How do I return <empty> from OO-CALC IF-statement? - openoffice-calc

Using OpenOffice CALC v4.1.3.
The dataset contains 400,000 rows and I am looking for the rows that are not in sequence order in column B. Column B contains integers from 1,2,3, etc. to the last row of data.
I am trying to set the cells in column-A with the formula as follow:
=IF(B3 = (B2+1);[empty];"BAD SEQUENCE")
I do not want to have the TRUE part to be "" (empty-string).
I want it to be [empty] or [blank] or [null] or [no-value] or [nothing] (using other language words here)
because I want to be able to use the [shift]+[down-arrow] key combination to find the next BAD-SEQUENCE row(s).
When the set of cells is actually [empty] then the [shift]+[down-arrow] navigates to the next "cell-with-value" (if not [empty]).
In this question, I have presented the code to show [empty] but I need the proper OO-CALC representation of [empty] to have empty cells when the if-statement is TRUE.
Your comments and solutions are welcome...thanks John

No value will make isblank return true, because C1 will always contain a formula, and isblank literally tests for blanks. Not empty strings, but actual empty cells.
Like ISBLANK, Ctrl+Down considers any formula to be non-empty, regardless of its result.
Instead, do the following workaround:
Use "" as the [empty] value.
Copy column A.
Select an unused column such as column C.
Paste Special, with the Formulas box unchecked.
Alternatively, instead of using formulas, fill column A with values using a macro.


Extract multiple substrings of numbers of a specific length from string in Google Sheets

I'd need to split or extract only numbers made of 8 digits from a string in Google Sheets.
I've tried with SPLIT or REGEXREPLACE but I can't find a way to get only the numbers of that length, I only get all the numbers in the string!
For example I'm using
=SPLIT(lower(N2),"qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm`-=[]\;' ,./!:##$%^&*()")
but I get all the numbers while I only need 8 digits numbers.
This may be a test value:
00150412632BBHBBLD 12458 32354 1312548896 ACT inv 62345471
I only need to extract "62345471" and nothing else!
Could you please help me out?
Many thanks!
Please use the following formula for a single cell.
Drag it down for more cells.
SPLIT(REGEXREPLACE(A2&" ","\D+"," ")," "),"")),"where Col1 is not null ",0)))
Functions used:
If you only need to do this for one cell (or you have your heart set on dragging the formula down into individual cells), use the following formula:
=REGEXEXTRACT(" "&N2&" ","\s(\d{8})\s")
However, I suspect you want to process the eight-digit number out of all cells running N2:N. If that is the case, clear whatever will be your results column (including any headers) and place the following in the top cell of that otherwise cleared results column:
=ArrayFormula({"Your Header"; IF(N2:N="",,IFERROR(REGEXEXTRACT(" "&N2:N&" ","\s(\d{8})\s")))})
Replace the header text Your Header with whatever you want your actual header text to be. The formula will show that header text and will return all results for all rows where N2:N is not null. Where no eight-digit number is found, null will be returned.
By prepending and appending a space to the N2:N raw strings before processing, spaces before and after string components can be used to determine where only eight digits exist together (as opposed to eight digits within a longer string of digits).
The only assumption here is that there are, in fact, spaces between string components. I did not assume that the eight-digit number will always be in a certain position (e.g., first, last) within the string.
Try this, take a look at Example sheet
Or this to get them all.
SPLIT with the dilimiter set to " " space TRANSPOSE and FILTER TRANSPOSE(SPLIT(B2," ") with the condition1 set to LEN(TRANSPOSE(SPLIT(B2," "))) is = 8
JOIN the outputed column whith " ," to gat all occurrences of number with a length of 8
Note: to get the numbers with the length of N just replace 8 in the FILTER function with a cell refrence.
Using this on a cell worked just fine for me:

Regexmatch in Google Sheet to identify cells that include any string in another sheet

