sed regexp, number reformatting: how to escape for bash - regex

I have a working (in macOS app Patterns) RegExp that reformats GeoJSON MultiPolygon coordinates, but don't know how to escape it for sed.
The file I'm working on is over 90 Mb in size, so bash terminal looks like the ideal place and sed the perfect tool for the job.
Search Text Example:
Desired outcome:
My current RegExp:
and reformatting:
The command should be something along these lines:
sed -i -e 's/ The RegExp escaped /$1\.$2$4,$6.$7$9/g' large_file.geojson
But what should be escaped in the RegExp to make it work?
My attempts always complain of being unbalanced.
I'm sorry if this has already been answered elsewhere, but I couldn't find even after extensive searching.
Edit: 2017-01-07: I didn't make it clear that the file contains properties other than just the GPS-points. One of the other example values picked from GeoJSON Feature properties is "35.642.1.001_001", which should be left unchanged. The braces check in my original regex is there for this reason.

That regex is not legal in sed; since it uses Perl syntax, my recommendation would be to use perl instead. The regular expression works exactly as-is, and even the command line is almost the same; you just need to add the -p option to get perl to operate in filter mode (which sed does by default). I would also recommend adding an argument suffix to the -i option (whether using sed or perl), so that you have a backup of the original file in case something goes horribly wrong. As for quoting, all you need to do is put the substitution command in single quotation marks:
perl -p -i.bak -e \
's/((?:\[)[0-9]{2})([0-9]+)(\.)([0-9]+)(,)([0-9]{2})([0-9]+)(\.)([0-9]+(?:\]))/$1\.$2$4,$6.$7$9/g' \

If your data is just like you showed, you needn't worry about the brackets. You may use a POSIX ERE enabled with -E (or -r in some other distributions) like this:
sed -i -E 's/([0-9]{2})([0-9]*)\.([0-9]+)/\1.\2\3/g' large_file.geojson
sed -i 's/\([0-9]\{2\}\)\([0-9]*\)\.\([0-9]\+\)/\1.\2\3/g' large_file.geojson
See an online demo.
You may see how this regex works here (just a demo, not proof).
Note that in POSIX BRE you need to escape { and } in limiting / range quantifiers and ( and ) in grouping constructs, and the + quantifier, else they denote literal symbols. In POSIX ERE, you do not need to escape the special chars to make them special, this POSIX flavor is closer to the modern regexes.
Also, you need to use \n notation inside the replacement pattern, not $n.

A simple sed will do it:
$ echo "$var"
$ echo "$var" | sed 's/\([0-9]\{3\}\)\./.\1/g'


Can I perform a 'non-global' grep and capture only the first match found for each line of input?

I understand that what I'm asking can be accomplished using awk or sed, I'm asking here how to do this using GREP.
Given the following input:
I want to use GREP to get:
Currently I'm trying
grep -Po '([^/]*[/]?){1}'
Which results in output:
Is there some simple way to use GREP to only get the first matched string on each line?
I think you can grep non / letters like:
grep -Eo '^[^/]+'
On another SO site there is another similar question with solution.
You don't need grep for this at all.
cut -d / -f 1
The -o option says to print every substring which matches your pattern, instead of printing each matching line. Your current pattern matches every string which doesn't contain slashes (optionally including a trailing slash); but it's easy to switch to one which only matches this pattern at the beginning of a line.
grep -o '^[^/]*' file
Notice the addition of the ^ beginning of line anchor, and the omission of the -P option (which you were not really using anyway) as well as the silly beginner error {1}.
(I should add that plain grep doesn't support parentheses or repetitions; grep -E would support these constructs just fine, of you could switch to toe POSIX BRE variation which requires a backslash to use round or curly parentheses as metacharacters. You can probably ignore these details and just use grep -E everywhere unless you really need the features of grep -P, though also be aware that -P is not portable.)

SED not updating with complex regex

I'm trying to automate updating the version number in a file as part of build process. I can get the following to work, but only for version numbers with single digits in each of the Major/minor/fix positions.
sed -i 's/version="[0-9]\.[0-9]\.[0-9]"/version="2.4.567"/g' projectConfig.xml
I've tried a more complex regex pattern and it works in the MS Regular Xpression Tool, but won't match when running sed.
sed -i 's/version="\b\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\b"/version="2.4.567"/g' projectConfig.xml
Example Input:
This is a file at version="2.1.245" and it consists of much more text.
Desired output
This is a file at version="2.4.567" and it consists of much more text.
I feel that there is something that I'm missing.
There are 3 problems:
To enable quantifiers ({}) in sed you need the -E / --regexp-extended switch (or use \{\}, see
The character set shorthand \d is [[:digit:]] in sed.
Your input does not quote the version in ".
sed 's/version=\b[[:digit:]]\{1,3\}\.[[:digit:]]\{1,3\}\.[[:digit:]]\{1,3\}\b/version="2.4.567"/g' \
<<< "This is a file at version=2.1.245 and it consists of much more text."
To stay more portable, you might want to use the --posix switch (which requires removing \b):
sed --posix 's/version=[[:digit:]]\{1,3\}\.[[:digit:]]\{1,3\}\.[[:digit:]]\{1,3\}/version="2.4.567"/g' \
<<< "This is a file at version=2.1.245 and it consists of much more text."

