Clojure: Why surrounding an expression with extra parenthesis gives NullPointerException [duplicate] - clojure

Trying to define a factors function that will return a vector of all the factors of a number using loop/recur.
;; `prime?` borrowed from
(defn prime? [n]
(if (even? n) false
(let [root (num (int (Math/sqrt n)))]
(loop [i 3] (if (> i root) true
(if (zero? (mod n i)) false
(recur (+ i 2))))))))
(defn factors [x] (
(loop [n x i 2 acc []]
(if (prime? n) (conj acc n)
(if (zero? (mod n i)) (recur (/ n i) 2 (conj acc i))
(recur n (inc i) acc))))))
But I keep running into the following error:
ArityException Wrong number of args (0) passed to: PersistentVector clojure.lang.AFn.throwArity
I must be missing something obvious here. Any suggestions are much appreciated!

Let me move the whitespace in your code so it's obvious to you what is wrong:
(defn factors [x]
((loop [n x i 2 acc []]
(if (prime? n) (conj acc n)
(if (zero? (mod n i)) (recur (/ n i) 2 (conj acc i))
(recur n (inc i) acc))))))
You see that weird (( at the start of your function? What's that all about? Remember that in Clojure, as in lisps in general, parentheses are not a grouping construct! They are a function-call mechanism, and you can't just throw extras in for fun. Here, what you wrote has the following meaning:
Run this loop that will compute a vector.
Call the resulting value as a function, passing it no arguments.


How to return a lazy sequence from a loop recur with a conditional in Clojure?

Still very new to Clojure and programming in general so forgive the stupid question.
The problem is:
Find n and k such that the sum of numbers up to n (exclusive) is equal to the sum of numbers from n+1 to k (inclusive).
My solution (which works fine) is to define the following functions:
(defn addd [x] (/ (* x (+ x 1)) 2))
(defn sum-to-n [n] (addd(- n 1)))
(defn sum-to-k [n=1 k=4] (- (addd k) (addd n)))
(defn is-right[n k]
(= (addd (- n 1)) (sum-to-k n k)))
And then run the following loop:
(loop [n 1 k 2]
(is-right n k) [n k]
(> (sum-to-k n k) (sum-to-n n) )(recur (inc n) k)
:else (recur n (inc k))))
This only returns one answer but if I manually set n and k I can get different values. However, I would like to define a function which returns a lazy sequence of all values so that:
(= [6 8] (take 1 make-seq))
How do I do this as efficiently as possible? I have tried various things but haven't had much luck.
I think I came up with a better way of doing it, but its returning 'let should be a vector'. Clojure docs aren't much help...
Heres the new code:
(defn calc-n [n k]
(inc (+ (* 2 k) (* 3 n))))
(defn calc-k [n k]
(inc (+ (* 3 k)(* 4 n))))
(defn f
(let [n 4 k 6]
(recur (calc-n n k) (calc-k n k))))
(take 4 (f))
Yes, you can create a lazy-seq, so that the next iteration will take result of the previous iteration. Here is my suggestion:
(defn cal [n k]
(loop [n n k k]
(is-right n k) [n k]
(> (sum-to-k n k) (sum-to-n n) )(recur (inc n) k)
:else (recur n (inc k)))))
(defn make-seq [n k]
(if-let [[n1 k1] (cal n k)]
(cons [n1 k1]
(lazy-seq (make-seq (inc n1) (inc k1))))))
(take 5 (make-seq 1 2))
;;=> ([6 8] [35 49] [204 288] [1189 1681] [6930 9800])
just generating lazy seq of candidatess with iterate and then filtering them should probably be what you need:
(def pairs
(->> [1 2]
(iterate (fn [[n k]]
(if (< (sum-to-n n) (sum-n-to-k n k))
[(inc n) k]
[n (inc k)])))
(filter (partial apply is-right))))
user> (take 5 pairs)
;;=> ([6 8] [35 49] [204 288] [1189 1681] [6930 9800])
semantically it is just like manually generating a lazy-seq, and should be as efficient, but this one is probably more idiomatic
If you don't feel like "rolling your own", here is an alternate solution. I also cleaned up the algorithm a bit through renaming/reformating.
The main difference is that you treat your loop-recur as an infinite loop inside of the t/lazy-gen form. When you find a value you want to keep, you use the t/yield expression to create a lazy-sequence of outputs. This structure is the Clojure version of a generator function, just like in Python.
(ns tst.demo.core
(:use tupelo.test )
(:require [tupelo.core :as t] ))
(defn integrate-to [x]
(/ (* x (+ x 1)) 2))
(defn sum-to-n [n]
(integrate-to (- n 1)))
(defn sum-n-to-k [n k]
(- (integrate-to k) (integrate-to n)))
(defn sums-match[n k]
(= (sum-to-n n) (sum-n-to-k n k)))
(defn recur-gen []
(loop [n 1 k 2]
(when (sums-match n k)
(t/yield [n k]))
(if (< (sum-to-n n) (sum-n-to-k n k))
(recur (inc n) k)
(recur n (inc k))))))
with results:
Clojure 1.10.1 Java 13
(take 5 (recur-gen)) => ([6 8] [35 49] [204 288] [1189 1681] [6930 9800])
You can find all of the details in the Tupelo Library.
This first function probably has a better name from math, but I don't know math very well. I'd use inc (increment) instead of (+ ,,, 1), but that's just personal preference.
(defn addd [x]
(/ (* x (inc x)) 2))
I'll slightly clean up the spacing here and use the dec (decrement) function.
(defn sum-to-n [n]
(addd (dec n)))
(defn sum-n-to-k [n k]
(- (addd k) (addd n)))
In some languages predicates, functions that return booleans,
have names like is-odd or is-whatever. In clojure they're usually
called odd? or whatever?.
The question-mark is not syntax, it's just part of the name.
(defn matching-sums? [n k]
(= (addd (dec n)) (sum-n-to-k n k)))
The loop special form is kind of like an anonymous function
for recur to jump back to. If there's no loop form, recur jumps back
to the enclosing function.
Also, dunno what to call this so I'll just call it f.
(defn f [n k]
(matching-sums? n k) [n k]
(> (sum-n-to-k n k) (sum-to-n n)) (recur (inc n) k)
:else (recur n (inc k))))
(f 1 2) ;=> [6 8]
(f 7 9) ;=> [35 49]
Now, for your actual question. How to make a lazy sequence. You can use the lazy-seq macro, like in minhtuannguyen's answer, but there's an easier, higher level way. Use the iterate function. iterate takes a function and a value and returns an infinite sequence of the value followed by calling the function with the value, followed by calling the function on that value etc.
(defn make-seq [init]
(iterate (fn [n-and-k]
(let [n (first n-and-k)
k (second n-and-k)]
(f (inc n) (inc k))))
(take 4 (make-seq [1 2])) ;=> ([1 2] [6 8] [35 49] [204 288])
That can be simplified a bit by using destructuring in the argument-vector of the anonymous function.
(defn make-seq [init]
(iterate (fn [[n k]]
(f (inc n) (inc k)))
About the repeated calculations in f.
By saving the result of the calculations using a let, you can avoid calculating addd multiple times for each number.
(defn f [n k]
(let [to-n (sum-to-n n)
n-to-k (sum-n-to-k n k)]
(= to-n n-to-k) [n k]
(> n-to-k to-n) (recur (inc n) k)
:else (recur n (inc k)))))