I have a ColumnA where each cell include multiple values separated by comma, eg:
Elvis Costello, Madonna
Bob, Elvis Presley, Morgan Stanley
Frank, Morgan Stanley, Madonna Ford,
Elvis Costello, Madonna Ford
And I want to identify which rows/cells that includes any of the exact terms in another sheet/column, eg
Elvis Presley
And I found this simple solution using Regexmatch (the last solution on that page) Is there a way to REGEXMATCH from a range of cells from A1:A1000 for example?
Say you want to search for a match from a list of cities.
Put your list of cities in one tab.
Make them into lowercase for easier lookup since search terms are all in lowercase. You can do this by adding a new column and using the LOWER function.
Go back to your cell that has the list of search phrases.
In any blank cell out of the way (off to the side on the top row is a good place) put this formula: CITY LIST FORMULA: =TEXTJOIN("|",1,'vlookup city'!B$2:B$477) (if your tab is named 'vlookup city' and your cities are in column B of that tab)
Add a new column next to your search terms, or pick an existing one where you want to put your "match found" info.
In that new column, add this formula (if your data starts in row 4 and you put the City List formula in cell G3:) =REGEXMATCH(A4,G$4)
Fill the formula all the way down your list. You can double-click the little blue square in the bottom right corner of the cell, or grab-and-drag all the way to the bottom of the list.
Ba-ding! It will search for any one of those city names, anywhere in your search phrase.
If the search phrase contains at least one matching term, it will return "True."
You can then add extra features on your formula to make it return something else. For example: =IF(REGEXMATCH(A4,G$4), "match found", "no match found")
This is a super lightweight solution that won't slow your sheet down too much and is easy to use.
The problem is that the Regexmatch solution identifies "Elvis Costello" and "Madonna Ford" and I only want to identify cells/rows that includes the exact term to match, ie "Elvis Presley" and "Madonna", ie whatever is between the commas has to be an exact match with one of the search terms, not just partially right.
I hope it made sense:)
Thanks all!
I think I might have found the answer, still trying to double check if it's correct.
I added \b before and after. So in the example sheet re-posted in the quoted part of my question i changed the cell:
Cell B3:
=TEXTJOIN("|",1,'vlookup city'!B$2:B$476)
and added another cell like this:
Cell B2:
Still checking if all false flags are removed.

Concatenate a range of cells in OO Calc

I have column A with these cells:
A1: Apple
A2: Banana
A3: Cherry
I want a formula that will string them together in one cell like this:
"Apple, Banana, Cherry"
I don’t know if it’s implanted on OpenOffice but on his cousin LibreOffice Calc since the version 5.2 you’ve got the function : TEXTJOIN
TEXTJOIN( delimiter, skip_empty, string1[, string2][, …] )
delimiter is a text string and can be a range.skip_empty is a logical (TRUE or
FALSE, 1 or 0) argument. When TRUE, empty strings will be ignored.
string1[, string2][, …] are strings or references to cells or ranges
that contains text to join.
Ranges are traversed row by row (from top to bottom).
Example : =TEXTJOIN(",",1,A1:A10)
More info here :
A different approach, suitable for a long list, would be to copy A1 to B1, prepend a " and in B2 enter:
=B1&", "&A2&IF(A3="";"""";"")
then double-click the fill handle to cell B2 (the small square at its bottom right). The result should appear in ColumnB in the row of the last entry of your list.
As of version 4.1.7 of Apache OpenOffice Calc, there still isn't a simple solution to this problem. CONCATENATE doesn't accept cell ranges, and there isn't a TEXTJOIN function like LibreOffice. However, there is a workaround.
This is essentially a duplicate of pnuts' answer, but with images to hopefully help. His answer explicitly addresses separating the items with delimiters, as well as the opening and closing quotations, as the question above uses. As the general question (how to concatenate a range of cells) is useful to many people, I think my answer should still be useful even though I haven't done that.
In my case, I had one column with letters corresponding to finished worksets, and one column with letters corresponding to unfinished worksets. The letters only appear on every 8th row, so I can't view them all at the same time. I wanted to just mash all the finished letters together in one cell to be easy to view, and the same with the unfinished letters.
The example removes the 7 empty rows per letter and manually inputs which letters are finished/unfinished for convenience.
Column A is the "unfinished" column to be concatenated. Column C is used to perform the concatenation. Row 2 is the first row, and row 24 is the final row. G1 shows the concatenated result in an easy-to-see spot near the top of the document.
Columns B and D, and cell G2, utilize the same method to show the "finished" data. The formulas aren't shown here.
In cell C2, point explicitly to A2:
If you may have blanks, as I do, there needs to be a conditional in C2 to treat the first cell as blank text, instead of as zero Note 1:
=IF (A2 <> "" ; A2 ; "")
Then, in cell C3, concatenate C2 and A3:
=C2 & A3
Copy C3, then highlight C4:C24 and paste the formula to autofill those cells.
Wherever you need the result of the concatenation, reference C24.
Note 1 If N cells at the top of the A row are blank and you just let C2 = A2, the first N rows on C will show 0, and a single 0 will be prepended to the concatenation result. Here, columns B and D are used to illustrate the problem:
Either use the CONCATENATE function or ampersands (&):
=CONCATENATE("""", A1, ", ", A2, ", ", A3, """")
For something more powerful, write a Basic macro that uses Join.
There is no function that can concatenate a range. Instead, write a Basic macro or drag and drop CONCATENATE formulas to multiple cells. See

