mem_fn to mem_fn of member - c++

This is a follow-up question to
mem_fn to function of member object
This is the current code.
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
struct Int
Int(int _x = 0) : x(_x) {}
int GetInt() const { return x; }
int x;
struct IntWrapper
IntWrapper(int _x = 0) : test(_x) {}
int GetWrappedInt() const { return test.GetInt(); }
Int test;
template<class ContainerT, class Mem> constexpr auto maxElem(const ContainerT& _container, Mem _Pm)
auto memFn = std::mem_fn(_Pm);
return memFn(std::max_element(_container.cbegin(), _container.cend(), [&](auto _rhs, auto _lhs) { return memFn(_rhs) < memFn(_lhs); }));
int main()
std::vector<Int> vec;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
vec.push_back(i * 11 % 7); // some random values
int m = maxElem(vec, &Int::GetInt);
int n = maxElem(vec, &Int::x);
std::vector<IntWrapper> vec;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
vec.push_back(i * 7 % 11); // some random values
int m = maxElem(vec, &IntWrapper::GetWrappedInt);
//int o = maxElem(vec, ???) // what if GetWrappedInt didn't exist?
return 0;
The original question was about retrieving the x value of the Int struct through anIntWrapper object. I used mem_fn for this because it doesn't seem to distinguish between a function returning an int and an int member variable (Seen in these lines:
int m = maxElem(vec, &Int::GetInt);
int n = maxElem(vec, &Int::x);
The solution for IntWrapper objects was to add .test
auto y = std::mem_fn(&Int::GetInt);
auto b = y(wrapper.test);
to the call. However, in the maxElem function, I cannot do this.
I'm wondering if there is a way to formulate the call in such a way that the mem_fn goes from the IntWrapper object directly to the int x variable (Without the helper function and assuming that all members are public).
//int o = maxElem(vec, ???) // what if GetWrappedInt didn't exist?
The original approach was auto y = std::mem_fn(&IntWrapper::test.GetInt); // ERROR, which of course does not compile, but shows the idea.
Thanks in advance!

You cannot use std::mem_fn with something different than a pointer to member (such as a pointer to member of member). So, you must use that. In your particular case, you can achieve that with
std::vector<IntWrapper> vec;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
vec.push_back(i * 11 % 7); // some random values
auto m = maxElem(vec, &IntWrapper::GetWrappedInt);
However, I strongly advise you to use lambda expressions whenever possible. std::mem_fn should be considered as if deprecated, since, AFAIK, it serves no purpose that cannot be achieved at least as well by other means, i.e. a lambda.


