Implement an Ellipse Structural Element - c++

I want to implement the following using OpenCV (I'll post my attempt at the bottom of the post). I am aware that OpenCV has a function for something like this, but I want to try to write my own.
In an image (Mat) (the coordinate system is at the top left, since it is an image) of width width and height height, I want to display a filled ellipsewith the following properties:
it should be centered at (width/2, height/2)
the image should be binary, so the points corresponding to the ellipse should have a value of 1 and others should be 0
the ellipse should be rotated by angle radians around the origin (or degrees, this does not matter all that much, I can convert)
ellipse: semi-major axis parameter is a and semi-minor axis parameter is b and these two parameters also represent the size of these axes in the picture, so "no matter" the width and height, the ellipse should have a major axis of size 2*a and a minor axis of size 2*b
Ok, so I've found an equation similar to this ( for my purpose. My code is as follows.. it does seem to do pretty well on the rotation side, but, sadly, depending on the rotation angle, the SIZE (major axis, not sure about the minor) visibly increases/decreases, which is not normal, since I want it to have the same size, independent of the rotation angle.
NOTE The biggest size is seemingly achieved when the angle is 45 or -45 degrees and the smallest for angles like -90, 0, 90.
inline double sqr(double x)
return x * x;
Mat ellipticalElement(double a, double b, double angle, int width, int height)
// just to make sure I don't use some bad values for my parameters
assert(2 * a < width);
assert(2 * b < height);
Mat element = Mat::zeros(height, width, CV_8UC1);
Point center(width / 2, height / 2);
for(int x = 0 ; x < width ; x++)
for(int y = 0 ; y < height ; y++)
if (sqr((x - center.x) * cos(angle) - (y - center.y) * sin(angle)) / sqr(a) + sqr((x - center.x) * sin(angle) - (y - center.y) * cos(angle)) / sqr(b) <= 1)<uchar>(y, x) = 1;
return element;

A pesky typo sneaked in your inequality. The first summand must be
sqr((x - center.x) * cos(angle) + (y - center.y) * sin(angle)) / sqr(a)
Note the plus sign instead of minus.


Bilinear Interpolation - OSRM Rastersource

I've got a question about bilinear interpolation in the OSRM-Project.
I understand the "normal" bilinear interpolation. Here the picture from Wikipedia, what is insane:
Now I'm trying to understand the bilinear interpolation which is used in the OSRM-Project for raster source data.
// Query raster source using bilinear interpolation
RasterDatum RasterSource::GetRasterInterpolate(const int lon, const int lat) const
if (lon < xmin || lon > xmax || lat < ymin || lat > ymax)
return {};
const auto xthP = (lon - xmin) / xstep;
const auto ythP =
(ymax - lat) /
ystep; // the raster texture uses a different coordinate system with y pointing downwards
const std::size_t top = static_cast<std::size_t>(fmax(floor(ythP), 0));
const std::size_t bottom = static_cast<std::size_t>(fmin(ceil(ythP), height - 1));
const std::size_t left = static_cast<std::size_t>(fmax(floor(xthP), 0));
const std::size_t right = static_cast<std::size_t>(fmin(ceil(xthP), width - 1));
// Calculate distances from corners for bilinear interpolation
const float fromLeft = xthP - left; // this is the fraction part of xthP
const float fromTop = ythP - top; // this is the fraction part of ythP
const float fromRight = 1 - fromLeft;
const float fromBottom = 1 - fromTop;
return {static_cast<std::int32_t>(raster_data(left, top) * (fromRight * fromBottom) +
raster_data(right, top) * (fromLeft * fromBottom) +
raster_data(left, bottom) * (fromRight * fromTop) +
raster_data(right, bottom) * (fromLeft * fromTop))};
Original Code here
Can someone explain me how the code works?
The input format are the SRTM data in ASCII format.
The variables height and width are defined as nrows and ncolumns.
The variables xstep and ystep are defined as:
return (max - min) / (static_cast<float>(count) - 1)
Where count is height for ystep and width for xstep, max and min similar.
And another question:
Can I use the same code for data in TIF-format and the whole world?
Horizontal pixel coordinates are in the range [0, width - 1]; similarly vertical coordinates are in [0, height - 1]. (Zero-indexing convention used in many many languages including C++)
The lines
const auto xthP = (lon - xmin) / xstep; (and for ythP)
Convert the input image-space coordinates (long, lat) into pixel coordinates. xstep is the width of each pixel in image-space.
Rounding this down (using floor) gives pixels intersected by the sample area on one side, and rounding up (ceil) gives the pixels on the other side. For the X-coordinate these give left and right.
The reason for using fmin and fmax are to clamp the coordinates so that they don't exceed the pixel coordinate range.
EDIT: since you are trying to interpret this picture, I'll list the corresponding parts below:
Q11 = (left, top)
Q12 - (left, bottom), etc.
P = (xthP, ythP)
R1 = fromTop, R2 = fromBottom etc.
A good start point would be, slide 27. In future though, Google is your friend.

