Call functions within a python script and pass arguments using command line - python-2.7

I have a script named
The code in the script looks like
def function1(param1):
return var1
def function2(param1):
return var2
def function3(param1):
return var3
I want to execute the script from the windows command like and pass the value of the param1 such that: all the functions get executed or if I want to execute a specific function say function2.
How can I do that?

You could use something like this to have a more generalized way to call a function the takes 0-* params :
if __name__ == '__main__':
print (len(sys.argv))
params = []
if len(sys.argv) > 2:
for x in range(2, len(sys.argv)):
if len(params) > 0:
If your script '' included a function named 'getSomething(forWho, fromWho)' it
can be called:
python getsomething "Ray" "Steve"
Can take as many parameters as you want.
Just include the snippet in you script.:>)

The arguments you specify in command line are kept in sys.argv
you should add the following lines in the bottom of the code:
print function1(sys.argv[1])
print function2(sys.argv[1])
print function3(sys.argv[1])
please note sys.argv[0] is the script name.
If you want to specify the functions to be run add more arguments, they will be in sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3] etc'


How to run a Powershell function through a Python script

I am trying to create a translator-type program in Python (this is 2.7, if that is important). I want to receive user input, translate it, and then print their output to the screen. That part is not difficult, but I also want to export it to a text file. I am using Powershell for that, with the subprocess module. The Powershell script is very short, and all it does is asks for the user to copy and paste the Python translation into an input. It then calls New-Item to create a file and gives it the value option as the Python translation.
Python code:
def translator:
inquiry = raw_input("Leetspeak trans query: ") #Enter query
inquiry = inquiry.lower() #Change all to lowercase, so that everything gets translated
newPrint1 = "" #The new string that gets returned to them at the end
level = raw_input("What type of 1337 do you want? 1 for basic, 2 for intermediate, \
3 for intermediate-advanced, and 4 for ultimate.")
if level == "1":
from b4s1c_l33t import leetkey
elif level == "2":
from In73rm3d1473_1337 import leetkey
elif level == "3":
from In7_4DV import leetkey
from In7_4DV import combokey
elif level == "4":
from U17IM473_1337 import leetkey
from U17IM473_1337 import combokey
for char in inquiry:
if char in leetkey:
newPrint1 += leetkey[char]
newPrint1 += char #Checks to see if the char is in the single-char list, then appends it accordingly
if int(level) >= 3:
for item in combokey:
if item in newPrint1:
newPrint1 = newPrint1.replace(item, combokey[item])
print newPrint1 #Print answer
question = raw_input(r"Do you want to translate some more? Type Y or N ") #Asks if they want to do more
question = question.lower() #Changes it to lowercase, for sending through the if loop
if question == "y" or question == "Y":
translator() #If answer is yes, program calls the entire function again
elif question != "y" and question != "n" and question != "Y" and question != "N":
print "I didn't quite catch that."
ps = raw_input("Would you like to export your leetness to a file? Type Y or N ")
if ps == "Y" or ps == "y":
import subprocess["C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe", ". \"./1337Export.ps1\";", "&export"])
print r"0|<. 600|)|3`/3!"
translator() #calls the function once
Powershell script:
Function export(){
$param = Read-Host("Copy-paste the translation from above here! ")
New-Item C:\Scripts\1337\1337ness.txt -type file -value $param
But I also know that the script was working perfectly up until I added the Powershell to it, so the problem is either in my usage of the subprocess module or in the Powershell script itself. I am a somewhat-medium-beginner at using Powershell, so any help will be greatly appreciated. Either that, or if there is a way to create the new file and write data to it in Python itself, that would be greatly appreciated.
Note: in the Python script, the leetkey and combokey are in separate files that are imported based on the value of the variable level.
UPDATE: I looked at the page here, and the subprocess code in the Python script is what I found in that page. It did not work, but instead threw an error saying that the export function does not exist, which it obviously does... in Powershell. Thanks again!
Your parameter construction is off. You want to run the following commandline in PowerShell:
. "./1337Export.ps1"; & export
which basically means "dot-source (IOW import) the script 1337Export.ps1 from the current working directory, then call (&) the function export".
The cleanest way to do this is to put the statement in a scriptblock:
&{. "./1337Export.ps1"; & export}
and pass that scriptblock as a single argument, so your Python statement should look like this:["C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe", '-Command', '&{. "./1337Export.ps1"; & export}'])
Of course you need to make sure that 1337Export.ps1 actually exists in the current working directory when you execute the Python script.
You have to do two things:
1) dot source the script (which is similar to python's import), and
import subprocess["C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe", ". \"./SamplePS\";", "&export"])
Note: I have assumed that both the .py and .ps1 are residing in the same directory and the name of the powershell script is "SamplePS" and from that script I am using the function "export"
Hope it helps

How to pass on variable to function in different script file

Ich have one python file where I declare my variables and a second file containing more functions (in this example only one function). I can't seem to figure out how to pass on the variables from to
import two
def f():
return d
two.f() should return:
Thanks in advance
It's working fine in the command line in the mean time. But for some reason doesn't want to work when I run the script in Abaqus. It says:
AttributeError:'Module' object has no attribute 'f'
First of all create a module to make 'import two' work.
- Create a directory and put a blank file there, and
Your should be:
def f(x):
return x['ONE']+x['TWO']+x['Three']
Your should be:
import two

