInt(t * scale);
__global__ void
d_boxfilter_rgba_y(unsigned int *id, unsigned int *od, int w, int h, int r)
unsigned int x = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
id = &id[x];
od = &od[x];
float scale = 1.0f / (float)((r << 1) + 1);
float4 t;
// partea din stanga
t = rgbaIntToFloat(id[0]) * r;
for (int y = 0; y < (r + 1); y++)
t += rgbaIntToFloat(id[y*w]);
od[0] = rgbaFloatToInt(t * scale);
for (int y = 1; y < (r + 1); y++)
t += rgbaIntToFloat(id[(y + r) * w]);
t -= rgbaIntToFloat(id[0]);
od[y * w] = rgbaFloatToInt(t * scale);
// main loop
for (int y = (r + 1); y < (h - r); y++)
t += rgbaIntToFloat(id[(y + r) * w]);
t -= rgbaIntToFloat(id[((y - r) * w) - w]);
od[y * w] = rgbaFloatToInt(t * scale);
// right side
for (int y = h - r; y < h; y++)
t += rgbaIntToFloat(id[(h - 1) * w]);
t -= rgbaIntToFloat(id[((y - r) * w) - w]);
od[y * w] = rgbaFloatToInt(t * scale);
This should be a box filter with CUDA.
From what I have read this should make an average with a given radius.
But in d_boxfilter_rgba_y make something like this:
od[0] = rgbaFloatToInt(t * scale);
I don't understand why is used this scale and why are made all that loops when there should be just one. To calculate the value from -r to +r and divide this by a number of pixels.
Can somebody help me?
To calculate the average of a box with radius 1 (3 values), you do:
(box[0] + box[1] + box[2]) / 3 // which is equal to
(box[0] + box[1] + box[2] * 1/3 // which is equal to your scale factor
The calculation of scale is:
1.0f / (float)((r << 1) + 1); // equal to
1 / ((r * 2) + 1) // equal to
1 / (2r + 1) // 2r because you go to the left and right and +1 for the middle
The two for loops are used, because the "sliding window" optimisation is used. First the first box is calculated:
for (int x = -r; x <= r; x++)
t += tex2D(rgbaTex, x, y);
And then for each step to the right, the value right of the box is added and the most left value of the box is removed. That way you can calculate the sum of the box with just 2 operations instead of 2*r + 1 operations.
for (int x = 1; x < w; x++)
t += tex2D(rgbaTex, x + r, y);
t -= tex2D(rgbaTex, x - r - 1, y);
od[y * w + x] = rgbaFloatToInt(t * scale);
This function is not working to convert the coordinates of window to my screen.But in most of the sites it is same as this code.
My coordinates are: x-axis -8 to 8 and y-axis -3.3 to 3.3
void handleMouseclick(int button, int state, int x, int y) {
if (state == GLUT_DOWN)
if (button == GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON){
int w = glutGet(GLUT_SCREEN_WIDTH);
int h = glutGet(GLUT_SCREEN_HEIGHT);
//float striker_x = x*1.0 ;
//float striker_y = y * 1.0;
w = 1300;
h = 715;
float x1 = x / float(w) * 16 + -8;
float y1 = y / float(h) * 6.6 + -3.3;
//striker_x = ((1.0 / float(1300)) * x) - 1;
//striker_y = ((1.0 / float(715)) * -y) + 1;
// striker_x = ((8.0 / float(1300)) * striker_x);
//striker_y = (((3.3 / float(715)) * -striker_y) + 0.5)*2;
printf("x_s = %f\n",x1);
printf("x = %d\n",x);
printf("y_s = %f\n",y1);
target_x= x1;
target_y= y1;
else if (button == GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON){
float theta = 0.0f;
theta -= 15;
I want to use OpenCV to visualize undistorted images, obtained after correction of raw images taken from Leap Motion cameras;
according to the documentation,
the following code should return corrected images: am I right?
unsigned char destination[320][120];
//define needed variables outside the inner loop
float calibrationX, calibrationY;
float weightX, weightY;
float dX, dX1, dX2, dX3, dX4;
float dY, dY1, dY2, dY3, dY4;
int x1, x2, y1, y2;
int denormalizedX, denormalizedY;
int i, j;
const unsigned char* raw = image.data();
const float* distortion_buffer = image.distortion();
//Local variables for values needed in loop
const int distortionWidth = image.distortionWidth();
const int width = image.width();
const int height = image.height();
for (i = 0; i < destinationWidth; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < destinationHeight; j++) {
//Calculate the position in the calibration map (still with a fractional part)
calibrationX = 63 * i/destinationWidth;
calibrationY = 62 * (1 - j/destinationHeight); // The y origin is at the bottom
//Save the fractional part to use as the weight for interpolation
weightX = calibrationX - truncf(calibrationX);
weightY = calibrationY - truncf(calibrationY);
//Get the x,y coordinates of the closest calibration map points to the target pixel
x1 = calibrationX; //Note truncation to int
y1 = calibrationY;
x2 = x1 + 1;
y2 = y1 + 1;
//Look up the x and y values for the 4 calibration map points around the target
dX1 = distortion_buffer[x1 * 2 + y1 * distortionWidth];
dX2 = distortion_buffer[x2 * 2 + y1 * distortionWidth];
dX3 = distortion_buffer[x1 * 2 + y2 * distortionWidth];
dX4 = distortion_buffer[x2 * 2 + y2 * distortionWidth];
dY1 = distortion_buffer[x1 * 2 + y1 * distortionWidth + 1];
dY2 = distortion_buffer[x2 * 2 + y1 * distortionWidth + 1];
dY3 = distortion_buffer[x1 * 2 + y2 * distortionWidth + 1];
dY4 = distortion_buffer[x2 * 2 + y2 * distortionWidth + 1];
//Bilinear interpolation of the looked-up values:
// X value
dX = dX1 * (1 - weightX) * (1 - weightY) +
dX2 * weightX * (1 - weightY) +
dX3 * (1 - weightX) * weightY +
dX4 * weightX * weightY;
// Y value
dY = dY1 * (1 - weightX) * (1 - weightY) +
dY2 * weightX * (1 - weightY) +
dY3 * (1 - weightX) * weightY +
dY4 * weightX * weightY;
// Reject points outside the range [0..1]
if((dX >= 0) && (dX <= 1) && (dY >= 0) && (dY <= 1)) {
//Denormalize from [0..1] to [0..width] or [0..height]
denormalizedX = dX * width;
denormalizedY = dY * height;
//look up the brightness value for the target pixel
destination[i][j] = raw[denormalizedX + denormalizedY * width];
} else {
destination[i][j] = -1;
Now, I'm using OpenCV to visualize undistorted image:
Mat imgCorrected(120,320,CV_8UC1);
for(int i = 0; i < 120; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < 320; j++)
imgCorrected.at<unsigned char>(i,j) = destination[i][j];
imshow("ImgCorrected", imgCorrected);
And this is the result:
I really don't know what I'm doing wrong.
Thanks for any help.