C++ exception thrown

I am learning C++ and have lost quite some time trying to solve to understand the reason of the error i am getting.
When i run the code below i am getting an Exception thrown. It happens when the program ends, so i believe it's related to the Edge pointer:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
struct Edge {
int src, dest;
class Graph {
int V, E;
Edge *edge = new Edge[E * sizeof(Edge)];
Graph(int Ver, int Edg);
Graph::Graph(int Ver, int Edg) {
V = Ver;
E = Edg;
Graph* createGraph(int V, int E) {
Graph* graph = new Graph(V,E);
return graph;
int find(int* parents, int val) {
if (parents[val] == -1)
return val;
return find(parents, parents[val]);
void Union(int *parents, int x, int y) {
parents[x] = y;
int isCycle(Graph* graph) {
int* parents = new int[graph->V * sizeof(int)];
memset(parents, -1, graph->V * sizeof(int));
for (int i = 0; i < graph->E; i++) {
int x = find(parents, graph->edge[i].src);
int y = find(parents, graph->edge[i].dest);
if (x == y) {
return 1;
Union(parents, x, y);
return 0;
int main()
int V = 9, E = 8;
Graph* graph = createGraph(V, E);
graph->edge[0].src = 0;
graph->edge[0].dest = 1;
graph->edge[6].src = 0;
graph->edge[6].dest = 6;
graph->edge[5].src = 0;
graph->edge[5].dest = 7;
graph->edge[1].src = 1;
graph->edge[1].dest = 2;
graph->edge[2].src = 3;
graph->edge[2].dest = 2;
graph->edge[3].src = 4;
graph->edge[3].dest = 3;
graph->edge[4].src = 4;
graph->edge[4].dest = 5;
graph->edge[7].src = 5;
graph->edge[7].dest = 7;
if (isCycle(graph))
cout << "graph contains cycle";
cout << "graph doesn't contain cycle";
return 0;
I started learning C++ only few months ago, can somebody help me to understand why I am getting that exception?
Edge *edge = new Edge[E * sizeof(Edge)];
Unless E is initialized, this multiplies an uninitalized variable by sizeof(Edge) (which is also wrong on its face value as well, but we'll get to it later). This is undefined behavior.
Graph::Graph(int Ver, int Edg) {
V = Ver;
E = Edg;
This isn't good enough. The default values of class members, if specified, are used to initialize them before the constructor's body starts running.
The proper way to do this is to use the constructor's initialization section:
Graph::Graph(int Ver, int Edg) : V{Ver}, E{Ver}
This initializes V and E first, so now:
Edge *edge = new Edge[E * sizeof(Edge)];
So here, E is now initialized, fixing this problem. But this is still slightly incorrect. It's clear, based on the rest of the code, that this should really be:
Edge *edge = new Edge[E];
In C++, when you wish to declare an array of, say, 4 integers, all you have to do is declare:
int n[4];
The compiler takes care of multiplying 4 by however many bytes it takes to hold an int. The same thing is true for the new statement. If your goal is to construct an array of #E Edges, that would be, unsurprisingly: new Edge[E]. This same mistake occurs several times in the shown code.