Use Python command line argument as function names and function values

Related to this question Command line arguments in python.
With the SYS module, how can I use a command line argument as a function name and function value, within my code - without importing some other module?
I'd like a solution that uses sys only. Also, please no variable-length params answers. Those are confusing. Assume that just the function name and one function variable are specified at the command line.
import sys
def reversal(aaa): return aaa[::-1]
a = sys.argv[1]
b = sys.argv[2]
print a(b)
At the command line
cpu_location$ python reversal 'abcdefg'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 8, in <module>
print a(b)
TypeError: 'str' object is not callable
I want to know how to make sys.argv[1] be considered a function name, thereby calling the function I have defined.
The other posts I see on this are a mash up of:
- dealing with C/C++ and adding some other module
- not using sys at all
- using the argv items as values for functions, and names of other files, instead of names of functions
Better than the eval solution would be:
a = globals()[sys.argv[1]]
globals() returns a dictionary mapping global variables names to those global variables. So globals()['reversal'] evaluates to the reversal function.
It's safer than the eval function. With your approach you could do something like:
python 'lambda x: x+"hi"' foobar
Which would print foobarhi, which is unexpected because that's not a function name.
2 hours later, I find the answer. I think it's worth it to post it here in a very simple fashion.
Basiclaly there is no "function" data type in Python, but someone did mention a function eval, which is built-in. Execute python commands passed as strings in command line using python -c (No -c is needed for my own example)
The solution, is to change
a = sys.argv[1]
a = eval(sys.argv[1])
This will make the passed in word, reversal, be evaluated. It will evaluate to a function. Then the a(b) call will be a perfect call of a function on a string, like how it's defined. Output will be like:
cpu_location$ python reversal unquoted
cpu_location$ python reversal 'withquotes'
use google module: fire
pip install fire
Here's a simple example:
import fire
class Calculator(object):
"""A simple calculator class."""
def double(self, number):
return 2 * number
if __name__ == '__main__':
Then, from the command line, you can run:
python double 10 # 20
python double --number=15 # 30

how import statement executes in python?

I read about about import statement in pydocs. It says it executes in two steps.
(1)find a module, and initialize it if necessary; (2) define a name or names in the local namespace (of the scope where the import statement occurs). The first form (without from) repeats these steps for each identifier in the list. The form with from performs step (1) once, and then performs step (2) repeatedly.
I understood some bits of it, but its still not clear to me completely.I am mainly confused about initialization step and at last it says about repeating some step.The only thing which i understood is that if we use say for example:
import sys
in this case if we use functions of this module in our script we need call them using sys.fun_name(). As the functions weren't made available locally using this importstatement.
But when we use
from sys import argv
We can simply use argv function as it makes it available local for out srcipt.
Can someone please explain me its working and also let me know my understanding is correct or not.
Even i tried to import one of the my script into another script and it gave some strange result which i know have something to do with first step of import statement,(initiallization)
##### #####
def print_two(*args):
arg1, arg2 = args
print "arg1: %r, arg2: %r" %(arg1, arg2)
def print_two_again(arg1, arg2):
print "arg1: %r, arg2: %r" %(arg1, arg2)
def print_one(arg1):
print "arg1: %r" %arg1
def print_none():
print "I got nothing."
####### ######
import ex17
The output which i am getting when executing is as below
arg1: 'Gaurav', arg2: 'Pareek'
arg1: 'Gaurav', arg2: 'Pareek'
arg1: 'First!'
I got nothing.
I got nothing.
why is it like this. It should only print I got nothing once.
It prints "I got nothing." twice because the function print_none is being invoked twice. Once when loading the ex17 module (since it's imported in ex18) and once when it's called in the ex18 module. If you don't want the function calls in ex17 to execute but only the function defs to be loaded, then you may write them as follows
## in
if __name__ == '__main__':
Now this code will only be executed if it's run as a script ie. $ python but not when it's imported into some other module. More about __main__ here
About the excerpt from the docs, it simply says how the two import forms differ. Step 1 is responsible for finding and initializing the module and step 2 for adding the names to the local namespace. So in case of,
import sys
both step 1 and 2 will be executed once. But in case of,
from sys import argv, stdout
step 1 will be executed just once, but step 2 will be executed twice as it needs to add both argv and stdout to the local namespace.

How to redirect from a python script to another scripts taking user input

I have 2 python scripts and respectively. I create another script called in which I want to take a user input as either Script1 as a string which would run or Script2 which would run
Please can someone help me out in making this short script.
Rather than running the scripts separately, you should encapsulate their contents into a function and either:
Put all three functions into one .py file (if they're short); or
import the two existing functions into (if they're long).
Then value simply looks like:
from Script1 import func1 # only for option 2
from Script2 import func2 # only for option 2
def value():
if user_input == "Script1":
def func1(): # only for option 1
def func2(): # only for option 1
value() # call value