If module did not create properly then remove data from which tables for reinstall the module in vtiger - vtiger

am new in vtiger. Could anyone tell me which tables are store for module related data? Suppose I create a module ABC for any purpose. Then it will create two tables (1) vtiger_ABC and (2) vtiger_ABCcf and vtiger_crm is common. My questions are
1) without this three tables which tables are required extra.
2) If module did not create properly then remove data from which tables for reinstall the module in vtiger7. Please tell me the tables name.

1) Those three tables are the only ones strictly needed (vtiger_yourmodule, vtiger_yourmodulecf and vtiger_crmentity). Of course you could create additional tables, but only if you have a special need. For basic entity modules you only need those three.
2) you should run a script for module uninstallation:
require_once 'vtlib/Vtiger/Module.php';
$Vtiger_Utils_Log = true;
$MODULENAME = 'yourmodule';
$moduleInstance = Vtiger_Module::getInstance($MODULENAME);
if ($moduleInstance) {
echo "Module is present - deleting module instance...\n";
} else {
echo "Module not found...\n";
put it on your vtiger root folder and execute it through a browser. That script will delete some entries in some other tables. You can also manually delete tables vtiger_yourmodule and vtiger_yourmodulecf and delete your module's folder in vtiger_root/modules/yourmodule


Trying to aggregate data from multiple files in two distinct tables

I just got started in PowerBI and I am generating two report files every month from Service NOW.
SLA's report and the Incident report. Eventually, these files have the naming INC_MM_YY.xls or SLA_MM_YY.xls.
I am trying to make the addition of the previous month's files without the need to add new data sources/edit the queries. It seems that it is possible using M language in the advanced query editor but seems a lot complicated since I have 0 experience with power query M.
Are there other ways?
Or in the case above. I can retrieve the folder data as a table and iterate over the files. But how to do that in the M language?
Thank you.
EDIT: Just to try to make it clear let's look at the table generated by the folder source.
We have the name of the file and it's path for each row.
So in pseudo code should be something like:
For (each row as n) {
if (n.folderpath ends with "sla") {
tablesla += load source n."folderpath" && n."filename"
else tableincident += load source n."folderpath" && n."filename"
It just seems not practical in powerquery :/ I could find how to make something similar to a for loop but very confusing.
I figured it out.
You can actually create two different sources, one for the folder with the SLA and another with the folder for incident. Just after combining and transforming the data from one of the folders. Still in the Query Editor, you just click New Source and the other folder data will combined in a different table.
With that you have two distinct tables and any time when you put a new file in one of the folders, hit refresh, the data will be added to the correct table.
Thank you guys.
try the load from folder option, you can place each months files into a its own folder one for the SLA's and one for the Incidents. With the load from folder, it will go though each file and load it. So the next month, you add in Novembers data, refresh the dataset(s) and it will add it automatically.
The files need to be the same structure for it to work effectively, and it will load what it sees in the folder, so if you remove a file, Power BI will not retain it in the workbook, it only loads what it can see.
Other examples
Hope that helps

vTiger Custom Module suddenly stopped storing data

My custom module has suddenly stopped storing data in the base table and no filters are showing up either.
Try Deleting module using following script and as well as using console.php.
Put and run from your root directory (using browser)
$Vtiger_Utils_Log = true;
$MODULENAME = 'ModuleName'; //module name to delete
$moduleInstance = Vtiger_Module::getInstance($MODULENAME);
if($module) {
//DB adjustment needs to be done -- Running this script is not enugh.
echo "Success";
Remember while deleting module, everything must be deleted.
Check Following table after deleting module using above script and console.php
The first two table are important, search your module and related fields on those two tables and delete that row. And last three tables you need to delete completely. But dont ever delete last three tables directly.

SQLalchemy: multiple tables one schema, and dynamically creating tables at startup

I'm building a Flask app, which, at startup, should read some number of tsv files, each of which has the same schema, put them in tables (one for each file), and then users will specify which table/file they want to query, and some number of keys.
I'm not sure how to do this, but the best way seems to be to specify one schema and then, once the app starts, read the files and dynamically create tables for each file. I can't find anywhere in the SQLalchemy docs any mention of how to use the same schema multiple times. Perhaps I need to extend my schema class, but i'm not sure how to do this at startup.
Thanks in advance!
-- EDIT --
It looks like this answers half of my question:
Flask-SQLAlchemy. Create several tables with all fields identical
So my question now is: Can you do the above in Flask, and can you do it as the app starts?
You can take 2 approaches.
Sub-classing - You create a base Mixin for schema and subclass it for each concrete tables. This approach is useful, if you expect that in future the schema for different tables might diverge. If a new field needs to be added in only one table you can add it only in sub-class. (variables db, Model etc is used from flask sqlalchemy quickstart)
class BaseMixin(object):
name = db.Column(String(80), unique=True)
field2 = db.Column ...
class SubClass1(BaseMixin, db.Model)
class Subclass2(BaseMixin, db.Model)
additional_field_for_subclass2 = db.Column(...
Common table for all - If you are confident that the schema will remain the same for all tables. I would suggest you create one table for all you data, with a additional field data_source which will indicate where the row/data came from.
class CommonTable(db.Model):
data_source = db.Column(String(100) ..)
field1 = ...
field2 = ...