Remove duplicates and Keep related data Calc (Excel)

I have a list of products in calc (excel), each with an associated IP address. Many of the names have multiple IP addresses, however they are organized one column at a time. I am trying to remove all of the multiples and pull all of the IP addresses under a single name. I have tried nslookup and index match, they do not deal well with multiple outputs though. Right now it looks like this
a| 1
a| 2
a| 3
b| 1
b| 2
b| 3
I would like it to look like this
a 1,2,3
b 1,2,3
Is there any way to do this without wasting a ton of time, I have a few ways that work but they will take me forever to setup.
I recommend setting up your formulas in multiple "helper" cells before getting to the final "result cell". This breaks down the problem into smaller steps that are more easily formulated and, if needed in the future, updated. Once the setup is complete you can hide the helper columns by right-clicking on the column letter and choosing "Hide".
The first column to set up is the list of distinct product names. For the formula below to work, the product/IP list will need to be sorted in ascending order. If the list is not already sorted, to sort it first highlight the entire list, including headers. Then choose Data→Sort; select sort by "Product", make sure the radio button "Ascending" is selected, and press OK.
For purposes of this example, I'll assume product names are in column A, starting on row 2 and IPs are in column B starting on row 2 (with row 1 being the header labels). In the column where you want to list the distinct product names (I used column D), enter in the top cell =A2. In the cell below enter
The match formula has a 1 as the third variable, meaning the range is sorted ascending and MATCH will return the position of the last matching cell. We add 1 to the position of the last matching cell, and this will be the position of the first cell with a new product name. That position is fed into the INDEX function to show the next product name.
Copy and paste that cell down as far as you need to show all the product names.
Now we'll set up a series of cells to display each IP address. I used columns F to I to show up to 4 addresses:
MATCH with the third variable of 1 returns the position of the last matching cell; MATCH with the third variable of 0 returns the position of the first matching cell.
The IF statement checks if the position of the first matching cell (in the first lookup column) or the cell below that (in the second lookup column) or the cell two below the first match (in the third lookup column), etc. is less than or equal to the position of the last matching cell. If yes, then it looks up the relevant IP address. If no, it displays a blank.
In the formulas above you would need to manually enter the formula in the top row of each column. If you have some products with a large number of IP addresses, you may want to set up the formula so you can copy and paste between columns as well as down the rows. This would work if you were starting in column F:
Once you have your top row set up as you want, copy and paste down however many rows you need.
If you want to combine all the IPs into a single cell separated by commas, you can use a formula like this:
Each IF statement will add a comma separator followed by the cell contents if the checked cell is not empty, otherwise it returns a blank string. You will need to manually adjust to add additional IF statements for however many maximum columns you want to concatenate. Again, once you have the top row set up, copy and paste down however far you need.
Assuming you have two columns (A and B), that these are labelled and sorted as shown, then enter in C2:
and in D1:
Copy both down to suit, select ColumnC and Copy, Paste Special... with each Selection ticked other than Paste all and Formulas, click OK.
Select ColumnsA:D, Data > Filter > AutoFilter, click Yes and select 1 for ColumnD and all visible range.
Copy and paste into a new sheet, move B1 to C1 and delete Columns B and D.

Regular Expression to break row with comma separated values into distinct rows

I have a file with many rows. Each row has a column which may contain comma separated values. I need each row to be distinct (ie no comma separated values).
Here is an example row:
AB AB10,AB11,AB12,AB15,AB16,AB21,AB22,AB23,AB24,AB25,AB99 ABERDEEN Aberdeenshire
The columns are comma separated (Postcode area, Postcode districts, Post town, Former postal county).
So the above row would get turned into:
AB AB10 ABERDEEN Aberdeenshire
AB AB11 ABERDEEN Aberdeenshire
AB AB12 ABERDEEN Aberdeenshire
I tried the following but it didn't work...
I agree that RegEx are not be the best way but this should work hopefully if that's all you have available to you. (Done repeatedly until there are no more matches)
Updated with the OP's final solution from the comments.
Find: (.+)\t([^,\s]+),([^\t]+)\t(.+)
Replace: \1\t\2\t\4\r\1\t\3\t\4
I agree with stakx that this doesn't sound like a good place for regexes.
I would write a small program instead which read each line, split the line into columns, split each relevant column into a list of values, and then iterated over all combinations of those, outputting a line each time.
Assuming it's only that one column which can have multiple tokens, it would basically look like this:
while not InputFile.EndOfFile:
line = InputFile.readline();
columns = line.split('\t'); //Assuming 1-based array, so indexes 1-4
col2values = columns[2].split(',');
for each value in col2values:
If multiple columns can have multiple values, simply put another loop inside the for each.