function pointer for different functions with different data types or parameter

i have this code which uses a function pointer to point 3 functions sum, subtract, mul. it works well. but now the problem is that i have functions with different no.of parameters and different data types. how to implement this.
int add(int a, int b)
int subtract(int a, int b)
int mul(int a, int b)
int main()
int (*fun_ptr_arr[])(int, int) = {add, subtract, mul};
unsigned int ch, a = 15, b = 10,c=9;
if (ch > 4) return 0;
(*fun_ptr_arr[ch])(a, b);
return 0;
The simple answer is that technically you can't do this. You could do some manipulations using an array as input for all these functions, but you will still have to know exactly what to pass to each function. From a software engineering perspective, you should not do this - I suggest you take a look at the nice answers here: C++ Function pointers with unknown number of arguments
A slightly different approach using objects to implement the required behavior. In order to have a truly generic kind of solution, we need to use Interfaces.
Dismantle the data and operation i.e keep them separately.
//Interface which describes any kind of data.
struct IData
virtual ~IData()
//Interface which desribes any kind of operation
struct IOperation
//actual operation which will be performed
virtual IData* Execute(IData *_pData) = 0;
virtual ~IOperation()
Now, every operation knows the kind of data it work on and will expect that kind of data only.
struct Operation_Add : public IOperation
//data for operation addition.
struct Data : public IData
int a;
int b;
int result;
IData* Execute(IData *_pData)
//expected data is "Operation_Add::Data_Add"
Operation_Add::Data *pData = dynamic_cast<Operation_Add::Data*>(_pData);
if(pData == NULL)
return NULL;
pData->result = pData->a + pData->b;
return pData;
struct Operation_Avg : public IOperation
//data for operation average of numbers.
struct Data : public IData
int a[5];
int total_numbers;
float result;
IData* Execute(IData *_pData)
//expected data is "Operation_Avg::Data_Avg"
Operation_Avg::Data *pData = dynamic_cast<Operation_Avg::Data*>(_pData);
if(pData == NULL)
return NULL;
pData->result = 0.0f;
for(int i = 0; i < pData->total_numbers; ++i)
pData->result += pData->a[i];
pData->result /= pData->total_numbers;
return pData;
Here, is the operation processor, the CPU.
struct CPU
Operation_Add m_stAdditionOperation;
Operation_Avg m_stAverageOperation;
map<CPU::OPERATION, IOperation*> Operation;
Operation[CPU::ADDITION] = &m_stAdditionOperation;
Operation[CPU::AVERAGE] = &m_stAverageOperation;
Operation_Add::Data stAdditionData;
stAdditionData.a = 10;
stAdditionData.b = 20;
Operation_Avg::Data stAverageData;
stAverageData.total_numbers = 5;
for(int i = 0; i < stAverageData.total_numbers; ++i)
stAverageData.a[i] = i*10;
Operation_Add::Data *pResultAdd = dynamic_cast<Operation_Add::Data*>(g_oCPU.Operation[CPU::ADDITION]->Execute(&stAdditionData));
if(pResultAdd != NULL)
printf("add = %d\n", pResultAdd->result);
Operation_Avg::Data *pResultAvg = dynamic_cast<Operation_Avg::Data*>(g_oCPU.Operation[CPU::AVERAGE]->Execute(&stAverageData));
if(pResultAvg != NULL)
printf("avg = %f\n", pResultAvg->result);
If you have the following functions
int f1(int i);
int f2(int i, int j);
You can define a generic function type like this
typedef int (*generic_fp)(void);
And then initialize your function array
generic_fp func_arr[2] = {
(generic_fp) f1,
(generic_fp) f2
But you will have to cast the functions back
int result_f1 = ((f1) func_arr[0]) (2);
int result_f2 = ((f2) func_arr[1]) (1, 2);
Obviously, it does not look like a good way to build a program
To make code look a little bit better you can define macros
#define F1(f, p1) ((f1)(f))(p1)
#define F2(f, p1, p2) ((f2)(f))(p1, p2)
int result_f1 = F1(func_arr[0], 2);
int result_f2 = F2(func_arr[1], 1, 2);
Forgot to mention, you also have to define a type for every type of function
typedef int (*fi)(int); // type for function of one int param
typedef int (*fii)(int, int); // type for function of two int params
And to then cast stored pointers to those types
int result_f1 = ((fi) func_arr[0]) (2);
int result_f2 = ((fii) func_arr[1]) (1, 2);
Here is a complete example
#include <iostream>
typedef int (*generic_fp)(void);
typedef int (*fi)(int); // type for function of one int param
typedef int (*fii)(int, int); // type for function of two int params
#define F1(f, p1) ((fi)(f))(p1)
#define F2(f, p1, p2) ((fii)(f))(p1, p2)
int f1(int i);
int f2(int i, int j);
int main()
generic_fp func_arr[2] = {
(generic_fp) f1,
(generic_fp) f2
int result_f1_no_macro = ((fi) func_arr[0]) (2);
int result_f2_no_macro = ((fii) func_arr[1]) (1, 2);
int result_f1_macro = F1(func_arr[0], 2);
int result_f2_macro = F2(func_arr[1], 1, 2);
std::cout << result_f1_no_macro << ", " << result_f2_no_macro << std::endl;
std::cout << result_f1_macro << ", " << result_f2_macro << std::endl;
return 0;
int f1(int i)
return i * 2;
int f2(int i, int j)
return i + j;
The code above produces the following output
4, 3
4, 3