Wrong number of args (0) passed to: PersistentVector on loop/recur function

Trying to define a factors function that will return a vector of all the factors of a number using loop/recur.
;; `prime?` borrowed from
(defn prime? [n]
(if (even? n) false
(let [root (num (int (Math/sqrt n)))]
(loop [i 3] (if (> i root) true
(if (zero? (mod n i)) false
(recur (+ i 2))))))))
(defn factors [x] (
(loop [n x i 2 acc []]
(if (prime? n) (conj acc n)
(if (zero? (mod n i)) (recur (/ n i) 2 (conj acc i))
(recur n (inc i) acc))))))
But I keep running into the following error:
ArityException Wrong number of args (0) passed to: PersistentVector clojure.lang.AFn.throwArity
I must be missing something obvious here. Any suggestions are much appreciated!
Let me move the whitespace in your code so it's obvious to you what is wrong:
(defn factors [x]
((loop [n x i 2 acc []]
(if (prime? n) (conj acc n)
(if (zero? (mod n i)) (recur (/ n i) 2 (conj acc i))
(recur n (inc i) acc))))))
You see that weird (( at the start of your function? What's that all about? Remember that in Clojure, as in lisps in general, parentheses are not a grouping construct! They are a function-call mechanism, and you can't just throw extras in for fun. Here, what you wrote has the following meaning:
Run this loop that will compute a vector.
Call the resulting value as a function, passing it no arguments.

Generator pattern code can't return value

I want to create a generator to do, 1 2 3 4.
(defn getNums []
(loop [i 4
r []]
(when (<= i 0)
r ;<--- point A
(recur (dec i)
(conj r i)))))
(getNums) ;Eval to nil.
Nothing get return, why ?
Would the code in point A return result vector r ?
when, is a clojure macro defined as:
(when test & body)
So, in your first example, the body of when would be:
(recur (dec i)
(conj r i)))
The when test itself is evaluated to false so the body of the when macro is not executed.
The return value of the function it therefore the return value of when itself is return, which is nil. Ex:
(when (< 2 1)) ; nil
By the way, there is a build in function range that does the same as your method:
(range 1 10)
And, in a more generic way, you could use the lazy function iterate:
(take 10 (iterate inc 1))
(defn getNums []
(loop [i 4
r []]
(if (<= i 0)
(recur (dec i)
(cons i r)))))

Stackoverflow when calling sol-count on 10 (N-queens program)

