AWS Billing(Usage + rateCard) - amazon-web-services

I want to get AWS usage report in .net using SDk or Rest API. Is there any service available for it?
To get rate card(pricing info) i have used
this service from which i could get the json object.
Please advice if there is any such service avaialble to get the resources consumed in AWS. SO that i can calculate the billing.

In general you need to cover several items:
Authentication - You'll need to set up your credentials to be able to connect to AWS. Check the Documentation
Enable DBR or CUR reports in the billing console. This will export your monthly billing information to S3. Check the Documentation
Once ready use the SDK to download the reports and import them to DB, ES, whatever you're working with to process large excel files. Check the Documentation
Good luck!


Selling Partner API using command line interface or tool

We're new to Amazon Seller Partner-API. Need to invoke certain Amazon SP-APIs for an integration workflow. For some internal reasons, using Amazon SDKs is a secondary option. With our conventional approach, we're able to interact with most APIs, in this case the AWS Request signing & Signature generation is where we're stuck.
As per Amazon using SDK handles it all internally. Is it possible to use a command line utility like - AWS CLI to interact with SP-APIs? Not sure if this is feasible. Found this - amazon-sp-api but not sure if it is stable / reliable.
I believe there should be ways to interact with SP-API from command line. If not, atleast there should be a tool that is able to produce AWS Request signature (given the request info, key etc...).
Kindly share your experience and expertise. We're new to AWS, so if I'm confusing AWS with SP-API (esp for Request signing - I believe both use the same mechanism) pls point it out.
The link you shared to does not look like a command line interface. It is just an SDK generated in NodeJS. There is not way to connect to the API via command line. You can use Postman if you want to avoid SDKs.
And yes, AWS is not the same thing as SP API.
You can search github for SDKs generated on other languages; some seem to have a lot of use.
We generated our own SDK in C# because others didn't fit out criteria.

Google Cloud Run service deployment, is it the best direction in my situation?

I have some experience with Google Cloud Functions (CF). I tried to deploy a CF function recently with a Python app, but it uses an NLP model so the 8GB memory limit is exceeded when the model is triggered. The function is triggered when a JSON file is uploaded to a bucket.
So, I plan to try Google Cloud Run but I have no experience with it. Also, I am not completely sure if it is the best course of action.
If it is, what is the best way of implementing provided that the Run service will be triggered by a file uploaded to a bucket? In CF, you can select the triggering event, in Run I didn't see anything like that. I could use some starting points as I couldn't find my case in the GCP documentation.
Any help will be appreciated.
You can use at least these two things:
The legacy one: Create a GCS notification in PubSub. Then create a push subscription and add the Cloud Run URL in the HTTP push destination
A more recent way is to use Eventarc to invoke directly a Cloud Run endpoint from an event (it roughly create the same thing with a PubSub topic and push subscription, but it's fully configured for you)
When you use Push notification, you will received a standard PubSub message. The format is described in the documentation for the attributes and for the body content; keep in mind that the raw content is base64 encoded and you have to decode it to get the final format
I personally have a Cloud Run service that log the contents of any requests to be able to get in the logs all the data that I need to develop. When I have a new message format, I configure the push to that Cloud Run endpoint and I automatically get the format
For Eventarc, the format will be added to the UI soon (I view that feature in preview, but it's not yet available). The best solution is to log the content to know what you get to know what to do!

Similar product in AWS or GCP like Azure Data Factory?

I am totaly new to the cloud in any way. I started some weeks ago with the Azure cloud and we setting up a project using many different products of Azure.
At the moment we think about setting up the project on a way that we are not trapped by Microsoft and are able to switch to GCP or AWS. For most products we use I have found similar ones in the other Clouds but I wonder if there is somthing like Azure Data Factory in AWS or CGP? I could not find something in my first google research.
Best and thanks for your help
If you need a good comparison between different cloud (Azure, AWS, Google, Oracle, and Alibaba) use this site:
Example for your case with "Azure Data Factory":
You could use a mix of those products:
[Cloud Data Fusion]
Cloud DataPrep: This is a version of Trifacta. Good for data cleaning.
If you need to orchestrate workflows / etls, Cloud composer will do it for you. It is a managed Apache Airflow. Which means it will handle complex dependencies.
If you just need to trigger a job on a daily basis, Cloud Scheduler is your friend.
You can check the link here which is cloud services mapping

Google Cloud service stopped and never restarting

I have been using the Google Cloud speech recognition service for some time, through a python application.
Due to accidentally copying my Google Cloud json file to a GitHub shared location (I was doing a backup), I suddenly got a warning from Google Cloud that I was violating the rules as json is private. Then, I promptly removed the file, but nevertheless, I got an email saying that my resources for my project "santo1" were suspended, saying some reasons of "cryptocurrency mining" which I have no idea.
I applied to reactivate and my appeal was accepted promptly, saying that my resources about santo1 were reinstated.
Unfortunately, the speech recognition still didn't work.
Launching it from python, it records from the microphone but no answer from the service - and no error messages at all.
Then I attempted the following:
regenerate API
create a new json
create a new project with its own json under my same google account
as suggested by the Google Cloud chat operator, I manually clicked play to the VM resource that appeared stopped
create a new gmail account, with another new project, setup with billing and everything (also reconfigured through "gcloud init")
None of these attempts worked.
I need assistance on this, as the chat operator didn't seem capable of telling me more.
Thank you in advance
Best regards
I would recommend you to contact GCP support for this case as your cloud service could be still in suspended status regardless your access is OK
Apparently, the access key is stolen and used by hackers and they did crypto mining using your GCP account, hence your service account was banned
If it's your testing account/project, you should consider to create a new project rather than continue with it, the hacker could create some other services which you may not realize until too late
Worse case is it's your PROD service, then you'd better review the bill and transaction report thoroughly

How to take last 3 months aws billing data using python flask

I need last 3 months AWS billing data in graph using python and python Flask.
i found some articles for this, i just created environment in my local machine. after i dont know how to take billing data using python & Python Flask script. Any one have idea please help me.. Thanks in advance.
You can use Boto to connect to AWS using Python.
In general you need to cover several items:
Authentication - You'll need to set up your credentials to be able to connect to AWS. Check the Documentation
Enable DBR or CUR reports in the billing console. This will export your monthly billing information to S3. Check the Documentation
Once ready use Boto3 to download the reports and import them to DB, ES, whatever you're working with to process large excel files. Check the Documentation
Good luck!
For previous months you can just go to console -> bills and download the reports from the console directly, then process them in your application.