How to test https rest webservice in postman - web-services

I have deployed the a rest webservice over https using self signed certificate. Now i am facing the issue in postman while trying to test it. Error is same as follows:-
I also follow the post from this link using-self-signed-certificates-with-postman but i am not able to find the connection tab as mentioned in the step 3.
Can anybody please help me how can i resolve that certificate issue.

Try open the same URL in your chrome browser. You may get privacy
error. Click advanced link and proceed. Come back to postman and
send your request.

In Postman go menu File/Settings in General tab disable "SSL certificate verification".


unable to test google endpoint using postman

I am trying to use Google Cloud Endpoints as a API Gateway. For the same I created the endpoint and deployed it in a Google Run Container. When I call the url on the browser: https://... it works. However, when I try to call the same from Postman I get a 400 Bad Request error. I notice that from Postman when I try using http://... instead of https it works.
From this I concluded that perhaps this has something got to do with the SSL certificate. When I checked the certificate on the browser (by clicking on the lock icon), it shows * issued by GTS CA 1O1.
Then, I tried to add a Certificate in Postman (I am not sure about this). I opened Settings and tried to add a certificate by adding: * under host, but it did not work. I am not sure if that is the correct way to add a certificate.
Anyone can suggest what is the way to get the endpoint tested in Postman? Thanks

Postman "could not get any response, there was an error connecting to ."

I am on Postman 7.5.0.
I am calling one api from the postman, and get an error as "There was an error connecting to ."
But when I executed the curl code generated from the postman, it worked just fine(they were also calling the app running on my pc).
I also tried to copy the link and sent to my coworker and they were getting correct responses too.
I referred to other questions related to this topic and turn off all proxy stuff, they didn't help.
My app has lots of apis and this is the only one that I could not get any response via postman call.
Any thoughts?
In my case I had to go to Settings -> "SSL Certificate Verification" and turn this off, and everything worked great.
Have you used chrome extension Postman Interceptor?
I think Postman is not able to intercept https or http request.
Follow the steps:
To use Interceptor with Postman Chrome, you can take the following steps:
Install Postman from the Chrome Web Store.
Install Interceptor from the Chrome Web Store.
Open Postman, click on the Interceptor icon(near the sync icon) in the toolbar, and toggle to On.
The Postman Chrome app's Interceptor functions as a proxy to capture HTTP and HTTPS requests.
More Information is available at
For my case, it was me mistakenly unchecked one of the postman default headers.

How to fix "Could not get any response" in Postman?

Postman for Linux
Version 6.7.1
Deepin x64
I'm trying to test a get method on postman to test my code, but I always get this error message.
Could not get any response.
There was an error connecting to localhost:3001/blocks.
Why this might have happened:
The server couldn't send a response:
Ensure that the backend is working properly
Self-signed SSL certificates are being blocked:
Fix this by turning off 'SSL certificate verification' in Settings > General
Proxy configured incorrectly
Ensure that proxy is configured correctly in Settings > Proxy
Request timeout:
Change request timeout in Settings > General
I've tried to do almost everything from this topic ("Could not get any response" response when using postman with subdomain) but nothing seems to work.
This is the on the message console.
Postman Console Message
Someone can help me to fix this?
In Postman go to Postman-> Preferences and in the settings tab turn off SSL certificate Verification
my project work try this:
Restart your web server local ex: wamp, postgree, oracle
in postman setting :
Trim keys and values in request body OFF
Use next generation URL processing ON
SSL certificate verification OFF
Always open request in web tab OFF
Send no cache header ON
Send postman token header ON
Retain headers when clicking on links OFF
Automatically follow redirects ON
Send anonymous usage data to postman OFF
It works for me:
Restart your web server like: PostgreSQL, Oracle
it will work

WSO2 ESB (4.9.0) throw out SOAPProcessingException when connecting Salesforce through proxy server

I try to use WSO2 ESB at workplace where Proxy Server is available.
Set Proxy Server settings in axis2.xml,
Install certificate.
Initialize Salesforce connector(Salesforce certificate has been installed).
Test the API, run into an exception - SOAPProcessingException,
Really appreciate if someone can give ideas of solution.
First of all I have tried this type of a scenario using WSO2 ESB 4.9.0 and which was perfectly working fine. By looking at your error messages I can see that there was an Authentication failure, hence Sales Force end point returns some HTML error message. The ESB tries to build this HTML error message using the SOAP builder leading to this situation.
This could be due to some missing configuration in your setting. You may follow [1] to enable HTTP Proxy to Sales Force. Then to setup Sales Force [2] will be helpful.
Couple of thing I need to highlight here. Did you import the Salesforce certificate into the ESBs client trust store using the keytool import command. If not please go ahead and do so. Also is there a particular reason for you to use NHTTP transport here. Ideally we would use Passthrough transport to add the proxy host as given in [1].
If you still get the error after following the above steps please enable the wirelogs and post it here to investigate further. Follow these steps to enable wirelogs.
Open file from a text editor. file is located in $ESB_HOME/repository/conf directory.
Un-comment the following entry.
Hope this helps you.

Secure Webservice Client on Glassfish

I have an secure external webservice at URL https://my-webservice-path?wsdl, and i want to connect to use this. This is a 2-way ssl.
I create a webservice client in following:
Create an java application Application1
at Project window, click Application1 icon -> new -> Web service client
paste my URL at WSDL URL, client type is JAX-WS, package: com.mypackage
But an error appears: Error: An I/O error occured. Received fatal alert: handshake_failure
And i can not create Web Service References. I use Glassfish 3.0.1 server.
I tried to replace the alias s1as in keystore.jks and cacerts.jks of the Glassfish by my keypair and certificate, but it still fails.
I also tried to use wsimport parsing wsdl file but fail:(
I posted this question in Oracle Forum at but get no answer.
i've tried to solve this for 2 days :(
What can i do now to solve this problem?
Plz help me, thank you!
please check out the answer from Catchwa in Mutual-authentication with web services. The steps to implement a glassfish based mutual authentication are described in detail.