custom log grok pattern - regex

I am trying to parse a custom log line using grok pattern but I'm not able to completely parse the line.
Custom log line:
site 'TRT' : alias 'TRT,FAK,FAS,ATI,ONE,DVZ,TWO' : serveur 'Test10011' RAS : TRT / TRT serveur 'Test10011' OK
Grok pattern:
"site": [
"site 'TRT' "
"alias": [
"server": [
" serveur 'Test10011' RAS "
"msg": [
I am not able to parse the last few items in the 'msg', . Could you please help ,where I'm going wrong? msg should contain "TRT / TRT serveur 'Test10011' OK"

It seems you just need to use GREEDYDATA instead of DATA pattern:
I also suggest adding \s* around : to get rid of leading/trailing whitespaces.


Logstash log time and date parsing

Hello I have below log
12-Apr-2021 16:11:41.078 WARNING [https-jsse-nio2-8443-exec-3] org.apache.catalina.realm.LockOutRealm.filterLockedAccounts An attempt was made to authenticate the locked user [user1]
I am trying to build a pattern for these for logstash.
I have following
which parses below
"timestamp": [
"12-Apr-2021 16:01:01.505"
"severity": [
"thread": [
"type_log": [
My Date stamp is a custom pattern it works with grok debugger but not with the system that i am using so i would need help to get date and time with regex. would anyone help me please?
12-Apr-2021 16:11:41.078 GROK REGEX for this
Instead of %{MY_DATE_PATTERN:timestamp}, you can use
(?<timestamp>%{MONTHDAY}-%{MONTH}-%{YEAR} %{HOUR}:%{MINUTE}:%{SECOND})
%{MONTHDAY} - (?:(?:0[1-9])|(?:[12][0-9])|(?:3[01])|[1-9])
%{MONTH} - \b(?:Jan(?:uary|uar)?|Feb(?:ruary|ruar)?|M(?:a|รค)?r(?:ch|z)?|Apr(?:il)?|Ma(?:y|i)?|Jun(?:e|i)?|Jul(?:y)?|Aug(?:ust)?|Sep(?:tember)?|O(?:c|k)?t(?:ober)?|Nov(?:ember)?|De(?:c|z)(?:ember)?)\b
%{YEAR} - (?>\d\d){1,2}`
%{HOUR} - (?:2[0123]|[01]?[0-9])
%{MINUTE} - (?:[0-5][0-9])
%{SECOND} - (?:(?:[0-5]?[0-9]|60)(?:[:.,][0-9]+)?).

grok parse optional field pattern doesn't work

I've got a log like this:
I'm trying to parse it with grok using grok debugger:
It works, but sometimes the log comes without THROTTLED_OUT_REASON field.
In that case I tried below code since THROTTLED_OUT_REASON is an optional field.
So this should work for both cases. The given output for the log with optional field is:
"errorMassage": [
"throttledOutReason": [
But the expected output for the log with optional field:
"errorMassage": [
"Invalid Credentials"
"throttledOutReason": [
expected output for the log without optional field:
"errorMassage": [
"Invalid Credentials"
"throttledOutReason": [
Can anyone suggest a solution which gives correct output for both type of logs?
Since you use GREEDYDATA it "eats" as much as it can get in order to fill errormessage.
I do not know GROK enough to tell you what alternative defined patterns there are, but you should be able to use a custom pattern:
I got the answer using #Skeeve 's idea.
Here it is for anyone who would come up with a similar question:
I've used custom pattern in order to avoid excess eating of GREEDYDATA (for errorMessage field).

Elasticsearch Token filter for removing tokens with a single word

I have what seems to be a very simple problem though I can't get it to work.
I have a token stream of words and I want to remove any token that is a single word e.g. [the quick, brown, fox] should be outputted as [the quick].
I've tried using pattern_capture token filters and used many types of patterns but it only generates new tokens, and doesn't remove old ones.
Here is the analyzer I've built (abbreviated for clarity)
"analyzer": {
"job_analyzer": {
"type": "custom",
"tokenizer": "whitespace",
"char_filter": [
"filter": [
other filters....,
"char_filter": {...},
"filter": {
"dash_drop": {
"type": "pattern_capture",
"preserve_original": false,
"patterns": [
"- (.+)"
"drop_single_word": {
"type": "pattern_capture",
"preserve_original": false,
"patterns": [**nothing here works**]
I know I'm using a whitespace tokenzier that breaks sentences into words, but not shown here is the use of shingles to create new nGrams.
The purpose of the dash_drop filter is used to split sentences with - into tokens without the - so for example: my house - my rules would split into [my house, my rules].
Any help is greatly apperciated.