Django Database Prefix

I need to merge two databases for two different apps. How can add prefix to all Django tables to avoid any conflict?
For example, option should look like:
DB_PREFIX = 'my_prefix_'
You can use meta options for model,
class ModelHere():
class Meta:
db_table = "tablenamehere"
If you want to add prefix to all of your tables including auth_user, auth_group, etc. Then you are looking for something like django-table-prefix. Just install and add some settings to settings file and you are done.
Add 'table_prefix', to installed apps,
Set the table prefix as DB_PREFIX = 'nifty_prefix'
Then run syncdb and the output will be,
Creating tables ...
Creating table nifty_prefix_auth_permission
Creating table nifty_prefix_auth_group_permissions
Creating table nifty_prefix_auth_group
Creating table nifty_prefix_auth_user_groups
Creating table nifty_prefix_auth_user_user_permissions
Creating table nifty_prefix_auth_user
Creating table nifty_prefix_django_content_type
Creating table nifty_prefix_django_session
Creating table nifty_prefix_django_site
An alternative to prefixing all the names is to put one of the two DBs into a different schema
(multiple schemas can coexist in the same database, even if the objects have the same names) This will also take care of objects other than tables, such as indexes, views, functions, ...
So on one of the databases, just do
After that, you can dump it (pg_dump -n myname to dump only one schema), and import it into the other database, without the chance of collisions.
You refer to tables or other objects in the new schema by myname.tablname or by setting the search_path (this can be done on a per-user basis eg via ALTER USER SET search_path = myschema, pg_catalog;)
Note: there may be a problem with frameworks and clients not being schema-aware, so you might need some additional tweaking. YMMV.

Django create/alter tables on demand

I've been looking for a way to define database tables and alter them via a Django API.
For example, I'd like to be write some code which directly manipulates table DDL and allow me to define tables or add columns to a table on demand programmatically (without running a syncdb). I realize that django-south and django-evolution may come to mind, but I don't really think of these tools as tools meant to be integrated into an application and used by and end user... rather these tools are utilities used for upgrading your database tables. I'm looking for something where I can do something like:
class MyModel(models.Model): # wouldn't run syncdb.. instead do something like below
a = models.CharField()
b = models.CharField()
model = MyModel()
model.create() # this runs the create table (instead of a syncdb)
model.add_column(c = models.CharField()) # this would set a column to be added
model.alter() # and this would apply the alter statement
model.del_column('a') # this would set column 'a' for removal
model.alter() # and this would apply the removal
This is just a toy example of how such an API would work, but the point is that I'd be very interested in finding out if there is a way to programatically create and change tables like this. This might be useful for things such as content management systems, where one might want to dynamically create a new table. Another example would be a site that stores datasets of an arbitrary width, for which tables need to be generated dynamically by the interface or data imports. Dose anyone know any good ways to dynamically create and alter tables like this?
(Granted, I know one can do direct SQL statements against the database, but that solution lacks the ability to treat the databases as objects)
Just curious as to if people have any suggestions or approaches to this...
You can try and interface with the django's code that manages changes in the database. It is a bit limited (no ALTER, for example, as far as I can see), but you may be able to extend it. Here's a snippet from django.core.management.commands.syncdb.
for app in models.get_apps():
app_name = app.__name__.split('.')[-2]
model_list = models.get_models(app)
for model in model_list:
# Create the model's database table, if it doesn't already exist.
if verbosity >= 2:
print "Processing %s.%s model" % (app_name, model._meta.object_name)
if connection.introspection.table_name_converter(model._meta.db_table) in tables:
sql, references = connection.creation.sql_create_model(model, self.style, seen_models)
for refto, refs in references.items():
pending_references.setdefault(refto, []).extend(refs)
if refto in seen_models:
sql.extend(connection.creation.sql_for_pending_references(refto, self.style, pending_references))
sql.extend(connection.creation.sql_for_pending_references(model, self.style, pending_references))
if verbosity >= 1 and sql:
print "Creating table %s" % model._meta.db_table
for statement in sql:
Take a look at connection.creation.sql_create_model. The creation object is created in the database backend relevant to the database you are using in your settings.py. All of them are under django.db.backends.
If you must have ALTER table, I think you can create your own custom backend that extends an existing one and adds this functionality. Then you can interface with it directly through a ExtendedModelManager you create.
Quickly off the top of my head..
Create a Custom Manager with the Create/Alter methods.