Formula of rotating matrix/image 90 degree C++

Let's say I have image, which I need to rotate 90 degrees in any direction and I just can't understand how to do that clear. I need to work with matrix, where Width - it's X, and Height - it's Y. I've already done rotating an image 180 degrees, but can't figure out 90 degrees.
Here are the examples. Let's say I have an image 3x4 pixels. Width = 3, Height = 4, the amount of data in each cell - N = Width * Height = 3 * 4 = 12. Let's make the matrix:
The formula to easily go through the matrix is y*Width + x. And the formula for our rotating 180 degrees is:
N - Width + x - y * Width
So we have:
DataOut [y * Width + x] = DataIn [N - Width + x - y * Width]
Using this formula we get:
But I can't come up with the formula of rotating 90 degrees. Can you help me, please?
you can simply rotate the matrix by this:
for(int i=0; i<cols; i++)
for(int j=1; j<=rows; j++)
datOut[i][j]= datIn[rows-j][i];
and in 1-D array:
for(int i=0; i<cols; i++)
for(int j=1; j<=rows; j++)
datOut[i * rows + j]= datIn[(rows-j) * cols + i];
You can easily convert the (x + y * width) to a simpler (x, y) representation.
using P = point_data_type;
P point(int x, int y){
return DataIn[x + y * width]; // N - ...?
Now a right angle rotation is just a coordinate switch and maybe a sign correction.
P rotate90(int x, int y){
return point(y, x);
This is a positive rotation in a left-handed system.
Subtract x from Width if the rotation is in the wrong direction.

2D compass angle from model-view-matrix

I have a game where there is a 2D compass from 0-360 degrees that tells you the angle the camera is facing regardless of height.
I am trying to figure out how to get that angle using the model-view matrix. My algorithm works but not 100% of the time.
I have the following code for grabbing the angles from the model-view matrix.
Vector3D<float> GetEulerAngles(float ModelView[16])
float X = atan2(ModelView[9], ModelView[10]) * (180 / PI);
float Y = atan2(-ModelView[8], sqrt(pow(ModelView[0], 2) + pow(ModelView[4], 2))) * (180 / PI);
float Z = atan2(ModelView[4], ModelView[0]) * (180 / PI);
return {X < 0 ? 360 - X : X, Y < 0 ? 360 - Y : Y, Z < 0 ? 360 - Z : Z};
Works so long as the camera is at its highest point (looking down on the player - 66deg angle)
OR any height and: 90 < CompassAngle < 360 is true.
int GetCompassAngle()
glGetFloatv(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, &ModelView[0]);
Vector3D<float> angles = GetEulerAngles(ModelView);
return round(to_degrees(Z));
Works so long as the camera is at any height (and: 0 < CompassAngle < 90)
int GetCompassAngle()
glGetFloatv(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, &ModelView[0]);
Vector3D<float> angles = GetEulerAngles(ModelView);
return round(360 - to_degrees(Y));
When I lower the camera, the second GetCompassAngle works. It reads the "Y" from the euler angles. However, if the camera is at the highest point, it reads the "Z" from the euler angles.
These work but when rotating and changing the camera angle changes the value and sometimes it gives me the wrong compass angle.
How can I combine them in some way or get the compass angle regardless of camera height?
Here are some numbers if it helps my case:
CompassHeight (Max - 65 deg from floor):
CompassDeg (X, Y, Z):
0deg: 65.0537253622628 358.814165052872 1.07537657735905
90deg: 88.1642315504792 312.258382165551 85.6596194029266
180deg: 115.286564608444 358.615368311296 178.747763300624
270deg: 90.1881102037367 47.9243745800853 269.562655218025
//Notice the "Z" values are the right compass angle or close enough.
CompassHeight (Low - 13 deg from floor):
CompassDeg (X, Y, Z):
0deg: 13.7624148875505 1.69169652884413 359.597596807979
90deg: 77.9527238194348 283.654247204305 77.5930785465022
180deg: 166.486754945655 355.694293448629 178.99462624173
270deg: 87.8507577921787 77.1021010565408 272.207848194156