Regex match if exist or ignore

i'm with a throble in regex
Input example:
Output 1 -
url => /aaaa/admin.php
var => file=xpto.js&version=abcd123
Output 2 -
url => /aaaa/admin.php
i tried %{NOTSPACE:url}(?:/?%{NOTSPACE:var}) and a others but not worked
You may use
The patterns are provided at
The %{URIPATH:path} will match the path, while (?:%{URIPARAM:param})? will match 1 or 0 occurrences (due to the optional non-capturing group (?:...)?) of the query string.
If you need to get rid of the ? in the param, you may also use
The output for the /aaaa/admin.php?file=xpto.js&version=abcd123 input:
"path": [
"param": [
The output for /aaaa/admin.php:
"path": [
"param": [
Try this regex :
Demo :
Is this what your looking for?
You can test it here.
Also, you could just split the url string on ?

ValidateThis EqualTo ClientFieldName JavaScript Validation

The title sucks, I'm sorry.
It takes a little bit to setup my problem, so I'm going to try and simplify it.
My form uses structure notation.
<input type= "text"
name= "bank[routing_number]"
id= "bank_routing_number"
value= "[ "routing_number" ]#"
autocomplete= "off"
maxlength= "9" />
<input type= "text"
name= "bank[routing_number_confirmation]"
id= "bank_routing_number_confirmation"
value= "[ "routing_number_confirmation" ]#"
autocomplete= "off"
maxlength= "9" />
The ValidateThis rules work fine on the server. I'm running on ColdFusion 9.0.1.
The problem I have is the JavaScript code generated by ValidateThis.
This is the JavaScript rule for EqualTo.
fm['bank[routing_number_confirmation]'].rules('add',{"equalto":":input[name='routing_number']","messages":{"equalto":"Bank ACH Routing Numbers (ABA) must match."}}); fm['bank[routing_number_confirmation]'] = $(":input[name='bank[routing_number_confirmation]']",$form_register_new);
The relative bit is this:
I'm expecting this code to be:
Here are the ValidateThis rules for routing_number and routing_number_confirmation.
{ "name": "routing_number" ,
"clientFieldName": "bank[routing_number]" ,
"rules": [
{ "type": "required" ,
"failureMessage": "Bank ACH Routing Number (ABA) is required."
} ,
{ "type": "rangelength" ,
"params": [
{ "name": "minlength" , "value": "9" } ,
{ "name": "maxlength" , "value": "9"} ] ,
"failureMessage": "Bank ACH Routing Number (ABA) is 9 digits."
} ,
{ "name": "routing_number_confirmation" ,
"clientFieldName": "bank[routing_number_confirmation]" ,
"rules": [
{ "type": "required" ,
"failureMessage": "Confirm Bank ACH Routing Number (ABA) is required."
} ,
{ "type": "equalTo" ,
"params": [
{ "name": "comparePropertyName" ,
"value": "routing_number" }
] ,
"failureMessage": "Bank ACH Routing Numbers (ABA) must match."
} ,
{ "type": "rangelength" ,
"params": [
{ "name": "minlength" , "value": "9" } ,
{ "name": "maxlength" , "value": "9"} ] ,
"failureMessage": "Bank ACH Routing Number (ABA) is 9 digits."
This is the load order for ValidateThis scripts.
// jQuery and jQuery Validate are loaded.
#getColdboxOCM().get( "ValidateThis" ).getInitializationScript(
JSIncludes= false )#
// Other ValidateThis scripts
#getColdboxOCM().get( "ValidateThis" ).getValidationScript(
objectType= "registration/bank-account" ,
formName= )#
The other JavaScript rules for routing_number and routing_number_confirmation work just fine. I've added some custom rules to get around the issue, but is there a way I can fix this using ValidateThis?
I asked the question on the ValidateThis Google Group and got a prompt response.
This was a bug within ValidateThis, but was corrected and is now part of the development branch in github.