Call map key to invoke function requiring a parameter - how to get working

Here is my code.
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
class maptest {
int doubler(int val) { return val * 2; }
int halver(int val) { return val / 2; }
int negativer(int val) { return val > 0 ? -val : val; }
int main() {
const char* const ID[] = {"doubler", "halver", "negativer" };
int ID_SIZE = sizeof(ID) / sizeof(*ID);
//signature of maths functions
typedef int (maptest::*mathfunc)(int);
mathfunc mfuncs[] = { &maptest::doubler, &maptest::halver, &maptest::negativer};
std::map<std::string, mathfunc> mathmap;
for(int i = 0; i < ID_SIZE; ++i) {
mathmap.insert(std::make_pair(ID[i], mfuncs[i]));
//C2064: term does not evaluate to a function taking 1 argument
int result = *mathmap["doubler"](3);
return 0;
I think this would work if there was no parameter to be passed to the functions. But how do I pass a parameter in this way?
Your mathfuncs are member functions, so you need an object on which to invoke them:
maptest mt;
int result = (mt.*(mathmap["doubler"]))(3);
Alternatively, you could make your member functions static:
class maptest {
static int doubler(int val) { return val * 2; }
static int halver(int val) { return val / 2; }
static int negativer(int val) { return val > 0 ? -val : val; }
And then define mathfunc accordingly:
typedef int (*mathfunc)(int);
And this would allow you to invoke them the way you are invoking them in your original post:
typedef int (*mathfunc)(int);
Notice, that a way to make this design more flexible is to make use of std::function, which would allow you to pass any type of callable object. For instance:
typedef std::function<int(int)> mathfunc;
mathfunc mfuncs[] = {
[] (int i) { return i * 2; } // <== A LAMBDA...
You are invoking non static member function.
do the following.
maptest t;
int (maptest::*tptr) (int) = mathmap["doubler"];
int result = (t.*tptr)(2);
Hope this helps.

Managing object lifetime with lambdas in C++

I've got the following code (vastly simplified):
std::function<int()> Count() {
int x = 0;
return [=]() mutable { return x++; };
std::function<int()> Negate(std::function<int()> x) {
return [=]() { return -x(); };
int main() {
std::function<int()> n;
int z = 0;
if (true) {
auto c = Count();
z = c();
n = Negate(c);
z = n();
z = n();
z = n();
z = n();
My problem is, calls to n only work within the if statement. As soon as the if loses scope, c gets destroyed and n stops working. Is there a sensible way of fixing this? Preferably non-invasively.

callback vs lambda

Suppose I have the following code that I wish to refactor:
int toFuture()
int calc = 5 * foobar_x() + 3;
return calc;
int toPast()
int calc = 5 * foobar_y() - 9;
return calc;
In classic-C, I would refactor this code into a worker() which accepts a function pointer that does the calculation: common code in worker(), specific code provided by function pointer.
With C++11, should I be using a lambda instead? If so, how would I implement it, in this case?
Edit: it just crossed my mind that a template may also work. How would a template implementation compare against the other two?
One approach:
template<typename CalcFuncT>
int perform_calc(CalcFuncT&& calcfunc)
int const calc = std::forward<CalcFuncT>(calcfunc)();
return calc;
int main()
perform_calc([]{ return 5 * foobar_x() + 3; }); // toFuture
perform_calc([]{ return 5 * foobar_y() - 9; }); // toPast
If you are wanting a template approach using C++11 features, that could look as simple as:
template<typename FuncType>
auto calculation(FuncType&& func) -> decltype(func())
auto ret = func();
return ret;
You would then simply call your calculation function and pass it either a lambda, a functor, or a function-pointer. Your only souce of difficulty in this instance would be if you passed a function that had a void return-type ... in that case you will get a compiler error (which is a good thing vs. a runtime error).
I'd say you're refactoring from the wrong side:
struct CalcGuard {
CalcGuard() { /* replaces precalc() */ }
~CalcGuard() { /* replaces postcalc() */ }
int toFuture()
return CalcGuard(), calc = 5 * foobar_x() + 3;
int toPast()
return CalcGuard(), calc = 5 * foobar_y() - 9;
There is a C/C++ way to do this, and a C++11 way. Neither way involves lambdas or templates.
The C/C++ way:
double MyFunc (int x, float y) { return x + y ; }
int main()
double (*pf) (int, float) ;
pf = MyFunc ;
pf (101, 202.0) ;
The C++11 way:
#include <functional>
double MyFunc (int x, float y) { return x + y ; }
int main()
std::function<double (int, float)> f ;
f = MyFunc ;
f (51, 52.0) ;
In either case, you just pass pf or f to your refactored function as a parameter. Using lambdas or templates is overkill here.