Rotating a point around another point

I'm trying to rotate one point around a central point by an angle - standard problem. I've seen lots of posts about this but I can't get my implementation to work:
void Point::Rotate(const Point Pivot, const float Angle)
if (Angle == 0)
float s = sin(Angle);
float c = cos(Angle);
x -= Pivot.x;
y -= Pivot.y;
x = (x * c) - (y * s) + Pivot.x;
y = (x * s) + (y * c) + Pivot.y;
This is my code, the logic of which I've gleaned from numerous source, for example here, and here.
As far as I'm aware, it should work. However, when I apply it to rotating for example, the point (0, 100) by 90 degrees (Pi/2 is given to the function) around (0, 0), the rotated point is apparently at (-100, -100); 100px below where it should be.
When trying to draw a circle (36 points) - it creates a vague heart shape. It looks like a graph I saw that I think was in polar coordinates - do I need to convert my point to Cartesian or something?
Can anyone spot anything wrong with my code?
Edit: Sorry, this function is a member function to a Point class - x and y are the member variables :/
You're almost there, but you're modifying x in the next-to-last line, meaning that the value of that coordinate fed into the y calculation is incorrect!
Instead, use temporary variables for the new x and y and then add the Pivot coordinates on afterwards:
double nx = (x * c) - (y * s);
double ny = (x * s) + (y * c);
x = nx + Pivot.x;
y = ny + Pivot.y;

Line-Circle Algorithm not quite working as expected

First, see:
I have an algorithm that solves for the height of an object given a circle and an offset.
It sort of works but the height is always off:
Here is the formula:
and here is a sketch of what it is supposed to do:
And here is sample output from the application:
In the formula, offset = 10 and widthRatio is 3. This is why it is (1 / 10) because (3 * 3) + 1 = 10.
The problem, as you can see is the height of the blue rectangle is not correct. I set the bottom left offsets to be the desired offset (in this case 10) so you can see the bottom left corner is correct. The top right corner is wrong because from the top right corner, I should only have to go 10 pixels until I touch the circle.
The code I use to set the size and location is:
void DataWidgetsHandler::resize( int w, int h )
int tabSz = getProportions()->getTableSize() * getProportions()->getScale();
int r = tabSz / 2;
agui::Point tabCenter = agui::Point(
w * getProportions()->getTableOffset().getX(),
h * getProportions()->getTableOffset().getY());
float widthRatio = 3.0f;
int offset = 10;
int height = solveHeight(offset,widthRatio,tabCenter.getX(),tabCenter.getY(),r);
int width = height * widthRatio;
int borderMargin = height;
h - height - offset);
I can assert that the table radius and table center location are correct.
This is my implementation of the formula:
int DataWidgetsHandler::solveHeight( int offset, float widthRatio, float h, float k, float r ) const
float denom = (widthRatio * widthRatio) + 1.0f;
float rSq = denom * r * r;
float eq = widthRatio * offset - offset - offset + h - (widthRatio * k);
eq *= eq;
return (1.0f / denom) *
((widthRatio * h) + k - offset - (widthRatio * (offset + offset)) - sqrt(rSq - eq) );
It uses the quadratic formula to find what the height should be so that the distance between the top right of the rectangle, bottom left, amd top left are = offset.
Is there something wrong with the formula or implementation? The problem is the height is never long enough.
Well, here's my solution, which looks to resemble your solveHeight function. There might be some arithmetic errors in the below, but the method is sound.
You can think in terms of matching the coordinates at the point of the circle across
from the rectangle (P).
Let o_x,o_y be the lower left corner offset distances, w and h be the
height of the rectangle, w_r be the width ratio, dx be the desired
distance between the top right hand corner of the rectangle and the
circle (moving horizontally), c_x and c_y the coordinates of the
circle's centre, theta the angle, and r the circle radius.
Labelling it is half the work! Simply write down the coordinates of the point P:
P_x = o_x + w + dx = c_x + r cos(theta)
P_y = o_y + h = c_y + r sin(theta)
and we know w = w_r * h.
To simplify the arithmetic, let's collect some of the constant terms, and let X = o_x + dx - c_x and Y = o_y - c_y. Then we have
X + w_r * h = r cos(theta)
Y + h = r sin(theta)
Squaring and summing gives a quadratic in h:
(w_r^2 + 1) * h^2 + 2 (X*w_r + Y) h + (X^2+Y^2-r^2) == 0
If you compare this with your effective quadratic, then as long as we made different mistakes :-), you might be able to figure out what's going on.
To be explicit: we can solve this using the quadratic formula, setting
a = (w_r^2 + 1)
b = 2 (X*w_r + Y)
c = (X^2+Y^2-r^2)