So this is my first time programming in clojure and I am running into some issues with stackoverflow with my program. This program basically tries to find all the possible solutions to the N-queens problem
When I call sol-count (finds number of solutions for a given N) on 10 or higher I get a stack overflow
(defn qextends?
"Returns true if a queen at rank extends partial-sol."
[partial-sol rank]
(if (>= (count partial-sol) 1)
(not= (first partial-sol) (- rank (count partial-sol)))
(not= (first partial-sol) (+ rank (count partial-sol)))
(not= (first partial-sol) rank)
(qextends? (rest partial-sol) rank))
(defn qextend-helper [n x partial-sol partial-sol-list]
(if (<= x n)
(if (qextends? partial-sol x)
(qextend-helper n (inc x) partial-sol (conj partial-sol-list (conj partial-sol x)))
(qextend-helper n (inc x) partial-sol partial-sol-list)
(defn qextend
"Given a vector *partial-sol-list* of all partial solutions of length k,
returns a vector of all partial solutions of length k + 1.
[n partial-sol-list]
(if (>= (count partial-sol-list) 1)
(vec (concat (qextend-helper n 1 (first partial-sol-list) [])
(qextend n (rest partial-sol-list))))
(defn sol-count-helper
[n x partial-sol-list]
(if (<= x (- n 1))
(sol-count-helper n (+ 1 x) (qextend n partial-sol-list))
(qextend n partial-sol-list))
(defn sol-count
"Returns the total number of n-queens solutions on an n x n board."
(count (sol-count-helper n 1 [[]]))
Completing dizzystar's answer:
Most of your recursions can be recurred: You can put recur inside if, and hence under and and or, macros which expand to if forms. For example ...
(defn qextend-helper [n x partial-sol partial-sol-list]
(if (<= x n)
(if (qextends? partial-sol x)
(recur n (inc x) partial-sol (conj partial-sol-list (conj partial-sol x)))
(recur n (inc x) partial-sol partial-sol-list))
But the recursive call in qextend:
(vec (concat ( ...)
(qextend n (rest partial-sol-list))))
... can't be dealt with by recur, since it is buried in function calls, to concat and vec.
You can solve this problem by returning a lazy sequence, so making the partial-sol-list argument lazy:
get rid of vec - return the sequence - and
replace concat with lazy-cat.
The resulting function is
(defn qextend [n partial-sol-list]
(if (seq partial-sol-list)
(lazy-cat (qextend-helper n 1 (first partial-sol-list) [])
(qextend n (rest partial-sol-list)))
You also have to avoid counting (and hence realizing) the lazy sequence: so useseq instead to test whether there is anything in partial-sol-list.
It works!
=> (sol-count 11)
For starters, Clojure does not have TCO like other lisps. To mitigate this, Clojure offers loop and recur. In Clojure and other lisps, you generally do not have explicit returns, instead, the focus is on returning values.
I fixed up the qextend-helper to give you a start. I tested a few of your answers against the snippet that I replaced here, and they all resolve to the same solution. You still can't go past 10 even with this snippet inside of it, but if you continue to remove all the tail call recursions, you should be able to get past the stackoverflow errors:
(defn qextend-helper [n x partial-sol partial-sol-list]
(loop [n n
x x
partail-sol partial-sol
partial-sol-list partial-sol-list]
(when (and (<= x n)
(qextends? partail-sol x))
(recur n (inc x) partail-sol (conj partial-sol-list (conj partial-sol x))))))
I should point out also that the above isn't great Clojure either. There are many other solutions online that are less LOC and more Clojure-y, but since you are starting down this route, I am simply attempting to encourage you to remove the errors that you are running into. In this case, removing the tail-calls is a good place to start. With that said, there is nothing that would stop you from using for or other constructs and I encourage you to look into other options after you solved this.
When using recur, resist the temptation to put recur at the end of a function to simulate TCO:
(defn my-funct [x]
(recur x))
Finally, this indention style and putting parens on their own lines does not improve readability.:
(qextend-helper n (inc x) partial-sol partial-sol-list)

Why is let not a valid recur target?

In clojure, this is valid:
(loop [a 5]
(if (= a 0)
(recur (dec a))))
However, this is not:
(let [a 5]
(if (= a 0)
(recur (dec a))))
So I'm wondering: why are loop and let separated, given the fact they both (at least conceptually) introduce lexical bindings? That is, why is loop a recur target while let is not?
EDIT: originally wrote "loop target" which I noticed is incorrect.
Consider the following example:
(defn pascal-step [v n]
(if (pos? n)
(let [l (concat v [0])
r (cons 0 v)]
(recur (map + l r) (dec n)))
This function calculates n+mth line of pascal triangle by given mth line.
Now, imagine, that let is a recur target. In this case I won't be able to recursively call the pascal-step function itself from let binding using recur operator.
Now let's make this example a little bit more complex:
(defn pascal-line [n]
(loop [v [1]
i n]
(if (pos? i)
(let [l (concat v [0])
r (cons 0 v)]
(recur (map + l r) (dec i)))
Now we're calculating nth line of a pascal triangle. As you can see, I need both loop and let here.
This example is quite simple, so you may suggest removing let binding by using (concat v [0]) and (cons 0 v) directly, but I'm just showing you the concept. There may be a more complex examples where let inside a loop is unavoidable.