Regex not working in Bash

I have this regex for now
It should catch something like this
org.package;version="[1.0.41, 1.0.51)" and "," optionally if it is not last element.
Also if after package i added .* because the package could be "org.package.util.something" until ";version"
I tried it online in Regex tool and it is working like this
but i dont know what should i change so it can work in bash
sed -i "s/"$$package.*;version="\[[0-9].[0-9].[0-9][0-9],[[:space:]][0-9].[0-9].[0-9][0-9]\)",?"//g" "$file"
Change the double quotes arround sed command by single quotes, because variable expansion of $package single quotes are closed and double quotes are use arround variable
sed -i 's/'"$package"'.*;version="\[[0-9].[0-9].[0-9][0-9],[[:space:]][0-9].[0-9].[0-9][0-9]\)",?//g' "$file"
before using command with -i option check the output is correct
There is more than one problem
$$ will be replaced by bash with its PID, that's probably not what you want
online regex evaluators usually use extended regex or perl regex syntax
sed -r will enable extended regex mode. (for grep there's -E and -P)
You use . when you want to match literal dots. However you should be using \., because . actually means "any character" in regular expressions.

Why does sed provide an "invalid content" error on linux but not on mac

I have the following sed extended regular expressions replacement inside a bash script:
sed -i.bak -E 's~^[[:blank:]]*\\iftoggle{[[:alnum:]_]+}{\\input{([[:alnum:]_\/]+)}}{}~\\input{\1}~' file.txt
which should replace strings like
inside file.txt.
This works just fine locally, on OS X, but the script needs to be POSIX. Specifically, it fails on my remote Travis CI build (which uses Linux). While sed -E is not documented for GNU sed, it behaves just like sed -r and seems to work fine, allowing for a POSIX version of sed with extended regular expressions.
The error given is:
sed: -e expression #1, char 81: Invalid content of \{\}
I'm also not sure where the error starts counting characters from, whether it's the beginning of the line, or only that part which is encased in quotes (the expression)?
You don't need ERE here. Using BRE:
sed i.bak 's~^[[:blank:]]*\\iftoggle{[[:alnum:]_][[:alnum:]_]*}{\\input{\([[:alnum:]_\/][[:alnum:]_\/]*\)}}{}~\\input{\1}~' file.txt
{ don't need to be escaped here but ( do.
As + is not part of the BRE, you can replace [[:alnum:]_]+ with [[:alnum:]_][[:alnum:]_]* or with [[:alnum:]_]\{1,\}.
And as a side note, \+ can be used with GNU sed in BRE but keep in mind that it's not portable, it's a GNU extension.
This does not directly answer the question with sed, but provides an alternate simpler way to do this in perl command-line regex search and replacement.
perl -p -e 's|\iftoggle\{(\w+)\}\{\\input\{(\w+)/(\w+)\}\}\{\}|\input\{\2/\3\}|g' file
Using the word-separator as | and \w+ to match the [[:alnum:]] characters.
For in-place replacement, use the -i flag similar to sed
perl -p -i.bak -e 's|\iftoggle\{(\w+)\}\{\\input\{(\w+)/(\w+)\}\}\{\}|\input\{\2/\3\}|g' file
Regarding Word-characters(\w) in perl POSIX character classes page,
Word characters
A \w matches a single alphanumeric character (an alphabetic character, or a decimal digit); or a connecting punctuation character, such as an underscore ("_"); or a "mark" character (like some sort of accent) that attaches to one of those. It does not match a whole word. To match a whole word, use \w+ . This isn't the same thing as matching an English word, but in the ASCII range it is the same as a string of Perl-identifier characters.
For an input-with multiple folders inside input, e.g.
cat file
perl -p -e 's|\iftoggle\{(\w+)\}\{\\input\{(\w+)/(\w+)/(\w+)\}\}\{\}|\input\{\2/\3/\4\}|g' file
Just plug and play as many as capturing groups you want.

Sed doesn't replace my text properly

My following regex in Sed doesn't extract the file I want without the #30 substring.
Could you please help pointing out what I am missing here?
[machine]# echo "//dir1/dir2/dir3/component/file.rb#70" | sed 's/\(.*rb\)#\d+$/\1/g'
Output: //dir1/dir2/dir3/component/file.rb#70
What I want is simply: //dir1/dir2/dir3/component/file.rb without #70 substring.
Thanks in advance
The flavor of regular expression understood by sed by default doesn't include either \d for digits or + for "1 or more".
This will work:
sed 's/\(.*\.rb\)#[0-9][0-9]*$/\1/g'
Or you could turn on "extended" regular expression syntax with -E, which makes the + work (though still not \d), and swaps the meaning of backslashed vs non-backslashed parentheses:
sed -E 's/(.*\.rb)#[0-9]+$/\1/g'
Both of the above commands will work even on non-GNU sed, as you get by default on BSD and Mac OS X systems. In normal mode (without the -E), GNU sed also understands \+ to mean the same as bare + in extended mode, but BSD sed does not.
If all you're trying to do is get rid of the #digits, though, you can do it more simply. Sed regexes aren't anchored to the start of the line, so you don't have to include the filename - just replace the part you don't want with nothing at all:
sed 's/#[0-9][0-9]*$//'
sed -E 's/#[0-9]+$//'
If your real problem does require the fancy version, though, you could also use Perl, which has the advantage that there's relatively few (almost no) changes in regex syntax across versions. It also understands that \d syntax you tried to use:
perl -pe 's/(.*\.rb)#\d+$/\1/g'
With GNU sed, your command works if you use -E and change \d to [0-9] or [[:digit:]]:
echo "//dir1/dir2/dir3/component/file.rb#70" | sed -E 's/(.*rb)#[0-9]+$/\1/g'
Depending on the context, you may be able to use a simpler command, such as
sed 's/#[0-9]\+//g'
You got the answer but have you considered simply:
$ echo "//dir1/dir2/dir3/component/file.rb#70" | cut -d'#' -f1